A reply to one sided writing by Kalana Senaratna
Posted on June 26th, 2014

Herold Leelawardena

Very strongly and fundamentally, Muslims believe that Allah had created everything we perceive, and there is no God other than Allah, and Quran has nothing but the word of Allah, and Muhammad is the last prophet that Allah had send. Consequently, every Muslim appreciates, rationalizes and follow Sunna which is the life style and the work of Muhammad.

 What Muslims worship and believe is their own matter. It’s true that we non-Muslims should bother about it and live with dread. Why non-Muslims have to be concerned about the tenets of Islam is; so many verses of the Koran, which supposed to be the word of Allah, tells Muslims what to do to others in detail and the behaviour of Muslims at large.

 But Kalana says he is not concerned about whether or not the Muslims undertake a self-critical view of their own community. What matters to him is how fiery oratory by Gnanasara thero work the mob violence. And the way that the singer Madhumadawa invoked a helping hand to it. And the historical sayings and doings of Anagarika Dharmapala. Kalana had forgotten at least to mention about the only Sinhala-Muslim riot (1915) was started on a Poson Poya day at 1 am by Muslims throwing stones at a procession of carol carts from a roadside mosque just like this time around.

 I see for sure that there are no Muslims around with an outlook similar to that of Sinhalas like Kalana. Muslims are feistily loyal to their race and religion. One only has to read CT to perceive it. All Muslims there including the ones that write under Sinhala names says Sinhala Buddhists are racists and bigots and they are harassing the innocent Muslims.

 What Muslims must do to non-Muslims (kufars) are clearly mentioned in many a verse in the Quran. The word Kill” is mentioned 133 times in one hundred verses in the Quran. If so, do we need to talk about what Muslims would have done to kufars. How Muslims converted kufar to be Muslim, and if not they were forced to pay jizya (poll tax), and if they refuses that they were expelled or killed is clearly written in the Islamic history. Anyone could see that Sinhala Buddhists who has a history of 2,500 years are facing existential challenges from changing modalities of Muslim life in the modern day. How?

 Like in all other countries the world over, Muslims in Sri Lanka are also divided into sects and fight among themselves. Fundamentalists tell us that, that is their problem and not a problem of Sinhalese. People like Kalana accept it in Toto. But we Sinhalas insist that fundamentalists engage in fighting as an effort to breed jihadists. Does not Kalana understand that that’s how fights between Muslims have become a concern for Ven. Gnanasaras.

 On May 29, 1996, ACJU sponsored Wahhabi fundamentalists’ arson struck the Sufi mosque named ‘Thareekathul Mufliheen’ in Kathankoody at 1 A.M. On October 31, 2004, at 12:30 p.m., 500 Tawheeds again crashed in and set the Centre ablaze, destroying its library, along with homes and businesses owned by Sufis. On December 15, 2006, Hordes of Tawheed thugs overran the same Meditation Centre knocked down its minaret then exhumed the body of its founder, MSM Abdullah (Rah) who was buried the day before and burned it. Then they burned around 150 houses of his followers. Two were injured, one lost an arm and many fled the district. Hakeem and co shield these acts from the world. Americans act as if they don’t know it. For Pillay of cause, victims may not have lost their human rights. Pseudo learned like Kalalana thinks those are simple problems that Hakeems ought to solve themselves. And breeding Jihads should not be a problem for Sinhalas. What a BS thought!

 To what extent Muslim fundamentalism has spread to Beruwala can be accessed from the taped sermon that Wahhabi fundamentalist delivered the day after the annual kandhoori (feast) at 150 year old Buhkary Thakiyya of traditional Quadri Sufis on 23rd 2009. The loud-speaker amplified taped sermon of Wahhabi fundamentalist have compared Buhari Thakiyya to a Buddhist Temple, the Kandhoori to a Dansal and the archways erected at the entrance to a Wesak Pandal. In that Wahhabi degraded both Sufis and Buddhists. Sufis complained to the police. Wahhabis avoided the police. But the clash dragged on to the following day.

 Both parties argued about the correct interpretations of the Quran and Hadith at the recently (at the time) opened Wahhabi mosque on 25th and ended in a brawl that killed two and 40 severely injured. Sinhala political vermin who rely on Muslim vote bank covers the fact that Muslims are fighting to breed jihadist from Sinhalas and the world. But they punch on a Buddhist fundamentalism in BBS and RB who expose the threat to Buddhists.

 As I can see, reason for all Muslim fights is the problems in interpreting what’s written in the Koran as Allah’s word that Muhammad said as conveyed to him through angel Gabrial1400 years back. Today, it has become a problem for us as well because Wahhabi and Salafi Tawheeds who were indoctrinated in Saudi are trying to make us dance to their tunes.

