Investigate NGO heads: Coughing Human Rights for plush lifestyles
Posted on July 22nd, 2014

Shenali D Waduge

 Mega millions has been disbursed to the bank accounts of organizations set up to deliver ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ to ‘undemocratic’ nations. These NGOs set up have an explicit object and it has nothing to do with human rights to democracy and everything to do with preparing the groundwork for agendas of those disbursing the funds. The local lacoreens or sepoys as we have every right to call them are paid to do a job and they are paid handsomely too. Remove the monetary aspect would these so-called NGO heads deliver the same speeches with the same gusto? To this brigade of paid mouthpieces the Bar Association has plugged itself and the dollar disbursements reveal the source to their sudden anti-Lankan stand as well. Is there any credibility when these civil society leaders are simply puppets and if so why should they have any say in how a country is run?

 One of the first things that need to be investigated is the property ownership, business interests and stakes that these so-called human rights advocates have both in Sri Lanka and overseas. This will expose the scale of misappropriation and malpractices taking place by those pointing fingers.

 Obviously they have become ultra-millionaires by agreeing to function as agents and foreign stooges of external sources. They are sent money to conduct research, compile reports and hold workshops not with the intention of doing any good but to gather data which once sent overseas another lot of brains get busy on ways and means to use these compiled data against the countries they target for ‘change’. They are paid to travel globally, address forums and deliver speeches and statements to show there is another side, another version to which money has helped build false hyped propaganda to show they have plenty of followers and media has been rewards and paid handsomely to carry a notion that these NGOs have a vast following. The truth is they don’t – all those who join are those wanting to put their fingers into the money generating kitty. It is an elite cocktail circle of people who have common agendas that are funded and they remain in their roles as long as they can deliver and for as long as they can deliver. For that outsourced role they are handsomely rewarded and given the media credentials and recognition so that they are made to look on par with VIPs and in fact they get invited to VIP and diplomatic circles as well.

 When these paid civil society experts are those that foreign parliamentarians or foreign delegations meet to get the pulse of the other side, we can be rest assured that the versions they give will never be positive of any good happening in the country. It is from these paid civil society experts, NGO heads that foreign reports get compiled using statements and reports compiled from them. How are these reports compiled? They are funded from foreign governments and agencies that are tasked to carry out regime change so can we expect any impartiality or unbiased reports.

 The entire civil society representation at UN level is a big farce and simply a means of getting what Western liberals want via supposedly unbiased NGOs when they are neither unbiased or impartial because they are paid employees only.

 Canada, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, the EU and USA collaborated to donate 3 NGOs that are often quoted on international arena as the mouthpieces for democracy”, transparency” and truth” our next question unanswered thus far is what have these organizations being doing with over Rs.600million given to them?

 Donors gave 618.33million to 3 NGOs – Centre for Policy Alternatives headed by Pakiasothy Saravanamuthy received Rs.277million, National Peace Council headed by Jehan Perera received Rs.171million while Transparency International received Rs.174million.  

 The manner in which foreign nations fund various initiatives/campaigns, conferences etc are too many to list. Russia recently closed USAID as it was accused of interfering in political processes in Russia.

 Transparency International Sri Lanka Donors:

·         Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
World Bank
TI Secreteriat
NED Wasington D C USA
European Union
Helvetas Sri Lanka
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
Stromme Foundation
Janawaboda Kendraya
Bmz Foundation through the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany

 Transparency International has spent Rs. 339,303,724 from 2004-2012.

 Donors for 2012 to CPA were

·         Academy for Education Development (AED)

·         ARD-USAID

·         Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

·         Diakonia

·         European Union (EU)

·         Ford Foundation

·         Forum of Federations

·         Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)

·         International Budget Project

·         International Media Support (IMS)

·         National Democratic Institute (NDI)

·         NORAD

·         OXFAM GB

·         Save the Children in Sri Lanka

·         Swiss Mission in Sri Lanka

·         The Asia Foundation (TAF)

·         The Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies in Sri Lanka

·         The Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit

·         The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)

·         UNICEF

·         UNDP

·         UNHCR

·         USAID

 National Peace Council Annual report for 2013 disclosed its spending

Type of Expenditure 2012 (In Rupees) 2013 (In Rupees)
Project 29,058,437.16 30,013,590.18
Personnel & recurring 26,652,231.51 812,300.00
Capital 58,499,596.99 66,210,515.79

 NPC donors for 2013 have included EU, CAFOD, DIAKONIA, SAKAI fund, US State Department, Norwegian embassy and SPICE.

