The Closer It Gets To The UNHRC Summit The Head Count Of Anti Government Sycophants Seems To Increase!
Posted on March 18th, 2014

Insight By Sunil Kumar

March 18th 2014

As the UNHCR Summit approaches perhaps is is in desperation and in anticipation of a non culpability ruling or a vote that would favour Sri Lanka that Sri Lanka’s antagonists in the name of self envisioned and blinkered animosity appear to have stepped up their campaigns to once again villify the Island Nation over the issue of human rights violations and what they damningly term “crimes against humanity”.

They are probably also becoming more and more aware that there will be many favourable votes for Sri Lanka and no easy ride for those attempting to drag her down in like manner to their previous attempts as this time around too in all probabilities they are bound to fail and hence the urgency on the parts of those attempting to bedevil her.

This said on the basis that Sri Lanka has no liability towards the accusations based on no tangible proof nor evidence beyond hearsay, cooked up presentations and the hue and cry of the Tamil Tiger sympathetic Global Tamil Diaspora instigated by group of pro LTTE sycophants calling themselves the Tamil National Alliance fortunate enough to be granted leeway to function as a political entity in Sri Lanka where many believe they aren’t entitled to the privilege as they are  surreptitiously and at times in a manner  boldly open are still in quest of secession which their body language and rhetoric attests to.

Aided and abetted by the enemies of predominantly Sinhalese Sri Lanka magnanimously conciliatory and tolerant towards her minorities,  the so called ‘ LTTE rump’  being part of the  global Tamil the Diaspora,Tamil Nadu activists, and the now known vicious circle of pro Tamil (Tigers included ) sympathisers to which conglomerate another voice of Anti Sri Lanka sentiment has been added through that of a former Foreign Service officer by name of Donalds Camp of the US Embassy whose commissioning dates back to the mid 1970’s whose cacophonious outpouring of Tamil sympathies as they appear to be alongside those of others of his ilk need to be confronted towards exonerating Sri Lanka as to a greater part they appear biased and misconceived for seemingly obvious reasons.

While in his opinion he suggests that “There was a time, not so long ago, when Sri Lanka was known for the quality of its democracy. In 1975, when he was a Foreign Service officer at the U.S. Embassy there, the country was in economic straits but proud of its international reputation for an independent political culture, a feisty press, and a remarkably high standard of education and social service” this seems only partly true.
And while there were economic setbacks once the Tamil Tiger insurrection gripped the nation, nonetheless the independent political culture, a feisty press and the high standards of education and social structure  as refered to remain to this day with the exception of a strict adherance towards preserving the nation’s sovereignity and territorial integrity which encompasses strict guidelines towards censuring and disciplining those treasonously opposed to it and these within the laws of the land have had a price to pay for their indiscretions through indulgences which threatened to betray the nation towards delivering it to her enemies.

Needless to say as part of the Tamil Tiger insurrection which threatened to bring the nation to her knees there were tensions between the Sinhalese and Tamils until it was put down while it is correct to say that there was indeed  also “a history of cooperation and respect amid Sri Lanka’s ethnic and religious diversity. Hindu shrines thrived within the country’s most sacred Buddhist temples. Christians and Muslims played a prominent political role. And at least among the urban elite, Tamils and Sinhalese studied together, played together, and often married each other.” All of these still exist and it seems unfair and inaccurate to even suggest that “today, Sri Lanka is another country. The bloody war between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Government tore the country apart after 1983” and leave it at that  as though a catastrophic disaster has left the nation in a shambles as today Sri Lanka has been resurrected through the great efforts of the present administration and a complete distortion of facts relative to the astronomical levels of progress and development the nation has been elevated to which Mr Camp seems uninterested to pay homage to.

And needless to say it was the Tamil Tigers who failed to tear the country apart after 1983 and were blown away in 2009 very justifiably and in keeping with all the norms which govern international law in the defence of a nation’s sovereignity and territorial integrity by a very nation conscious administration being hounded by those who attempt to portray it to the contrary.

While there can be an endless list of accusations levelled at the Government of Sri Lanka by those who chose to attempt overwhelming it to their objectives, through organized crime and terrorism which is what the actions of the Tamil Tigers are tantamount to, the repercussions of their actions which spillled into the entire populace of the Nation and responded to by the Government regardless of how they are interpreted by those who attempt to use it as a tool to discredit the Government and proceed with their original agendas of attempting to hoodwink a gullible world through sensationalism and theatrics is unacceptable. These  at times pale even the best  Hollywood  has to offer and their attempts are bound to fail on the singlemost reality that this was a life’s struggle by a Sovereign Nation to survive the onslaught of terrorism which was not only precedent setting through the manner of conduct of the Armed Forces and its acceptance by those who were aware of the salient truth where the gratitude of an entire nation should be sufficient to confound and convince any adjudicator at any level towards maintaining justice as it should be maintained where only the majority populace of Sri Lanka imperiled by a minority that used terrorism and the axis of evil as a weapon towards their own ends have a bounden right to question the actions of their Government.
Needless to say the Reconciliation Process began aeons ago despite Sri Lanka’s antagonists refusing to acknowledge this and the addressing of those displaced was a part thereof.
While it seems relatively easy for the UN HR’ Pundits’, the US, UK, EU and the like to finger point at Sri Lanka and ask for accountability for Tamil lives and attrocities  there has been no questions aked about the accountability for Sinhalese and other ethnic lives lost and attrocities against them apparently vaived off for reasons best known to themselves quite conveniently it seems  and the implications enmeshed in the vagaries of conceptual misunterpretation where all the hue and cry appears to be directed at the Sinhala majority by a gang of oppressors hell bent on intimidating Sri Lanka on this basis alone.

