Silence on Lanka Resolution – March 5,2014
Posted on March 6th, 2014
Ira de Silva London, Canada
The Editor, Letters
The Telegraph
Calcutta, India
Dear Sir:
It is indicated that India and Sri Lanka were “non-committal” on the third resolution against Sri Lanka tabled at the UNHCR in Geneva. No one in Sri Lanka will find that surprising because they know that India will as usual vote against Sri Lanka although Mr. Singh claims to be “thinking about it” as he has done in the past and Sri Lanka is well aware of India’s constant harassment of Sri Lanka based on the claim that they want to help the Sri Lankan Tamils to which end they created a terrorist group and terrorized Sri Lanka just to win elections in Tamil Nadu. After the defeat of the leadership of the Tamil terrorists, India is now resorting to “diplomatic terrorism” against Sri Lanka because of the upcoming Indian election.
Mr. Rajapakse is well aware that India will again vote against Sri Lanka so he is “non-committal” in public but Sri Lankans hope that in private he has indicated to Mr. Singh that Sri Lanka is tired of India’s interference and aggresssion. They hope that he has indicated to Mr. Singh that Sri Lanka will not tolerate India’s interference because like him, Mr. Rajapakse will only win the next election if he can tell the Sri Lankan voter that he has taken a stand against India. He won the last time because he defeated the Tamil terrorists, next time he will only win if he stands firm against India and defeats Indian interference in the internal matters of Sri Lanka, stops the Indians from poaching in Sri Lankan waters and does not allow votes in Tamil Nadu to influence him to harass another sovereign country.
Any investigation should include the role that India has played in terrorism in Sri Lanka and particularly the massive human rights abuses of the Indian forces in Sri Lanka because these Indian forces killed thousands of Tamils (Tamil genocide) 4000 rapes documented, shelled the Jaffna hospital killing doctors, nurses and patients just to name a few FACTS documented by the Indians themselves. This is the India that created, funded and supported the Tamil terrorists and used them to terrorize Sri Lanka. Perhaps India should bring in a separate resolution as suggested by Mr. Karunanidhi and co-sponsored by the so called international community who were party to these Indian crimes in Sri Lanka. If the FACTS are documented correctly perhaps Sri Lanka will support it too – then it could be passed unanimously!
Yours truly,
Ira de Silva
London, Canada
March 6th, 2014 at 11:12 am
“They hope that he has indicated to Mr. Singh that Sri Lanka will not tolerate India’s interference because like him, Mr. Rajapakse will only win the next election if he can tell the Sri Lankan voter that he has taken a stand against India. He won the last time because he defeated the Tamil terrorists, next time he will only win if he stands firm against India and defeats Indian interference in the internal matters of Sri Lanka, stops the Indians from poaching in Sri Lankan waters and does not allow votes in Tamil Nadu to influence him to harass another sovereign country.”
President Rajapakse should demand from Manmohan Singh that the existence of organizations such as the Tamil Eelam Supporters Organization (TESO) which was resurrected by the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi and TELO (Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization) be dissolved for they are extensions of the LITE and their sole purpose is the creation of Eelam as the name of their organizations state. Furthermore President Rajapaskse should demand that India take actions on investigating and punishing the Indian peace keeping force of the atrocities they commited on Sri Lankan soil. Finally Colombo has to deal with the Tamil National Alliance since they continue to be the voice of the LITE, India and the Tamil Diaspora.
March 6th, 2014 at 11:13 am
“They hope that he has indicated to Mr. Singh that Sri Lanka will not tolerate India’s interference because like him, Mr. Rajapakse will only win the next election if he can tell the Sri Lankan voter that he has taken a stand against India. He won the last time because he defeated the Tamil terrorists, next time he will only win if he stands firm against India and defeats Indian interference in the internal matters of Sri Lanka, stops the Indians from poaching in Sri Lankan waters and does not allow votes in Tamil Nadu to influence him to harass another sovereign country.”
President Rajapakse should demand from Manmohan Singh that the existence of organizations such as the Tamil Eelam Supporters Organization (TESO) which was resurrected by the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi and TELO (Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization) be dissolved for they are extensions of the LITE and their sole purpose is the creation of Eelam as the name of their organizations state. Furthermore President Rajapakse should demand that India take actions on investigating and punishing the Indian peace keeping force of the atrocities they commited on Sri Lankan soil. Finally Colombo has to deal with the Tamil National Alliance since they continue to be the voice of the LITE, India and the Tamil Diaspora.