Australians Feel the Tamil Heat
Posted on July 5th, 2014

Prof. Hudson McLean

Australia in row over boats carrying Tamil asylum seekers
This was an Australian self-created problem, which has now reached the “Pain” mainly from the Aussie citizens.
In the UK, which has a huge Sri Lanka Tamil contingent, has experienced a concoction of criminal activity, from Drug running, Prostitution, Credit Card theft, Severe violence, Blackmail, Extorsion, Illegal Human trafficing, Money Laundering etc, is well documented.
Recently, the Tamils in Canada were creating similar problems which Canada will begin to regret their “soft hearted” policy towards Tamil Asylum seekers.
France and Italy also have their share of Tamil refugees, carrying their own excess baggage.  Switzerland has taken drastic actions to contain the issue.
What Australians should do, if I may give my “two cents” worth of opinion, is to shunt all these Tamil Asylum seekers to their own “Homeland” Tamil Nadu.
The Sri Lankan government under the leadership of HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa has “bent over backwards” to rehabilitate Tamil Terrorists. Moreover, some of the wealthiest Tamils in Sri Lanka have great European level lifestyles.
Colombo, Kotahena, Wellawatte have vast populations of Tamils enjoying life, far better than the Sinhala residents.
The Defense, under Secretary Gothabhaya Rajapakse, has taken a balanced but a professional commendable policy towards the defense of the Island.
Today, Thanks to the leadership of Rajapaksa brothers, the Island of Sri Lanka has turned into a Serene Peaceful place to live.
PS: Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha – Thank you for your critical observations. Much appeciated.
Lorenzo – Keep up your active participation.
Sheni Waduge – Appreciate your journalistic skills, in the defense of Sri Lanka.
And of course, Thanks LankaWeb for this open opportunity!
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5 Responses to “Australians Feel the Tamil Heat”

  1. Nanda Says:

    Rather Tamils now feel the Australian heat ! That is why they now have chosen the winter in Australia to arrive here.

    Nevertheless our stupid buggers should use their tiny heads to take this opportunity to ask Australians to bring their cameras and make a documentary to prove to the world that the FALSE refugee nonsense and monkey rights of the Tamils are better than that of Australian Abos..

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    BOAT SOLUTION is what I have proposed for a long time. Let boats LEAVE SL but NOT REACH shore anywhere.

    It can be done and there will be NO TRACE whatsoever. Tamil MEN get into boats. After they get PR they get their wives, etc.

    IF a boat leaves SL every week with 135 Tamil men on board that is 52 x 135 = 7,020 Tamil men a year which equals to the annual GROWTH of Tamil men in SL. If this can be achieved, SL can overcome the Tamil problem in a generation. It will force Tamil women to intermarry and there will be peace. Next should be Arabs.

  3. SA Kumar Says:

    In the UK, which has a huge Sri Lanka Tamil contingent, has experienced a concoction of criminal activity, from Drug running, Prostitution, Credit Card theft, Severe violence, Blackmail, Extorsion, Illegal Human trafficing, Money Laundering etc, is well documented. ??? where ? How much ? out of 300,00 Tamils?

    Modi & lady have plan & Dady (NP CM) will be summons soon .
    this time We Koddiyas Thampis not there to send back IPKF.
    Good luck !

  4. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    After reading the article what came to the forefront is the same mindset of Sri Lankan Tamils and the sense of their “exclusivity”. It is this mindset that has effectively kept them separate from the rest of the population of Sri Lanka. The “provincial” mindset that they have separate “homelands’, that their culture is inherently superior to others be in Sinhalese or other Indian communities is part of the “baggage” they have taken with them to the new host nations.

    In many ways they share a similar attitude with Muslims who also feel that due to their faith all other faiths are wrong simply because it is not Islam. It is the same mindset that led to the Eelam war and the concept that only a separate nation for the Tamils would be the solution for all the problems they claim. As one could see that has been tried by the Indian Muslims to create the “perfect solution” of a separate Islamic homeland called Pakistan and ended up with more problems than before the creation of that nation.

    Now that these Sri Lankan Tamils, most who have never ventured outside of their culture, have decided to make extremely alien nations as their homes they now are facing even greater alienation either from the host nation or self inflicted. My family was a highly westernized English speaking family in Colombo. It was a choice made by my parents that English should be spoken at home and I attended St. Peters college in the English curriculum. I lived the western way of life offered in Colombo during the 1960’s and yet when my family arrived to the US it was a “culture shock”.

    I cannot even imagine a community so insulated by their own preconceptions of what is “cultured” and what is not to then go to the First world and not feel an extreme version of a “culture shock”. Considering how highly they hold their Tamil culture (just as in the case of Muslims) it would be even harder for the Sri Lankan Tamils to accept elements of the host nation’s culture without a sense of repugnance. In return the dominant population of these host nations would find the Sri Lankan Tamils sense of “superiority” misplaced and would generally pull away from them. This would be most true in Australia, New Zealand to Europe.

  5. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Dear Prof. Hudson McLean. I noticed at the bottom of your article you thanked me for my input. It is seldom that a person who writes the article takes the time to address the commenters. In behalf of all the commenters thank you for your attention to our comments and your response.

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