Navi Pillai suffering from a sadistic personality disorder * is attempting to convert UN Human Rights Council to a Secret Society like the Ku Klux Klan to lynch Sri Lanka.
Posted on August 23rd, 2014

 By Charles.S.Perera

The UN System is an organisation for a collective Member States.  Its actions should therefore be open and transparent as Member States are partners of its activities.  There cannot be hidden and secretive functions assigned to commissions appointed by the UN, its agencies, or organisations. All funds spent on activities undertaken by it are accountable and should be made available for public scrutiny. The UN at the instance of USA prepared   a  UN Transparency and accountability Initiative the purpose of which is described as follows:

The purpose of UNTAI is to improve organizational performance by increasing the transparency and accuracy of information flow; enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness; bolstering oversight and ethics systems; and strengthening financial management and governance. UNTAI is also a practical effort to establish within the UN Funds and Programs and more broadly throughout the UN system a high standard of transparency and accountability to ensure that the billions in international aid contributions are delivered efficiently and effectively to the world’s neediest peoples.”

This covers all of UN activities where funds are utilised  for project planning, administration and management.   Hence UNHRCouncil being an organ of the UN, is also bound by the necessity of transparency of all its actions.  It cannot hide behind imagined dangers to  the participants of its projects or  investigations.  If such transparency is absent the activities are suspect, and not legally acceptable, as there is  doubt as to the honesty, justice and fair play in  the  planned investigations,  or other activities concerning a Member State or Member States.  

In 2011 UN stepped outside this openness and  transparency of its actions, when the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon appointed a panel chaired by Darusman to investigate whether  Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces  had committed violation of human rights and war crimes in the course of the elimination of terrorism. 

The investigation by the panel shrouded in mystery hatched a damning report against Sri Lanka with complete absence of transparency.  The member states were not allowed to know who gave evidence, and whether they were eye witness accounts, and evidence beyond reasonable doubt.  The witnesses were not allowed to be cross examined  and  their names were not given, and even more suspiciously their names have been  requested to be  kept secret for 20 years. 

How could any one trust the honesty of the investigators, and the truth of the findings of the  panel, when  its investigation had been carried out in secrecy ?  The excuse the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon gave was that the report of the panel is not an official document of the UN but a report for Secretary General’s personal information.

In 2014 three years after that infamous  report of the Darusman panel, Navi Pillai in her capacity of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights  repeats exactly what Ban Ki Moon did  in 2011, going  a little further appointing  a team of twelve for an International probe into Sri Lanka war against terrorism and to investigate war crimes the Sri Lanka Armed Forces had carried out in the course of the elimination of terrorism, refusing even to divulge the names of the members of the team of twelve appointed for the probe and on condition that the names of witnesses would not be made public for 20 years.

Navi Pillai as the UN Commissioner converted the UN Human Rights Council to a secret society like the Ku Klux Klan, the Catholic Inquisition or like the FBI calling for Secret Service Operatives to conduct investigations.  It is a dangerous turning point of UN activities  which are not for the welfare of the Member States but to accuse the Member States for irregularities or worse still crimes, in complete secrecy. UN as it turns out to be lacks only a hangman , scaffolding and a hangman’s noose.  UN was in fact completely powerless when Sadam Husain was hanged, and Colonel Gaddafi was tortured and killed.

Navi Pillai grew as a Black Tamil  without any rights as a human being under the apartheid government of South Africa where the laws enforced by the Apartheid government which  completely disregarded human rights  by denying non-whites a good education, rights to vote and the right to own land.  Though she managed to wriggle through difficulties to find an education through the collective effort of her community, many blacks remained primitive”. Navi Pillai had never been able to clear her mind of the terrible suffering she went through in South Africa under an apartheid regime.

This is one and only reason why Navi Pillai a Tamil from South Africa is determined to take revenge from the Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces for eliminating the Tamil terrorists. She cannot help comparing the Government of Sri Lanka  where the majority is Sinhala  to her apartheid white South Africa, and the Tamils in Sri Lanka to her Tamil Community in South Africa. She therefore adopted the Sri Lanka Tamil terrorists as her distant family seeking freedom from the apartheid Regime of Sri Lanka.