 Other donors have included Meyers Norris Penny Ltd RM (Canada), Canadian International Development Agency, Berghof Foundation (Germany), Facilitating Local Initiatives for Conflict Transformation (Germany), Stichting Cordaid (The Netherlands), Norwegian Embassy, Commission Des Communautes (Norway), ICT for Peace Foundation (Switzerland), Dep. F. Auswaert, Angelegenheiten (Switzerland), Swedish Embassy, Swedish International Development Agency, Goldman Sachs Grant (UK), Minority Rights GRP Ltd BCA (UK), European Commission, Transparency International Division (UK), Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (UK), European Union, Diakonia (US), Forum of Federations/Forum Des (US), International Media Support (US), the Ford Foundation (US), Fredskorpset Bergen (US), National Endowment for Democracy (US), Partnership for Transparency Fund (US) and Academy for Educational Development (US).

 It is no better a time to investigate the monies disbursed to these civil society and NGOs, the disbursements to the heads of these organizations, their purchase of property, business interests, shares etc for that will reveal another dark side to these so-called humanitarian angels.




9 Responses to “Investigate NGO heads: Coughing Human Rights for plush lifestyles”

  1. AnuD Says:

    some of these organizations are church affiliated and their job is conversion. Some other organizations are CIA. I tis stupid that no one knows.

    Organizations that are funded by a particular govt are there to promote that govt.

  2. douglas Says:

    The necessity to “scrutinize”, “regulate” and “subjected to transparency and accountability” was there quite for some time; but due to negligence, lethargy, and mostly to vested interests connected with personal gain and gratifications that need was set aside and overlooked until the “BUG” started invading and attacking the “LABYRINTH”of the society. This “Bug Attack” has multiplied in geometrical proportions and at least a “wake up call” has been made now and it is heartening to know that some regulatory measures are proposed.

    The writer of this article has dealt with these organizations operating under cover of various names and objectives reflecting a vast array of so called “social” activities. Also very recently, one such “MOGUL” filed a case in courts claiming millions of unpaid money to him by a “DONOR” country. All these people are surprisingly well “educated” with so many letters in the English alphabet added at the beginning and end of their names. Also they are well “connected” in all respects to the “elite” of the society who administer the country. So it is nothing surprising that they are well looked after and cared for.

    However, the “Authorities” have now felt the pinch so much that they have received a “wake up call” to act and that resulted in bringing new legislation to “discipline” the “prodigal”, all this while considered to be a “decent child”. This proposal has erupted in volcanic proportions in the “media” and the so called “international community”. The “Head of the World Police Force’- USA, has got so embittered and called upon our Government to follow “Democratic Norms” in taking action to regulate these NGO and INGOs. But interestingly they “HIDE” their own action of regulating these organizations with a plan that is before the current sessions of the US Congress. This Bill is termed “State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Bill 2014” and it is called “Partner Vetting System (PVS).

    I would urge our Governmental Authorities to take a look at this “PROPOSAL” and formulate our “Policy and Administrative Rules and Guide Lines” protecting and catering to our local needs and prerogatives. Among some of the priorities are; the names of all officers starting from the Board of Management level down to all the employees with their personal details, such as, date of birth, citizenship, identity details, addresses, sex, professions and other employment details and conduct a “through security check”. The “Proposed Project” must be evaluated to assess the added value to the society and the country and if it meets the “National Needs” and then only such organizations will be registered and permitted to operate within the country. There must also be mechanism to evaluate on an ongoing basis the work done and there must be “DISCLOSURES” of all “Revenue and Expenditures” properly accounted and audited by a “Registered Auditor” and further subjected to “INSPECTION” by the Government Auditor General. Also such legislation must be made to bring ANYONE OR MORE PERSONS involved in NON COMPLIANCE before the Law Courts and punitive action MUST be taken without consideration of such person or persons “Status” and “Connections”. These are some of the FEATURES that must be introduced to “DISCIPLINE” this “unruly monster”. Hope our government will initiate action soon.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Bravo! Make it IMPOSSIBLE for these NGO puppets of foreign paymasters to MAKE A LIVING from UNDERMINING the Nation!

