Mal Munasinha Orleans, ON
April 9, 2014
Hon. John Baired
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Parliament Hill
Ottawa, ON
Honourable Mr. Baired,
I found out the debate that took place in Parliament on Monday the 7th of April, 2014 about the Tamil individuals and organizations that have been banned by the Sri Lankan Government. What bothered me as a Canadian, was your reply to Mr. Paul Dewar (NDP).
You said,
Mr. Speaker, all Canadians can be tremendously proud that the Government of Canada has taken perhaps one of the strongest reactions to what we see going on in Colombo than any government in the world.
We have fought hard for independent investigations into the number of people and the war crimes that took place in the dying days of the civil war. We fought hard on the issue of human rights and the growing authoritarian trend in the government in Colombo, and we fought hard for reconciliation so that the Tamil community can play a full part in the future building of Sri Lanka.
We are deeply concerned that Canadians would be identified and singled out for attention, as has the Government of Canada. However, we remain focused on doing all we can to help the Tamil minority to live in peace and security with their neighbours.
Proud of the Government of Canada, that has been funding the war chest in Sri Lanka for years, and now trying to cover for the Tamil terrorism, in order that they continue on with the funding to create chaos and terrorism again in Sri Lanka. Or, are you bothered that when these individuals who are named, will not be able to fund your election campaigns! I am sure they must be, because that is why you were bothered and wants to protest the Tamil Community.
The Government of Sri Lanka banned these individuals because of the evidence they have gathered through the Department of Investigative in Terrorism. And that was to protect the the people of Sri Lanka.
This was never a minority matter. There are so many Tamils who live in peace and harmony among the Sinhalese and the Muslims and other nationalities all across Sri Lanka. But in order to support your funders, you try to make this a Human Rights issue, which was the reason the Prime Minister did not go for the CHOGM. In fact the Canadian Government had a Human Rights Committee held in the Parliament, which had only the biased Tamils who had the agenda of separatism, who spoke. No one who was unbiased was invited. And this is how the Canadian Government intends to play.
Yours sincerely,
Mal Munasinha
Orleans, ON
Conservative Member since 2004
April 10th, 2014 at 4:22 pm
Our FM’s surname is BAIRD not Baired as you have spelt.
I have written to the clown on SL affairs personally a few times. That’s how I caught it.
No offence to you.
April 11th, 2014 at 10:18 am
It is only for votes and not for any thing else. There is a NDP MP who is a Sri Lankan Tamil. SO, they are competing with NDP.
In any other avenue they wouldn’t fair much.
One thing, Sri Lankans can do is organizing a different block of votes for another party.
April 11th, 2014 at 10:47 am
These do gooders of Canada, are trying to GIVE LIFE to dying & almost dead LTTE & other terror outfits who enjoy considerable laxed living in countries they reside. They are not interested in Tamils in Sri Lanka, they are just colllecting funds from poor & disadvantaged to line their own pockets.
Most govts in Europe & UK fall for these OUTRAGEOUS accusations & UNPROVEN allegations against a democraticallly elected govt.
These govts who supports Tamil outfits should be ashamed of their conduct against a Govt. elected by the people in Sri Lanka…At least USA have some consideration to stop terror outfiits from rising again, in any part of the world. Canada should follow USA in this matter. Thank you…………J