This was a reason why Navi Pillai with her biased mind should never have been appointed as the UN Commissioner of Human Rights.

The International Probe Navi Pillai has commissioned  to investigate into Sri Lanka is her personal  effort to do justice to the Sri Lanka Tamil terrorists- her heroic freedom fighters  who were seeking emancipation from the  Sri Lanka government which for her  is not different from the apartheid South African regime under which she grew up.  She must be taking immense pleasure in the dilemma into which the Government of Sri Lanka has been put into with the appointment of an unnamed  team for a probe without the right for  the Government as the  accused party to cross examine the witnesses.

This is a symptom of a person suffering from  a sadistic personality disorder *.  It is defined as follows: The Sadistic Personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of gratuitous cruelty, aggression, and demeaning behaviors which indicate the existence of deep-seated contempt for other people and an utter lack of empathy. Some sadists are “utilitarian”: they leverage their explosive violence to establish a position of unchallenged dominance within a relationship. Unlike psychopaths, they rarely use physical force in the commission of crimes. Rather, their aggressiveness is embedded in an interpersonal context and is expressed in social settings, such as the family or the workplace.”

Isn’t UN going too far with its secretive investigations ?  For all we know it could be an exercise in creative fiction writing with the end object of  accusing Member States for  imagined or false crimes.  Can any Member State with the least respect it commands from its people,  accept such an investigation as legal and well founded ?

How can Navi Pillai the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, expect any respect from any UN Member State if her actions  are contrary to UN transparency and accountability Initiative, unless of course if such Member States are complicit to her questionable activities in the capacity of the UN Commissioner for Human Rights ?

Could USA who mooted this initiative for transparency and accountability accept Navi Pillai’s high handed International Probe into Sri Lanka ?  Who are the members of the Navi Pillai’s probe , how much are they paid  ? Where does the money for these payments come from ? These are relevant information that should be  made available to  all the Member States of the UN.  They have a right to know, unless UN is acting as a Secret Society with the consent of a few Member States.

If such information is not made known the Investigation has no legal right, and should be abandoned without vilifying Sri Lanka an honourable Member State of the UN, which suffered under terrorism  for thirty long years and finally eliminated it making a  great sacrifice of life and material, to bring peace and hope to its people.

However, it appears from constant accusations, blame and investigations against the Government of Sri Lanka ever since it eliminated terrorism from its soil,  that  elimination of terrorism itself was a violation of human rights…. only as far as it concerns Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces.

Another strange coincidence was that  Navi Pillai who was invited by the Government of Sri Lanka, went to the North of Sri Lanka and met the Tamil people of Sri Lanka  probably as she thought she has a kinship to Sri Lanka Tamils, but never showed any interest in meeting the people of the South, who also suffered from terrorism.  But as the UN High Commission for Human Rights it was her duty  to have met both communities before she comes to conclusions.  This shows her lack of objective investigation. It also makes it obvious that what ever report she was going to make had already been settled in her mind  even before she came to Sri Lanka (she decided to come to Sri Lanka long after she was  invited).

This makes it  all the more clear  in her response when the Government of Sri Lanka announced that it will not allow any International Investigators to enter the country to collect evidence.  Navi Pillai said , there is a wealth of information outside of Sri Lanka  which can be tapped into.”

She had added that “The credibility of the report will depend on it reflecting proper standards of corroboration of evidence, whether the team is allowed into the country or not.” 

But for the report of the probe  to be credible the investigations should be conducted openly, legally, and  with transparency, which is not the case with regard to this probe of Navi Pillai, where she has refused to even name the members of the team, not allowed the witnesses to be cross examined by the accused party to the investigation.”

The unnamed team may not be objective investigators.  They may have been  selected from amoung those who agree with Navi Pillai, and persons who are anti Sri Lanka government and sympathetic towards terrorists.

