Is BJP Candidate Modi Jumping The Gun Towards Intimidatory Talk Against Sri Lanka And Others Even Before He Is Elected?.
Posted on April 14th, 2014

Sunny Sunil’s Column Of Critical Analysis Of Matters Involving Sri Lanka.

April 16th. 2014
It may be premature to assume that the current electoral process ongoing in neighbouring India would result in a New Order of political leadership but as the polls seem to suggest there is every likelihood of a regime change where hopefully it will not affect Sri Lanka adversely.
While there are many speculations in various media about this, the rhetoric emanating from the camp of current frontrunner and India’s BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi has somnewhat brazenly seems to indicate that ” with Tamils living all over the world, including in Malayasia, Sri Lanka and Fiji, it should be a priority of the Indian government to take care of their well being and he promised to do so if a BJP-led Government assumes power after the elections.Sure sure Mr Mody! but there are also Sinhalese and other ethnicities from Sri Lanka who also fit into this category so what about their well being so why should there not  be a variance of Indian priorities towards accommodating their needs and their well being also? .
And what does this translate to one might ask? as there is a hint of an undertone that India might well be on a path to intimidate Sri Lanka over the Tamil issue about which he  has neither real jurisdiction nor any mandate to interfere into  in intimidatory fashion,  being the internal affairs of Sovereign Sri Lanka although in the past, history has proved that India is capable of attempting exactly this where an early deterrent to what might transpire as a problem may be a worthwhile option where dialogue over the issue as well as affirmative action involving the support of some of  Sri Lanka’s friendly global giants at the ready to come to Sri Lanka’s aid if necessary in disillussioning the likes of Modi that life’s not a one way street involving Sri Lankan and other Tamils only at any related motions that may be forthcoming on the global arena.
It seems foolhardy on the part of the BJP Candidate to assume moral authority over the Tamil Issue in Sri Lanka as it also involves the majority Sinhalese and other ethnicities  including Tamils who have chosen to accept the leadership of the present Sri Lankan Adminstration that is making every attempt to resolve issues related and there is no call for Mr. Modi to be presumptuous over an issue which is not only sensitive but also possibly embarrasing to India if he puts his money where his mouth is where it could also be to his detriment as no Indian leadership in recent times has openly made statements of this nature which sound intimidatory to Sri Lanka where he needs to classify his rhetoric and govern himself accordingly which seems appropriate also  for the rest of the non- Sri Lankan friendly bandwagon campaigning for office in Tamil Nadu!

 What he is so boldly implying by saying that” a strong and determined government was the need of the hour as small countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh were poking the country and they have to be met eye-on-eye and dealt with strongly” as quoted from the Press Trust of India, at an election rally in Chennai recently is, that India needs to get tough with Sri Lanka if one reads between the lines. What exactly he means by the term ‘Poking” needs interpretation from a diverse perspective but if it is what many understand through plain English is an inference to provocative actions against India which belies reality and is the furthest from it as Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh as quoted have been regarded as friendly neighbours by the incumbent Indian Administration where his opinion seems to be to the contrary and one which seems to portray him as someone ready to instigate trouble with India’s neighbours in a meddlesome and irresponsible manner which will not serve him well in the event of his election to the leadership of India.

 On the  issue of  so called ” recurring attacks on fishermen”,  Mr.Modi appears to have somewhat misguidedly charged that the UPA Government in India lacked the courage to protect the fishermen of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat who were were being “harassed” by Sri Lanka and Pakistan which by itself is a distorted interpretation of the issue where Indian fishermen have from time to time boldly fished in territorial waters outside their own and have caused the related authorities to take action well within the framework of the laws that bind such matters.To accuse them of negligence shows a lack of insight towards reality on the part of Modi as related issues have been ongoing and concurrent with frequent coverage in the global media of the responses by the Indian Government towards quelling the problems involved.

The Indian Government in plain sight of the world and the countries concerned has taken very appropriate steps towards addressing and resolving the issue where it apears that the Tamil Nadu Government in a high handed manner has continued to instigate their fisherment about rights that do not belong to them where the Indian Government probably needs to take further action to deter both Tamil Nadu and her fishermen to stay away from waters they have no access to  or face the consequences of incarceration.

