Can people trust Sirisena ?
Posted on January 2nd, 2015

P.Ariyasinghe, Melbourne

The request from Hakeem, leader of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, for a separate Administrative District was rejected by the govt and he  joined Sirisena. Because obviously he had agreed to this. But he says that there was no agreement on this . Can  people trust him?

TNA MP Suresh Premachandran addressing the media before the announcement to support Sirisena had said, ‘The prospective candidate we decide to back, should compromise to withdraw the army from the North and the East…’ Therefore, Sirisena would have definitely agreed to this request as well. However this week, speaking to the Diplomatic Community he had said, ‘I will not withdraw the army from Jaffna… I have never said such a thing..’ Can people trust him?

In the 2010 Presidential elections, Sarath Fonseka declared that the war was won due to his efforts. Now Sirisena maintains that it was he who won the war because he was the Acting Defence Minister during the last two weeks of the war and claims that the victory over the LTTE  is due to his efforts. Then, Sirisena was proposed as a Common Opposition Candidate by Chandrika and she claims that 75 per cent of the war was won by her ! So now there are so many claiming for the war victory. But the people know that it was Mahinda Rajapakse who gave the leadership for the war effort.

Calling himself the  ‘Consensus candidate’ for the joint opposition, Sirisena says that he will abolish the Executive Presidency within 100 days and hand over to Ranil who will be the Executive Prime Minister. The question is , ‘Is Sirisena doing all this hard work to win the elections just to hand over the govt to Ranil and go to retirement? Can people trust him? Chandrika after nine years in retirement came back to politics because there are plums in it !

5 Responses to “Can people trust Sirisena ?”

  1. helaya Says:

    Not for a moment. This guy is a stooge of West. He will definitely withdraw army from the North and East. In the East there will be Sharia law and in the North PEELAM law.

  2. Christie Says:

    Sirisena is the coolie of Chandrika and Chandrika is the puppet of India then and now.

  3. ranjit Says:

    How can we trust a traitor to his Boss. He is not different than Judas. He will repent and suffer for what he did to his Boss same way as Judas. The President is a very kind man and he always work for the people.He never think of party politics.He worked as a statesman to all Sri Lankans irrespective of color or Religion or party politics. This man Maru Sira did a very low thing by leaving the President after eating Hoppers with him in the morning and declaring that he will be the Opposition candidate to contest the President in the coming election. Just think what kind of a man is this.How can you trust a Judas to Govern our country? Do you think he just left the President? NO that was a coup by the Bandit and the rest financed by the foreign backers of the west?
    People should understand and think carefully how this group got together. All knows who are the participants in this group? These are all failed corrupt politicians from every political party in the island. Ranil lost 29 times because you do not trust him so how can you trust him on the 30th time? JVP was rejected by the people on so many occasions and they do not have any say in the country at all. Hela Uruma coming forward to take revenge from the man who saved the land from ruthless terrorists. They too were brain washed by the western agents and promised them sun and the moon for their services. All these traitors are paid agents of the west so we as citizens of our nation must think wisely and chose the right person and that is none other than the current President Mahinda Rajapksa.

  4. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    He is not a Sinhalion. He joined the UnPatriotic Party (UNP).
    UnPatriotic Party is a Catholic-run party! Now people wonder how? When they had saints like (alugosu actually)premadasa, jr, forever loser ranil at the helm. They always align Sri Lanka with America, Britain, Germany,
    France etc. all Catholic countries. So they can’t step out of the line. To make matters worse there are Catholic
    big wigs within the party as well.

    A lot of our pea-brained Sinhalese, especially Sinhalese Buddhists, still
    support these traitors. They don’t know they are digging their own graves for themselves and Buddhism
    in the long run. Sinhalions should always support MR if they have an iota of patriotism in their blood.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    What, TRUST a backstabbing TURNCOAT to be President of Sri Lanka? I THINK NOT!

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