Mr Sirisena’s Tragic Subservience to a Western Sponsored Coup d’état and the Planned Destruction of Sri Lanka
Posted on January 5th, 2015
Dr. D. Chandraratna
It is rather distressing as a Sri Lankan to even think that a man from the rural hinterland has agreed to lead a Western sponsored Coup d’état. But his ignorance of world events and the machinations of hegemonic powers in a struggle for supremacy in the modern world after the collapse of Berlin Wall and the resurgence of China, contesting the world leadership in the foreign relations area, will not sink into the limited capacity of Mr Sirisena’s brain, impervious to intelligence. I cannot recall the name of the author but he wrote in the Lanka Web that ‘a finger can be pointed at us for being speculative, but given the record of USAID, when the Harvard award for Health Leadership was given to Maithripala Sirisena, and given what is happening today including the ‘bribe plus cross over’ attempts of members of parliament etc., it can safely be said that what meets the eye is but a tip of the iceberg in the well planned effort to use the ambitious Sirisena to engineer regime change in Sri Lanka for the sinister purposes of ‘Empire.’ Are we being subjected to an orchestrated disguised colour revolution to bring-in ‘real democracy, good governance and liberalism’ of the West at the expense of all that was achieved by our gallant forces?
If the sponsored coup d’état is successful or even unsuccessful for that matter the country is facing a stormy time and the consequences are many even if Mr Rajapakse wins the contest. There are umpteen examples in the events in the world today and it is not just my imagination running riot. I feel sad that the JHU, which we depended for argumentative politics, not votes, has seen fit to resolve their grievance, perhaps genuine, by joining a truly dangerous group. The country knows the statesman and unpatriotic features in the CBK-RW duo but the price we have to pay for their secret Machiavellian strategy will definitely dent the territorial integrity and more than that, peace and tranquillity after a thirty year war. Especially tragic that when a common Sri Lankan identity is being forged replacing linguistic or religious chauvinism, which the TNA, SLMC and the Diaspora, are dangling. It is a shame if the intelligent people of the country let this happen by throwing out Mr Rajapakse, just for the unfounded allegations of corruption or the family bandyism, which should be handled differently, if true. The venerables Sobithas and Rathanas of this world are genuinely under informed about how powerful world powers control local agenda’s in small countries because geo politics of the world have a lot at stake even in places like Sri Lanka. Sadly, I must mention that the President is tarnished for the doings of some under educated underlings around him and he is guilty of inaction. But those who are really concerned about the integrity of the nation must tell the President after the victory to clean his stables, lest we forget.
I am sure that the regime change revolution planned for the 8 th of January, proposed by the West and seconded by Ranil and CBK is a replication of the other colour revolutions handled by neo con elements in recent times. We will be a copycat version of the orange (Ukraine), Georgia (rose), Serbia, Iraq (purple), Lebanon in 2005(Cedar) and Egypt (Arab spring) in 2012. These revolutions were done in the name of a number of things. Greater democracy, democracy from below, people power as in Gandhi’s Satyagraha, removing incumbent presidents by other means than elections, using smart power, advocated by Hillary Clinton. All this has one common feature, which is hidden, and that is the removal of leaders who are not sympathetic to the West by the manipulation of norms and values that citizens in the respective countries believe in. After the cold war the use of military power in the world as US thought fit cannot happen anymore and the use of smart power is the softer version. The propaganda through the illegitimate use of media and modern technology is the supreme modus operandi of the color revolution and these revolutions are nothing but disguised coup d’ etat. We are in the middle of a stormy revolution and for sure if successful CBK will give it her favourite name, Sudu Nelum, to a thousand thorny pricks to the body politic.
