Modi’s India: A Civilisationaland Geopolitical Shift
Posted on May 26th, 2014

Susantha Goonatilake

The USA had refused to give Modi a visa. And after Modi’svictory,Obama changed his colours and invited Modi to visit the US.It was like “kissing the hand that cannot be cut.” The visa ban was on allegations of religious intolerance and specifically the Gujarat riots on which courts found Modi not guilty. US, the human rights policeman has killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Probably the ban was the result of selective campaigning by the usual foreign NGO spies, US using human rights as a tool. The US had not banned leaders of Saudi Arabia, one of the most intolerant countries in the world. Neither have they banned Iraq’s Maliki, a Shia who is persecuting the Sunnis.

The election result was called a second coming of Indian Independence. A parallel metaphor in Sri Lankacould be “1956” with some changes.With only one sixth of the BJP seats,the Congressthat proxy-invaded Sri Lanka got a huge drubbing.The Dalit party,BahujanSamaj Party of Mayawatigot no seats, although after the BJP and Congress, it had the largest share of votes in India.Muslims comprise 14% of the Indian population. But the new parliament had the least Muslim members since 1952 while there was not even a single Muslim MP from the BJP. Routing the left,MamataBannerjeeregional party in West Bengal won. And in Tamil Nadu, the chauvinist AIDMK ofJayalalithareplaced the equally chauvinist DMK. The LTTE ally in Tamil Nadu, Vaiko of the MDMK got a humiliating defeat, in spite of being in an electoral alliance with the BJP. BJP commentator Subramanian Swamy, said that Vaiko brought the BJP down in Tamil Nadu.

The left in the form of the CPM was decimated in West Bengal and Kerala,its usual strongholds. The CPM West Bengal governments had been critical of the broad Hindu-Indic position of the BJP. They could have solvedabsolute poverty of West Bengal as Sri Lanka had done. But they left it partly to Mother Teresa, ignoring the more extensive work done by the Hindu Ramakrishna Mission. Karl Marx speaking of Christianity writing of religion being “the opium of the masses” would have been amused. So would Christopher Hitchens, a more recent left commentator who in books and lectures exposed the “criminality behind Mother Teresa”.

The election has brought in civilisational issues in the form of Modi, who’sBJP; we should mention has also baggage in the form of breaking down the Babri mosque which was built on a destroyed temple. The parallel in the case of Sri Lanka, would be demolishing all those churches which were built by the Portuguese on destroyed Buddhist temples.

Civilisational Issues

Civilisational issues have been argued globally by both the West and the East from presumably right and left political positions. In the USA, under a mask of separation of state and religion, politicians of both major parties have to publicly demonstrate their bible toting and quoting positions. The “Moral Majority”,the “National Association of Evangelicals”, and self-styled “Faith-based Initiatives” have been part of the “God strategy” in American presidential politics. In the case of Europe and its European union, there is a hidden and not so hidden Christian bias, although its population is increasingly becoming post-Christian in attitude. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has increasingly turned to Orthodox Christianity as a binding mechanism. China, which has essentially abandoned its Marxist orientation increasingly implies its civilisational continuity mainly Confucian, but also partly Buddhist. Modi with its “Hindu” and Indic (which is a broader category) is implicitly pushing this line, a contrast to the non-civilisational position of the Sonia-dominated Congress.

In a devastating U-tube video (titled “Biography of Rahul Gandhi exposed by Dr. Subramanian Swamy”) which every Sri Lanka should download and see, explosive questions have been raised on the Italian Sonia and Rahul. These cover a gamut from false birth certificates to billions of dollars in secret Swiss accounts and to connections with LTTE smuggling operations. After the Congress’s devastating defeat, Sonia and Rahul did a Ranil Wickremasinghe and did not resign, relegating the Congress to years of non- electability as has Ranil done for the UNP.

Modi in a bold and surprising move described by SubramanianSwamy as “a Modi masterstroke”invited all the SAARC leaders for his swearing-in. The most important would be the invitation to Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan. Mahinda Rajapaksa was one of the first to accept the invitation.Leaders of Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal are scheduled to attend.  The leader of Bangladesh after attending a Shanghai Cooperation summit is on an official visit to Japanand she will be represented in the swearing in ceremony by the Speaker of the Bangladesh Parliament.

The last time Mahinda Rajapaksa visited India was on a nonofficial capacity for a foundation laying ceremony for a Sanchi University of Buddhist-Indic Studies. Vaiko, the LTTE devotee and his supporters were arrested there for demonstrating against Rajapaksa. Vaiko was this week protesting the invitation to MR for the swearing in. Even a personal visit by Vaiko to key BJP leaders could not changethis MR invitation.

All the other Tamil Nadu racist parties, among themJayalalitha’s AIDMK and Karunanidhi’s DMK opposed the MR invitation. The Tamil Nadu BJP and Congress supported the invitation. But not so surprisingly, D. Raja, the Tamil National Secretary of the virtually dead Communist Party of India (CPI) objected strongly. Tamil Nadu racist parties had virtually separated themselves from the rest of the country. This provides support for the thesis of Rajiv Malhotra in his bestselling book “Breaking India” that an alliance of Dravidian and Christian influences were conspiring to break up India. (Malhotra wanted me to review the book, but seeing some gross distortions on Sri Lanka. I refused. He said that the distortions were due to his IndianTamil assistant and that he would change it in the next edition. I do not know whether he has.)