 While making a strong pitch for the NDA’s six-party alliance in the state as reported, Modi claims it had emerged as the third alternative to the two major Dravidian parties and also a force to reckon with in the April 24 Lok Sabha polls which may be true but does not grant him or his party Carte Blanche to create anxieties between India and her neighbours especially over lukewarm issues that have not been cast aside despite his trepidations where there are those of  far greater importance towards resolution within a nation with a populace of  over a billion and he has not even been elected as yet although bickering over topics of secondary importance quite unlike what is required of the leader of a nation of the stature of India in the hope this will project him to the highest office which would only belittle India’s image and perhaps cause endless headaches to India’s neighbours and probably plummet his popularity downwards in the process.

25 Responses to “Is BJP Candidate Modi Jumping The Gun Towards Intimidatory Talk Against Sri Lanka And Others Even Before He Is Elected?.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    BJP group will not win more than 2 seats in TN.

    Tamils ONLY vote for Tamil or Dravidian RACIST parties. DMK, AIADMK or any other RACIST party with TAMIL or DRAVIDIAN nonsense in its identity.

    So they will NOT vote for BJP.

    SL Tamils are same. They too vote for TAMIL RACIST parties not to SLFP or UNP.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    BJP manifesto.

    “In our neighborhood we will pursue friendly relations. However, where required we will not hesitate from taking a strong stand and steps.”

    – “India shall remain a natural home for persecuted Hindus and they shall be welcome to seek refuge here.”

    – RT

    BJP already considers Tamilians in SL as “persecuted Hindus” and they will be given REFUGE in Endia!! Send them packing to Endia if Endians try to be too smart with SL.

  3. Nanda Says:

    Wait! Kasippu Goebbels Joseph and SomethingLingam are not a ” persecuted Hindus” , so cannot go there, they can come to Colombo Home ?

  4. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    And the irony of it all is that Jayalalitha, Vaiko. Karunanidhi and the rest of the Tamil Nadu sleaze bags are jumping up and down in anticipation that a change in administration will favour them.They must think the rest of India are a bunch of imbeciles like them but they are dead wrong. The consequences of permitting actors and circus clowns in the name of democracy to enter mainstream politics who veritably paly their roles equitable to their disciplines.Somewhat similar to the tolerance of the TNA who are beyond being clowns and actors and are a lot worse and more dangerous as their ploys are through subterfuge and supporting terrorists.
    Was not the Administration dead right when they foresaw the possible emergence of covert attempts to recussitate the LTTE in Northern SL and continued to maintain an Army presence despite TNA calls to dismantle them?

  5. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    typo error ~ play not paly their roles although they are quite pally with all the kooks affiliated with the anti Sri Lanka brigade in TN..

  6. Lorenzo Says:


    But MODI is also an imbecile like TN RACISTS. He did a RIOT that killed THOUSANDS. He has membership of SS (RSS). he threatens other countries.

    “a strong and determined government was the need of the hour as small countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh were poking the country and they have to be met eye-on-eye and dealt with strongly”

    This coming from a RIOTER and murderer is VERY DANGEROUS.

  7. Lorenzo Says:


    Kasippu Goebbels Joseph and SomethingLingam follow HINDU tradition because their wear POTTU like Modi!!!

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    Jayalalitha has already negotiated her place in a future BJP administration. Karunanidhi woke up late and abandoned the Congress Party to get some scraps off the BJP’s dining table, but Jayalalitha will topple his chair so he will hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.

    The question is: Will Modi’s RSS mindset drive him towards agressive action against Sri Lanka, or is all of this electioneering to climb into the saddle, at which point he will tell Jayalalitha to shove off?

    Although Modi is a Hindu Zealot, and a Free Marketeer, he is DEFINITELY not in love with the NeoColonialist West seeking to undermine and religiously convert Hindu India as deploy it as a Proverbial Cats Paw against China. For example,

    The Economist magazine, for example, is taking a very hardline against Modi as it does against Sri Lanka. The Economist is a strong support of Christian Evangelism in Asian countries and it is that self-interest that is driving it to criticize Modi, and not the stated reason of his failure to protect Muslims in the Gujerat riots. The latter is only a convenient PRETEXT.

    Modi, the smart man that his undoubtedly is, can see that Buddhist majority Sri Lanka is waging a SIMILAR BATTLE against these foreign powers seeking to undermine, destabilize, convert and dominate Sri Lanka. Will he be able to see past the CASTE RIDDEN RACISTS in Tamil Nadu playing the “We Hindu” card to adopt a comrade-in-arms attitude towards Sri Lanka?

    Only time will tell; let Sri Lanka PREPARE for ALL EVENTUALITIES with our own alliances.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:

    Jayalalitha has already negotiated her place in a future BJP administration. Karunanidhi woke up late and abandoned the Congress Party to get some scraps off the BJP’s dining table, but Jayalalitha will topple his chair so he will hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.

