Several things happened  during the absence of Lankaweb.
Posted on September 24th, 2014

By Charles.S.Perera

In the absence of the Lankaweb we had no way to give vent to our pent up feelings  against an incessant campaign of falsehood against the President Mahinda Rajapakse and his government without a word of appreciation for all that they have contributed to the progress of the country and the welfare of the people.

None in  the anti government lobby blinded by their desire to grab political power for themselves does not see the changes that has taken place in Sri Lanka since Mahinda Rajapakse was elected President. They give credit only to the elimination of terrorism though even that is not to the liking of the Tamils in the North , Tamils in the Diaspora, and perhaps Tamils in the South as well as they remain silent and unconcerned.

Sri Lanka after Independence remained attached to  its Colonial past.  We thought the West would stand by Sri Lanka as a developing sovereign state. We depended on small favours they  generously gave us. The IMF loans that sufficed small development projects came with conditions.

Sri Lanka Government which was nominally Independent still had to plan its development projects according to the  conditions specified by the World Bank.  The loans we got were not much but yet the Ministers of the then Governments made their money on Commissions. D.S.Senanayake was said to have kept with him documents concerning commissions on a tractor deal by G.G.Ponnambalem and said to have waved those documents when GG became unruly.  But those commission received then were small, though corruption continued. In a way desire to profit from office  is human nature.

The loans we got then were insignificant, compared to the billions we get now. Therefore, those ambitious politicians of the opposition  who are unable to lay their hands  on such great richess complain of corruption above all what the President Mahinda Rajapakse had done for the country during his Presidency  since 2005. They condemn the present government for corruption  as if Sri Lanka  had absolutely corrupt free governments before the present government of the President Mahinda Rajapakse.

After the Badulla PC elections in which UNP finds a comparative increase of votes its leader Ranil Wickramasinghe says that UNP has new hope of ending  the chaos and misery that the Rajapakse rule has brought upon the people”. They turn a blind eye to the vast development  processes in all sectors that have taken place since the election of Mahinda Rajapakse in 2005.

President Rajapakse has not only been able to bring peace to Sri Lanka by  eliminating  the ruthless terrorists, but turned Sri Lanka into a  middle income country with a formidable increase of its GDP.  Sri Lanka today is a role model for other developing nations. It has left its dependence on the West and increased its foreign  relations in a hitherto unprecedented manner. The recent visit of the Prime Minister of Japan and the President of China is a triumph of Sri Lanka’s  foreign policy.

While USA and its allies try to take the Government of Sri Lanka and its armed Forces before a tribunal accused of war crimes, other Nations round the world acclaim the great social, and economic achievements of Sri Lanka. President Mahinda Rajapakse’s Mahinda Chintanaya is a far reaching innovative programme which has contributed to bring about vast changes in the development of Sri Lanka, modernising every aspect of the lives of the people .  The Government of Mahinda Rajapakse  under its programme of development of technology in education has undertaken to provide Mahindodaya Technological Laborataries to 2000 secondary schools.

The Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation has presented its 2014 Access to Learning Award of One Million Dollars to Sri Lanka in recognition of its work to provide free access to computers and internet to underserved Sri Lankans in remote and rural areas.  Sri Lanka has increased its IT literacy rate from 20 to 40 percent.

These are considerable achievements which  many people do not seem to accept looking only at squeezed negative  aspects of development. No developing country can achieve development without assistant from other Nations.  China , Japan, Russia and many other Nations have come to assist Sri Lanka in its development process providing loans and making investments.  The Opposition parties decry the loans,  and the vast projects undertaken by China, but thanks for those loans we see the transformation of Sri Lanka into a modern Nation.

Madeira a small  Island off Portugal is mountainous and all its roads  every where in the Island right up to its highest point of 2000 meters have been well built with two-way traffic lanes and carpeted.  These infra structure development had been done on loans from France etc. It has enabled it to develop its tourism which is its main source of  revenue.  That is how countries are developed, though UNP blares out against taking of loans from China, merely  to mislead the people.

In a Rupavahini Programme  in Sinhala Motherland and Citizens” ( mawbima ha Puravasiyo) in Doramadalawa of the 15th September, 2014, a very learned young Buddhist Monk Venerable Medagoda Abeytissa said quoting a Buddhist discourse, that the nature of the ordinary people is such that even if they are given the whole world they will still pick holes and find defects, unable to appreciate what has been offered to them.