But foreign affairs are a matter for the Indian Central government, not for individual Indian states. Swamy pointed out that apart from Bhutan, all other neighbours were against India and these invitations could bring a change. He also said that India herself was accused of human rights violations. He went further and said in a statement. “India must enter into constructive dialogue with Sri Lanka and on counter-terror strategy in the sub-continent, particularly in view of the fact that many Pakistani trained Islamic fundamentalists from Sri Lanka are sneaking into India to carry out terrorist attack in Tamil Nadu”. At last week’s anniversary of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination by the LTTE,Swamy lauded the Sri Lanka government for “completely wiping out” the LTTE.After the invitations to SAARC countries and echoing Swamy, Ashok Singhal, the leader of the Vishwa Hindu ParishadVHP blamed the previous Indian governments for allowing relations with Nepal and Sri Lanka turn sour. He emphasized “Nepal and Sri Lanka didn’t drift away [from India], we created rifts… we widened the gaps. It is time to bridge those.”

Ten years ago Singhalhad called the LTTE “the armed wing of the Christians”.

Swamy tipped to be an important player in the new BJP government called for close cooperation between India and Sri Lanka. He pointed out that India’s lack of friendly relations has resulted in China cozying up to Sri Lanka. To underscore this geopolitical point,last week at the Shanghai Conference,President Xi Jinping assured President MR of “strengthening strategic partnerships” and promised that Beijing will be beside us financially and diplomatically.

Meanwhile in Sri Lanka, all those racist Tamil parties who had once abdicated any responsibility by declaring the LTTE as “sole representatives” of the Tamils were again painting themselves into a corner. The Northern Provincial Chief Minister Wigneswaran turned down the President’s invitation to accompany him to New Delhi. Wigneswaran living in multi-ethnic Colombo and having close Sinhalese relatives had chosen the isolationist, racist path. Pity, that he cannot read the new writing on the geopolitical wall.Neither can his chauvinist AIDMK buddy Jayalalithawho willalso not attend.Withanti-separatist Thondaman and the Mayor of Jaffna attendingMahinda Rajapaksa and Sri Lankan sovereignty would be smiling.

39 Responses to “Modi’s India: A Civilisationaland Geopolitical Shift”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    The Mahabodhi Society’s appeal to Modi to emulate Emperor Ashoka’s dharmishta governance is absolutely on TARGET!

    This is what I myself have been preaching to those who vilify Modi as a one-dimensional Hindu nationalist.

    Modi’s Hindu credentials are tempered by his experience of not only the Discrimination he suffered from his high-caste Hindu countrymen, but also his Buddhist heritage in Gujerat that has opened his eyes to anti-caste message of the Lord Buddha. He knows that Buddhism incorporates the BEST of Vedic Hinduism and none of the vices of Hinduism as practiced by its caste-bound followers.

    Modi is not the ONE DIMENSIONAL man defined by his critics; he may yet surprise them by what he achieves in the Best Interest of India!

    Certainly, we Sinhala Buddhists of Sri Lanka wish him well, and invite him to guide India in the direction of FRIENDSHIP towards Sri Lanka, rejecting both the Racist Tamil Nationalists of Tamil Nadu seeking to divide and conquer Sri Lanka, and the siren songs of the Neocolonialist West seeking to pit India against China exploiting and exacerbating in India’s own internal divisions.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    “Meanwhile in Sri Lanka, all those racist Tamil parties who had once abdicated any responsibility by declaring the LTTE as sole representatives” of the Tamils were again painting themselves into a corner.”

    TRUE. Tamils always DIG their own grave. Lend them a SPADE.

    But it is too early to speculate Modi’s action.

    When it comes to TN vs SL, Modi or any Endian will take the side of TN.

  3. Nanda Says:

    “The USA had refused to give Modi a visa. And after Modi’svictory,Obama changed his colours and invited Modi to visit the US.It was like kissing the hand that cannot be cut.” The visa ban was on allegations of religious intolerance and specifically the Gujarat riots on which courts found Modi not guilty”

    Following US band Lorenzoland too refused visa to Modi. Will their president change colour too ?

  4. S de Silva Says:

    Thank you SG for your words. I am hoping that Modi’s India will again achieve past greatness in the future with a powerful Hindu / Buddhist Asian grouping of nations including China to take on those who unreasonably trouble us! To remind the readers who may have forgotten World history, India & China were the economic engines of the World until the Industrial Revolution in the West around 200 years ago. This is a history lesson for the Camerons and Obamas who have yet to learn! These are not my words but that of Angus Maddison (Dec 1926 – April 2010), an eminent Historical Economist. So I sincerely hope that under Modi , India with her neighbours will become again a force that the West will take notice of – S de Silva – London

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    Text of Narendra Modi’s speech at Central Hall of Parliament

    Translated excerpts of Narendra Modi’s speech, delivered extempore in Hindi, at the Central Hall of Parliament on May 20, 2014:

    Respected Advaniji, our national president Rajnathji and all Chief Ministers of Bharatiya Janata Party and newly elected members, I am grateful to all of you for having unanimously given me a new responsibility. I am thankful and grateful, particularly to Advaniji and Rajnathji as they have given me blessings.

    I was thinking of Atalji’s health. Had his health been good, he would have been with us today and his presence would have completed this moment. His blessings are with us and will be with us in future.

    We are here in the temple of democracy. We will work with all purity… not for the post but the people of the country. Work and responsibility are the biggest things. I accept the responsibility you have reposed in me.

    For me post is not important, I have not considered that post is important in life but in my view responsibility is the bigger thing.

    We will have to dedicate ourselves to fulfill this responsibility. In last September 13, 2013, the BJP parliamentary board gave a responsibility to me and from September 15, I started my work and with full sense of responsibility of a worker. The parishram yagya, which I began at that time and when the campaigning ended on May 10, 2014, I rang up my president and wanted to meet him before going to Ahmedabad. He asked if I was not tired and needed a break but I insisted on reporting to him as the responsibility given to me had been completed on May 10.