 Muslim men and women donned in full covered Arab robes, mantles or hijabs or nicabs or whatever that we have never seen before is in the open in hordes. And traditional Muslims are being undermined and attacked by fundamentalists. And new religious item like hallal are being forced fed us. We need no further convincing that enough jihadists have been bred by now. Since Muslims have become a challenge for Sinhala Buddhists, we too need to know the proper interpretation of Koran. And advise the Buddhists.

 We know very well that Ayagama Samitha thero was attacked by jihadists on the Poson Poya day. Does Kalana sees what we see?

10 Responses to “A reply to one sided writing by Kalana Senaratna”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Thank you for telling the BITTER TRUTH Leela.

    Sunni cancer is spreading in SL far too faster. Wahabism is only part of it. Sunni Islam is the problem AROUND THE WORLD.

  2. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    I agree with the article Herold Leelawardena has written that points out the intolerance of Islam. But the question begs why does the UN tolerate this intolerance? Sharia Law goes against the very principles of Human rights and yet the UN does nothing to 50 odd Muslim nations who blatantly forbid the practice of other faiths on their lands and have regulations that are medieval towards their own people.

    The simple answer is that “Sharia law” is the “law”.

    Let me explain from another angle. Australia had immigration laws that forbid non Europeans from entering her land till that was reformed in the 1970’s. The same holds true with the US where her immigration laws were amended in the 1960’s to allow non European immigrants in. But till then those laws were valid laws upheld by these nations and by the UN. Even today there are many nations across the world with very strict immigration laws that make the US and Australian immigration laws look highly “civilized”. China and Japan forbid citizenship to anyone who is not of their ethnic background. That too is upheld by the UN.

    There are 50 Muslim nations who have made Islam the state faith that strictly adheres to the Sharia laws. There are 15 Christian nations that have made Christianity a state religion including England. Finally there are dozens upon dozens of nations whose immigration laws forbid any citizenship to anyone except people from their nations. They include powers like Russia, China, Japan, to scores of Asian and African nations thereby preserving their culture.

    If Buddhism is made a state faith of Sri Lanka the tenets of Buddhism would dictate the laws of the land. Looking at it in history nations and civilizations that were under the sway of Buddhism saw a highly enlightened civilization that put a lot of emphasis on the well being of her people. There fore Buddhism and Buddhist laws are good for Sri Lanka and not oppressive as the Sharia laws of Islam.

    A Buddhist state religion of Sri Lanka would put Buddhism front and center and allow other faiths to flourish without jeopardizing the Buddhist culture of Sri Lanka. Considering the high standards of Buddhism it should be encouraged that non Buddhists also adopt to be Buddhists if they live in Sri Lanka. they should be taught the basic lessons of Buddhism and if they choose not to be Buddhists so be it. If they are a threat to the Buddhist state then a tax can be placed on them to “level the field” with the Buddhist majority. From there all Buddhist sacred areas get first priority.

    The teachings and propagation of other faiths should be discouraged as the state religion is Buddhism but they can still practice their faith as in Indonesia. It would end the need for people to take the law into their own hands and act like vigilantes which is the root cause of world wide condemnation.

  3. Ratanapala Says:

    As long as President Rajapakse is influenced, cornered and roundly controlled by the Christian Church mainly the Catholic Church we cannot expect anything in favour of Buddhism coming out of this administration. The very fact of appointing a walking mummy as the Buddha Sasana Minister, who is associated more with drug peddling than Buddhist Affairs, is a pointer to this fact. Ever since the Buddha Sasana Ministry was introduced every Minister who was appointed to the post has been a weakling or a traitor to the Buddhist cause.

    Just offering flowers at various places of Buddhist worship and giving minimal help to the Buddhist establishment to keep them happy outwardly is not sufficient for the welfare and giving pride of place to Buddhism according to the provisions in the Constitution.

    How much will the Sri Lanka government spend to entertain the Catholic Pope in the near future? Cannot the Billions to be spend for some other worthy cause? What benefits will Sri Lanka get from his visit. Just as much as Modi told the President to implement the 13th Amendment and more, the Pope too will ask him to remove any impediments to the spread of Catholicism in Sri Lanka. The Pope will repeat the words of Pope Jean Paul II – “21st Century is for Evangelization of Asia” This time the President will have to eat the humble pie in his own home!

    Sri Lanka is at cross roads again. Time has come to define certain fundamental truths about the continued existence of Buddhism and a Buddhist population in Sri Lanka. We are threatened with robbery of land, destruction of our culture, loss of the preeminent position for Buddhism. It is time to talk about what Anagarika Dharmapala and Soma Hamudurwo spoke. The very politicians who have come to power on the back of the Sinhala Buddhist sentiment are now denigrating it.

