Posted on November 20th, 2014

Mahinda Weerainghe First Posted on April 21st, 2013 

Erik Solheim’s Book Politics are to will” launched on March 5th, 2013, was dearth of facts or substance and rather hollow to my taste.  If anything was to be gained by it, was the ’DATES’ of some specific historical moments.

But as to; how and why the ’peace facilitation’ went haywire, remains unanswered and blurred. That is if one disregards Solheim’s off the cuff accusations of, Thorbjørn Jagland  which is for the most unsubstantiated claptrap.

 Jagland in fact was not just anybody. He served as Prime Minster (1992 to 2002) as Foreign Minister (2005 to 2009), and as President of the Storting  (2005 to 2009). Currentcurrentlyserving as the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (since 2009). He is also the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (since 2009).

To those who are unaware of the great game played clandestinely, such finger pointing might sound malicious and envious.

Indeed important questions are studiously sidestepped such as; how many billions of Norsk kr was ‘washed down the drain’ for this grand ‘peace’ undertaking.  In a nut shell, the book is exactly like his ‘peace facilitation’ lacks transparency, accountability or responsibility. Curiously the very qualities he and his boss Bondevik demands from GOSL.

Solheim, informs that he has been in Sri Lanka, a couple of weeks to write a book about Norwegian politics, and happen to be with his my good friend and former Left Party leader Arne Fjotoft”. Arne also called the ‘king of Jaffna’ had been laying the ground work to introduce the Terrorist tigers to the Norwegian politicians of all shades while the Lankans were in a deep slumber.

He opens the tropic of Sri Lanka in this manner 17.May 2009 (National day of Norway) Oslo was decked with gloriously sunny weather. Children’s parades were fanning out towards the palace. I smiled and waved to my son Aiden… But the terrible feeling  I  had  in my guts was in total  contrast  to the jubilation which I  found myself in.

The war in Sri Lanka was at its final, brutal phase. Tens of thousands of people had been killed the week before in a bloodbath and the global media scarcely was concerned with the unfolding drama.

Sri Lankan government had restricted the media covering this area, and the Tigers had never been concerned about any media attention. The war took place in secret, and now it was in its final stage, and the Tamil Tigers rebels’ days were numbered. The government forces were about to make a clean sweep, and had no intentions to spare anyone.”

Finally the terrible (Good) news announced on the 19th May 2009; that his hero ‘The murderer of Rajiv Gandhi’; Pabakaren had been dispatched!

I suspect that Solheim’s greatest fear was that if Pabakaren was netted by the Lankan forces he would spill the bean as to how terrorism was financed by the Norwegians?

Now, hold your horses, Solheim!  According to the rumors circulating, he was detained and questioned for three days and if I know our murderer, he would have spilled everything in order to save his own bacon!

So if I were you I wouldn’t sleep soundly just yet Solheim!

Solheim informs ‘Tens of thousands of people were killed the week before in a bloodbath’ if so where is the proof? Indeed Germany under WWII had gassed millions of Jews, but the hardest part was getting rid of the evidence. And the Nuremberg tribunal brought out.  Such a cleanup up job would take a few battalions to execute.

Under the caption “Jagland’s destructive ego”, Solheim qualify that the ‘peace process in Sri Lanka was properly started only after Jagland and the Labor left the government after the elections of 2001’.

Another precondition for the peace process in 2001, paradoxically enough, was the change of government in Norway. Vollebæk had started the peace process in 2000, Thorbjørn Jagland brought it to a complete breakdown in 2001, but after the elections in the autumn 2001, Jan Petersen was able to pick it up again.”

Bizarrely enough, he keeps the name of Bondevik totally under wraps; though he was the Prime Minister and the Prime Planer and initiator of the whole gambit!
Solheim scorns Thorbjørn Jutland’s style “for he had a dangerous belief that a person without knowledge can go into an area and make a difference.”

Indeed “He traveled to Sri Lanka as a Foreign Minister and was there for 13 hours in June 2001. It was the only time he was there, both before and since. Jagland had no significant knowledge of Sri Lanka and the peace process, but believed that he mastered the issues totally.”
Solheim further argue that Jagland both stabbed his own (Norwegians) in the back, creating fuss in trying to make peace. The reason was that Jagland made an agreement with the Sri Lankan government without involving the Tamil Tigers.”