    And like a disciplined solider I reported to my president that from September 13 to May 10, I have tried to fulfill my responsibility to the best of my ability. In this campaign, I had to cancel only one event and that too in Ghosi where our district president had died suddenly.

    And I told him that as a loyal and committed worker, I am reporting to you on this sacred land. Whatever was given to me, I have tried to do and fulfill the role of a party worker.

    After I became Chief Minister, I saw Chief Minister’s chamber for the first time. Today also it is the same situation as I have come to this historic Central Hall for the first time.

    I salute all freedom fighters and also salute makers of the Constitution of our country as because of them, the world is witnessing the power of democracy. When global leaders called me, I told them about millions of voters of India. They were surprised. It is the power of our Constitution that a poor person belonging to a poor and deprived family is standing here today. This is the power of our Constitution and hallmark of our democratic elections that a common citizen can also reach this height. The BJP’s victory and somebody else’s loss is a point for debate later. Citizens have realised that this democratic setup can fulfill their aspirations. Their faith in democracy has strengthened further.

    A government is a one which thinks about the poor, listens to the poor and which exists for the poor. Therefore, the new government is dedicated to the poor, millions of youth and mothers and daughters who are striving for their respect and honour. Villagers, farmers, Dalits and the oppressed, this government is for them, for their aspirations and this is our responsibility. And this is our responsibility. I have seen new facets of our country in my campaign. I have seen people who had only one piece of clothing on their body but had the BJP’s flag. This section is looking at us with hope and aspirations. And therefore, our dream is to fulfill their dreams.

    Advaniji has used, I would urge Advaniji not to use that word. He said that Narendra Bhai has done him kripa.

    (Breaks down and there is a pause for a few moments)

    Please don’t use this word. Can a son ever do his mother kripa? It can never be. Like India is my mother, the same way the BJP is also my mother. And therefore, a son can never do kripa, he can only dedicatedly serve his mother. Kripa is by the party, it has done me the favour of giving me an opportunity to serve it.

    Various governments in the past tried to do some good work in their own way for which they deserve appreciation. Whatever good has happened, we will carry it forward. We will give something to the country. People should not become pessimistic. I have not seen television and media, everyone has been analysing this verdict… people have voted for hope. This verdict is of hope. I had said earlier that this election is of hope.

    A new hope has arisen in the common man. This is the biggest significance of this election results.

    But by giving the BJP an absolute majority they have voted for hope and trust. People have voted for hope and faith and I will do everything to fulfill their aspirations. There should be no room for pessimism and because with pessimism nothing can be achieved. The government’s motto will be to be with everyone and for everyone’s development. This is the time for new hope and strength.

    An era of responsibility has begun. In 2019, I will meet the MPs again with a report card. My government is not for myself but for the country. The government is for the poor and we want to do something for them.

    I will strive my best to fulfill the responsibility you have reposed in me. You will never have to look down on the work it will do.

    We were not fortunate to have died for the country, but for every citizen born in independent India, he should dedicate himself to live for the country. Every moment of our lives and every speck of our body should be dedicated to 125 crore people of this country, we have to carry this dream. The country will then progress rapidly.

    I am by nature an optimist. It is written in my DNA. Disappointment does not just gel with me. On this occasion, I wish to repeat what I had said in my speech in a college here. Just see this glass of water, some say that it is half filled with water and some say it is half empty. My thinking is of third type. I say this glass is half filled with water and half with air. You may be seeing it half empty but I don’t see it that way. That’s why I say that I am by nature an optimist. And for traversing a constructive path, it is important and essential to be an optimist. Only an optimistic person can bring and instill hope in the country. Pessimistic persons can never give hope to the country. Adverse times and hardships do come in everybody’s life. In 2001 when earthquake struck Gujarat, we were all stricken by death and there was destruction everywhere. Everyone the world over thought it was all over. But in no time, Gujarat once again stood up on its feet. We will have to leave pessimism behind. Who says that such an aware democratic country — the largest in the world cannot move forward? If 125 crore Indians resolve to take one step forward, the entire country will travel 125 crore steps forward.

    Which is the other country in the world which has six seasons? This land of ours is blessed, our land is fertile, full of natural resources. People from our country go abroad and earn name and fame, we only have to give opportunity to them here.

    In this election, we stressed on two things — sabka saath, sabka vikas. We want everyone’s progress and development but it is as important that we take everybody along with us. This election symbolised new hope, I have such able colleagues with me and with guidance from my senior leaders, I have full faith that the responsibility which was given to me on September 13, 2013 and which was completed on May 16, 2014 and with the new responsibility given to me today, I assure you that when we meet in 2019, I will place before you my report card. I will try and achieve the pinnacle of perseverance and hard work.

    The coming year 2015-16 is important to us all, it will be Pandit Deendayal Updhyaya’s centenary year, chairaveti, chairevetimantra was given by him and this led to establishing a system of sacrifice and hard work. We have to think about how to fulfill his dreams and work and strive to fulfill them. Party and the government should also think about this as to how to celebrate this coming event. Antyodaya, the service of the downtrodden, that is what Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya had stressed. That is why I say that this government is for the poor and deprived. In global perspective also, this election of India and its results are being viewed in a very constructive and positive manner. And the first message that goes out to the world is that it is not important that millions of people have made some party victorious or made someone a prime minister. But it is important that millions have given a good mandate and have held India’s position high in the world that is the message of these elections. Who won and who lost is not important. These are the results which will attract the world to India and to its democratic traditions, and capabilities. Hope has been kindled in a common citizen of India and the same hope has arisen in humanitarian forces in the world. This is a very good sign.