    Sri Lanka must get ready to expose the traitors and wage a peaceful war against the visible loss of physical, cultural and moral space. Do we want to end up as another Iraq, an Afghanistan, a Libya, or a Syria.

    Those who can please publish “Before American Intervention bringing Democracy and Human Rights ” and “After American Intervention, Democracy and Human Rights” to the afore mentioned countries.

  4. Lorenzo Says:


    I AGREE SL should be OFFICIALLY WITHOUT ANY AMBIGUITY be declared a UNITARY SINHELA BUDDHIST country where others too can live with equal personal rights.

    But I DISAGREE on the following.

    1. “Considering the high standards of Buddhism it should be encouraged that non Buddhists also adopt to be Buddhists if they live in Sri Lanka.”

    NO! Let them follow their religion. That is the spirit of a tolerant Buddhist society.

    2. “they should be taught the basic lessons of Buddhism and if they choose not to be Buddhists so be it.”

    It should be their CHOICE. NO compulsion.

    3. “If they are a threat to the Buddhist state then a tax can be placed on them to “level the field” with the Buddhist majority.”

    NO! Tax should be same for all.

    But the bigger question is WHO is going to do it?

  5. Muhandiram Says:

    All the problems of Sri Lankan Buddhists are created and fed by the Christians,to rule us by cunningly.even Muslim countries internal wars are orchestrated by Christian west either by occupation or creating terror outfits to save their hegemony, for the last 500 years or so they are killing and looting the non-Christian world.but Islam has gone to it’s backyard and they start to taste it.(the terrorism they have created).we Buddhist should be more vigilant.

  6. Ben Silva Says:

    Excellent article by Herold. It is worthwhile mentioning that some Muslims believe rthat you can go to heaven by killing non believers. Muslims that are hostile are a serious threat to the Sinhala people. Al Haj Kalana is a threat.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    The violent Ramadan period starts in SL from tomorrow.

    It is a period of violence around the world. The religion of peace website expects over 20,000 killings in 2014 Ramadan mostly Muslims killing Muslims.

    All mosques in SL should be monitored by CCTV.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    According to Jaffna sources parts of pigs have been thrown at the mosque with pig waste mixed with petrol or engine oil was also thrown in.

    The prayer room used by Muslims for worship at the University of Jaffna in Thirunelvely was vandalised during night by unknown persons who poured waste engine oil and defiled the premises.

    In a separate development a gang of helmeted hoodlums riding on motor cycles thre stones on a Mosque in Jaffna after nighfall and damaged several windows.

    The Kamal Mosque situated in the “Muslim Vattaaram”(Muslim ward)of Jaffna near the Jaffna-Manipay road was the Islamic place of worship that came under attack. No one was injured.

    A large crowd of Muslims gathered at the premises immediately.Police and Military personnel also arrived on the scene.
    The prayer room used by Muslims for worship at the University of Jaffna in Thirunelvely was vandalised during night by unknown persons who poured waste engine oiland defiled the premises.

    In a separate development a gang of helmeted hoodlums riding on motor cycles thre stones on a Mosque in Jaffna after nighfall and damaged several windows.

    The Kamal Mosque situated in the “Muslim Vattaaram”(Muslim ward)of Jaffna near the Jaffna-Manipay road was the Islamic place of worship that came under attack. No one was injured.

    A large crowd of Muslims gathered at the premises immediately. Police and Military personnel also arrived on the scene.”

    -DBSJ website

  9. Marco Says:

    One ought to read Dr Kalana Seneratna article (available on GV and CT) to judge if it was “one sided writing” especially with the caveat “I would add that my critique is not to be read as an endorsement of everything that is done by the Muslim community”.
    I thought a very good analysis.

    Needless to say, Herold looked at the “Politics of Aluthgama” from one side too but with no caveats.

    I fail to understand how the fights between Muslims have become a concern for Ven. Gnanasaras. Is Ven Gnanasara now policing the Muslim, Christian and Buddhist communities?

  10. Leela Says:

    True,Kalana said he is not endorsing ‘everything that is done by the Muslim community.’ And that’s all.

    I have no doubt that the man is another Tisaranee Gunasekara albeit a weakling. In that he has not just castigated Gnanasaras for the Aluthgama ‘mob’ violence without looking into the context but indirectly complicated Anagarika Dharmapala and S Mahinda as well. And that’s why I decided to pen a reply.