One is bound to question ‘pray what is the great knowledge Solheim had by comparison, except what the Tamil Catholics and Arne had instructed him.’

If the truth be told, Jagland was not carrying any secreted barge as Bundavik and his side kicks Solheim and wesborge did. Jagland was not waging a holy war in the name of some fictive God; he was simply going by the labor party values of equal opportunity for everyone. Besides he was not made aware of the Catholic Eelam as being the ultimate target.  Surely you can’t blame the man for what he does not know.

Question is; what is it Jagland and the Norwegians at large, was totally unacquainted with?

In order to get a peek at one of the most elaborately hatched plots of the last century; one must dive into the below given report commissioned by WAPS.  In that sense it is a good indicator of what Solheim book does not say, and justify the book’s vagaries; but  above all why Jagland’s  is being blamed for the failed ‘peace quo’!

Posted on February 5th, 2012

Indeed the timing of Helgesen’s historical arrival on the (24th January 1999) to Colombo was impeccable, in many ways than one. The Tamils propaganda onslaught had got the sympathy of the whole Norwegian nation by the 1990s.

The murder of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi by LTTE terrorist was fast fading in to gray from the global and specifically Indian memory.

Occupying the presidential chair in Sri Lanka was Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. She was rotten to the core. Surrounded by a bunch of ‘yes men’ who were not second to her, in dumbness! Her regime was infiltrated by LTTE supporters and appeasers.

Then that once upon a time gunrunner of Jaffna, Jon Westborg was occupying the Norwegian Ambassador’s chair in Colombo.

Interestingly, we find the biggest Quisling of all time; Ranil Wickremasinghe has taken the centre stage in Sri Lanka, as its incumbent Prime Minister.

The Catholic action controlled English news in Lanka was working hand in glove with the UD, and blocked factual information from reaching the Lankan’s ears. They never disclosed that a total propaganda war has been initiated against Lankans by Norway. Kumar Rupasinghe should bear witness to this as he was one of the propagandists at the time.

On the other hand, Sri Lankans believe that the whole Norwegian nation were the culprit for their terrorists troubles. Nothing was further from the truth.

The real characters behind this game of smoke and mirrors did not act overtly to the world at large. The plotters wish to show the world that the whole Norwegian nation acted as a monolithic whole, vis a vis, Jaffna Tamils. Indeed they projected an illusion that there were no individuals pulling strings, but the whole of Norway acted in unison.

In fact, those who had hatched this scheme could be counted by ones fingers. Here I am specifically speaking of, Kjell Magne Bondevik, Erik Solheim, Jon Westborg, and last but not least Arne Fjotoft.

 Kjell Magne Bondevik

Kjell Magne Bondevik comes out as the adhesive for the whole gambit. He created opportunity gave direction and got a podium for the conspirators and got them the funds. Now he had melted away and acts as if he was disassociated.

Erik Solheim

Erik had such high regards for this mass murderer and hero worshiped him.

He informs he first was a Christian, but then lost his faith, and later has found it again.

Can we point to any qualifications what so ever that gives Eric an edge to carry out his intricate facilitation job? Without his Jaffna Tamil Catholic advisers, he would be one dead politician as he subsequently has become!

Jon Westborg

He was former Ambassador to Sri Lanka (1996-2003) 7 years, and then Ambassador to India (2003-2007) 4 years. 
Jon Westborg

Wiretap one: Norwegian Ambassador Jon Westborg and Pulidevan from the LTTE.

In this wiretap the ambassador gives information about the communications equipment and informs him that the Norwegians will pay for the added cost. This reveals a discussion between Westborg and Pulidevan about the transmission equipment that has been dealt with and explained and arranged with Mr. Bradman Weerakoon.”

A total of six tons of equipment was delivered to the LTTE in 2002 including V-Sat equipment used in satellite communications. Westborg specifically instructs Pulidevan to send the fax direct to his residence at Gregory’s Road and not to the embassy.