    We have called for such action for a LONG TIME … it is FINALLY HAPPENING.

    The MORE TOLERANT the GoSL becomes, the MORE ARROGANT & AGGRESSIVE these NGOs become, thinking they are above the Law of the Land.

    This is one of the BEST WAYS to draw their fangs and STOP them from DESTABILIZING the Nation.

    The OTHER is to INVESTIGATE, ARREST, PROSECUTE, CONVICT & PUNISH these TRAITORS under the Treason Laws of Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka to prevent NGOs from receiving foreign funds – report

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    July 21, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government had decided to prevent certain Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are threats to the national security from receiving foreign funds, according to a local newspaper report.

    The Sinhala daily Divaina quoting unnamed high level sources reported today that the government had decided to notify the Central Bank regarding the measure.

    According to the repot seven Western countries were supporting six NGOs that are a threat to the national security of Sri Lanka.

    Reportedly the six NGOs have received funds to launch campaigns to force the withdrawal of military from the North and bring war crime charges against the security forces.

    The report further stated that the US had summoned the leaders of two of the NGOs to that country and held secret discussions.

    Sri Lanka government recently issued a circular to the NGOs restricting them from conducting press conferences, workshops, training for journalists, and dissemination of press releases.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Wonderfully detailed expose’ of the foreign funding of the principal NGO TRAITORS of Sri Lanka, Shenali! Bravo!

  5. Samanthi Says:

    These Dollar Kakkas will even sell their mothers and wives for a few more dollars and foreign trips! Bas…..!!!

  6. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    One of the biggest scams are charity organizations. They not only get large donations, but are tax exempt. In addition they get to write off any cost overheads. It is a process of making money by making money. Research on charities have found out that for each dollar meant for the target about a dime or ten cents goes to it, the rest goes to pay high salaries, perks such as trips, hotel costs, dinners, pensions, etc. Ultimately due to the tax exemption it is the people who end up paying for these organizations through the taxes that they get back in returns.

    Glenn Beck is a classical example. He first started his crusade for Democracy and the American way. He got a television slot on FOX news, he sold books and founded the BLAZE, a well known conservative internet forum. Then he became a multimillionaire to the tune of an estimated 300 million. Now he is unreachable to the very audience that made him wealthy. Instead of standing to his basic beliefs he now is part of the very establishment he once spoke against. A recent example is the “open borders” that is allowing tens of thousands of unaccompanied children and teenagers from the Central American nations of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This is probably the worlds largest act of child trafficking in the 21st century condoned by Washington D.C. and is developing a nationwide resistance from the people of America. What does Mr. Beck do? he is sending teddy bears, Soccer balls and helping them to adopt to the US even though they pose the greatest threat on so many levels, to the US culture and our sovereignty

    while the nation is rising up against this “invasion” and the massive act of child trafficking Glenn Beck has become the voice of Obama and Obama’s dream act.

  7. Indrajith Says:

    AnuD is correct! One example is Jehan. While working at Upali Newspapers sometimes ago, he used to do Christian missionary work during lunch break, converting some Buddhists to Christianity.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:


    This happens all the time with these Missionary devils … exploiting the poverty and greed of Sinhala Buddhists to buy their souls.

    One of my brothers-in-law dumped his ISP after he found out that the owner had been bought heart and soul by South Korean missionaries operating in Sri Lanka, and given money to set up the ISP business on the condition that he converts to Christianity and uses his business to convert his employees and customers. That shameless man was doing all of that and more … for financial gain … selling his entire heritage down the river.

    ALL off his employees are converted former Sinhala Buddhists, non Christians are not welcome. Three times a day, at the start of work, at noon and at the end of the work day, prayer sessions are held …. right there in the office! Employees are pressured to convert their families to meet the religious criteria for salary raises and promotions.

    This is how South Korea was transformed from a Buddhist Majority nation to a Christian majority nation, in which Buddhists are looked down upon and discriminated against, within a short period of two decades.

    This is ONE MORE REASON to KICK these Missionary NGOs out of SRi Lanka, lock, stock and barrel.

  9. Indrajith Says:

    Thank you, Ananda for the eye opening and heart breaking story!
    What is the Minister of Budhdha Sasana doing? Issuing reference letters to drug importers?

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