    Brothers and sisters, once again I express my gratitude to millions of workers who have toiled hard for this victory. Modi which is before you and which you can see is because Modi is hoisted by senior leaders of my party on their shoulders. Whatever we have achieved today, is because of sacrifices made by past five generations. Jan Sangh was not known to the people, some thought it is a social, cultural organisation. Today, I salute all those generations who made sacrifices for nationalist causes. We should not forget that we are here today because of sacrifices made by the past generations. This victory is of millions of our workers. If we think like this, there will not be any opportunity for our society and party to have any complaints. BJP is the party which relies on its strong organisation, that is our strength and none of us is either away or above the organisation.

    You have given me this new responsibility, Advaniji has given me blessings. You have reposed faith in me and have expectations from me and I assure you that you will not have any occasion of feeling let down. Once again, I thank you all.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    Our Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem of Buddhism, the Lord Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, are with Narendra Modi as he takes on the responsibility to Guide India towards a new Asokan Age.

    May his victory herald a more supportive Indian Foreign Policy towards our Motherland of Sri Lanka that shares the Indian heritage.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Mentioning of Deendayal Updhyaya by Modi is SIGNIFICANT.

    He argued WESTERN values, etc., etc. are NOT suitable for Endia as they are. They have to be changed for Endian circumstances.

    A GOOD SPEECH I must say. DISREGARDING Tamil sentiments is also GOOD. No denying.

    But ALIGNING Modi with Buddhism, good governance, etc is TOTALLY premature.

    We heard SIMILAR things when Obama became President. But what happened? Obama’s election to white house was MUCH MORE significant than Modi. But he became a WORSE Bush!!

    Lets wait and see without jumping the gun.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    Modi’s FIRST foreign trip will be to…………….China!

    This is another clever move.

    But once again, lets wait and see. He is still getting familar with INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS for which he has NO experience or expertise whatsoever.

  9. aloy Says:

    ” In last September 13, 2013, the BJP parliamentary board gave a responsibility to me and from September 15, I started my work and with full sense of responsibility of a worker.”

    Just before this time I made a comment in this forum that let someone emerge from this party (BJP) and make India great again. Is Modi that leader?. I hope my wish has come true.

  10. Nanda Says:

    Lorenzo, Ananda, Aloy,

    To me he has already set up an example to our bugger by appointing leanest ever cabinet.
    Our parasitic cabinet is eating away Mother Lanka to death. We have 67 fatties !
    Our bugger must be feeling shy now.

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    46 ministers is not much different to SL’s 67 (some are name sake ministries). But I’m sure Modi’s ministers are FAR BETTER than SL ministers.

    MR’s Minister of justice, Minister of national disintegration, Minister of PR, etc.are total junk.

    I think Modi is driven by HATE. He picked May 26 to hold his swearing in. Nehru died on May 26 in 1964. EXACTLY 50 years ago. Nehru’s daughter INDIRA hunted down Modi and RSS (banned RSS). He escaped but his buddies were jailed.

    Ghandhi’s assassin was a member of RSS. He left RSS just before killing him and formed a small group RSD.

    IF Modi was NOT associated with,

    1. RSS (once a banned terror group)
    2. Gujarat riots
    3. THREATS against SL a month ago (made personally by him)
    4. Hindutva extremists

    I would need LESS convincing.

  12. . Says:

    From Bandu de Silva:
    Please read Times of India today (27 /5/2014) http://www.times of india.india
    Says China set up 3 camps and carried out patrols.Is this China’s response to Modi inauguration? I remarked the absence of Chinese presence around Modi inauguration.

  13. Nanda Says:


    “46 ministers is not much different to SL’s 67 ” ?
    I am referring to the number, quantity not quality. 1 billion people’s served by 43 buggers compared with ours ( including your good minister of national disintegration and minister of injustice( allah)) to rob 20 million people.

    Remember Bandaranayakes’s motto was ” Man’s ultimate duty is to serve humanity”. Now our buggers are serving relatives and friends.

    Modi says “We will work with all purity… not for the post but the people of the country”.

    JRs’ was “Nivahal Dharmishta society”. End of his term , we became opposite, Vahal(slaves to India), Adharmishta ( killings everywhere).

    Mahinda said “mathata thitha” (full stop to drugs). Prime minister is importing container load of drugs !

  14. NAK Says:

    Everything that is said in an election campaign should not be taken seriously. Who ever thought when Obama said “Yes we can” he meant ‘yes we can F**k you’.

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    Bandu de Silva,

    That video shows a TEMPORARY camp sites China set up LAST YEAR in May (2013) in Ladhak.

    It has nothing to do with Modi.

  16. Lorenzo Says:


    But Endia also has a FULL FLEDGED federal govt.s in addition. They can deal with FOREIGN governments too.

    Proportionately SL has MORE politicians and political parties.

  17. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    “The past makes man wise, the future makes man ignorant. It is easy to judge the past because we have the luxury of history and the concept of retrospection. On cannot with clarity judge the future due to the constant aspect of change in the present” (Bernard Wijeyasingha 5/27/14).

    Due to many reasons, among them India’s involvement Sri Lanka was the victim of Asia’s longest war. A war against Tamil terrorism. Due to India’s support of the Tamil Tigers for close to 30 years Sri Lanka paid a terrible price on every frontier. After the war ended India continued to attack Sri Lanka using the UN. these are facts that cannot be simply done away with the new election. these are problems that New Delhi created and fostered for so long while India reaped the benefits of peace, India ripped those benefits from Sri Lanka by her proxy war against Colombo. Now that a new party is in power all cannot be simply forgiven and forgotten. India has the burden on her head to make the amends, not Sri Lanka. This is the advantage of retrospection. We can look back at history to see what has been done to bring us to the present situation.

