An Appeal to the Delegates to the 25 Session of the UN Human Rights Council Geneva.
Posted on March 22nd, 2014
By Charles.S.Perera
Sovereignty of a nation should be respected under all circumstances. But the USA and its Allies do not recognise that time honoured democratic principle. For USA the sovereignty of a developing country ends when USA decides to intervene into its internal affairs.
USA known for its torture camps, killing of innocent men, women and children in drone attacks, for destruction of countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, through bombardment, has no moral right to present a resolutions at UNHRC against Sri Lanka, which carried out a responsible military operations to eliminate terrorism that caused immense suffering to its people for three decades ?
No war is clean, war against terrorism is the worst as terrorists have no legal norms in inflicting terror.
For USA the terrorists are only those who take up arms against USA and its Western Allies. All those groups taking up arms to terrorise the people of the developing countries, devastating the countryside are for USA and its Western allies, freedom fighters who are in disagreement with the elected governments of the Country.
This is how USA viewed the terrorists of Sri Lanka. The terrorists were kind, friendly ,and respectful towards their Ambassadors, and representatives visiting the areas under their control. Thus all their assassinations, massacring of innocent people by explosion of bombs, or by using the terrorist suicide cadre, were for USA and its allies normal activities of freedom fighters.
In accepting the terrorists of Sri Lanka as freedom fighters USA and its allies were assenting to the activities of the terrorists. USA and its allies thereby became responsible for the terrorism in Sri Lanka. They become a party to terrorism aiding and abetting the terrorists giving them moral support.
A USA Ambassador to Sri Lanka during terrorism – Robert O’Blake, became friendly with the terrorists and insisted that Sri Lanka should find a political solution to settle terrorism and not resort to a military solution. Foreign Secretaries of France and UK met the President during the last phase of military operations against terrorism to demand a cease fire.
Through whatever pretext USA and its allies still playing a supporting role to Sri Lanka terrorists, condemning the Sri Lanka Government and its Armed Forces, the victims of the terrorism, become equally responsible for the death, murders and massacres perpetrated by the terrorists. In to this category falls the UK Channel 4 which prepares faked films and documents implicating the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka for torture and war crimes, are legally responsible for the terrorism in Sri Lanka.
USA therefore has no moral right to move a resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHR Council, and no self respecting country should align with USA to support the resolution which would be to aid and abet terrorism, and an encouragement for those Sri Lanka terrorists who escaped in to foreign countries to come back clandestinely to work for the resurgence of terrorism once again in Sri Lanka.
This became evident recently when one of these escaped terrorists J.G.Selvanayagam alias Gopi had returned to Sri Lanka, and the police force that came in search of him was shot at injuring seriously one of the policemen. This terrorists was staying with a woman who was a sympathiser of the former terrorists, and she has been taken in by the police for interrogation.
This man-the escaped terrorist had been in contact with a Ruki Fernando and Fr.Pravin. These two, persons were also taken by the police for interrogation. With regard to this UN Commissioner of HR has dare call it a harassment, without taking into consideration the need of Sri Lanka to be vigilant against any attempt by any one to reactivate terrorism in Sri Lanka.
That is the necessity for the presence of the Sri Lanka Army in the North. Sri Lanka though being selected every year by the USA for passing resolutions against it, has come out of the grip of a ruthless terrorism only recently. Therefore, Sri Lanka is still not quite safe from the possibility of a reactivation of terrorism.
The Honourable Delegates may have noticed the number of anti- Sri Lanka Tamils who have gathered in Geneva. A woman Ms. Anandhi Sridharan who presented herself as a representative of the Provincial Council of North, Sri Lanka, making false allegations condemning the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka and opposing their presence in the North, is a wife of a former terrorist.
Hence it is dangerous to keep accusing Sri Lanka for what happened five years ago in the course of the elimination of terrorism, as it would fan the sparks of terrorism.
The USA, UN and other Western Countries have no idea what Sri Lanka went through for three decades in almost daily contact with terrorism uncertain of a massacre free tomorrow. Since the end of terrorism Sri Lanka has not been left alone by the USA and its Allies to organise its future, and reconcile its Communities having just come out of a thirty year long nightmare of a terrorism.
The USA, its Human Rights Activists and UN has not stopped prying into every aspect of the life of the people of Sri Lanka, inventing stories, making films , passing resolutions against it in the UNHRC.
