Parents of Missing Tamil Children demand answers from TNA¹s Ananthi Sasitharan
Posted on July 27th, 2014

Mr.Grant Blaydon, CEO, Amnesty International.

Dear Grant,
Please find below an appeal for information for their missing children from over three hundred families, who had their children abducted to be the unwilling child soldiers of the Tamil Tigers  during the height of the war.
As the account explains they came to address their appeal to the lady  Ananthi Saitharan  member of northern provincial council, who has made a high profile case filed in Sri Lankan courts making accusatory demands of the Sri Lankan government , for information/return of her missing husband who was the  Tigers political head.
Though NGO’s like yours are never found wanting in championing the cause such high profile individuals such as Ananthi with connections to the well funded Tigers, they seem to be unaware  or do not want to know, that there is a silent and forgotten multitude of ordinary Tamil civilians, from the north of Sri Lanka, especially from the “low casts”, who were the real victims of ” missing persons” and abductions.
NGO’s such as your selves could enhance their moral stature and credibility immensely by championing the cause with this  forgotten and helpless multitude.
 A place to begin with would be the very much intact Tiger diaspora who funded the disappearances  of these children, who now call themselves British Tamil Forum, Global Tamil Forum & Transnational Government Of Tamil Elam  and other similar organizations , now enjoying the luxury and security of domicile in countries like UK, Canada and US .
They are now  conniving to gain foot hold in Australian and New Zealand using nefarious methods including smuggling of Boat People.
I am also copying this letter to Andre Vance who accounted  in detail in the Dompost Wellington, the carefully choreographed  accusatory demonstrations against the Sri Lankan government  on  their missing sons for the benefit of the  British Prime Minister when he visited the North during the CHOGM in Sri Lanka in November ’13, to see if she would have any time for these forgotten and helpless multitude of Tamil parents, whose accusations point elsewhere,  to the Tigers.
Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM
United Sri Lanka Assn.
Wellington NZ
Cc. Jan Logie MP Green Party

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