It is just like those words of Venerable Medagoda Abeytissa, the opposition to the government  does  not appreciate the unprecedented  development that the President Mahinda Rajapakse has been able to bring about in less than ten years (since 2005).

It is said that nearly 90 percent of the loans taken by the government  had been spent in the development of the North and East of Sri Lanka, where neither the Tamil people in those areas nor their Political leaders are able to take into account those massive changes that have taken place in the lives of the Tamil people living  in those Provinces. The TNA political leaders in the North still  refuse any friendly dialogue with the government, but appeal for the intervention of  foreign governments to fulfil their separatist Agenda.

Sri Lanka’s tremendous development process is sadly held back to the Tamils of Sri Lanka.           

 The fact that they the TNA politicians are not interest in the welfare of the people, but seek only benefits for themselves has come to light recently in an article in Asian Tribune of the 19th September,2014, which reports that Mr Mahalingam the former Indian Consul General in Jaffna had paid 102 Million Rupees  to TNA to be distributed to all the Candidates for the NPC elections  at the rate of 2 million  Rupees to each one of them.  In addition the Tamil diaspora is reported to have paid 57 million Rupees as election fund  to TNA.

But the report states that the money received had not been distributed to the Candidates as required  but the major portion of it had been swindled by the Leader of TNA Mr.R. Sampanthan, without even giving any part of it even to TULF leader Ananda Sangaree.

In the meantime it had also been reported that the old boys of the Trinity College Kandy are filing action against Rod Gilbert the  Principle of Trinity college for having paid Rs. 202 million to LTTE from College Funds.

The NCP Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran questions why he should work with the government when  funds allocated for the development of the  North come from donor countries and could be directed to the NCP.  He was a former Supreme Court Judge and seems to have no knowledge of Administrative procedures, already assuming that the North is a separate state cut away from the Government of Sri Lanka.

Vasudeva Nanayakkara the brother-in-law of C.V.Wigneshvaran the Chief Minsiter of NCP has said that he would give only conditional support to Mahinda Rajapakse in a future election. Vasudeva has not understood that he and his party are managing to keeping their heads above in the  waters of political rapids thanks to the President Mahinda Rajapakse. Both LSSP and CP have lost their place in Sri Lanka politics.

R.Sambanthan is no more the Leader of the TNA, its new leader Mavai Senathirajah has said We as a people would… be concerned  about our historic habitats, our option to determine what is best for us to ensure self –government in the Tamil-speaking North-East of the country within a united Sri Lanka.”

But the Chief Minister of the Eastern Province has said that the people of the Eastern Province  will not agree to a merger of the  North and East, and emphasised that the separation has been legally decided and there is no question of going back to it.

A group of Indian Journalists visiting Sri Lanka has said  the development programs like the one launched in Sri Lanka were not found in any other country in the South Asian Region, and the island’s rural population  is reaping the full benefits of infrastructure development.  The group has added that they are confident  that Sri Lanka would be a fully developed country   within the next decade.  The journalists have promised to brief the Indian people on the development programs Sri Lanka has undertaken regardless of ethnic and religious differences.

The National General Secretary of the Bharathiya Janatha Party(BJP) P.Muralidar Rao  visiting Sri Lanka to attend the International Conference of Asian Political Parties had said that Sri Lanka has been transformed into a thriving  country with the dawn of peace.  Sri Lankans are enjoying the dividends  of peace.  He has added that,  he had visited Sri Lanka five years ago, and that he was amazed to see the vast changes that have taken place  in the country after five years and observed that Sri Lanka is now heading towards progress and prosperity.

But  meeting with Sri Lanka’s prophet of separatist politics the Justice Minister Rauf Hakeem,  Mr.Muralidar Rao had said that he strongly emphasises the importance of having the 13th Amendment implemented.

Sri Lanka should perhaps write a new Constitution leaving out the cancerous 13 Amendment.

The 24th of September,2014 saw the Yal Devi Express from Colombo reaching the Jaffna Railway station after an absence of 25 years.  Some prophecies that it would enable the reconciliation of the  two communities the Tamils and the Sinhala.

Buddhists monks get more involved in politics leaving the Sinhala Buddhists behind to fend for themselves.

While the  Buddhist monks keep seeking political solutions to Sri Lanka, criminality, and suicides amoung the Sinhala Buddhists keep rising.  Moral standards have fallen to nadir. Yet Madoluwawe Sobhita Thero wants to be the common Candidate of the opposition at the next Presidential elections.