When Navi Pillai says that the team need not come to Sri Lanka as there is a wealth of information outside, it becomes apparent what the final report is going to be. Navi Pillai has perhaps already prepared the draft report and handed it over to the team members before she relinquishes her services as the UN High Commissioner for human Rights on the 31st of this month.

We should therefore appeal to the  delegates of the Member States who will be present at  the next Session of the Human Rights Council to see without prejudice the high handed, and  biased manner in which  Navi Pillai the UNHRC has acted against  Sri Lanka from the very beginning of her term of office.  The report that will be presented to the Sessions of the UNHRC is a preconceived report for which an unnamed unknown team had been appointed at her personal behest to give credit to her report which accuses the Sri Lanka Government and its armed forces for violation of Human Rights and war crimes.

The Delegates of the Member States to the next Session of the UNHRC in Geneva, should know that the report that will be presented to them has no legal value  and should therefore be rejected,  as it was prepared by a  team appointed by  Navi Pillai  abusing her power vested in her as the  UN High Commissioner of Human Rights,  to investigate war crimes of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces without identifying the members of her probe team by name, collecting  evidence from unknown  sources, without  giving the Sri Lanka government the legal right to cross examine the witnesses, and on the condition  that the names of the witnesses are to be kept secret for 20 years.

The appointment of an  unnamed , unknown team to collect evidence from unknown sources without allowing the names of the witnesses known before 20 years is a travesty of justice. 

Navi Pillai also says , Hardly anyone, apart from the Syrian and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea governments, are questioning the credibility of these two inquiries, so I don’t see why it should be any different in the case of Sri Lanka.”

How can Navi Pillai draw parallel to Syria and North Korea to justify a probe by her unnamed team collecting evidence from unknown sources to investigate violation of human rights and war crimes by the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka for the elimination of a ruthless group of terrorists ? It is beyond comparison, she aught to be completely out of her mind to compare situations  which are poles apart.

Navi Pillay has also  said that,   it was important to understand that the investigation was set up for the benefit of all Sri Lankans, as an avenue to achieve lasting peace and reconciliation.  It is in this context that the Human Rights Council-mandated investigation should be viewed, rather than being seen as a confrontation.”

Sri Lanka has finished with terrorism and is looking forward to unite the Communities and benefit from the long awaited peace and go forward to develop the country to make the people live in content and happiness.  But Navi Pillai with her biased mind cannot understand that these International Probes will be an obstacle for the reconciliation of Communities, opening old wounds to separate communities further away rather than unite them.

Navi Pillai has however named three advicers to her unnamed” teamas experts:  Nobel Laureate Martti Ahtisaari, international judge Dame Silvia Cartwright of New Zealand, and Ms Asma Jahangir, former President of Pakistan’s Supreme Court Bar Association with  senior human rights official Ms. Sandra Beidas to  coordinate the team.

The unnamed  team members, as well as the above named experts may be financially well compensated from funds  collected from unnamed donors.  It will not be surprising if the pro –terrorist Tamil diaspora  has also contributed a large sum from their reserves of blood money collected  to assist the terrorism in Sri Lanka.

If these experts are aware of their value to the society, and honour their achievements in the respective fields,  should resign from the positions of experts assigned to them, as Navi Pillai has appointed them only to give some sort of credit to the report that will be prepared by her unnamed”, unknown” team to hand Sri Lanka.

But unfortunately these experts and coordinator Sandra Beidas selected by Navi Pillai have their own skeletons in their cupboards.

22 Responses to “Navi Pillai suffering from a sadistic personality disorder * is attempting to convert UN Human Rights Council to a Secret Society like the Ku Klux Klan to lynch Sri Lanka.”

  1. AnuD Says:

    Is Navi pillai a christian ?

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    GOSL boycotts the UNHRC investigation. Good.

    But that does not mean patriots should boycott it.

    Please write to the LOSERS and TAMIL RACISTS. Does not matter. Still write and tell them the truth.


    8-14 Rue de la Paix
    CH-1211 Geneva 10

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    No. She is a HINDU. But her husband is a Christian.