    India cannot undo the relationship that has been fostered between China, Russia and Sri Lanka. India has proved to Sri Lanka that during hard times it was these two nations that have stood by Sri Lanka during the war and after the war. Tamil Nadu, the Tamil Diaspora, the US and New Delhi went out of their way to demonize Colombo, the Rajapakse government, the Buddhist Sanga and the Sinhalese people. None of these issues have gone away. Due to their actions the world media sees Sri Lanka as a gross violator of human rights and not a nation with the oldest Democracy in Asia and a rich Buddhist tradition that valiantly fought and defeated one of the most lethal terrorist organizations in the world. That image is due to New Delhi, Chennai, the Tamil Diaspora, London to Washington D.C.

    Due to those actions taken against Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka has forged an iron tight relationship with China. That too cannot be simply undone or wished away by New Delhi. Instead New Delhi has to deal with a new militarized Sri Lanka whose military is the only one in the 21st century with 30 years of experience in a continuous warfare against terrorism and came out the victor.

    New Delhi has also played a role in the militarization of Pakistan and a contributed to a good deal of the animosity with her neighbors. That is India’s doing and that is the legacy the BJP has inherited. Narendra Modi made the first gesture of reconciliation by inviting all the heads of state in the region to his inauguration. Now as time passes by it is his responsibility to make further amends by visiting Colombo to build on this.

    The acts done by India that has led to so much of suffering to her neighbors is a wound India is responsible in creating and by that in healing. If New Delhi now uses this power to exert herself for her own best interests painted in another color then again the repercussions of those decisions are India’s to bear and not Sri Lanka.

  18. douglas Says:

    I said in an earlier comment: “Mr. Modi – the Prime Minister of India is very well known to be a person working very closely within a “well knitted Inner Circle”. He is also a “Workaholic”. It does not matter how large or small his Cabinet is. He is known well for his “integrity” and has not been subjected to any known accusations of corruption during his management of the Gujarat Province as its Chief Minister.

    The next most important “Indian Cabinet Appointment” as far as Sri Lanka is concerned, is that of the External Ministry now headed by Ms. Sushma Swaraj. She in her tenure of office in the Opposition, visited our country with a delegation on a fact finding mission in 2012. She did not confine her visit to Jaffna only; but visited North, South, East and West and met a large cross section of Politicians (both the Government and the Opposition,) civil society personnel. I remember he coming to South to hand over a railway station that was built by the Indian Government. She met Mr. Sampanthan and our President too. In that delegation there were members from the Tamil Nadu too.

    So this “VVIP” Minister in Modi’s Cabinet is going to be a “VVIP” to us too. She has already got an insight to what is going on in Sri Lanka and it is heartening to note that she is in no way to deviate from a policy of “Territorial Integrity” of our country. That would not be good news for TNL and its membership and Tamil Nadu politicians. Yet, she speaks of a “Genuine Political solution to Minority Tamils”. What this “TRANSLATES” into is and must be our greatest concern.

    One thing our “Leaders” must know and understand is :” You cannot play the fool” at all times. This Government of India is not a “Shaking Tooth” and it has a very strong mandate to rule the country for its full period. Comparatively, our Government claims a 2/3 majority with “Deserters” from other political parties and “Social Parasites” and other “vultures” who will “hang on” so long as their never ending thirst is catered to. This is also known to the Indian Leadership; because it is in their soil too.

    So it is time for our Government also to make an assessment of our “Strengths” (if we have such) and formulate and revisit our Policies and get the best out of this situation and not allow this “opportunity” to slip through.

  19. Marco Says:

    PM Modi is considered to be not only a “workaholic” but also a “doer”.With his strong mandate from the Indian populace he does not have to sway to the Tamil Nadu political antics.
    I do recall meeting Ms. Sushma Swaraj in 2012 following an invitation from the Indian Business Forum in Colombo. She struck me as a head strong and an astute strategist.

    Interestingly i was switching channels between SL Govt news portals and Indian news portals for snippets of news following the meeting between Pres MR and PM Modi.
    The SL Govt news portals concentrated on the fisherman dispute and no mention of the 13th Amendment, whilst the Indian News portal carried an interview with the External Affairs Minister Sushama Swaraj where she clearly mentioned there was an agreement by both countries on the full implementation of the 13th Amendment as pledged by President Rajapakse in 2009.
    There was an interview on (think NDTV) with the Mayor of Jaffna Mrs. Yogeswaray Patgunarajah who confirmed that she was part of the Sri Lankan delegation meeting PM Modi and further confirmed that the implementation of the 13th Amendment was discussed and agreed, including on the insistence of PM Modi land and police powers.

    Like me most people in Colombo switch from SL Govt news portals to Indian, CNN, Al Jazeera or BBC.
    I’m waiting for the “tethered goats” to give us an informed opinion and/or news

  20. Nanda Says:

    “One thing our “Leaders” must know and understand is :” You cannot play the fool” at all times. This Government of India is not a “Shaking Tooth” and it has a very strong mandate to rule the country for its full period. Comparatively, our Government claims a 2/3 majority with “Deserters” from other political parties and “Social Parasites” and other “vultures” who will “hang on” so long as their never ending thirst is catered to. This is also known to the Indian Leadership; because it is in their soil too.
    So it is time for our Government also to make an assessment of our “Strengths” (if we have such) and formulate and revisit our Policies and get the best out of this situation and not allow this “opportunity” to slip through.”