We know that Bondevik was a man ‘lacking in values’, and Solheim was a ‘babe in the woods’, so how should we qualify Jon Westborg. I would say, he was a pure Christian.  The type; that burnt an odd witch, and went on a holy war to kill the heathen in order to save the world.

But without Bondevik say so he would still be running guns to terrorists. Here the plot thickens.

Westborg was a rarity in the Norwegian foreign service. Indeed Bondevik had a special use for him; as a go between, him and Catholic Pabakaren, which propelled this unqualified ‘Holier than thou’   character, to grab the Ambassadorial chair in Colombo, for Norway.

Arne Fjotoft

Now this man was above the rest of riffraff and he is ‘as slippery as an eel’.

We have to assume that, when he entered Sri Lanka in 1967 his puritan attitudes must have been dominating.  Here we find common ground with Bondevik, which is to say; to disperse of ‘the good values and morals’ to heathen in Lanka.

Under the circumstances the following points are indisputable, and can be recognized as facts.

Kjell Magne Bondevik,   Jon Westborg, Erik Solheim and Arne Fjotofts were comrades in arms, knew each other well, and were covering each other’s backs, and were Christians to boot.

They were in cohort with the Catholic Tamils and conspired to destroy the Sinhalese Buddhists nation.

Jon Westborg and Arne Fjotoft knew the mass murder Pabakaren personally. And had running contacts with him.

Now comes a more vital point which does not come under the category of facts but it will in, time to come.  The surprising thing is that no one saw this connection.

Tsunami hit Killinochi on 25th of Dec. 2004.

How can Pabakaren survive in an underground bunker when the whole area was inundated with water?

So the real question is; was he in Mullaitheevu at all? In fact, was he in Sri Lank when Tsunami hit Killinochi on 25th of Dec. 2004?

According to some private intelligence that I am sitting with, when Tsunami hit Mullaithu, Pabakaren was in Oslo, spending his X charismas with Westborg and other Christian conspirators.

Further ‘The Island’ had reported that, an expensive coffin for a top LTTE leader” had been smuggled into a northern Tiger area inside a container carrying relief for tsunami survivors.(The expensive coffin information was leaked for good reason)

Indeed UD needed the time to get terror Boss back to Mullaithu incognito or Christian conspirators will be exposed in Norway.  And in order to smuggle him back they needed at least 3 weeks. Accordingly they drew up a game plan. LTTE bought an expensive coffin from Colombo and acted as if they were going to bury an important LTTE member. They never told who this important person was, and it is still a secret who was that person? Everybody assumed that it was Pabakaren.  Indeed a red herring had been conjured up by Pabakaren to divert Lankan’s attention, and keep them suspended in limbo, so they wouldn’t trigger an investigation.

Now if we connect up the dots, we get a clear view of this smoke and mirrors. It murmurs of a plot so intricate, so farfetched, so mind boggling, that only a Catholic Jaffna Tamil could have put it together. Erik Solheim, Kjell Magne Bondevik, Jon Westborg and Pabakaren must have agreed by 2000 or there about, that they coordinate and cooperate their activity in order to gain a Catholic Eelam in Sri Lanka.

By 5th December 2001 these basic conditions were in the bag.

Then in keeping to the ruse, LTTE’s announced a unilateral ceasefire on the 19th Dec. Ranil follow suit with a month-ceasefire from 24 December 2001. Accordingly, on 27th December 2001, Ranil gives a call to Kjell Magne Bondevik, and officially requests the Royal Norwegian Government (RNG) to recommence its facilitator role. Thus the great game of ‘illusion’ has been set in motion.

There were 6 rounds of talks and Lankan dolts were waiting with anticipation for a positive outcome of these, which were:

1.)   16-18 September 2002 -Sattahip, Thailand

2.)   31 October —3 November 2002—Rose Garden Hotel, Thailand

3.)  2-5 December 2002 —Oslo,  Norway

4.)  6-9 January 2003 —Rose Garden Hotel, Thailand

5.)  7-8 February 2003 — Norwegian Embassy, Berlin

6.)  18-21 March -Hakone, Japan


On21st April 2003, without any how do you do, LTTE announced its withdrawal from direct talks

In hindsight we can see that Pabakaren and Kjell have been playing a game of brinkmanship with the GOSL. They must destabilize the Sri Lankan state and frustrate the locals, for reasons best known only to them.