    The question is: Will Modi’s RSS mindset drive him towards aggressive action against Sri Lanka, or is all of this mere electioneering to climb into the saddle, at which point he will tell Jayalalitha to shove off?

    Although Modi is a Hindu Zealot, and a Free Marketeer, he is DEFINITELY not in love with the NeoColonialist West seeking to undermine and religiously convert Hindu India, and pit India as a foil against China.

    The Economist magazine, for example, is taking a very hardline against Modi as it does against Sri Lanka. The Economist is a strong supporter of Christian Evangelism in Asian countries. It is that self-interest that is driving it to criticize Modi, and not the stated reason of his failure to protect Muslims in the Gujerat riots. The Courts in India have exonerated Modi of any culpability for riots. The latter is only a convenient PRETEXT for The Economist to use.

    Modi, the undoubtedly smart man that he is, can see that Buddhist-majority Sri Lanka is waging a SIMILAR BATTLE, as Hindu-majority India is, against these foreign powers seeking to undermine, destabilize, convert and dominate Sri Lanka. Will he be able to see past the CASTE RIDDEN RACISTS in Tamil Nadu playing the “We Hindu” card, to adopt a comrade-in-arms attitude of friendship towards Sri Lanka?

    Only time will tell. In the mentime, let Sri Lanka PREPARE for ALL EVENTUALITIES with our own alliances.

  10. Ananda-USA Says:

    Narendra Modi is intimately familiar with the attitudes of High Caste Hindus who appeal to “Hinduism” to suppress the vast majority of low-caste Hindus in India.

    He is very likely to INSTINCTIVELY RECOGNIZE the HIGH-CASTE HINDU Tamil Politicians of Tamil Nadu for what they REALLY are: RACIST demagogues who discriminate against and suppress their own low-caste people in Tamil Nadu, now attempting to DIVERT ATTENTION AWAY FROM THEIR OWN DISCRIMINATORY ACTIONS by demonizing the Buddhists of Sri Lanka.

    He should KNOW from the example set by Dr. Ambedkar who embraced Buddhism in India with his followers, that we Buddhists abhor CASTE DISCRIMINATION.

    OUR TOLERANCE is a PRODUCT OF OUR FAITH. That TOLERANCE and ACCEPTANCE led to the tangible achievements in Sri Lanka … such as HIGH LITERACY, BASIC HEALTHCARE, EQUAL EDUCATION, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES, etc etc … that India has yet to attain.

    It is up to Our Leaders in the GOSL to REACH OUT to the new Prime Minister to-be Narendra Modi and to demonstrate and convince him the VALUES of EQUAL OPPORTUNITY that we share with him, as a MATTER OF FAITH of the majority Buddhist Community of Sri Lanka.

    FEAR NOT the IMPENDING CHANGE in Govt of India. EXPLORE IT and TRY TO USE IT to develop a more amicable, enduring, mutually supportive relationship with India that was not possible with the Congress Party-led Govt of India, enslaved by the West.
    Sri Lankan government in touch with Indian political leaders – Minister

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Apr 13, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government is in touch with the leaders of political parties in India who may come to power at India’s general elections, a government minister has said.

    Cabinet spokesman and Mass Media and Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella has said that the government is holding a series of talks with the leaders of India’s mainstream political parties including Narendra Modi, the leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Prime Ministerial candidate for 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

    Minister Rambukwella has told Ceylon Today that the government is holding talks with Modi as he is expected to be the next Prime Minister of India.

    He has said that the government is closely monitoring the situation developing in India and setting up a political platform accordingly.

    “We are having a series of dialogues with all the Parties that are contesting for the general elections in India. After all, they are our neighbors and holding discussions is a continuous process,” the Minister was quoted as saying.

  11. Nanda Says:

    In the meantime Canada stops supplying peanuts !

    “While Sri Lanka is Chair in Office for next two years, Canada’s $10-million annual voluntary Commonwealth contribution will instead go toward supporting initiatives that “espouse the Commonwealth’s values” and help to deliver results for those who need them the most.

    Canada will allocate the $20 million contribution to assist in combatting the practice of child, early and forced marriage, and help Commonwealth civil society advance the promotion of human rights. ”

    Sri Lanka completed the raising of entire $1.5 bln bond budgeted for 2014.
    Can Sri Lanka pay this from our pocket to ridicule these monkeys ?