    – Very good point by Douglas.

    Our buggers were cheating the Sinhala and Tamil public, UN , India ,China , .. you name it.
    Our bugger promised 13A + (We cannot forget this) like an idiot even before the war.

    Modi is asking 13A ++ now, already, what are our cheaters going to say ? The same “Bana” they keep saying every day to Lankan public?

    Our buggers MUST go and sit in front of best Buddha statue in Sri Lanka ( I suggest Samadhi Pilimaya in Anu) and start with reciting 3 precepts,
    1. Musaawada VEramani Sikka Padam Samaadiyami
    2. Adinnan Dana Veramani Sikka Padam Samaadiyami
    3. Surameraya Majjapama Datthana Sikka Padam Samaadiyami

    100 times and live up to it.

    Tell Modi ,
    1. We have given equal rights to all citizens already
    2. India did not stop LTTE, it created and continued to support LTTE and thus JR-Rajiv conspiracy is DEAD and GONE including those who signed it and we are replacing 13A with a new one to suit our people not India.
    3. We have changed our life style of eating public alive and Modi is invited to asses it in 3 months time

  21. Lorenzo Says:

    Modi wants to devolve wide powers to the country’s Tamil-majority regions!

    As I predicted. And as Mario quite eloquently put it. Before the election Modi and BJP demanded ONLY 13 amendment. Now going beyond.

    Now may the Modi supporting “patriots” WEEP and HOWL like Tamil women did in May 2009. Or pretend it never happened (this is what they will do.)

    Now lets see how MR will try to FOOL the people and do this. MR dare not devolve wide powers to Tamil-majority areas! If he does he will be flushed down the election toilet.

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has requested Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to deliver on his promises to devolve wide powers to the country’s Tamil-majority regions — a formula called ‘Thirteen-Plus’ that was promised during diplomatic negotiations with former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in 2010.

    “Early and full implementation of the 13th Amendment and going beyond would contribute to this process,” Foreign Secretary Sujata Singh quoted Mr. Modi as telling the Sri Lankan President.

    ‘Thirteen-Plus’ has never been precisely defined, but the 13th Amendment to Sri Lanka’s Constitution which created provincial councils and made both Tamil and Sinhala official languages.

    Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa had boycotted Mr. Modi’s swearing-in ceremony on Monday, to protest against his invitation to Mr. Rajapaksa.”

    Courtesy the Hindu

  22. Lorenzo Says:

    Generally Sinhalese tend to go for the POMPOUS option with EMPTY of SELF DEFEATING results.
    Tamils generally go for the LOW KEY option with RICH and OPPORTUNISTIC results.

    MR was invited, participated in the swearing in. After dinner he gets the bill, 13 + to Tamil majority areas.
    FAT Jaya boycotted it. Her demands were NOT met. But won the war. Got Modi to tell MR to implement 13 + to Tamil majority areas.

    MR ate the poisoned kavum.

    Endia will be Endia Modi, ManMohan or Mohandas. – Prophet Lorenzo.

    Recite this 100 times along with the stanzas Nanda has written.

  23. douglas Says:

    I am extremely happy that Marco, Nanda and Lorenzo on track now on this subject.

    We had only 13 to deal with. Who gave 13 PLUS? . This is how “MOTTARALAS” rule the country assisted by “YES SIR” Professors and “Monitoring Butlers” who man the all important External Ministry. As I pointed out this Ms. Sushma Swaraj is a person to watch. I forgot to mention her visit to the Central Hills too.

    Marco: Thank you for your input. I am glad you know better than all of us. Please keep us informed. Although, I do not wish to use the word more often in use “Bugger”by Ananda; and realizing his frustrations, this “MAN” had made so much of unwanted utterances that put Sri Lanka in so many difficult situations. One such was, when he said , that only 15,000 soldiers are on duties in the North, while his own secretary said in Geneva that there are 85,000 on duty. There are very many and this is not the forum to deal with those.

    I also forgot to mention the “ROLE” that would be played by RAW of India. Someone mentioned of Obama becoming a “PUPPET” in the environment of the presence of CIA;etc. Hope the silence of RAW will be very well observed by our “Monitors” (Idiots). These “Agencies” are capable of anything and everything.

  24. Nanda Says:

    Just watching the photo of our bugger with Modi will tell anyone with a sharp brain thousand words.
    Our bugger appear like a thief, while Modi’s face shows he is the chief.
    The MAN has defeated face, but he should not be worried had he been diligent. Even now it is not too late.
    Honesty and integrity is the answer.

  25. Nanda Says:

    Why is GOSL released even the Endians who were caught with drugs as a “goodwill gesture” ? What kind of goodwill is this ? It proves PURE anarchy.

    Because our Prim Minister is a drug dealer ?

  26. Nanda Says:

    Prophet Lorenzo,

    I still doubt whether Modi will live up to his speech. Even if he did he might get killed by “world mafia” USA.
    Nevertheless, if Modi did, I will be very happy. Justice for humanity shall take precedence.
    We shall die fighting an enemy with integrity rather than living like slaves to thugs, thieves and cheats.

  27. Lorenzo Says:


    AGREE with you. Lets be objective here.

    Actually there is a bigger issue here.

    The problem here is NOT just MR but Modi (Endia to be precise) too.

    This is EXACTLY what Modi THREATENED before the election in Chen-nai against “SMALL” SL. he is now doing it. Diplomatically first, using force next, terrorism thereafter. We know this cycle.