Honourable Delegates it is time that Sri Lanka is given a reprieve. Sri Lanka has eliminated terrorism, but the possibility of a reprise of terrorism cannot still be ruled out. Therefore all the energies have to be spent, and precaustions taken to see that Sri Lanka is not taken by surprise into another round of terrorism.
UN Commissioner of Human Rights Navi Pillai, has said that , she has a mandate to order for an International Investigation. May be the office of the Commissioner of Human Rights has the right to order for an International Investigation, but not Navi Pillai. The Office is one and the person who holds the office is another.
Because Ms. Navi Pillai is a Tamil she cannot have an impartial view of terrorism in Sri Lanka, as the Sri Lanka terrorists were from the Tamil Community. Her report on Sri Lanka presented to the 25 Session of UNHRC is therefore not acceptable as it is not impartial and objective.
Navi Pillai has likes and dislikes, emotions of anger and hatred. But the Office of Commissioner of UNHR is abstract and should be objective and impartial. We cannot trust Navi Pillai to be that at least when she is investigating in to Tamil Terrorists in Sri Lanka.
She had said that she had in fact met Ruki Fernando and Pravin who had met the escaped terrorist Gopi who had clandestinely returned to Sri Lanka. Hence moving freely in Sri Lanka as the UN Commissioner of Human Rights she seems to have met persons like Ruki Ferenando and Pravin who still keep in contacts with terrorists who had escaped into foreign countries during the military operations against terrorism.
It has been reported that, ” She(Navi Pillai) stated with emphasis that when she began the session expressing concern over harassment and detention of human rights defenders, she was specifically speaking of Mr. Ruki and Fr. Pravin whom she had met earlier. She said she was disturbed by the turn of events especially in circumstances when Sri Lanka was facing a resolution critical of human rights and humanitarian law violations. She emphatically denounced the use of the Prevention of Terrorism Acts globally and questioned Sri Lanka’s policies and behavior. ”
Honourable Delegates the UNCHR Ms.Navi Pillai wants Sri Lanka to relax its vigilance to keep the country safe from a resurgence of terrorism during the period USA has presented a highly questionable resolution against Sri Lanka. It is a very strange expectation on her part.
The Prevention of Terrorism Act is all important to Sri Lanka which is not completely safe from a possible resurgence of terrorism.
We do not know what exactly Ms.Navi Pillai discussed with Mr.Ruki Fernando and Fr.Pravin for her to be disturbed by the turn of events- that is taking these two persons to be questioned by the Police. That is a normal security measure.
But Ms.Navi Pillai is probably emphasising it to make the Honorable Delegates believe that Sri Lanka is harassing ordinary people violating their rights of freedom to act the way they want, and therefore it confirms the claims made by the US resolution.
Honourable Delegates Sri Lanka is an old democracy. It does not discriminate against its people for their race, language or religious beliefs. It was unfortunately under the grip of a ruthless terrorism for three decades. Finally a President elected in 2005 was determined to end the suffering of the people under terrorism. He successfully carried out military operations and eliminated terrorism in May,2009.
The terrorism was brought to an end at the cost of nearly 24,000 lives of military personal alone. Many innocent civilians, intellectuals, Ministers, politicians from all Communities were murdered and massacred in terrorists bomb explosions, grenade lobbers or snipers.
The end of the terrorism was a great relief to the people. It is only after the end of terrorism that USA and its allies urged by the pro-terrorist expatriate Tamils living in the respective foreign Countries(USA,UK,Canada,Netherland etc.) who contributed to terrorism in Sri Lanka, began probing into Sri Lanka accusing the Government and its Armed Forces for violation of human rights, and war crimes.
You may ask Honourable Delegates why the USA and its allies act to please the Tamils living in these countries. These Tamils who migrated to these countries in 1980s, are today a considerable number of voters in different constituencies in UK, and Canada. They are a vote that decides the election results, therefore the candidates go all out to win over the Tamil votes.
David Cameron, depends on the expatriate Tamil votes to retain his Parliamentary seat. William Hague even proposes setting up a UN backed Sierra Leon type War Crime Tribunal against Sri Lanka, which is certainly a proposal prompted by the expatriate Tamil Diaspora in UK. There are over 300,000Tamils in UK, many of them living in highly marginal constituencies.