Uncle Tom Ranil implicitly trusted Kjell as he has secured to him the position of the Deputy Leader in the Christian Union.  He also had been promised to get the Nobel Peace Prize once Eelam was in the box.  I very much doubt if Kjell and Pabakaren ever trusted Ranil with the real game plan.

Moving on with plan, on 22 February 2002, Ambassador Jon Westborg acting as go between Pabakaren and Ranil signed an agreement.  Kudos for Bondevik.

By then Bondevik and co. was working intensively to get a whitewash done for LTTE and get its ‘terrorists’ identification, expunged.  This in turn would inspire EU members to extend recognition of LTTE terrorists as a ‘none terrorists’ outfit.  Everything UD was doing then had a purpose at that point. For once LTTE terrorist’s epitaph was removed, LTTE automatically gains respectability. This in turn would open up the possibility to seek a mandate from UN for invading Sri Lanka similar to what France executed in Libya.

From here on we have to make some educated guesses as to what part each of these shifty characters contributed for the success of operation ‘Eelam’.

Main functions of Bondevik

Exclusive priority was given by Kjell to put in place ‘a niche’ in the foreign ministry to deal with the peace facilitation in Lanka. He grants his pal Solheim the position of ‘The Chief peace facilitator’. Obviously all of the vital positions in the niche organization were filled by trusted Christian cronies. With the formation of SLMM these facilitators gets a mandate to destabilize the Island from within.

In fact this ‘niche’ was a ‘government within a government’ within a government. No transparency, no accountability no responsibility was ever stipulated, including from the foreign office auditing.

Main functions of  Westborg

Westborg’s main job was as being in liaison with the terrorist Boss Pabakaren. He also should use the secret founds in cash (in rupees) to bribe strategic secret operations and buying strategically placed bureaucrats.  This money may have found its way to the coffers from the covert Sri Lankan Eelamists as well as secret Norwegian founds.

(As soon as it was confirmed that Prabhakaran was a ‘has been’ Westborg was sitting pretty with tons of RS. (Using those resources he has bought among other things 75 perch plot in the Victoria Golf Club at Rs 150000 a perch Now I am a member of Victoria Golf Club so I knowt his for a fact.)

Now ‘Eelam’ should have been ‘a fat accompli’ before the binging of  2005,

Westborg as the Ambassador in Sri Lanka could not be prolonged in Lanka  now (7 years),so he  got him the ambassadorship of India next(4 years); this in order to keep him as liaison to have an a open line to Pabakaren.

Then we find nature ‘the weather God’ giving a helping hand to the Sri Lankan people. For we find:

2003 May – Country’s worst-ever floods leave more than 200 people dead and drive some 4,000 people from their homes.

2004 March – Renegade Tamil Tiger commander, known as Karuna, leads split in rebel movement and goes underground with his supporters.

Then the LTTE Chief realizes he has to go back to square one; which is the Suicide bombings, Assassinations, and intimidations of the Lankan people.  And on:

2004 July – Suicide bomb blast in Colombo – the first such incident since 2001.

2004 December – More than 30,000 people are killed when a tsunami, massive waves generated by a powerful undersea earthquake, devastate coastal communities. 1/3 of terrorist carders were swept away.

Post tsunami Bondevik’s power was ebbing fast and he lost his control of the Eelam project by 2005.

Mahinda Rajapkse was declared president on November 19, 2005after winning the elections.

Ranil  Wickremasinghe’s  hope for victory were effectively dashed when the LTTE ordered Tamil voters, most of whom would likely have voted for him, to boycott the polls. Why? I believe Norway and LTTE expected to get the Eelam before the 2005 election, but Ranil has not done his bit. So Prabhakaran told the Tamils not to vote.

Indeed by 2005 we find that Bondevik has lost his position as Prime Minister and by 2007 he was fighting to keep his name clean.