    As for me, I admit my write-ups and comments in different pseudonyms to CT and etc have always being one sided. And that’s me. Anyway, I have clearly shown where and why Kalana’s article is one sided.

    To understand why and “how the fights between Muslims have become a concern for Ven. Gnanasaras” please read my following reply to a commentator of CT (Kalana’s article in Sinhala), one ‘Peace Lover’.

    ඔබ කියන්නේ බෞද්ධ අපත් තව්හීද් මූලධර්මවාදීන් මෙන් 2500 වසරකට පෙර බුදුන් දේශණාකල ධර්මයේ (ත්‍රිපිටකයේ) වචනයක් වචනයක් පාසා හාරා බලා හරි දෙයම තෝරා බේරා ගෙන එයම පමණක් අනුගමනය කර මේ භවයේදීම නිවන් යායුතු බවද? එසේ නම් බුදුන්වහන්සේ සිගාලෝවාද සූත්‍රය දේශණාකලේ කුමටද?

    ලංකාචේ බෞද්ධයන් සිංහල බෞද්ධයන් උනේ කෙසේද, ඔවුන් තායි හෝ වෙනත් ථේරවාද බෞද්ධයන්ගෙන් වෙනස් වන්නේ කෙසේදැයි ඔබ දන්නේද? කෙසේවෙතත් මහායාන වේවා ථේරවාද වේවා, කිසිම බෞද්ධයෙක් හරි බෞද්ධාගම තෝරා බේරා ගැනීමට මුසල්මනයන් මෙන් ලෝකයේ කොහේවත් ගහ මරා ගන්නේ නැත. සෑම අාගමකම හරය විය යුත්තේ එයයි.

    එතකොට මෙතන ප්‍රශ්ණය වන්නේ බෞද්ධාගම වැනි අාගමක් අදහන්නන් සමග අනෙකුත් අාගම් අදහන්නන්ට විශේෂයෙන් මුසල්මනයන්ට සහඡීවනයෙන් ඡීවත්වීමට බැරි අැයිද යන්න විය යුතුය. මුසල්මනයන් සමස්තයක් වශයෙන් අවිහිංසාවාදීද? ලොව සෑම රටක මුසල්මානුවන් කල්ලි බෙදී ගහ මරා ගනී. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේත් එහෙමය. එ්ක ඔවුන්ගේ ප්‍රශ්ණයක් බවත් සිංහලයන්ගේ ප්‍රශ්ණයක් නොවන බවත් මූලධර්මවාදී මුසල්මානුවන් අපට කියයි. ඔබ වැන්නන් එය පිලි ගනීවි. නමුත් BBS, RB වැන්නන් කියන්නේ මූලධර්මවාදීන් ගහ මරා ගැනීම් කරන්නේ ඡිහාඩ් කල්ලි බෝ කරගෙන ශ්‍රි ලංකාව මොහොමඩන් කිරීමට බවය.

    ඡිහාඩ්කාරයින් කියන්නේ මුසල්මන් අාගම වෙනුවෙන් මැරී සලෙල ගැහැනුන් සැමදා කන්‍යාවන් වී සිටින දිව්‍යලෝකයට ගොස් සැප විදින්නනට බලාගෙන ඉන්න අය බව අපි දනිමු. සිංහල බෞද්ධයාට මුසල්මනයන්ගෙන් එල්ලවී අැති අභියෝගයන් කෙතෙක්ද යන්න වෙනම ලිපියකින් විස්තර කල යුතුය. කෙටියෙන් කියන්නේනම් මොහම්මඩ්ගේ අාගම පටන්ගත්තේත් ප්‍රචලිත කලේත් පවත්වාගෙන ගියේත් ගහමරා ගෙනයි.

    ශ්‍රි ලංකා තව්හීඩ් ඡමාත් කියන ඡාහාඩ්කාරයින් බෝ කරන සන්විධානයේ අබ්දුල් රසාක් කියන ලේකම් 2013 අප්‍රියෙල් 13 වන දින මාලිගාවත්තේ ප්‍රසිද්ධ රැස්වීකදී කීවේ බුදුන්වහන්සේ මිනීමස් කෑ බවත් ත්‍රිවිධ රත්නය කියන්නේ ගල්ගෙඩි දෙකක් බවය. එ් මේ රටේ 10% මුසල්මනයන් සිටිද්දීය. මේ බෝ කරගෙන යන විධියට ඉස්සරහට මොනවා නම් කියා බෞද්ධයාට අපහාස කරයිද? දැන්වත් ඥානසාරලාගේ ප්‍රශ්ණය කුමක්දැයි ඔබට නොවැටහෙන්නේද?

    Sorry, I have no time to translate for the time being. I hope you can read and understand Sinhala.

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