  4. douglas Says:

    I noted your statement: ” This was the reason why Navi Pillai with her biased mind should never have been appointed as the UN Commissioner of Human Rights”.

    My concern in this is: Was this reason any many others NOT KNOWN to Sri Lanka Government at the time we voted to give a second term in office?. I always maintained that we should have voted against her at that time and registered our protest and NO CONFIDENCE, no matter what others in that assembly were doing. This reminds me of my village style expression: ” Ahaka Yana Nai, Redda Asse Dagena, Kanawa Kanawa Kiyanawa”. We are still doing this and will never learn.

  5. AnuD Says:

    Dr. Swami’s and many others’ view is that UNHCR has no teeth. Besides, India says that it will obstruct UNHCR’s attempts, most probably China too. Even Swami said, even if Navi pillai concluded that the Sri lankan govt was wrong USA cannot do much. Another article says, All these PR firms are working to stop the ceasing assets of two Rajapakse brothers by the US govt on their soil.

  6. douglas Says:

    AnnuD: Though outside the main article, this hiring of “PR FIRMS” in US has become a contentious issue in Sri Lanka. The main person at the helm of this issue is the Monitoring MP Hon.Vas Gunawardane who has signed in his official capacity; BUT giving his address at “No 9/2 Dudley Senanayake Mawatha, Colombo 8”; that address being presently occupied by Korean International Co-Operation Agency (KOICA) and formerly occupied by Cosmos Aviation( in the business of hiring helicopters) of which this MP was a Director. In hiring another PR company he has given the address as “Presidential Secretariat”. As I mentioned earlier the details of these PR companies and their business deals and the clients information are all filed with the Justice Ministry of US. After these revelations, it is learned that the US Government has decided to launch an investigation and what that is yet be made public. In the meantime our President has undertaken a sudden “private” visit to US and that also to meet his brother Dudley. Only God knows what is going on. “OWA DANNE DEIYO THAMAY”.

  7. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    If the Sri Lankan Tamils do not take up the issue that Navi Pillay does not represent them or their best interests then they are the ones who will suffer.
    The Tamil leader and the UN Human rights council is on a crusade to punish Sri Lanka for defeating the concept of Elam. They are willing to use any means including documents that have not been verified, relegating the investigation to only a tiny period of Asia’s longest war, and are willing to us the UN as an instrument of diplomatic warfare on Colombo.

    The LTTE and India’s proxy war against Sri Lanka was not only defeated but the Jaffna Tamils lost a good deal of their heritage when the Jaffna library was burnt down. They also lost the centuries old hold on the Jaffna peninsula. They also lost the 3 human right motions against Sri Lanka formulated by the US. A good deal of the Jaffna Tamils are now refugees in other nations. Their continued crusade for Elam is a lost cause for even if it formed they would not go to that new nation and be recruited to fight an endless war with the Sri Lankan military.

    India lost her second war. The first being with China in 1962. The second was her proxy war with Sri Lanka. The Indian Tamil politicians again lost when the BJP came into power. The BJP unlike the Congress party will not pander to the politics of provincial states like Tamil Nadu at the expense of India.

    Now the Sri Lankan Tamils stand to lose yet again. If they allow Navi Pillay and the UNHRC dictate the policies of Sri Lanka through their narrow interpretation of what constitutes Human rights then again it is the backlash from the Sinhalese Nationalist movement that the Sri Lankan Tamils will have to bear. If they do not rise up in one voice against the special interests of Navi Pillay then they will have to pay the price for it.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    We have to submit our version of the war, etc. to OHCHR.

    Govt. position is not to support it. Very good. But that does not mean patriots should not send their submissions.

    In fact ALL patriots must send their submissions to OHCHR. Let it be known. Let them do whatever with it.

    IF Tamil Pee-Illey and other racists try to GRILL SL, what we should do is RESURRECT the “LTTE” and get rid of all Tamil Elamists as they did with Amirthalingam, Uma Maheswaran, Thiruchelvam, etc.

    Pee-illey and the crowd will be BEGGING at our feet o do something to stop the “LTTE”.

