March 2014 UNHCR session
Posted on February 12th, 2014

By Sarath W

 At the March session of the UNHCR session, Sri Lanka should propose that there should be an international inquiry to the war against the Tamil tiger terrorist, not only for the final stages, but from the beginning to the end, when the first bullet was fired at Alfred Durraiappa to the end at Nattikadal on the 19th of May 2009.It should be a comprehensive inquiry that should investigate all crimes committed by all the parties involved. It is true for true reconciliation the Tamils should know about if any crimes were committed against them, and so do the Sinhalese, Muslims and others the crimes committed against them and on our country.

Sri Lanka should insist the international committee members should not include only members who are hostile to Sri Lanka such as from the UNHCR, UK, USA, India, Norway etc, but from friendly nations like China, Pakistan, Russia the government of Sri Lanka and representatives from the armed forces as well.

It should investigate how the terrorist organizations such as the LTTE, PLOTE, TELO etc. were originated.

India’s involvement in financing, arming and training those terrorist to wage war against a sovereign state.

Indira and Rajive Ghandi’s direct involvement.

Involvement of NGO’s, their financial support, supply of equipment and the role of Catholic bishops.

LTTE’s role in eliminating all Tamil political leaders and other terrorist organizations who had different views.

Killing Sinhalese politicians including democratically elected president Premadasa.

Killing 600 policemen during a ceasefire.

Massacre of Sihala and Muslim villages and ethnic cleansing of them.

Killing of Indian prime minister Rajive Ghandi.

India’s parripu drop violating Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and rescuing the LTTE in verge of defeat.

Destroying economic targets such as the central bank, Air Lanka aircraft, railway lines etc.

The role of foreign governments such as UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc in moral and financial

support, giving asylum, free passage, allowing fund raising, demonstrating against a democratically elected government, transfer of funds to buy weapons.

Demand from the international community & UNHCR that all those who are guilty of war crimes hiding in UK, USA, Canada, Australia and in other countries are brought back to face justice in Sri Lanka.( eg Adel Balasingham, Rudra Kumaran,Sundaram, Fr Emmanual)

Examine the if financial or political benefits were received from the Tamil diaspora and other organisations for outspoken Sri Lankan critics like Hilary Clinton, David Cameron’s and Harper’s political partys, Australian Greens, BBC chanel4’s and ABC’s staff, Gordon Weiss etc.

There are allegations of thousands of missing persons, Mass killings and mass graves. Examine the arrivals in Canada, Australia, UK and refugee camps in Australia, Malysia and Thailand for these missing persons, evidence of mass killings and graves etc.

Seek a guarantee, if found guilty of alleged war crimes, not only the Sri Lanka armed forces personnel, but all the others involved will be punished according to international law.

It is necessary that there is closure for thirty years of suffering, for not only for Tamils, but for all Sri Lankans so that we all can enjoy our hard won freedom.

It is time Sri Lanka should go on the offensive, not come back from UNHCR and whinge that we were hard done

5 Responses to “March 2014 UNHCR session”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “It is time Sri Lanka should go on the offensive, not come back from UNHCR and whinge that we were hard done”

    Well said.

    UNHRC is NOT interested in what we have done. They LISTEN to it, PRAISE it and attack SL ANYWAY.

    Tamil Navi Pee-illey traps and grabs SL by the horns while Tamils in SL suck its blood. And say NOT ENOUGH.

    The best way to control a parasite is to CREATE a parasite that LIVES UPON the parasite.

    Credit to Hack-him who has WARNED South Africa that the proposed resolution against SL will DESTROY reconciliation. We should show to the world that AFTER the UNHRC resolution (if it succeeds) reconciliation goes out the window.

  2. Marco Says:

    I agree with you that Sri Lanka should propose that there should be an international inquiry to the war against the Tamil tiger terrorist, not only for the final stages, but from the beginning to the end, when the first bullet was fired at Alfred Durraiappa to the end at Nattikadal on the 19th of May 2009.
    May i add it should be an independent and credible inquiry not just confined to the LTTE terrorist but all players including nations (including Sri Lanka) that funded, trained and armed the terrorist group but also deals that were done by key players.