Let us analyse the start and the desired goal of this gravy train defined revolution. It is no secret that the west is unhappy and will not be happy as long as Sri Lanka is linked with China. The LTTE is not the cause and will never be. It is only a weapon, which is easily available at the moment that can be manipulated. Local agents such as RW and CBK are an integral part of the plan for it needs indigenous elites, if you call Chandrika an elite. The allegations to vilify the leaders are corruption and nepotism, which are anathema to the local culture. These must be magnified by multiplying numbers to present an imminent collapse of the economy. The NGO sector is used to camouflage grass root support but foreign funded NGO’s are never rooted in real civil society. The NGO’s will define democracy in terms of their own conceptions outside of elections. Signs of a wave (raella) will be on the Face Book to kindle a kind of revolutionary fervour to dupe the rural voters. These tactics are now in play in Sri Lanka and these were the very same tactics of every revolution. There will be plenty of money circulating in the hands of locals who worship foreign deities, with no holds barred.
Election fraud will be highlighted on the eve of the election to carry on the revolution even after a victory of the incumbent. As the JVP has stated the colour revolution will be on to the streets after the departure of the Pope from our shores and then the Egyptian script is activated as part of the plan. A neocon observer wrote recently in the Voltaire blog that the United States had planned the revolution in Egypt for some time but was hopeful that it may happen at the death of their ally Hosni Mubarek. Consequently, they were standing ready to step in. As demonstrations erupted in Tahi’r square, Cairo, Washington apparently detached a team from one of their think tanks, the Einstein Institute. A manual, already used in other countries, was translated into Arabic and disseminated to shepherd demonstrators ttrough the Facebook and Twitter services set up by the State Department and the CIA. The same pattern was seen in the orange revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, Libya and other places where the Americans engineered regime change. In some of the countries regimes did change but living conditions worsened (Ukraine, Georgia) and in others as in Libya and Iraq the countries virtually imploded. Those who engineered change made a quick exit and are no more and people have died by the millions. The western press has suddenly gone silent. This appears to be the game plan for regime change in Sri Lanka. If our reasoning is right and if the available information is correct the exercise planned by neo conservatives at the request of CBK and RW is being played according to the script. We will have to brave ourselves for a turbulent time. Cannot believe that we are that stupid a nation and particularly the Sinhalese!
January 2nd, 2015 at 3:40 pm
Real patriotic Sri Lankan must wake up. Rally around MR or expect fragmented Sri lanka into several pieces.
January 2nd, 2015 at 4:35 pm
India, Indians, Indian colonial parasites and vermin are behind the West. Take Norway India is behind them. See my comments about Guyana and Norway, CeyNor and Former president of Guyana an Indian who is the leader of the Commonwealth election monitors. Chandrika is a servant of Indian interests.
January 2nd, 2015 at 8:05 pm
DonaldYou too living in the white man’s Australia and writing nonsense. Why not come to SL and invest like us, the Colombians then you will not write what you have written above.
Though I want MR to be the Pez after the 8th,not happy will all the politicians in the country.
January 2nd, 2015 at 8:49 pm
True Sri Lankans must think hard, analyze what this Govt has done from 2005 to 2014 and decide who is more capable to run our beloved Motherland. A true patriot or a traitor who abandoned the President and eloped to the Opposition dreaming of becoming the President of Sri Lanka for 100 days. A man similar to Judas who betrayed Jesus thought “OH! even 100 days good enough to be like King although he doesn’t know that he is sitting with a bomb underneath. People around him were the agents of America and England so he must be ready to serve all of them first before he serve himself and the citizens of Sri Lanka if not he wont be able to stay even for 100 days.
CKB is a devil with one eye and we all know what she did to our country during her time. Ranil is a supid who lost 29 times and work as per his Masters voice. How can anyone trust a man who has lost 29 times? He is a loser always and his dream of becoming the Prime Minister will be only a dream. Sambandan is a terrorist who always work against our country and it’s people. A divider with high hopes under Maru Sira. Hakim another traitor who runs like a prostitute to report our internal matters to his foreign backers while he was serving in the Govt. and now gone to the other side for millions. These traitors not asking the vote to serve the people but to serve themselves from either side of the political game. Reject these traitors and vote for the great hero of all time our beloved President Mahinda Rajapksa for the third time.
January 3rd, 2015 at 3:58 am
This election is going to be a turning point in Sri Lankan politics. People going to understand
who are the real patriots and discard the traitors lot. This lot include
bandit queen
gb ranil
UnPatriotic Party (UNP)
which had no hesitation to kill Sinhalese youth and burned their bodies
in town centres in tyres to teach the rest a lesson, but couldn’t find the gun to get rid of the terrorist outfit
gave 13, 13A to divide the country,
signed a pact with the terrorists to divide the country again, etc. etc.
