Wakey, Wakey Ms Pillay There is chaos in your own backyard
Posted on May 14th, 2014
Dr D.Chandraratna, Perth, W.A
Some highly paid UN spokesperson has said that the ban on commemorating the tiger outfit by the Sri Lankan military in the North will be investigated. The whole organisation seems to be preoccupied with micro managing Sri Lanka when human rights are trampled upon in so many places in the world. Do not know whether Ms Pillay has only the map of Sri Lanka hanging behind her big desk. Shame on this organisation when right in her native backyard innocent girls are held captive, waiting to be auctioned off, by another terrorist group. Ms Pillay is deep in slumber. I wonder whether Boko Haram is listed as a liberation front in the classification manual of the UNHRC.
The violence practiced by this rebel makes Al Qaeda look like a bunch of schoolgirls, a researcher at the Atlantic Council in Washington has said. She may be right but we are dismayed at the silence of these scholars when the LTTE was marching on the rampage. Under Abubaker Shekau the violence perpetrated by Boko Haram is casual and broader than many jihardists and is inconsistent with the current policy of Al Qaeda, which is avoiding mass murder for fear of alienating the support base. The current leader of Boko Haram claims to be messianic in his ability to communicate with God directly, resembling the Lord’s Resistance Army of Uganda.
The Islamic insurgents have killed hundreds in a town in Nigeria’s northeast firing indiscriminately and burning houses. The death count in Abuja now stands at 338. The guns and vehicles that the rebels use have been traded out of Libya after the fall of Qaddafi. When the fanatics attacked the boarding School the news media of the world was indifferent; The American government and the United Nations did not seem interested, perhaps their time being taken up in micro managing Sri Lanka. The # BringBack OurGirls hashtag started by a Nigerian Lawyer has been shared so far by a million viewers. The women’s movement and other grass root activists have managed to bring the plight of these poor victims (two have already died of snake bites) to the world when this billion dollar UNHRC is deaf, dumb and mute.
Miss Pillay sees anti Muslim agent provocateurs in every corner in Sri Lanka but is unable to read the anti Christian thrust of Boko Haram which is written all over it. The name itself in the language of Hausa is ‘Western education is sin’. Being a neighbourly human rights activist Ms Pillay out to know better why Boko Haram under the previous chief Mohamed Yusuf, which was an ultra conservative Islamic group, engages in violence in the north of Nigeria. It has the capacity to attract affiliates from many other countries projecting a threat to international peace. But to our utter dismay the responsibility of the UNHRC has been abrogated with gay abandon. Sri Lanka is their favourite turf and is not a bad place for a junket any day if only Mahinda Rajapaksa is willing to throw the red carpet.
May 15th, 2014 at 7:37 pm
One of the main reasons that the UNHRC, AI, HRW, CH4 and political leaders in Canada and UK are trying to micromanage Sri Lanka’s internal affairs, whilst ignoring the continued activities of the LTTE diaspora, could be the LTTE’s immense ill-gotten wealth, available for funding people who would undertake programs or campaigns that would help to achieve LTTE goals. Ability to influence high profile people could also mislead youth to believe that crime pays provided it is backed up with unaudited wealth, like what the mafia has. Today Boko Haram has copied one of LTTEs trade mark crimes. That is abducting large groups of children from schools, hostels and orphanages. Let us hope that Boko Haram would not take the next step LTTE would have taken, that is to use them as front line fighters or suicide bombers or sex slaves. The world community must act fast without playing politics. The first step is to act against LTTE groups still operating and setting a bad example to the rest of the World..