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Any BJP government in India has 100 Smart Cities in view. This will gradually dilute the caste structures all over India. Mr Modi has said “NO” to Eelam in Sri Lanka”.

    Development is the key to stop India being broken up. Read book “Breaking India” (along Caste & Dravidian lines) by authors Malhotra/Neelakandan.

    Bogged in the past Tamil Nadu leaders had better wake up.

    Yes, India is ‘on the move’ and that is a good thing for Sri Lanka ‘on the move’.

  13. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Like the issue of the “no strike first” policy regarding the use of nuclear weapons where many nations do not adhere to it, Sri Lanka should take the incentive to move faster than the Indian elections to do away with the 13th amendment, increase military presence in the Northern and Eastern province. Build a naval base on the Katchacheevu island and move aggressively to bring China’s military presence into Sri Lanka’s sphere of influence. That should by and large negate the Modi “move” or at least muddy up the waters of the Indian political process.

  14. Ananda-USA Says:


    Absolutely, “Sri Lanka should take the incentive to move faster than the Indian elections to do away with the 13th amendment”.

    Sri Lanka should take the position that Sri Lanka’s INTERNAL GOVERNANCE is NO BUSINESS of foreign nations. t is SOLELY the BUSINESS of Sri Lankan citizens.

    >REPEAL the 13th Amendment and ENFORCE the 6th Amendment, NOW!

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    Now BJP and Jeya attacking each other!!


    FAT old Jeya will NOT be needed by BJP to form a ruling coalition. But mad Psycho Viko is with BJP.

  16. Nanda Says:


    Yes. NOW is the Time.

    Let us wake the Biiri Aliya NOW.

    >REPEAL the 13th Amendment and ENFORCE the 6th Amendment, NOW!

  17. Nanda Says:


    Where is Seemen ?

  18. Lorenzo Says:

    Seeman is in Jeya’s lap.
    Semen is ALSO in Jeya’s lap!!!

  19. Fran Diaz Says:

    Agree with Ananda :

    “REPEAL the 13th Amendment and ENFORCE the 6th Amendment, NOW!”

    This is what should have been done in the mid-1980s. GoSLs now and future should do acts in the best interest of the country and the people, not in the interests of outside sources, and ‘feeding’ Cold Wars.


    On another note, look at the new Kovil idea – this would hopefully liberate Tamils of Lanka from their past Caste binds. Tamil Diaspora, do copy ! Thinking right with religion is the first foundation stone to peace and harmony. We have to watch and see how the new Kovil idea works out for a genuine peace for the rest of the Nation..

    * ‘Philosophical Kovil’, a Spiritual landmark in Lanka
    Wed, Apr 16, 2014, 08:31 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Apr 16 (NIE) There is a new landmark in Colombo’s spiritual landscape a Thatthuva Kovil or a Philosophical temple which is conceptually different from the other Hindu temples in Sri Lanka.

    Conceived and executed by Kambavarithi Jeyaraj, a Jaffna Tamil, with financial help from former Indian Minister S Jagathrakshakan, Thatthuva Kovil is based on the revolutionary concept underlying Avudayar Kovil in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu built by the saint-poet Manikkavasagar.

    “In the sanctum sanctorum of Avudayar Kovil, there is no idol. And though it is a Siva temple, there is no Nandi! This temple is meant to cater to the highest spiritual state of Gnanam. In Colombo’s Tatthuva Kovil, there are four floors, each floor representing a stage in man’s spiritual advancement. Devotees may worship at any floor they want to, depending upon the spiritual level they have reached,” Jeyaraj told Express.

    Explaining the concept of spiritual stages, Jeyaraj said that in order to achieve divine wisdom or Gnanam, one has to go through the state of Sariyai also known as Bhakti Yoga, and then go on to the state of Karma Yoga, also called Kiriyai, and thence to the state of Raja Yoga, which is also called Yogam. It is from Yogam that one reaches the state of Gnanam.

    “On the ground floor, dedicated to Sariyay, there are idols, as idol worship is the most common form of worship. Most devotees gather here. On the next floor, dedicated to Kiriyay, there are no idols, but only representations of concepts. In the third floor dedicated to Yogam, there is neither an idol nor a representation. Instead, there are paintings of the Cosmos (by Manian Selvam of Tamil Nadu) and of Gnanis like Vyasar, Patanjali, Thirumoolar, Buddha, Mahaveera, Jesus and Guru Nanak.