    They real goal is to get Tamil Elam USING war crimes BS. Please understand that.

    We should use even war crimes (by LTTE) to prevent it.

  9. Marco Says:

    Govt Should Realise Human Rights Norms Don’t Depend On Personalities Alone: Lawyers Collective.

    A group of senior legal practitioners have advised the government to be realistic of in their expectations in hoping for a change in the decision making process of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) concerning Sri Lanka, following the retirement of outgoing UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay on August 31.

    The Lawyers Collective in a statement today have pointed out that although international decision making and norms do not depend on personalities alone, the Rajapaksa-regime unfortunately is expecting Pillay’s successor – Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein to bend human rights norms.

    Criticising this mindset of the government, the Lawyer’s Collective has pointed out that its time the government realises that international decision making is not heavily reliant on personalities while adding it is a grave mistake to perceive international decision making processes in the same light as that of the local political sphere.

    In the joint statement issued by the Lawyers’ Collective co-conveners- Lal Wijenayake, Chandrapala Kumarage and JC Weliamuna, they have commended Pillay furthermore, describing her as an individual who was ‘in the forefront in protecting and promoting human rights norms’ and as a personality who discharged her functions as the UN HR Chief free of any fear or favour.

    The legal practitioners meanwhile recalling Pillay’s visit to Sri Lanka and her concluding remarks have noted that they made an enormous impact on the human rights community globally.

    They have pointed out that its extremely praiseworthy, the manner in which she maintained objectivity and professionalism in assessing the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and accurately identifying the authoritarian tendencies as well as concerning how terrorism has affected the Sri Lankan human rights situation, despite the Rajapaksa-regime and its supporters ridiculing her and the various other challenges she had to face.

    Furthermore, the Lawyers Collective has noted that they hope Pillay’s successor will follow her footsteps.

    Sources say that the successor – Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein is to take a personal interest in securing visas for the UNHRC team to visit Sri Lanka as it would be under his stewardship that the report will be released.

  10. Lorenzo Says:

    Lawyers Collective is a PRO-TAMIL SEPARATIST lobby.

    What it says is as worthless as VP’s waste in Nanthikadal.

    GOSL should do what is right for SL and Navi Pee-Illey being a Tamil racist herself misused her position. She is a TAMIL first and foremost.

  11. aloy Says:

    Navi Pillay tried to lay a wreath at Nandikadal. Fortunately there were some patriotic soldiers to stop her. My thinking is that you have to write what you have to say, on this issue; not what some arbitrary fellows say for money. If not we take it that you are also white washing the racist woman for money.

  12. Marco Says:

    Thank you for your comment.
    Yes i too read the episode of Navi Pillay trying to lay a wreath at Nandikadal for the thousands of Sri Lankans who perished at Nandikadal and during the 3 decade war. She was insensitive to the local feeling and place – “Nandikadal”.
    Nevertheless, you have not addressed the decision making process of the OHCHR without repeating montonously the mantra Pillay is of South Indian Tamil origin hence bias towards the Tamils of Sri Lanka as mentioned in the article below. Think you and i know, this mantra maybe believed by many gullible people but i doubt very much the outside world take very little notice against a highly respected UN official.
    No doubt in time we will hear similar mantras against her successor accusing him of being a muslim, under the pay of Tamil diaspora etc. the usual boring allegations of shooting the messenger.

    With regards to your allegation of the Lawyers Collective accepting money for writing as such please provide evidence to the same or else your argument is rather shallow and typical allegation without substance.
    With reference to “arbitrary fellows”, why would President Rajapakse appoint 5 international experts to “advice” the 3 Sri Lankan panel members on the Commission of Inquiry. Did President Rajapakse not think that the 3 panel members were not “arbitrary fellows” hence required some credibility by appointing international experts.

    Regards to myself, i dont need any money i’m quite comfortable as i am.