It is time that the three Buddhist Nikayas unite to find a solution to bring the Sinhala Buddhist back to the temple to teach them to  uphold Buddhist moral standards.  That is the call of the Buddhist monks, which they have laid aside to dabble in politics which is best left for the laity.

We will soon have the Pope  Francis  visiting Sri Lanka .  He is a good man to be received though we know that he cannot invoke an absent God to help us solve our problems.  Our problems have to be solved by ourselves without any divine intervention.  If he can at least bring about  unity  amoung the Communities  by making them understand that before God there is no ethnic difference it would be a most welcome visit.

The successor to evil Navi Pillai  the former UNHigh Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein does not seem to have troubled him self to evaluate the biased statements made by  Navi Pillai and seem to be following the path already traced by her.  He calls for more accountability from the government of Sri Lanka.

In the Office of the UN Human Rights Council there is an unchanged policy, the policy dictated by Navi Pillai.  Therefore if the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights wants to understand the reality of the situation with regard to human rights in Sri Lanka and other countries,  he should begin by shaking up his office-changing the Staff.

Now that the Lankaweb is back we will have more to write as days go by.  Thank you Lankaweb and its indefatigable team.

22 Responses to “Several things happened  during the absence of Lankaweb.”

  1. Nanda Says:

    “President Rajapakse has not only been able to bring peace to Sri Lanka by eliminating the ruthless terrorists, but turned Sri Lanka into a middle income country with a formidable increase of its GDP.” – Charles Perera

    Dear Charles,

    Please be educated more. MR alone didn’t do it. We had high growth rates in JR’s time too. It is an evolving thing for many years. GDP increase did not start when MR came.
    It also depends on who defines this “middle income” trap. It is also not a god thing unless we increase productivity quickly. This year our productivity went down further, even though income slightly increased.

    Institution Low income Lower Middle income $ Upper Middle income $ High income $
    ADB 11750
    World Bank 2012 12616
    World Bank 2011 12276

    If we get a proper leader quickly to get rid of political stupidity of 13A and Palaath Sabha (to hell with Endia), we will see 200% productivity increase. There is no time left.

    All these are numbers. But we can see clearly the Sinhala Buddhist is doing down the hill since 2010, thanks to your God.

  2. Nanda Says:

    Sorry, table does not appear properly, any way it is not important. According to world bank measure, we are in this trap since 1998. Are we going to thank Chandrika for that ?

    Please listen not only to MR.


  3. NAK Says:

    Nanda seem to be pretty mad with MR. Fair enough, I too don’t like the way things are happening. But I would not let the bird in hand for any in the bush.
    The opposition is screaming foul at all the development work being done and the amount of money spent on them and working out the commissions made by them. But there is another way of looking at that.

    We have to admit that MR and his team took on the task of Eliminating the LTTE at the risk of their lives and if that did not happen still the terrorist would have held this country to their whims and commissions would still have been made in the arms deals that are part and parcel of war.
    So,I think it will not be unfair if we are a little considerate on them bit, because after all no one does anything for nothing these days.

    Just imagine, if you will, how much we would have saved for the last five years in the form of arms purchases and commissions from them alone let alone the costs of destruction and rebuilding.

    As for the Sinhala Buddhists, they have to behave as such to be treated as such in the first place. It is just not enough to claim majority but has to unify as a majority and make them be heard as a majority,not just a few people making noises here and there.

  4. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



    INLAN REVENUE DEPARTMENT is one of the most corrupt departments in Sri Lanka.

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  6. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Regarding Sri Lanka’s continued struggle to maintain her independence and integrity it should be noted that it is time for Sri Lanka to take loans from the “New Development Bank” formed by the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). It is the only international institute with a major investment from China.

    Of the seed money for this bank 50 Billion in Yuan was invested by China while the other member nations contributed 18 Billion dollars each and only 5 Billion was in US currency. This bank was meant to circumvent the IMF and the World bank. It is located in Shanghai and China plays a big role in it.

    Whatever small or medium sized loans Sri Lanka needs should circumvent the US hegemony in the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. It is these small steps to distance Sri Lanka from the US and by that from the UN that would eventually free Sri Lanka from that grip.