Traitors Northern Alliance aka TNA
SLMC (Sri Lankan Multiplying Community)
Patali cham paka
January 3rd, 2015 at 4:46 am
>>>All this has one common feature, which is hidden, and that is the removal of leaders who are not sympathetic to the West by the manipulation of norms and values that citizens in the respective countries believe in<<<
This is what “good governance”, “rule of law”, and “media freedom” are – nice sounding political norms designed to get people to support regime change from a government that is not sufficiently friendly to the West to one that is. The problem is the good governance, rule of law, and media freedom they promise never come, only the Western-oriented government that they support.
January 3rd, 2015 at 5:01 am
>>>But his ignorance of world events and the machinations of hegemonic powers in a struggle for supremacy in the modern world after the collapse of Berlin Wall and the resurgence of China, contesting the world leadership in the foreign relations area, will not sink into the limited capacity of Mr Sirisena’s brain, impervious to intelligence.<<<
This is not only beyond the capacity of Maithripala’s brain, most Sri Lankans simply can’t believe that the US is that devious – that they would intentionally organize an opposition around nice sounding political norms like “good governance” that they plant in the local media with the specific purpose of REGIME CHANGE to a more Western (i.e., anti-China) government. They do this crap all over the world, so this should not be a big surprise that they are trying to do it again in Sri Lanka.
If the US fails on January 8th, and I am pretty confident that they will (“”), it will be EIGHT LONG YEARS before they have another shot at controlling the Sri Lanka government, and by then the China-India-Sri Lanka multi-faceted (economic AND security) alliance will be irreversible, which means the US will roll up its tent, collect its marbles, and go play this game somewhere else. If they can’t pit India against China, and can’t stop Sri Lanka from allowing China to safeguard its trade routes, then the US clearly has failed in the childish “king of the hill” game they are playing, at least in this part of the world.
January 3rd, 2015 at 7:47 am
Dr, Chandraratna, in spite of utterences by some to the contrary, I thank you very much for this great article which could enlighten many a Sri Lankan on the way the western underground operations work in other countries to destabilize them. These facts have to reach the voters in our country. As such, it would be even better if they are revealed in the local media in Sinhala and Tamil, if at all possible as it is those citizens that need to know all the facts about these underground operations by the west for “regime change” in the guise of “democracy” and “human rights”.
So, if not already done, please publish these in the local papers so that they would have a better effect. I know that people in Sri Lanka do not read the local papers in large numbers, but this message has to reach the people that matter in a timely fashion.
January 3rd, 2015 at 7:52 am
Dr, Chandraratna, in spite of utterances by some to the contrary, I thank you very much for this great article which could enlighten many a Sri Lankan on the way the western underground operations work in other countries to destabilize them. These facts have to reach the voters in our country. As such, it would be even better if they are revealed in the local media in Sinhala and Tamil, if at all possible as it is those citizens that need to know all the facts about these underground operations by the west for “regime change” in the guise of “democracy” and “human rights”.
So, if not already done, please publish these in the local papers so that they would have a better effect with a wider readership. I know that people in Sri Lanka do not read the local papers in large numbers, but this message has to reach the people that matter in a timely fashion..
January 3rd, 2015 at 7:53 am
Since the 1950s Western imperialists have been in the business of regime change, assassinations and propping up client states to pillage the wealth of nations.
In 1953, England and America overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran. The coup was orchestrated by the intelligence apparatus of both countries after Mr. Mosaddegh nationalized the oil industry that was controlled by foreign interests. They set up Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (the shah of Iran) as a puppet authoritarian ruler who relied heavily on U.S. support.
In 1961, in the Congo, the CIA in collaboration with Belgium plotted the overthrow and subsequent murder of Patrice Lumumba—the country’s first post colonial prime minister—and installed Joseph Mobutu who served America for 32 years until his own demise at the hands of Clinton administration backed proxies, Rwanda and Uganda. The war caused the death of 6 million Congolese.
