Provincial Council elections and fall outs from the US Resolution
Posted on March 30th, 2014


 UPFA again had a landslide victory. Here are the live results from the internet showing the seats secured by the UPFA and the trailing party (UNP) .
Colombo Dist.      seats                     Gampaha Dist.    seats          Kalutara  Dist.   seats               
UPFA                      18                            UPFA                 23                UPFA                   13
UNP                        12                             UNP                  10                 UNP                    06
Galle    Dist            seats                      Matara  Dist.         seats          Hambantota Dist.  seats
UPFA                        13                         UPFA                         10             UPFA                        08F
UNP                          06                        UNP                            04              UNP                         04               
Seats won by other parties are not shown here. UNP retained Colombo North. So come Colombians are still for the UNP.   In the western province as a whole UPFA had secured 56 seats, while the UNP received 28 seats. In the Southern Province UPFA bagged 33 seats while UNP obtained 14 seats. Compared to previous results, UNP vote base had deteriorated in this provincial council election.
Those disappointed of the results would claim that this is ‘computer Jilmat’. But it is difficult to sell this idea to the people. The truth is that the people are showing their gratitude to the govt for eradicating terrorism and salvaging the country. During the war, UNP joined hands with the present US resolution sponsors and tried to put spokes into the war effort.  So they are still paying for it. Even during the recent US resolution the UNP did not condemn the role of the US, UK and the UNHRC, and were silent observers, while  certain countries such as Pakistan, China, Cuba and Russia defended Sri Lanka to the hilt. Basically, the UNP is not national minded and not with the common man.
The US and UK, the pioneers of human rights violations are preaching about accountability to the Sri Lankan govt which rescued the country from terrorists. So the more pressure US and UK bring on the govt, more support the UPFA gets from the people. It is no secret that these countries bring these resolutions and talk about human rights, accountability and so on, because of the Tamil diaspora votes in their marginal Parliamentary seats. When talking about human rights, the track record of the US and UK is appalling.
Then, we have Navi Pillai who had been behind the whole issue since the war ended in May 2009 because she is biased, as she is a Tamil, which is no secret. She cannot deny this fact and there is no transparency in what she does. Her contract ends mid this year. So she is looking for another assignment and persuades the UNHRC to appoint her to be in charge of the US sponsored international investigation against Sri Lanka. 
Based on the results of the provincial council election results there is no way the US and her torch bearers could dream of a regime change !

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