A clear case of the rising increase of sycophants equitable to the task based upon their self conceived, ill advised conclusions~ to reiterate, with a very apparent objective, namely the approaching UNHRC Summit but the world needs to throw a spanner in their works towards a wasted effort hopefully! 

2 Responses to “The Closer It Gets To The UNHRC Summit The Head Count Of Anti Government Sycophants Seems To Increase!”

  1. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    It is extremely hypocritical of the US who drafted the human rights resolution against Sri Lanka where the one of the issues is the presence of the Sri Lankan military in the former LTTE areas even be mentioned in the human rights resolution when the US has her military still stationed in South Korea due to the 1950’s Korean war or US soldiers in Japan and Germany due to World war two. Those US military camps should have been closed once the war was over as demanded by the US drafted human right resolution against Sri Lanka.

    If the US deems it fit to keep her military bases in Europe and Asia over a dead issue then on what grounds does the US under the Obama administration have to claim that Colombo does not have the right to keep her military presence in the former LTTE strong holds?

    This is the typical double standards of the UK and the US where one set of rules only apply to them and another set of rules only apply to Great Britain’s former colonies. THAT MUST END.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    Please read below article from the Island. Some of the people who participated in the Hanwella rioting say they did not know the purpose of that riot – how pathetic can we get, A policeman who tried to do his duty got killed by a tree toppled purposely on him. This man had a family to support, and his small children and wife have senselessly lost their father and husband. Who started this idiotic riot ? It certainly seems politically motivated as stated by the Island staffer. It was the same with the 1983 RIOTS. This created an opportunity of the Exodus of Tamils to the west to form the Tamil Diaspora who work against Lanka. This was the start of the downfall of Lanka. The idiotic game of destabilization of Lanka continues even though now wide open and transparent to all the purpose of such riots and attempts at destabilization.

    If water (falsely blaming a glove factory AGAIN !), was the cause of riots, then why didn’t riots happen the past 20 plus yrs as that is how long the CKDu had gone on. Why riot over water at this point in time ?? !! The clergy ought to caution people not to get caught up in such senseless and idiotic misdeeds.

    By the way, where are all those yowling Human Rights groups – will no one speak for the family of the dead constable ?

    From The Island :

    Friday March 21st 2014
    Hanwella violent protest politically motivated
    Hanwella violent protest politically motivated
    March 21, 2014

    by Madura Ranwala

    Inspector General of Police, N. K. Illangakoon and Secretary to the Ministry of Law and Order Maj. Gen. Nanda Mallawarachchi said yesterday that the Horana protest demanding the closing down of a rubber factory, where duty conscious Officer-In-Charge of the Borella police station, Chief Inspector Prasad Siriwardena died, was politically motivated and the police were conducting investigations into the incident.

    This was revealed as the top officials were discussing views at a ‘Criminal Justice Seminar- Transforming Police Training through Capacity Building’ to enhance the capacity of a police officer in dealing with the public to provide a better service to the society. This is the latest project of the police department to be introduced in a week or two with several stakeholders like university professors, UNICEF representatives etc..

    The seminar was held at the Colombo Taj and the new educational programme will be conducted by the National Police Academy in collaboration with a United Kingdom project team led by Scottish Police College Project Manager, Bruce Milne and Moderator cum Training Adviser of Scottish Police College, Derek Fairley.

    The police were fully aware of the issue and had had ten meetings regarding the matter earlier before the crowd violence escalated on that fateful Sunday early morning; they said when they were questioned by a distinguished panel during question time.

    Angry crowd cut down a tree when the police team led by the victim, who was posthumously promoted to the rank of Superintendent, approached the protesters after parking the vehicle he travelled in some distance away from the scene.

    Mallawarachchi said some of the protesters taken for questioning following the incident did not know the actual reason why they were protesting.

    Meanwhile, police spokesman, SSP Ajith Rohana, who held a media briefing yesterday afternoon at the Police Headquarters to update the media about the police arrangements for the Provincial Council elections, said that the CID took over the case from the Padukka police after Awissawella magistrate handed the case over to them to arrest the suspects, who brought a chain saw to cut trees to block the road and to cause the death of the police officer.

    The SSP said that the police investigations so far conducted had revealed three persons had been involved in the felling of the tree and another 23 persons, who had been involved in the breach of peace in the area. The police had so far taken 31 statements from eyewitnesses”.

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