In 1966, Ghanaian independence leader Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was deposed by the CIA using ambitious enemies from within Ghana while Dr. Nkrumah was abroad in China on a peace mission attempting to mediate the Vietnam conflict.
Another gross example of U.S. meddling in the affairs of others was the September 11, 1973 ousting and assassination of the legitimate, elected government of President Salvador Allende of Chile. The coup d’état was organized by the Richard Nixon administration and Chilean military, ushering in the brutal dictator General Augusto Pinochet. These are only three examples out of many that can be named as examples of America’s pursuit of wicked foreign policy objectives.
A dictator becomes a “dictator” abhorred by his countrymen when he has overused his authority & power. These are good lessons for such leaders overstepping their power because they have come to equate power as their right. Such have been the countries that the West have been quick to ear mark & target for overthrowing these countries has been an easy effort to enter & dislodge these leaders. It is these very citizens who end up helping the overthrow take place, thus the non-requirement for stretched military equipment or personnel & the use of their own to minimize the casualties to their own countrymen. Collateral damage is what the West would call this. The countries where these leaders become “dictators” are often rich in natural resources which are one reason why they end up misusing the mandate given to them & becoming power hungry & their stooges & families end up devastating the country to which they are supposed to function as custodians.
It is the lack of answering this all important question that demands the West not to use these false clichés of “freedom from dictators” as an excuse. No sooner these “dictators” are overthrown the first thing the West ends up doing is to tap the natural resources, take over the economic hubs & privatize all channels that will supply their countries a steady flow of monetary returns & economic gain. All those who played an indirect role in aiding the West by providing support end up just turning their heads away. Therefore, when we all know Iraq was a mistake it is good to now ask whether Libya is going to be another – where the consequences to the future of the people of these countries were never part of the strategy or overall plan!
It is not hard to deduce that all of the efforts to overthrow Governments whatever type of governance has taken place in these countries are done so purely on the basis of acquiring the wealth of these nations. The calls for removal of these “despots” or “dictators” are mere slogans helped greatly by the mass media that provides the visuals of sensationalism to justify the overthrowing by painting the perfect picture of saviors against despots. It took no time for Mubarak of Egypt, the one time darling of the West to be portrayed with so much hatred by the media with no reminder to the public that he was an agent of the West. This is what is likely to happen to all other political leaders who think they will remain the darlings of the West & continue corrupt leadership.
In any democracy where people come to power on the strength of a vote it is natural that almost half the nation will not vote in favor of the overall winner. This is certainly not basis for any country to say that a leader is opposed & plans set to overthrow him.
The countries that are currently earmarked for regime change will know from diplomatic statements where their countries are heading for & this alone should suffice to ensure the country is set in order & issues that are likely to be used as excuses are properly taken care of. Corruption being one excuse is a perfect area to ensure that politicians, their stooges & the corrupt public service immediately function as they should & not as they want to run for the repercussions are far more dangerous in the present context.
If any country should be saved by the West it should be Palestinians suffering in Gaza for years as a result of Israeli. What does the US do instead – it vetoes Resolutions brought against Israel in the UN.
The moment examples of how regime change, how the West has toppled nations and the very same nations are at play is shown with examples… it is too much for most so called “Educated Sri Lankans” to comprehend…. they just want to be happy within their own comfort zones… nevertheless elections are about electing a person who can hold the country together and if The so called “Educated Sri Lankans” had read the history they would realize that Sri Lanka has been a target for over 500 years. Sometimes keeping abreast of what goes on around the world will help people to think clearer…
We have Mahinda Rajapakse – became President in 2005 ended the war LTTE in 2009, became President again in 2010 and is now contesting for the 3rd time.
Since Ranil can’t win without the Sinhala Buddhist votes, the General Secretrary of the SLFA was hired for the role contesting for 100 days and PROMISING to hand over power to Ranil through the backdoor. The Opposition is made up of TNA, Vickramabahu, Rajitha, Sarath Fonseka, Sobitha thero, Rathana thero, Champaka R… quite a cocktail of people with wild views and ideologies….all held together by CBK with Ranil looking on. The Colombo chorus says CHANGE… but CHANGE is to bring back the same proven rogues once more to power.