    TRUE MR promised 13 + and MR’s beloved DJ promised FULL 13 amendment at the UNHRC in 2009 (he is still celebrating it!!). And Basil.

    I agree MR’s faults but Modi (and Endia in general) is NOT ANY LESS at fault than MR. CUNNING Modi is taking FOOLISH MR for a ride. Being foolish is unacceptable for a national leader. And EXPLOITING that foolishness is also NOT acceptable.

    Hope you see BOTH sides.

    If we blame ONLY MR and praise Modi we are a bunch of trigger-happy lunatics shooting our own backsides for the sound of it.

  28. Lorenzo Says:


    That is a REAL possibility. They are NOT HAPPY with Modi for DIFFERENT reasons. Something tells me Modi will end up like Indira or Mahatma or his mentor Deendayal Updhyaya or Rajiv or the other Endian PM who mysteriously died. He has to satisfy an ULTRA RACIST vote base but cannot attack Muslims again. If he does, he is doomed by Islamic terrorists. If he doesn’t he is doomed by a new Godse (RSS). UNABLE to do both, Modi will take it on SMALL SAARC countries.

    I hope our best all weather friends China and Pakistan will EXPLOIT this situation to chop Endia into pieces.

    Don’t be fooled by speeches. (S)Hitler was very good in speeches too.

  29. Ananda-USA Says:


    As a Sri Lankan patriot who supports Modi’s ascent to power in India, and wanted Sri Lanka to reach out to him, I still think it is too early for us to decide that Modi is bad for Sri Lanka.

    EVERY Indian leader will want Sri Lanka to implement the 13th Amendment in full, as it is India’s baby shoved down unwilling Sri Lanka’s gagging throat, and it costs them NOTHING, if we SWALLOW it … without VOMITING it OUT.

    As long as Sri Lanka DOES NOT OPPOSE IT, and DOES NOT CLEARLY CONVEY our REASONS for not wanting to Empower SEPARATISTS COMMITTED then and now to the utter destruction of Sri Lanka, India, Modi/BJP will CONTINUE to push the 13th Amendment just as the UPA/Congress Party did. They are doing favors for their Tamil citizens at Sri Lanka’s expense!

    The Sri Lanka Government has to STOP SAYING that we will implement the 13th Amendment.

    Instead, The GOSL must say that we don’t want a Federal Govt in Sri Lanka, even if India feels comfortable with that type of Govt and is prepared to cope with secessionist movements in India (Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and elsewhere) FOREVER! We have BEEN THERE and DONE THAT …. and WE DON’T WANT TO DO IT!

    The 13th Amendment was PUSHED DOWN Sri Lanka’s throat BY FORCE while India was OCCUPYING a large part of Sri Lanka. Such a Law is ILLEGAL under International Law, and Sovereign Sri Lanka is entitled to ABROGATE and REPEAL such a Law. Every sovereign nation is DUTY BOUND to its citizens to do so, as SOON as it can, just as Czechkoslovakia abrogated The Munich Agreement that partitioned it on the eve of World War II, under threat from Nazi Germany. The VICTIM is NEVER DUTY BOUND to honor an agreement it is forced into by an AGGRESSOR, UNDER DURESS! NEVER!

    Until we POSE our OPPOSITION in India’s own CONTEXT, and get them to wear our shoes, for example by devolving autonomy to Kashmir Muslims and face the prospect of disintegration of their own country, they will CONTINUE to PUSH Sri Lanka to devolve power to Separatists. It removes no skin off their noses! As both Sri Lanka and India learned from the British Colonialist, what is mine is mine, what is yours is negotiable.

    AFTER we do that, we have to evaluate what Modi/BJP will do, and take whatever steps are needed. But until then, as long as India believes it can FORCE Sri Lanka to commit harakiri, and we DO NOT CATEGORICALLY REFUSE, they will ask Sri Lanka to devolve power and implement the 13th Amendment.

    As I said before, we have to HOPE for the BEST, and PREPARE for the WORST. By reaching out to Modi/BJP we have LOST NOTHING, but there is a opportunity for gain that MUST BE TESTED.

    Also, as I had said, in the LONGER TERM, Sri Lanka should DISCOURAGE ALL Indian Involvement in Sri Lanka, to wit:
    in the ECONOMY, in LABOR, in BANKING, in CONSTRUCTION, in ENERGY, in OIL & GAS, in HEALTHCARE, in POLITICS, in AUTOS, TRUCKS, BUSES, in VISAS on Arrival for Indians, in TOURISM, in DIPLOMATIC PRESENCE, …. EVERYTHING … because even if Modi/BJP favors Sri Lanka, there is NO GUARANTEE that future Indian Governments will not reverse that posture, given that Tamil Nadu will ALWAYS have HIGHER PRIORITY for India than Sri Lanka. ALWAYS! We have to ESCAPE this DEADLY Indian Embrace, because it will INEVITABLY bite Sri Lanka SOMETIME in the future. That is an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY!

  30. Lorenzo Says:

    It gets even better. Or worse.

    “The key issues of rehabilitation and reconstruction and the 13th amendment was the subject of conversation between the two leaders. “He (Modi) requested the government of Sri Lanka to expedite the process of national reconciliation in a manner that meets the aspirations of the Tamil community for a life of equality, justice, peace and dignity in a united Sri Lanka,” Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh recounted later.

    The conversation covered areas of crucial security cooperation between Sri Lanka and India. The two countries, along with Maldives form a trilateral grouping on security and intelligence in the Indian Ocean, a move that sources say, has been very successful. The trio recently invited Mauritius to join the grouping.