    The fourth and top-most floor is an open terrace overlooking the sea, and is meant for meditation. The temple is conical, indicating that fewer and fewer travel up the spiritual scale,” Jeyaraj said. “But the Tatthuva Kovil enables the devotee to travel up the spiritual scale within the same complex, unlike other temples that cater to only one stage,” he added.

  20. Fran Diaz Says:

    Agree with Ananda :

    “REPEAL the 13th Amendment and ENFORCE the 6th Amendment, NOW!”

    This is what should have been done in the mid-1980s. GoSLs now and future should do acts in the best interest of the country and the people, not in the interests of outside sources, and ‘feeding’ Cold Wars.


    On another note, look at the new Kovil idea – this would hopefully liberate Tamils of Lanka from their past Caste binds. Tamil Diaspora, do copy ! Thinking right with religion is the first foundation stone to peace and harmony. We have to watch and see how the new Kovil idea works out for a genuine peace for the rest of the Nation..

    * ‘Philosophical Kovil’, a Spiritual landmark in Lanka
    Wed, Apr 16, 2014, 08:31 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Apr 16 (NIE) There is a new landmark in Colombo’s spiritual landscape a Thatthuva Kovil or a Philosophical temple which is conceptually different from the other Hindu temples in Sri Lanka.

    Conceived and executed by Kambavarithi Jeyaraj, a Jaffna Tamil, with financial help from former Indian Minister S Jagathrakshakan, Thatthuva Kovil is based on the revolutionary concept underlying Avudayar Kovil in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu built by the saint-poet Manikkavasagar.

    “In the sanctum sanctorum of Avudayar Kovil, there is no idol. And though it is a Siva temple, there is no Nandi! This temple is meant to cater to the highest spiritual state of Gnanam. In Colombo’s Tatthuva Kovil, there are four floors, each floor representing a stage in man’s spiritual advancement. Devotees may worship at any floor they want to, depending upon the spiritual level they have reached,” Jeyaraj told Express.

    Explaining the concept of spiritual stages, Jeyaraj said that in order to achieve divine wisdom or Gnanam, one has to go through the state of Sariyai also known as Bhakti Yoga, and then go on to the state of Karma Yoga, also called Kiriyai, and thence to the state of Raja Yoga, which is also called Yogam. It is from Yogam that one reaches the state of Gnanam.

    “On the ground floor, dedicated to Sariyay, there are idols, as idol worship is the most common form of worship. Most devotees gather here. On the next floor, dedicated to Kiriyay, there are no idols, but only representations of concepts. In the third floor dedicated to Yogam, there is neither an idol nor a representation. Instead, there are paintings of the Cosmos (by Manian Selvam of Tamil Nadu) and of Gnanis like Vyasar, Patanjali, Thirumoolar, Buddha, Mahaveera, Jesus and Guru Nanak.

    The fourth and top-most floor is an open terrace overlooking the sea, and is meant for meditation. The temple is conical, indicating that fewer and fewer travel up the spiritual scale,” Jeyaraj said. “But the Tatthuva Kovil enables the devotee to travel up the spiritual scale within the same complex, unlike other temples that cater to only one stage,” he added.

  21. Marco Says:

    We continue to hear the mantra “repeal the 13th”..”repeal the 13th” repeat..repeat..from about 2 years ago.
    We are likely to hear the same mantra for the next 3-5 years
    Until you understand who is likely to lose the most..keep repeating the mantra “repeal the 13th”, “repeal the 13th”….

  22. Marco Says:

    In case you are in capable of understanding why its not in the best interest of MRGOSL to repeal the 13th here is a classic example-

    The family of Khuram Shaikh, who was killed while on holiday in Sri Lanka, say they are shocked by the decision to bail four men accused of his murder – half way through their trial.
    The trial into his murder, which has taken more than two years to come to court amid fears of a cover-up, began at the High Court in Colombo last month.


    No harm in repeating the mantra..

    repeal the 13th
    repeal the 13th
    repeal the 13th

  23. Lorenzo Says:


    How many Tamil terrorists in UK are on the loose?

    e.g. Adel anni

    So how the hell can the UK advise SL on law and order!!!

    Glass houses?

  24. Nanda Says:

    Nevertheless you cannot let murder accused (with eye witnesses to prove) to walk free even on bail.
    It is shameful to even mass murderers like LTTE as Micros of the past used to just shoot them and go free in coffins.

  25. Lorenzo Says:



    But my point is what rigt UK and its supporters have to dictate what law and order is when their backyard is LITTERED with terrorists, mafia gangs, etc. WITH NO punishment whatsoever. Not even temporary remand!!

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