Hence the closure by the (LTTE), sluice-gates of Mavil Aru on July 26, 2006Prabhakaran thought the EU nations would come to his aids.  Perhaps they would have like to but dare not, as China and Russia was looking over their shoulders.

Mavil Aru was a crucial turning point in the Sri Lankan terrorists War. By 2007 things look bad for the creators of Eelam and the UD coordinator, for they lost control of the fast deteriorating situation.  China and Russian evolving as world powers and the Rajapkse brothers taken the reins of power by 2005 the conspirers came up against a granite wall.

Under the circumstances I would wish to ask this glorious peace facilitor Solheim just one question; Was the terrorist Boss Pabakaren in Oslo with Hans Westborg when Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, (on the 25th of Dec. 2004)?

Simple no, yes or do not know will soffit! And if this is a fact then the whole report becomes factual!

Mahinda Weerainghe,   April 2013; Author of   ‘Mission to

Representative of WAPS in Sri Lanka



  1. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    After so many self righteous accusatory fingers have been pointing at Colombo now it is time to point them back at Oslo, New Delhi and Chennai. Too many people too fast to blame a victim for the act of violence done to her. Now it is time the victim (Colombo) and demands the justice long denied to her.

  2. R.M.W Says:

    I wrote above: –

    Under the circumstances I would wish to ask this glorious peace facilitor Solheim just one question; Was the terrorist Boss Pabakaren in Oslo with Hans Westborg when Tsunami hit Sri Lanka, (on the 25th of Dec. 2004)?

    As they do not answer I believe we request KP to answer this vital question? FOR IF ANY ONE FOR CERTAIN KNOWS; THEN HE CERTAINLY DOES AND THE FOLLOWING QUARY OF THE PRESIDENT
    For as HE decares
    in a meeting most recently!

  3. Sooriarachi Says:

    This is an excellent eye opener for those who have been naïve and believed the above mentioned Norwegians were honest brokers. With the next presidential elections coming up soon, Sri Lankans need to unite to prevent Ranil and Chandrika grabbing power from the current president Mahinda Rajapakse who rescued the nation and now engaged in fast tracking the economic development of the nation and uniting the different ethnic groups within the unitary state of Sri Lanka.
    I am not surprised to hear that LTTE terrorists were planning to create a Catholic Tamil nation, within the Indian Ocean nations, having lost Goa to India. Though the vast majority of Northern Tamils are Hindus, and most friendly with the Buddhist Sinhalese, and there is not a single Poosari/Hindu priest leading this malicious campaign against Sri Lanka, it is the minority Catholic Tamil priests linked to Tamilnadu Catholic Tamil priests, who have taken the leadership of this movement and are making a big noise, spreading lies to mislead the world. They talk of grievances but not able to list out any grievance not common with the rest of the nation.
    I hope the JVP, JHU and Fonseka’s party would wake up soon to see the danger ahead for Sri Lanka, if the current President is defeated (most probably not) or eliminated in some other underhand manner and a man like Ranil or a woman like Chandrika is appointed to the top position.

  4. NAK Says:

    In my view separatists terrorist project was initially started by the CIA as step towards breaking India in to pieces. when that became no longer necessary with a PM who make gun deals with west and a Italian wife, either the project was handed over to Norvegians or was picked up by them after the CIA dumped it. The reason I say it was CIA because so far there has not been a satisfactory explanation for the strange behavior of JRJ in July 83 riots.

    How ever much I hate the assol Sarath Silva, I think it was his ruling to the Elections commissioner that polling stations be established one Km inside on the GOSL side from the line of control that did the trick. Prabhakaran could not afford to send all his adult population out of his area of control. Actually Prabhakaran’s order may have been not allow beyond the line of control and not,not to vote.The popularly believed version that Mahinda paid money is a silly joke. Who would pay money for a service that can not guarantee a result. Besides who will trust some one like Prabhakaran to keep his word. Ranil won Batticoloa with huge margin. Does it mean that Tamils in Batticola didn’t heed Prabhakarans order or that it didn’t apply to them.

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