    While Rajapaksa could not bring the chief minister of Northern Provinces, Vigneswaran with him. He did bring along Jaffna’s Tamil Mayor Yogeshwari Pathkunarajah to Monday’s ceremony at the oath taking ceremony of Narendra Modi as India’s prime minister Monday. (Times of India)”.

    Looks like SUJATHA SINGH remembers new things every hour that passes!


    And MR took the EPDP mayor of Jaffna. Not a bad CHOICE but taking a Tamil along with him shows to the world that there is a DIVISION.

    As Mario has pointed out Indian elections only changed the pillow, NOT THE HEAD.

    The SOONER the MR govt. LOSES its 2/3 the BETTER. Dreadful to think what he might do with it now.

  31. Lorenzo Says:


    I have answered you in another comment.

    In short, cunning Modi is exploiting MR’s foolishness. BOTH are at fault.

    Mark my word when the dust settles TNA will have a private session with Modi especially now as Modi has batted for Tamilians. What a BAD start. NO Endian leader EVER made these Tamilian demands just a day after swearing in!!

    Endians are seeing the 2 NDA seats from TN as a MASSIVE victory. They think this is only the START. They see POTENTIAL in TN. To beat TN racist parties, BJP will have to be WORSE Tamil racists than them!

  32. Nanda Says:

    MR should grow up quickly.

    He will come home and make the lion’s roar at the next opening ceremony.

  33. Nanda Says:


    13++ came first. Then came LLRC rubbish.
    How to get rid of these two smelly bins ? It is a challenge out of our bugger’s intellectual capacity to handle.

  34. Nanda Says:

    Double Modi.

    Modi assures Jaya of ‘absolute cooperation’ between Centre, TN

    May 18, 2014 15:52 IST

    Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi on Sunday assured Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa of “absolute cooperation” between the Centre and her state while lauding her for her party’s stupendous victory in the Lok Sabha polls.
    Modi spoke to Jayalalithaa over phone and thanked her for her letter on Friday congratulating him for his party’s ‘magnificent win’ in the elections.
    “Selvi (Ms) J Jayalalithaa, wished him a very successful tenure as prime minister of India. The Hon’ble Prime Minister — designate assured the Hon’ble Chief Minister that there will be absolute co-operation between the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu,” a state government release said.
    Modi’s assurance came in the wake of the AIADMK chief saying in her letter that she looked forward to a meaningful era of Centre-state cooperation with the BJP leader at the helm of affairs.
    The release said Modi also congratulated Jayalalithaa for her party’s ‘remarkable victory’ where she notched up 37 of the 39 seats in the state.

  35. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Lorenzo: The rise of Modi could be (not necessarily will be) a set back to the nationalist movement. the Sinhalese Nationalist movement is not led by Rajapakse or Colombo. By inviting Rajapakse to Modi’s inauguration the Nationalist movement may have lost some clout in Colombo. If Modi presses on the 13th amendment in defining his foreign policy with Sri Lanka then the nationalist movement maintains its power in Colombo if not increases it. Let’s see if the BJP is willing to carry the baggage of the Congress party when it comes to Sri Lanka. I believe Pakistan and especially China will also be watching. The US under that communist idiot Obama is a los case.

  36. douglas Says:

    Nanda:The question you raised: “Why did we release the 12 fisherman who were alleged to have been caught smuggling drugs?”

    When this “POACHING” was going on for some time now, by both Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan fishermen without a solution by either party; it became a very suspicious “BUSINESS”. Sri Lanka has spent millions of our money in getting our fishermen released from the custody of the Indian Authorities; so with I believe the Indians too would have spent a tidy some of their money. If you remember, during the past so many were released on the orders of our President and similar gestures were extended to S/L too. In like manner this time too 50 odd S/L fishermen are due to be released.

    With the latest arrest of these 12 Indian fishermen by S/L authorities (I believe it is our Navy) on suspicion of “Drug Trafficking” don’t you think there is some thing “FISHY” in this whole saga of “POACHING?”

    However, S/L should never have released these “12 fishermen” who have been taken into custody by our Navy on suspicion of “Drug Trafficking”. This is more than a “Blunder” and it is smelling some thing very much more than “POACHING” and “High Commands” of both the countries are acting in a very “irresponsible and a suspicious” manner. Why?

  37. Marco Says:

    Not exactly sure what this Sri Lankan (Sinhalese) nationalist movement is or who represents such a movement.
    We have witnessed swings and round abouts to hood wink the local populace and gain media coverage.
    For example, the clown prince of the Cabinet (Wimal) put forward a 12 point proposal to his Excellency the President.
    2 years ago the same Clown Prince was “dead” against the implementation of the 13th Amendment and seeking the abolishment of the same. I will let you readers figure out what his 12 point proposal says about the 13th Amendment.

    He is having pot shots at the Treasury Secretary Dr PBJ (not that i would defend PBJ) without realising that each and every decision on a Monetary Policy would require the prior approval of the Cabinet for furtherance and the President and more importantly investor confidence. Needless to say that one is accustomed to Wimal antics.

    Casino Bill (or so called) was another that Wimal did a 180 degree turn.

    Would he quit the Govt? no chance how would he afford the electricity bill on his mansion or Rs 40,000 per month on his hair care

  38. Lorenzo Says:


    Yes. A temporary set back. But they will be back. Elections will be held next year so they have a place.

    Tamilians’ nationalist movement (TNA) has been surprisingly silent lately (apart from bitching about banning their TERRORIST fronts). Obviously they are WEEPING !

  39. Lorenzo Says:


    Yes. A temporary setback.

    Tamil racists (TNA) has gone silent. They are in WEEPING because their FAT “amma” couldn’t become a power broker!!

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