  7. RohanJay Says:

    I agree with Charles Perera although with some reservations. I think Mahinda Rajapaksha is the best option the Sri Lankan voter has at the moment. He isn’t perfect. But he is the best there is. Mahinda Rajapaksha should be voted in as leader for as long as he wants it. As far as I am concerned. He has done a remarkable job for Sri Lanka during his tenure. It might not be obvious to some living in Sri Lanka. It definitely is noticeable to the Sri Lankan expat community who visit Sri Lanka regularly from their breaks from their lives in the west. The Sri Lankan expats who have been living in the west for a number of years, can sense the west is crumbling under economic uncertainty, security issues and possibility of growing social unrest in the years to come. To them Sri Lanka seems to be improving in leaps and bounds with every visit to the Island.
    I am sure this is the view of the Canadian based Charles Perera. Who must have sensed Sri Lankan’s improvements since Mahinda Rajapaksha took over. This is what the the Sri Lankan voter should keep in mind when they vote in the next election. They should remember where the country was before he came to power and where it is now.
    I agree with Charles Perera. Mahinda Rajapaksha is the only candidate worth voting for as leader.

  8. douglas Says:

    I do not think anyone in Sri Lanka would not or forget the “Political Leadership” given in winning the war against the Terrorists. At the same time all the men and women in the armed forces along with those valiant who lost their lives and sacrificed their limbs and were maimed and who brought us the much desired peace would also be honored for ever and ever. After all that, the country needed to be put back on track and that responsibility lies with those who are managing the country’s affairs. In that respect no one should undermine the necessity to invest on all development and restructuring needed to be done in the war torn regions. If 90% has been spent in those regions, it is needed and must be acknowledged. Along with that the rest of the country too needed to be re-structured economically and politically.

    Our President had the golden opportunity of doing that with the 2/3rd majority in the Legislature. This is where he failed to fathom the huge task that was needed to be handled. In doing this, he miserably failed to select a team of personnel to handle the subjects of governance, A good example was the composition of his Cabinet where all the vultures immigrated from the UNP were given cabinet positions and could not have a tight grip on their activities. Then came the desire to establish his “King Ego” through the Provincial Councils and fill those with, even sometimes the criminals and unruly personnel. Then he messed up the Foreign Service by appointing into positions of dignity the most unqualified and unsuitable cronies, relatives and unsuccessful political discards. Then came the handing over of the State Ventures to most unsuitable personnel from his own family circles. He virtually built an empire consisting of vultures, goons and blood suckers. He knew, with his political career, that this was what all the previous political leadership of the country did and how our country was dragged down the drain. Having had that knowledge and experience, he very unfortunately failed to give meaning, honor and dignity to the “Huge Achievement” that our men and women in the armed forces brought along with his support. Even today, we learned that the daughter of a UNP politician has been appointed to a Foreign Mission. All these and very many “governing measures” are being subjected to question and he cannot get out of that lapse and failure.

    That is why I support our friend’s suggestion: “Sri Lanka should write a New Constitution leaving out the cancerous 13th Amendment”. Not only that, there are very many things to be corrected and most importantly “ACCOUNTABILITY” of all flowing down from the President must be very clearly addressed. After all we have sixty years of experience to assess what went wrong and posses the know how to put things right.

    Hope even at this late stage these issues would be addressed appropriately.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:

    President Barack Obama addressing the UN General Assembly yesterday, characterized the Islamic State group as a “network of death” and “killers who understand only force” in his attempt to justify the bombing raids he unleashed against them.

    I heartily agree, but would like to ask why this same level of blindingly enlightened understanding is absent in the Obama Administration, with respect to Sri Lanka, when they seek to drag the heroic Govt of Sri Lanka that had confronted and defeated the Tamil Tigers, a violent group FAR MORE MURDEROUS than the Islamic State, in front of the UNHCR and WAR CRIMES tribunals.

    It appears to me that the difference is only a question of whose OX is being GORED. When the US is threatened by events taking place in far away Iraq and Syria, there are no limits to the application of force and high flown rhetoric, but when little Sri Lanka’s very survival is threatened, it all a violation of human rights and democratic values.

    More self-serving Double Speak spouting Double Standards from the US Administration!

  10. Lorenzo Says:

    Now the govt. is getting ready to give free money every month to LTTE war widows!!

    This is insane. Some war heroes are still living in huts in illegal lands. Look after them.

    Tamil war widows MUST be allowed to suffer for the Tamil community to learn a lesson. IF your son or husband joins a terrorist group, this is what will happen to you. So don’t.