If Rajapakse is the Devil … the Opposition are certainly no angels …. WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS CHANGE WE ARE TO GET?
Are only politicians guilty? NO…
Individuals, companies, members of the private sector, employees in the state sector are all guilty. The level of corruption varies but corruption is corruption.
Nevertheless, to end corruption the buck does not stop with the politician.
Where does it start? Who are connected in between and who does it end with?
Who sold State assets?
1. Airlanka? – CBK
2. Lanka Shell Gas? – CBK
3. Sri Lanka Telecom – CBK
4. Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation – CBK
5. Bogala Minerals – CBK
6. State Distilleries – CBK
7. Asia Hotels – CBK
Who sold State assets?
1. CWE – Ranil
2. Lanka Milk Foods – Ranil
3. Pelawatte Sugar – Ranil
4. Sevanagala Sugar – Ranil
5. Ceylon Oxygen – Ranil
Yahapalanaya via privatization… in store… for all
January 4th, 2015 at 6:41 pm
Indian imperialists have managed to brainwash us to believe in what the West do in other places are done to us and blind us to not to see what Indian imperialists are doing to us. There is no question West is screwing us but at the same time please open your senses and what Indian imperialists are doing. It is Indians who colonized us and destroyed us and they are continue to do it till we disappear.
January 6th, 2015 at 3:32 am
Aiyoo, Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena!
200 Years after that YEAR OF INFAMY 1815, in 2015 you have chosen to deliver Mother Lanka BOUND HAND & FOOT to her ENEMIES!
But, FEAR NOT PATRIOTS, the same fate that befell the Arch-Traitor of that day, Pilimithalawa will befall the backstabbing traitor Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena too!
Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa…..What have you done to yourself and to our motherland!
January 7th, 2015 at 9:30 am
CERTAINLY, the Winner of tomorrow’s election should address the “Tamil Issue” in Sri Lanka, but NOT BY DEVOLVING POWERS, but by
1. REPEALING the 13th Amendment,
2. DISSOLVING the Provincial Councils and replacing them with DISTRICTS administered by GOSL APPOINTED Government Agents,
3. BANNING ALL COMMUNAL political organizations,
4. PROSECUTING & PUNISHING all those who VIOLATE TREASON LAWS by conniving with foreigners to DESTABILIZE and UNDERMINE the nation, and
5. PROHIBITING foreign NGOs from interfering in Sri Lanka’s internal politics and religious matters, and monitoring their activities closely.
In the meantime, INDIA can BUTT OUT of Sri Lanka’s internal politics and attend to its own knitting by uplifting its people from abject poverty and endemic societal discrimination.
This may come as a surprise to Indians, but Sri Lanka is FAR AHEAD of India in assuring SOCIAL EQUITY and does not consider India as a superior model for Sri Lanka to follow.
Sri Lanka winner must address Tamil issue: BJP
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Jan 07 (NK) The winner of the Sri Lankan presidential election Thursday must first address the Tamil issue, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vijay Jolly said Wednesday.
“Whoever wins in Sri Lanka should first address the Tamil issue,” he said, wishing “all the best” to both President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena.
He said a peaceful, free and fair election was necessary for democracy in Sri Lanka.
“The devolution of powers, re-starting dialogue with Tamil National Alliance leaders and settlement of all pending Tamil issues is necessary for lasting peace in Sri Lanka,” Jolly said in a statement.
January 8th, 2015 at 12:21 am
To the ALWAYS FAITHFUL Patriots,
A Heartfelt Tribute in Gratitude!
Semper Fidelis, Patriots of Lanka
By Ananda-USA
Our Motherland, resplendent Sri Lanka,
Hallowed be thy name!
Thy children flock today to vote,
To preserve thy immortal flame!
The Lion Flag flutters proudly aloft,
To remind us this freedom’s day!
Our duty to keep thee, safe and strong,
As our forefathers did yesterday!
A Mahinda Rajapaksa by deed and word,
Strode forth boldly to eternal fame!
To lead his people to a safer world,
When all others retreated in shame!