Celluloid idol Jayalalithaa’s lunacy
Posted on February 20th, 2014

P.A.Samaraweera, Melbourne

In the 1990’s Jayalalithaa was a critic of the LTTE and even wanted Prabhakaran arrested. Then, to steal a march over Karunanidhi, her arch rival, she changed her course and became pro-LTTE. Subsequently, she conducted a vigorous campaign to get Rajiv Gandhi killers released. Last week, the Supreme Court after considering the mercy pleas of the killers commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment. To win the support of the Tamils, Jayalalithaa promptly decided to release the 7 killers within 3 days. By doing so she thought she could out-step Karunanidhi. But it boomeranged when he praised and welcomed the decision to release them. Further, she also thought releasing LTTE killers would be an act against Sri Lanka.

However, now Jayalalithaa has met with some oppositon. The Vice-President of the Congress Party, Rahul Gandhi did’nt seem to be happy over the idea of releasing LTTE killers, who assassinated his father. He had said, ‘If a Prime Minister’s killers can be released what kind of justice should the common man expect’. So New Delhi had objected to the release and moved the Supreme Court to review the Judgment. Jayalalithaa is only playing to Tamil sentiments and support for her to stay in power. Recently, she had indicated her interest in being the Prime Minister of India. It appears that she had lost her bearings. We can visualise the plight of India, by any chance she succeeds!

6 Responses to “Celluloid idol Jayalalithaa’s lunacy”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    JJ became pro-LTTE AFTER the LTTE was eliminated. Her life was in danger during LTTE time.

    Endian SC has REJECTED the release of terrorists. They will stay in prison for life.

    The best thing Tamils ever did was to kill Ghandhi.

  2. jayasiri Says:

    Thank you, Mr. Samaraweera from Melbourne.. People like Jayalitha in India, are out to get ELECTED again, at the expense of Sri Lanka. Bashing Sri Lanka, has been a past-time for these undesirables.

    With respect to Geneva resolution expected in March 2014 (next month), was it you who stated that we can FORWARD A COUNTETR RESOLUTION to USA/UK/INDIA one, by going to ICJ? This method or resolution to counter USA resolution, has gained momentum. Recetly few others have spoken in faour of such an appeal to ICJ.

    As you pointed out WE HAVE nothing to lose, BUT IF BY CHANCE ICJ deides to back Sri Lanka, as INJUSTICE has happened by UN SEC Gen’s decision to have Sri Lanka brought before UNHRC ONLY on te sterngth of SEC GN own personal panel,WITHOUT PROPER authirity or sanction from other parties.

    If by chance ICJ felt that some actions by Sec Gen of UN, acted improperly & based on COUNTER RESOLUTION, finds a case for Sri Lanka, THIS WOULD BE very significant victory. I HOPE YOU and other lawyers LIKE Australian Chanaka Bandarge will coordinate to see this matter through…..J

  3. samaraweera Says:

    “JAYASIRI” Thank you – Re para 2 of your comment above on COUNTER RESOLUTION , the Govt has revealed that a Resolution would be submitted to the UNHRC to counter the one that US is planning. Hopefully, the counter motion would have the backing of Sri Lanka’s friends in the UNHRC.

  4. Indrajith Says:

    Please read the following news article in Lankapage today. A relally very important development in the history of politics in Sri Lanka! Also look at the face of Mr. Sumanthitharan MP (published in Dailymirror) after the verdict is deliverered by the Supreme Court. A real frustation!

    Sri Lanka Supreme Court overturns Appeal Court ruling on Chief Justice impeachment
    Fri, Feb 21, 2014, 12:44 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 21, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court today overturned a ruling made by the Appeal Court on the impeachment of the former Chief Justice Sr. Shirani Bandaranayake.

    The Court of Appeal on 7 January 2013 ruled that the report of the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on the impeachment motion against the Chief Justice Bandaranayake was null and void.

    The Appeal Court panel of judges comprising justices late Sri Skandarajah, Anil Goonaratne and A.W.A. Salam declared the report of the PSC null and void since the Committee had no legal power vested in it according to the interpretation issued by the Supreme Court in this regard.

    The PSC report declared former Chief Justice guilty of the charges leveled against her through an impeachment motion.

    The Attorney General’s Department challenged the Appeal Court’s decision through a petition filed in the Supreme Court.

    The AG in his appeal submitted to the court said the judgment by the Court of Appeal in favor of former Chief Justice and the writ of certiorari issued preventing the implementation of the Parliamentary Select Committee report set a bad precedent.

    The five-judge bench of the Supreme Court comprising justices, Saleem Malik, Chandra Ekanayake, Sathya Hettige, Eva Wanasundera and Rohini Marasinghe today dismissed the Appeal Court ruling saying that parliament is a supreme body, and no court has powers to give orders on it.

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    “that parliament is a supreme body, and no court has powers to give orders on it.”


    But there is a bad development too.

    Shirani Tilakawardana has been appointed ACTING CJ by the president. NOT good. Looks like she will be the next CJ.

  6. aloy Says:

    I feel going to ICJ to get a ruling is like “Horage Ammagen Pena ahanawa wage”. All these western institutions are set up by the west to suit their agendas; not to administer justice. Have you seen any western leader getting into difficulty except former Yugoslavians?.
    After reading an another article that appeared in this site analyzing the situations in other countries like Thailand, Egypt, Ukraine etc., I feel it is better for us to be nonaligned if we can somehow get out of Tamil problem.

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