    Government WASTING the peace dividend on Tamils ONLY. That too on TAMIL ELAM SUPPORTING TAMILS. Others get nothing. Good Tamils (those who want UNITARY SLP also get NOTHING.

    Charles should look at things from the SL POINT OF VIEW not SLFP or UNP point of view. Ultimately SLFP and UNP will go extinct. But SL MUST continue.

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    “As for the Sinhala Buddhists, they have to behave as such to be treated as such in the first place.”


    Look at all other democratic countries. Their laws are naturally favoring the majority. The majority gets their language and THEIR LANGUAGE ONLY. The majority gets a LION’S SHARE of the economy. And they have NO racist junk like VESAVALAMI LAW, SH(IT)ARIA LAW, etc. They can colonize ANYWHERE in the country with or without state sponsorship. In SL the majority cannot live in parts of the country because Tamils stop them from living in those places.

    But I agree that IF the SL majority is ASSERTIVE as the English speaking majority of the UK or the French speaking majority of France, then things will IMPROVE. The govt. has a lot to do to make that happen. If they waste time looking for POLITICAL SOLUTIONS BS, no good will happen.

    “hitha onha gaani emathaama budding.”

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    MR gave a good speech. He should have said,

    “We cannot win over ISIS, AQ, Taliban, etc. because of HYPOCRICY around war on terror. One man’s terrorist is another man’s human rights fighter. Unless the world comes to call a terrorist a terrorist and support governments to fight them off, we will never win over ISIS, AQ, Taliban, etc.”

    That would have send sparks up the arrses of these hypocrites.

  13. Nanda Says:

    A short lived good will not do anything for a country. Simply look at the leaders who have become legends and you will see their countries surge up.

    Chinthanaya to win war came from others, not from Mahinda. His Chinthanaya is evident travelling by a bus to work and coming back at night. He has done nothing for the common man but everything to North and East.

    We cannot keep on voting him for ever , even when he is doing Mad things. That is called stupidity.

    WHY IS HE KEEPING THE KILLER DECEASE PALLATH SABHA – 13A , if he wants to develop the country ?

  14. Nimal Fernando Says:

    Douglas puts it perfectly: :”That is why I support our friend’s suggestion: “Sri Lanka should write a New Constitution leaving out the cancerous 13th Amendment”.

    So what’s the delay? Waiting for the elusive answer is undoubtedly driving millions of patriots to despair,
    because the only time left to act on it is NOW!

    Which is why they should appeal to Gotabhaya Rajapakse — driven by his own position on this issue — to
    make the administration abandon the ‘amendment’.

  15. Ananda-USA Says:

    Will Jayalolita BE OUSTED from her position as Chief Minister of Tamil Madu and VACATION for 4 years in PRISON?

    That should keep the Fat Dragon Lady busy for while!!

    Her ONLY RECOURSE, of course, will be blame it on Sri Lanka! Those who throw rocks at others should not live in glass houses!!


    Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has to resign after sentenced to 4 Years in jail in corruption case
    Sat, Sep 27, 2014, 07:43 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Sept 27, Bangalore: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa will have to resign from the Chief Minister post after a court in Bangalore sentenced her to 4 years in jail on corruption charges.

    According to India’s Supreme Court rule, a law-maker found guilty of a crime carrying a jail sentence of two years or more stands immediately disqualified from office.

    A Bangalore court found Tamil Nadu Chief Minister guilty of corruption on Saturday in an 18-year old case originally filed by Subramanian Swamy, now a BJP leader.

    According to NDTV, the case was pursued by Jayalalithaa’s arch rival, the DMK, after it came to power in Tamil Nadu.

    Ms. Jayalalithaa has been convicted along with three close aides for abusing power during her first term as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 1991 to 1996 and collecting assets that were vastly disproportionate to her income.

    According to the prosecution during her five-year tenure she has amassed assets that added up to Rs. 66 crores.

    Ms. Jayalalithaa has denounced the case as political vendetta.

    Tamil Nadu is tense after her conviction as supporters of the Chief Minister protest in streets and attacking the DMK offices, Indian media reported.

  16. Ananda-USA Says:

    Meanwhile …..

    Australian Prime Minister commends Sri Lanka on successful implementation of LLRC recommendations
    Sat, Sep 27, 2014, 11:52 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Sept 27, New York: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has commended Sri Lanka for the successful implementation of the LLRC recommendations and the country’s ability to maintain a remarkable economic growth.

