Book ‘Expressions of Christianity With a focus on India’
Posted on August 10th, 2014

Expressions of Christianity with a Focus on India by Parameswaran

Author: Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust (Chennai, India)
Publisher: Chennai : Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust, [2007]
Edition/Format:   Book : English


Our Price: $33.95 USD

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ProductID: 23599 – Paperback – 600 Pages (Year: 2007)

Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust /Suruchi ~ ISBN: 8189248847 Description of Book

Though claiming to act from and for the love of Jesus,” Christianity
has brought suffering and destruction to individuals, communities and
cultures in almost every region of the world. This collection of
papers by Indian and foreign scholars, which spans two millennia and
includes Europe, America, Asia and Australia, does not focus on
Christianity’s teachings or theology, but on its actual expressions in
the world.

Just as histories of colonialism have been largely written by the
colonial powers, in effect erasing the testimony of the colonized,
most histories of Christianity – and in India, all of them – have
adopted a Christian standpoint as a matter of course.

This book enedavours to reverse the perspective and asserts the right
of the countless victims of Christianity to be remembered, and, when
still possible, to be heard.

The book’s 45 essays do not demonize Christianity; rather, they bear
witness in memory of the millions it demonized and martyred for no
fault of theirs. And they hold a lesson for the surviving vulnerable
cultures and communities in India and elsewhere.

One Response to “Book ‘Expressions of Christianity With a focus on India’”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    RIOTS in Endia! Now this is a development. Looks like Congress is still trying to woo the Muslim vote. BJP uses riots to win elections. Why blame BBS?

    Leaders of the BJP and Samajwadi Party or SP today traded allegations over the frequent incidents of communal violence in Uttar Pradesh, after Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi told a newspaper that he believed the clashes were “artificially engineered”.

    The communal clashes in the state were part of a deliberate strategy to “divide the poor and pit brother against brother,” said Mr Gandhi.

    Media reports allege that there have been over 600 incidents of communal tension or violence between the end of May and July this year in Uttar Pradesh, which is ruled by the SP. (No ‘Meethi’ Eid for Saharanpur This Year)

    – NDTV

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