These expatriate Tamils had formed Sri Lanka Tamil Terrorist Front Agencies, which collected funds on a regular basis to help the Terrorists in Sri Lanka, to by arms and ammunition, and even buy boats to transport shipment of arms. After the end of terrorism they are left with the Funds they had collected, and continue to collect into their terrorist Account.
They are thus able to spend unlimited amounts of money to carry on a campaign against Sri Lanka with a view to divide the country to set up a separate State for Tamils. Money attracts not only the poor but also those who hold high Office in Governments, Parliaments, Senates ets. depending on the size of the sums offered. The Tamil Terrorist Front Organisations are very generous.
USA too has a considerable number of expatriate pro terrorists Tamils who also have their Sri Lanka Terrorist Front Organisations. The Tamils fir Obama is known to have contributed to the President Barrak Obama’s Presidential Campaign. The USA State Department have its contacts with the Tamil Diaspora.
After elimination of terrorism, Sri Lanka has begun the much neglected development of the country and reconcile the Communities, but these external interference into the country by way of searching for what happened at the end of the terrorist war five years ago keeps Sri Lanka from its important efforts of reconciliation of the Communities and let them enjoy the peace they have found after thirty years of suffering.
Therefore, I appeal to the Honourable Delegates attending the 25 Session of the UNHRC Geneva to reject the US Resolution against Sri Lanka, without giving into the rising American Capitalist Dictatorship, deciding the future of Sovereign States from the Developing Countries, changing regimes at its whim and pleasure.
Yours Respectfully,
March 22nd, 2014 at 3:02 pm
You can appeal, but do not expect ANYTHING to change.
INDIA will be the ENDIA.
USA, UK, FRANCE and the EU will be the EVIL UNION.
Stupid Sri Lankan government MUST change dealing with the above LIARS and join Russia, China and whoever else bullied by the EVIL UNIOS.
March 22nd, 2014 at 5:00 pm
ALL European countries, USA, Japan, South Korea, Endia, MOST Latin American countries will vote AGAINST SL.
These BARBARIANS have no choice especially now because they need the US BULLY to bully Russia. They do WHATEVER USA demands.
ONLY Russia, China and the FEW SL true friends will support SL.
Others will ABSTAIN.
The anti-SL US resolution will PASS.
We are fools to talk REASON with these HYPOCRITES. They are JEALOUS SL has peace and they don’t. GOSL dug its own grave by making that ANANTHI TERRORIST a VIP, that Dayan our UNHRC boss, keeping HACK-HIM the law and courts minister.
If you want to be safe from a murderer, you can easily. But if you want to commit suicide NO ONE can save you.
GOVT should listen to patriots not to TRAITORS like Dayan, Hack-him, Viggie, etc. When will that happen?
If any BIASED investigation tries to send our war heroes to hell, they should drag all TNA voters to hell with them by hook or by crook.
March 22nd, 2014 at 6:08 pm
What hhappens if SL leaves UNO altogether? What a shame that Russia and China form an alternative to the UNO. It is high time Russia initiating a breakaway from the UNO.
March 22nd, 2014 at 6:10 pm
Let me correct the above. “What a shame that Russia and China not forming an alternative to the UNO.
March 22nd, 2014 at 6:39 pm
That CBK woman is crying her eyes out for fame. This woman is a worthless hunk of sh.. Nobody is worried about this woman. The woman who did bugger all nothing in her ten years now shredding crocodile tears. She is non existent. That pop eye the TAYLOR (women’s underwear) is the only bugger she has.
March 23rd, 2014 at 8:29 am
I think the government of Sri Lanka should LEARN FROM ISRAEL how to deal with the UNHRC, and not let it bother the country too much or distract it from the extraordinary post-war progress in reconciling the nation and developing the infrastructure and economy.
Like Israel, the US, and India, Sri Lanka has NOT ratified the Rome ICC War Crimes Treaty, and therefore any ‘official’ war crimes investigation and prosecution MUST be initiated by the UN Security Council, not the UNHRC. Israel made this point emphatically to the UNHRC which resulted in the word ‘investigation’ changed to ‘probe’ and a resulting report of the UNHRC probe that simply referred the matter to the UN Security Council to investigate or make Israel undertake ‘credible’ investigations of war crimes themselves. The US obviously threatened to veto the recommendations of that UNHRC’s probe, and the matter died. Similarly, a China or Russia veto threat on the UN Security Council will end the work of the UNHRC’s probe in Sri Lanka.