    Regrettably, then you had an “enzo” moment of excluding and including groups that should be part of this same, what you call “international committee”.
    Perhaps, Sarath you may want to suggest KP being part of the Geneva leadership team to propose such an inquiry and he would provide ample evidence to the same.Why not get it from the most senior member of the Terrorist group who funded and armed the terror group.

    It is quite noticeable reading articles and comments at Lankaweb from the first defeated resolution back in 2009, that now one sees and reads articles and comments resolved to an International Inquiry but with certain provisos.

  3. Dilrook Says:

    Any investigation must be domestic and comprehensive enough to cover all parties involved including Tamil political parties for instigating violence, IPKF, NGOs, Tamil Diaspora, their hosts and other connected parties.

    UNHRC is certainly biased as its chief is a Tamil from South Africa. No panel appointed by the UNHRC is therefore neutral. The war was a strictly internal matter despite outsiders’ support and as such the investigation has to be domestic. External interference is only allowed in the UN Charter to protect human rights, not to investigate. If external investigations are allowed it will be a blueprint to impose political solutions and such absurdities like “shared sovereignty”.

  4. douglas Says:

    I wish to reproduce a comment I made on Jan.30 2014 in this web page in reference to an article presented by Sonali captioned “Sri Lanka Accountability: Investigate LTTE-TNL allegiance posted on Jan 30, 2014, for the attention of the readers:

    UNHRC or even UNO, we the Sri Lanka Government MUST decide to bring an AMENDMENT and state in “UN NO CERTAIN TERMS” that it should cover the period from the time that Prabakaran killed Mayor of Jaffna – Mr. Duraiappa and fled to India and the culpability of that country in providing PROTECTION from arrest of a wanted person for MURDER and thereafter providing MILITARY TRAINING and FUNDS to WAGE WAR against a Sovereign Independent country. That AMENDMENT must also include to investigate all DIRECT and INDIRECT ASSISTANCE afforded to the Terrorist outfit called the LTTE and its politician affiliate TNL by the FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS.

    To do the above the Government must:-

    1. Be firm and resolved to stand against the DIPLOMATIC INSURGENCY of the Power Bloc
    2. Decide on a POWERFUL TEAM with a STRONG LEADER to present the case convincingly
    3. ARM the Team with all the TOOTH necessary to decide on any ad hoc eventualities that might come in the course of the proceedings.
    4. STATE IN UN NO CERTAIN TERMS WITHOUT AMBIGUITY that IF the terms of the reference for any Investigation is not to cover the period from the beginning of the day that India gave cover and protected a wanted MURDERER, and provided all facilities in training and funds, we the GOVERNMENT OF SRI LANK will never ever SUBMIT or ALLOW that Investigation to be carried out.
    5. If the AMENDMENT is not agreed upon in TOTAL, but an attempt is made to “AMEND” the “AMENDMENT” or lessen its coverage, EXPRESS in CLEAR TERMS that the answer of the Government of Sri Lanka is a FIRM NO
    6. If our AMENDMENT is not ACCEPTED, without any HESITATION or PROMISE to CONSULT, the Government of Sri Lanka MUST WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY and stage a “WALK OUT”
    7. Thereafter the Government must take stock of the situation; hold meetings and make use of all print and electronic media outlets in the country to brief CLEARLY the outcome of the sessions and the consequences to follow to the citizens and ask for MANDATE to SEVER all connections with the UNHRC.

    To do the above the Government must be made strong, in that, all the citizens and the expatriate patriotic community must forget the differences and speak with ONE VOICE and bring pressure to move with strong conviction.

  5. Sooriarachi Says:

    At these sessions, Sri Lanka should propose to include the entire period of the conflict that led to the heavy fighting at the end in 2009, which proposal could trap the Tamil Diaspora still active overseas, India, Norway and Canada for the roles they played. Having got the proposal into the resolution, Sri Lanka could vote against this impractical, political resolution, moved by foreign nations that seem to either have swallowed lock stock and barrel the LTTE propaganda, or have their own agendas for South Asia, including destabilising India.

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