  13. Marco Says:

    Thank you for your comment.
    Yes i too read the episode of Navi Pillay trying to lay a wreath at Nandikadal for the thousands of Sri Lankans who perished at Nandikadal and during the 3 decade war. She was insensitive to the local feeling and place – “Nandikadal”.
    Nevertheless, you have not addressed the decision making process of the OHCHR without repeating montonously the mantra Pillay is of South Indian Tamil origin hence bias towards the Tamils of Sri Lanka as mentioned in the article below. Think you and i know, this mantra maybe believed by many gullible people but i doubt very much the outside world take very little notice against a highly respected UN official.
    No doubt in time we will hear similar mantras against her successor accusing him of being a muslim, under the pay of Tamil diaspora etc. the usual boring allegations of shooting the messenger.

    With regards to your allegation of the Lawyers Collective accepting money for writing as such please provide evidence to the same or else your argument is rather shallow and typical allegation without substance.
    With reference to “arbitrary fellows”, why would President Rajapakse appoint 5 international experts to “advice” the 3 Sri Lankan panel members on the Commission of Inquiry. Did President Rajapakse not think that the 3 panel members were not “arbitrary fellows” hence required some credibility by appointing international experts.

    Regards to myself, i dont need any money i’m quite comfortable as i am.

  14. Marco Says:

    My apologies for the double comment.

  15. aloy Says:

    Thanks for your above comment.
    Pillay, if she was a respected lawyer should not have taken part in this saga against SL given her bias and her known partiality towards Tamil terrorism. As regards MR appointing the advisers, I and others have been writing in this forum he will do something like this ‘to serve one more term or even just one more day’. This is exactly what he has done. You will see many more such things in days to come. If we did not object seriously he would have allowed even the Navi Pillay’s panel to come. He knows that foolish voters cannot remember things beyond two weeks.

    Are you not a staff of the Swiss NGO now?. Generally these EU NGOs are against the Sinhalese.

  16. Marco Says:


    We are again going into the realms of perceived biasness and partialities. If indeed the UN felt that Pillay had a conflict of interest or bias they would have put in place mechanisms and/or not appointed her to carry out any probe against Sri Lanka. Don’t forget the conclusion by the Ban Ki Moon advisory team (darusman panel) was no different to her own conclusion. Darusman team panel if i recall had no connection to any Sri Lankan.

    Are you also saying that no Tamil (sri Lankan or otherwise) should be heading or be a part of a Commission inquiring into Sri Lanka due to perceived bias? Would that not also then be true then that no Sinhala or Armed Forces personal should be part of a team Inquiring into HR violations or War Crimes? We could go on and on this same premise.

    Anyone credible, qualified, independent and strong to withstand pressure from interested parties should be able to serve or head-up Commissions of Inquiry or Select Committees. Can you name me one Sri Lankan who can do that?

    The mistake MR made was not setting up a Commission back in 2009 to look into alleged human rights violations during the conflict. We all know in War there are innocent civilians killed- collateral damage.
    Declared, yes there were human casualties which is deeply regretted. Instead went on the “zero” casualty, humanitarian operation march thereafter changed the story to yes there was “some” casualties.
    The IC (no doubt egged on by the Tamil LTTE Diaspora) latched on to HR violations and abuses and extended it further to allegations of war crimes and targeting civilians.

    Regrettably, Sri Lankan statements and pronouncements including its own Commissions has lost all credibility with the IC due to vacillations. We now appear to spend millions of $ employing lobby companies in US and UK as a damage limitation exercise. We would be better off in engaging in a more constructive manner with the Colombo based diplomatic missions after all it is they who are reporting back on ground situations in SL that eventually set the tone on Foreign Policy decisions with regard to Sri Lanka.

    Finally I’m not a staffer of any INGO. I do however provide non paid advice to 2 NGOs on matters of rule of law, governance, judicial and accountability issues.