    The Australian PM credited the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa for the success of the implementation of the LLRC recommendations when the two leaders met Friday on the sidelines of the 69th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.

    “The fact that LLRC is going so well is a credit to you,” Prime Minister Abbott told the Sri Lankan President.

    The two leaders held a cordial discussion and caught up on a range of matters of bilateral interest.

    President Rajapaksa briefed the Prime Minister on recent developments in Sri Lanka in the economic and development sectors as well as ongoing reconciliation work.

    Prime Minister Abbott told the President it is a “a remarkable achievement” that Sri Lanka was able to maintain a 7.8 percent GDP growth with the potential of it increasing further before the end of the year.

    The two leaders also discussed bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

    “I am so grateful for the help that Sri Lanka has given,” Prime Minister Abbott told President Rajapaksa, referring to Sri Lanka’s assistance in dealing with the people smuggling issues Australia is facing.

    The President and Prime Minister Abbott last met during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2013 in November of last year in Colombo.

    The two countries closely cooperate to prevent human smuggling across the Indian Ocean and Australia this year gifted two Bay Class petrol boats to Sri Lanka to boost anti-smuggling operations.

  17. Nanda Says:

    Another big joke is the news that Modi and MR talked but not about 13A. What else to talk ? Kick out China ?

    May be he had already said, “don’t talk about that. I have already said 13++, so why nag again I’d do it when the time comes, slowly must cheat the Sinhalas”.

    Occasional good news of MR’s performances are hindrances. That gives up hopes only but nothing happens.

  18. Nanda Says:

    Sorry, “gives us hopes”

  19. Lorenzo Says:

    The mistress of SL born janitor MGR (later chief minister of Tamil Nadu), Jaya has been found guilty!!

    MODI will not save this piece of racist junk.

    Although she won 90% of Tamil people’s support Endia overruled them. Now she will be KICKED OUT of her post. Another Tamil racist will come to power. But ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST.

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    JAYALOLITA ousted! Hallelujah!

    It seems that not even the 330,000 Gods in the Hindu pantheon can tolerate this AWFUL HYPOCRITE hurling stones at Sri Lanka!

    Paneerselvam is new TN Chief Minister

    Sept 28 (Hindu) The meeting of AIADMK MLAs on Sunday is said to have unanimously elected Finance Minister O. Panneerselvam as the party’s Legislative Party leader and he is likely to be sworn in as Chief Minister.

    Raj Bhavan sources said the AIADMK had sought an appointment with Governor K. Rosaiah at 6 pm.

    This is the second time Mr Panneerslevam has become the Chief Minister of the state.

    PTI adds

    Described as “Mr Faithful”, Panneerselvam belongs to the dominant Mudukulathor community and is a trusted lieutenant of Jayalalithaa.

    The name of Mr. Panneerselvam was understood to have communicated by Jayalalithaa in the court itself after the verdict was pronounced on Saturday. She also had a long conversation with him in the court before she was lodged in Bangalore jail.

    The soft spoken and suave leader literally functioned as “interim-chief minister” for about six months and duly vacated the post after Jayalalithaa was acquitted in the case.

    Mr. Panneerselvam, who had been camping in Bangalore since Saturday when Jayalalithaa travelled there for the verdict in the disproportionate asset case, returned to the city on Sunday to take up the new responsibility as per her direction.

  21. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ms Jayalalithaa supporters are already protest against her conviction by lighting bonfires in the streets. Expec Tamil Nadu to go up in flames in the near future. Will the Union Govt have to intervene with troops and will that old demagogue and Jayalalitha’s nemesis Karunanidhi have to go into hiding?

    Birds of feather hiding together, shall we say? Could not wish a better fate for these lracist rats!

    Cheat Sheet: Jayalalithaa Sentenced to 4 Years in Jail in Corruption Case
    Sept 27, 2014

    Bangalore: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has been sentenced to four years in jail after a Bangalore court found her guilty of corruption on Saturday. Ms Jayalalithaa, who is 66, will have to resign as Chief Minister – the Supreme Court ruled last year that a law-maker found guilty of a crime carrying a jail sentence of two years or more stands immediately disqualified from office. (Case Timeline)

    Here is your 10-point cheat-sheet to this big story:

    1. Ms Jayalalithaa flew from Chennai to Bangalore this morning to attend the hearing, which took place in a makeshift court created at the Bangalore Central Jail on the outskirts of the city.

