Posted on November 26th, 2014

Mahinda Weerasinghe Author of  Mission to Oslo

First Posted on September 26th, 2010

Mahindapala‘s ‘Ranil about to repeat Uncle JRJ‘s end‚ Posted on September 21st, 2010 was, factual, brilliant and informative. I read it with avidity.

However there is subtler truth which unfortunately had eluded his attention.

Obviously ‘Yankee dick”‘ tinkered with the UNP constitution to keep power for self. In fact his uncle ruled UNP with an iron hand.  Ranil Wickremesinghe informs the world at large that presently, the UNP leader is elected. He must be either joking or under the assumption that Lankans are bunch of nincompoops. According to the present UNP Constitution (amended in 1995 after Ranil Wickremesinghe grabbed power) an election will be held only if there is a vacancy in the post of Leader. This can only be caused by the death or the resignation of the Leader. Ranil tampered with the UNP Constitutional provision which existed since its inception in 1948, where the Leader of the UNP was up for election each year. Even Hon. D.S. Senanayake faced elections as he democratically should have.

Since RW took control of UNP by means of a dictatorial mandate, that once Democratic Party has cast its democratic principles to the dust bin. For a Democratic Party membership to hit such a ludicrous low point, the party either should consists of imbeciles or boot lickers, or perhaps a combination of both?

Instead of UNP membership getting rid of this S.O.B he is dismantling the party, piecemeal. His dictatorial uncle became the leader of the party for life. Pramadasa using strong arm tactics plied J.R out of his cozy job. Then Premadsa was sent to kingdom come by an LTTE infiltrator who he has cultivated. But there‘s no one to dispatch Ranil, who is now dancing to every whim of the sitting president.

Luckily this historic betrayer of the nation can rule only this bunch of UNP blockheads. Though shit is thrown at him daily, he clings on to his opposition” leadership slot, like a leech. So how does one decipher the subtle secret for this absurd situation? What is the reason when, while UNP membership is melting away in droves, this namby-pamby bloodsucker, clings to this post, like a barnacle?

In fact there is a valid reason for his tenacity to hang on” to his leadership” position in spite of every brick bat that‘s thrown at him.

First of all Ranil W comes from a Christian background. His father was a Christian, his Uncle, A Bishop of Colombo. Just like his uncle, he is masquerading as a Buddhist. All are aware as to what RW as Prime Minister decided in 2001; indeed to celebrate the 500 years anniversary of the Portuguese invasion of Sri Lanka in 1505! Who on earth will ever celebrate an anniversary of a foreign invasion of one”‘s own country except a brain dead imbecile or a traitor in a grand scale?

It is a fact that Ranil Wickramasinghe was appointed the Vice Chairman of the Asia pacific region of The International Democratic Union (IDU) in July 2005. The IDU is a working association of over 80 conservative, Christian democratic and like-minded political parties of the centre and centre right, and so it identifies itself on its website The entire membership of this Union consists predominantly of Christian nations. Although the Union is said to consist of centre right, but by looking at the listed political parties, one can easily conclude that most of them comes with ultra rightwing political agendas. President of the IDU at one time was Kjell Magne Bondevik . Mr. Bondevik is a Norwegian Lutheran minister and was the Prime Minister of Norway at crucial historical point of time of Lanka. He is one of the architect who F… up Lanka. This is the man who wanted to spread good values among the Norwegians; for we all know that good values did not exist before Christ the savior was born unto the world.

The IDU knew what it was doing, when it awarded this quisling a Vice chairmanship of their fellowship to a ‘Buddhist”‘. They were paid back in full as 75% of his 2001 cabinet consisted of Christians and mainly Catholics.

This man flies every few months to Norway in order to receive instructions from his white masters; obviously there are no knowledgeable Sri Lankans to advise him as how set about the business of good governance.

His grand betrayal came about when he signed CFA with the now extinct murderer known us St Prabakran. Shrouded in secrecy, this Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) was formulated in such a manner as to give Sri Lanka to the terrorists, piecemeal.  But are the Lankans aware, that there were not one but two CFAs, common one is for public consumption, the other, in order to divide the country when they grabbed real power. The second secret document is still hidden, and its injunctions are known only by the Norwegian UD and Ranil.

Be sure he has been strongly advised by his white Christian masters never let go of his post as the leader of the opposition, for letting it go would be as good as putting a noose round his neck. For once he loses his official status the patriotic forces would bring him to justice and the Christian conspiracy thereby be exposed. So he is trying to ride the waves of wrath of the Buddhist chauvinist, but that fury is now turning into a tidal wave which will engulf him and sweep away to his obliteration.  I can bet that as soon as he loses his ‘opposition leader”‘position, he will dash to exile before he is brought before a court of justice.

At the moment hiding this Norwegian UD conspiracy is the only game in town. That why Sokhumi is in New York, for a ‘by the way”‘chat with President Mahinda Rajapakse. How the Catholic action tried to eradicate Buddhism and Hinduism from the Lankan shores using a holy war under a guise of an ethnic conflict will soon be common knowledge. But first we have to ply this Judas out.

Gentlemen; I propose the word Quisling be replaced in the dictionaries with the more meaningful word: Ranil-Wikramasinghe.

Mahinda Weerasinghe

Author of Mission to Oslo



  1. Lorenzo Says:

    MR is already pasting posters of the POPE BLESSING HIM with a broomstick!

    MR has politicized POPE’s visit already.

    But Christians FEAR if MR remains in power by January 14th, the pope will be “humiliated” with demands for apologies, protests against the church plunder in SL. So they prefer a DIFFERENT president.

    Shiranthi is a Catholic and NR, YR, RR studied in an Anglican school.

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