  17. Nanda Says:

    Micro, your comment
    “The mistake MR made was not setting up a Commission back in 2009 to look into alleged human rights violations during the conflict.” is referred.
    No one in our history set up inquiries after conflicts, Dutugemunu vs Elara, JVB vs Bandaranaike, JVP vs Premadasa/RuinNil conflicts included. 1989-1990 there were tens of thousands of causalities more compared to LTTE conflict. One should be more brainless than MR to set up inquires for this. There were some inquires set up in 1971 conflict to find the culprits who illegally took arms to kill police and topple government. Even that type of inquiry was not set up and except a very few , most culprits were set free.
    Main stupid mistake was LLRC. We should not have had any inquiry at all. Our bugger got scared at later stage. He was brave enough Lanka would have been better off than now.

  18. aloy Says:

    The morally correct and righteous west should have entrusted the task to an independant person. This is a conflict between tamils and Sinhalese. Of all the people in the world why the west selected a biased tamil for this task. It is on record that she had great admiration for VP during her childhood. They appointed her just to take revenge from MR.
    As sinhalese we are unfortunate. For some reason not known to us, the west envy us. They will come and enjoy every thing we can offer in this emerald isle, but no sooner they leave they work against us. Perhaps the reason is, we do not bow down to anybody wherever we may be.
    Regarding your impartiality to comment on this issue, your last para above says it all. Anyway you have the right to express your views; it is up to us to take it or criticize.

  19. Marco Says:

    I would not go so far as saying the West is morally correct or righteous- Far from it!
    Navi Pilley is the High Commissioner for Human Rights. period. She obviously earned that and is qualified to hold that position. If my memory serve me right she was appointed to serve that position twice.
    I suppose one could say it is unfortunate from a Sri Lankan perspective she is of South African Tamil origin.

    I’m not sure if i have read anywhere that she had great admiration for VP during her childhood. Please provide the source. In any case NP was born about 14 years prior to VP.

    I have been associated with the same NGO since 2003 prior to Mahinda Rajapakse taking up the Presidency role.

  20. Lorenzo Says:

    Navi Pee-Illey is a TAMIL. It does not matter if she admires VP or the person whose boots VP licked.

    As a TAMIL, she cannot be IMPARTIAL into a matter concerning Tamils.

    She should have the professionalism to KEEP OUT of the matter as there is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

    But asking for professionalism from a RACIST piece of Tamil dirt is a joke!!

  21. aloy Says:

    Pillay was an unknown quantity before she became the key person in UNHCR. I read about her including how she was abused by her uncle in her own house when she was a child, in this site.
    Whoever associates NGOs in SL are up to no good, as far as we are concerned. Your last para in the penultimate comment reminds me of the story of monitoring MP of MOF engaging a PR firm in USA for just $5000.00 per month. Are we to believe that a US bugger will lift a finger for mere 5000 bucks to speak on our behalf?. This is the official ‘consideration’; millions must be passing under the table. Your story is the same, nothing goes for nothing.

  22. Marco Says:

    Thanks again for your comment.
    May I say at the outset i’m in no way defending Navi Pillay nor a fan of hers with regards to her lack of forthrightness in dealing with other HR issues. My point in my comments is don’t shoot the messenger but deal with the substance.
    Time and time again we see comments/articles shooting the messenger from the time of Louise Arbour to Navi Pillay and no doubt her successor.

    Pillay was a panel judge of the International Criminal Court and served at the UNGA before she took up the UNHCR post and if you thought that was an unknown quantity so be it.
    With regards to the spurious remark or comment made in this site (i can hazard a guess who it was!) regards to her childhood abuse by her uncle, seriously????
    In any case even if it was true it clearly demonstrates that she was capable of rising above the trauma and abuse to reach the heights she has and offers further credence.

    With respect to your final paragraph, i’m not what you call a professional NGO in the true sense. In view of the post I held with an international institution in UK and in Sri Lanka (2003 to 2011) certain avenues were open within Govt, Business and Diplomatic circles. The only benefits i recall (never monetary) was free dinners at numerous Business forums/conferences at the invitation of Chamber of Commerce or Corporates and numerous free games of golf at Victoria or at RCGC courtesy of diplomatic missions and the usual Christmas Hampers etc.

    As i have previously mentioned my priorities are not monetary. I’m comfortable thanks.

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