    2. The case against her is 18 years old and was filed originally by Subramanian Swamy, now a BJP leader. “I feel vindicated…she cannot recover from this loss of credibility,” he said to NDTV.

    3. The case was pursued by Jayalalithaa’s arch rival, the DMK, after it came to power in Tamil Nadu. She has been convicted along with three close aides, including Sasikala Natarajan, who lives with her.

    4. Tamil Nadu is tense amid concerns about clashes between workers of the DMK and Ms Jayalalithaa’s party. Stones were thrown at the Chennai residence of DMK chief M Karunanidhi after the verdict was delivered.

    5. The case against Ms Jayalalithaa accuses her of misusing her first term as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 1991 to 1996 to collect assets that were vastly disproportionate to her income.

    6. The prosecution has argued that Ms Jayalalithaa took a salary of just one rupee when she was elected Chief Minister, but used her five-year tenure to illicitly gather huge assets that added up to Rs. 66 crores.

    7. The alleged illegal wealth includes 2,000 acres of land, 30 kg of gold and 12,000 saris.

    8. Ms Jayalalithaa has denounced the case as political vendetta. She argued that the prosecution undervalued her earlier assets, ignored her income from other sources and exaggerated the value of her property.

    9. In the national election this year, her AIADMK virtually swept the state, winning 37 of 39 Lok Sabha seats. The state votes for its next government in two years.

    10. The case against her was shifted to a Bangalore court in 2001 when Ms Jayalalithaa returned to power for the second time. A DMK leader argued that a trial in Tamil Nadu could not be unbiased while her party, the AIADMK, was governing the state.

  22. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ms Jayalalithaa supporters are already protest against her conviction by lighting bonfires in the streets. Expec Tamil Nadu to go up in flames in the near future. Will the Union Govt have to intervene with troops and will that old demagogue and Jayalalitha’s nemesis Karunanidhi have to go into hiding?

    Birds of feather hiding together, shall we say? Could not wish a better fate for these racist rats!

    Cheat Sheet: Jayalalithaa Sentenced to 4 Years in Jail in Corruption Case
    Sept 27, 2014

    Bangalore: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has been sentenced to four years in jail after a Bangalore court found her guilty of corruption on Saturday. Ms Jayalalithaa, who is 66, will have to resign as Chief Minister – the Supreme Court ruled last year that a law-maker found guilty of a crime carrying a jail sentence of two years or more stands immediately disqualified from office. (Case Timeline)

    Here is your 10-point cheat-sheet to this big story:

    1. Ms Jayalalithaa flew from Chennai to Bangalore this morning to attend the hearing, which took place in a makeshift court created at the Bangalore Central Jail on the outskirts of the city.

    2. The case against her is 18 years old and was filed originally by Subramanian Swamy, now a BJP leader. “I feel vindicated…she cannot recover from this loss of credibility,” he said to NDTV.

    3. The case was pursued by Jayalalithaa’s arch rival, the DMK, after it came to power in Tamil Nadu. She has been convicted along with three close aides, including Sasikala Natarajan, who lives with her.

    4. Tamil Nadu is tense amid concerns about clashes between workers of the DMK and Ms Jayalalithaa’s party. Stones were thrown at the Chennai residence of DMK chief M Karunanidhi after the verdict was delivered.

    5. The case against Ms Jayalalithaa accuses her of misusing her first term as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 1991 to 1996 to collect assets that were vastly disproportionate to her income.

    6. The prosecution has argued that Ms Jayalalithaa took a salary of just one rupee when she was elected Chief Minister, but used her five-year tenure to illicitly gather huge assets that added up to Rs. 66 crores.

    7. The alleged illegal wealth includes 2,000 acres of land, 30 kg of gold and 12,000 saris.

    8. Ms Jayalalithaa has denounced the case as political vendetta. She argued that the prosecution undervalued her earlier assets, ignored her income from other sources and exaggerated the value of her property.

    9. In the national election this year, her AIADMK virtually swept the state, winning 37 of 39 Lok Sabha seats. The state votes for its next government in two years.

    10. The case against her was shifted to a Bangalore court in 2001 when Ms Jayalalithaa returned to power for the second time. A DMK leader argued that a trial in Tamil Nadu could not be unbiased while her party, the AIADMK, was governing the state.

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