Given this legal and geopolitical reality, the Sri Lanka government shouldn’t get too worked up by the accusations of the US, UK, and their client states on the UNHRC and simply do an ISRAEL after they have finished their work and move on. The irony, here, is unlike in the Israeli case in which most countries in the world supported the UNHRC’s work, an up or down vote of ALL General Assembly nations in the UN would actually support the Sri Lankan government’s position, which shows just how unrepresentative and un-democratic the UNHRC has become in reflecting the sentiment of the world. We should therefore rightfully cringe every time the US, UK, or the UNHRC chief uses the term “international community” when referring to the UNHRC, as this seems to suggest that the only nations and people that count in the UN are those who agree with the US and the UK.
March 23rd, 2014 at 9:49 am
A point of view re troubles in Sri Lanka :
It certainly appears dangerous for small countries to allow large contingents of ‘refugees’ illegal migrants or even LABOR to enter their countries. Sooner or later the larger countries they came from (e.g. India, lately Pakistan, Maldives), or even the small countries they came from which are under the paw of larger countries, will impose their will/intervene, on the new host countries, using the ‘refugees’ Rights & Human rights issues, real or imaginary, as an excuse.
This is what is happening in Sri Lanka. India imposes her will on Lanka via Tamils. Here is the sequence :
Tamil Nadu Tamils came in large numbers to Lanka, first as Indentured Labor (British & Dutch) plus later as illegal Tamil migrants (Labor or other reasons, appears to be sponsored by some churches), now used by Tamil Nadu and India and west to do their will in Lanka, using the ‘divide & rule’ principle. Also, the west uses Lanka to control India, and vice versa, using HR issues.
We have to depend upon ourselves to do our own work, provide our own needs as much as possible and play fair by labor in Lanka. That is the only way we will grow together as one nation. In future, Sri Lanka should NOT allow any foreign LABOR into the country. This may mean foregoing some so called aide from abroad, but it is worth it.
Co-operation with other countries re technology etc is different and must be allowed.
March 23rd, 2014 at 1:27 pm
Cum-moron has said he succeeded in getting ALL EU countries to support anti-SL resolution.
How many UNHRC resolutions have passed against ISRAEL.
What happened?
SL should say it has NO FAITH in that racist TAMIL woman.
March 23rd, 2014 at 2:51 pm
I think Vimutti is telling that we should allow a trojan horse to enter our land. In the case of Israel it may not have worked. In our case we should not take chances. We should simply say “No international investigations”, either Pillai or anybody else.
March 23rd, 2014 at 3:51 pm
‘Distorted agenda with political interests behind UNHRC resolution’
European Parliament member backs Sri Lanka
By Sujeeva Nivunhella in London
March 22, 2014, 7:37 pm
Member of European Parliament, Geoffrey Van Orden said that the proposed resolution against Sri Lanka at the ongoing United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) meeting in Geneva has been tabled with a “political interests with a very distorted agenda”.
Orden made this observation during the debate on Resolution on EU Priorities for the 25th Session of UNHRC in the European Parliament last week.
He said the spotlight has shifted off Zimbabwe, the Ukrainian people of the Crimea – not least the Tatar population, are again subject to bullying oppression.
“Thematically, what about victims of terrorism around the world? What about the Christian communities subject to brutal attack in so many countries? What about the continuing African slave trade? Why do we keep picking on Sri Lanka?” he questioned.
Orden went on to say, “There is a country that had the courage to deal with the terrorists after 30 years of conflict, which cost thousands of lives and almost brought the country to ruin.
The government, it seems, hasn’t been forgiven for its success for ending the terrorist occupation of the North of Sri Lanka, for resettling nearly 300,000 IDPs, for the rehabilitation of nearly 12,000 former LTTE cadres, a massive programme of demining, enabling thousands of acres of land to be brought back into use, the construction of bridges, roads, and schools, re-establishment of the rule of law (with new police stations and over 1,400 Tamil-speaking police officers), and its own process of Accountability and Reconciliation through the wide-ranging LLRC process, he noted.
He said that it was a pity that the Tamil Diaspora in European countries do not see for themselves the progress that has been made and join positively in reconstruction and investment in Sri Lanka.
“I do not think for a moment that the Government of Sri Lanka has got everything right – why not invite a distinguished outside judge to join the oversight of human rights investigation?, he asked.
But this Parliament should not continue to be a spokesman of political interests with a very distorted agenda, Orden pointed out.