If Sirisena wins, the ‘Bandit Queen’ will be back on the saddle !
Posted on January 8th, 2015


According to reports, nearly 70 per cent had voted in most districts, without any incidents. In an unlikely event of Sirisena winning the Presidential elections, it will be Chandrika who will be at the helm of affairs in Sri Lanka. Ranil and his cohorts will be dumped in the background. She will be back on the saddle and manipulate Sirisena how to run the country. For eleven years she wrecked the country and now she is back fingering in politics and throwing her weight around. Her only ambition is to put ‘Horagolla’ on the stage.

However, we hope that the people who voted today remembered the dark days we were in, when the megalomaniac terrorist leader Prabhakaran was dictating terms to the people. If not for President Rajapakse we would be still in square one. Those days are forgotten by selfish and ambitious people like Sirisena, Ranil, Chandrika and other traitors who defected to the Opposition. Nobody knows how much they had been paid by those who want a regime change.

8 Responses to “If Sirisena wins, the ‘Bandit Queen’ will be back on the saddle !”

  1. sena Says:

    There should not have been any doubt if MR had adhered to good governance and law enforcement like you see in Australia. Unfortunately who ever come to power the situation in this regard will not change. A government politician summed it up quite correctly – elect us since we have stolen enough we will not steal much in future.

  2. aravinda Says:

    At this moment, results show Maithripala 311,117 votes to Mahinda 236,386. Maithripala 56% to Mahinda 42%. Our exit polls showed Mahinda 52% to Maithripala 48%. Mahinda is still on track to win the election.

  3. aravinda Says:

    Now the Sri Lanka time is 3.33am. Sirisena is showing a massive lead with 56% of vote according to latest count. But we stand by our last published poll on 3rd January 2015, which showed a comfortable win to Mahinda Rajapaksa. Mahinda polled 55% vote, sampling error 2.2%.

  4. Christie Says:

    Chandrika is an agent of India like her father. He formed a party called Sri Lanka Freedom Party not Sinhala. It is only Indias that called the island Sri Lanka

  5. RohanJay Says:

    Yes, Buddhism for a time flourished in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu along with Sri Lanka were major centres of Buddhism in the world. In fact a Tamil Monk Bodhidharma is credited with spreading Buddhism to China and beyond. Because Buddhism is universal for all peoples of the world and for hundreds of years brought Sinhalese and Tamil people together. In fact the Tamil Monk Bodhidharma is credited of being the founder of the Zen School of Buddhism. Which is the most popular school of Buddhism in the west. In fact Bodhidarma’s Zen philosophy can be seen even in popular Hollywood films like Star Wars.

  6. Sooriarachi Says:

    Well, Mr Sirisena has won and congratulations to him, though I hoped Mr Rajapakse would be re-elected to continue with his excellent work for the country, even though he failed to maintain law and order, resulting in his untimely defeat.
    Let us hope Mr Sirisena, would keep his good promises to the majority Sinhalese, during his campaign, even though he won mainly from the block vote of minority communities, in the minority dominated electorates (such as Jaffna, Vanni, Baticaloa and Trincomallee, polling 73% of the votes giving a majority of 542,178 votes in those 4 electorates) which tipped the scale in Mr Sirisena’s favour, to win by an overall majority of approx. 450000.

  7. Marco Says:

    Concrete and tar is not going to woo voters.
    It is reasonable to assume the minority voters Tamils and Muslims (thanks to BBS) voted in My3 in 2015 in the same way the Tamils allowed MR to win in 2005.

    How about the 1 million first time (young) voters? Social media exit polls suggest 68% of first time voters went to MY3.
    We await confirmation when detailed analysis is provided by the Election Dept.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    Sooriarchii said,

    “he won mainly from the block vote of minority communities, in the minority dominated electorates (such as Jaffna, Vanni, Baticaloa and Trincomallee, polling 73% of the votes giving a majority of 542,178 votes in those 4 electorates) which tipped the scale in Mr Sirisena’s favour, to win by an overall majority of approx. 450000.”

    TRUE, but even those COMMUNAL BLOCK VOTES would not have been enough had not Palwatte Gamalage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena not DIVIDED the Sinhala Buddhist vote.

    Having DIVIDED and DEMOLISHED the numerical strength of the Sinhala Buddhist majority, the minorities will NOW RULE in Sri Lanka for the NEXT SIX YEARS!

    Maithripala is a PRISONER of the PROMISES he made to these MINORITIES to gain their SUPPORT and get ELECTED; and Sri Lanka will enter another dark age with great threats to its territorial integrity and social cohesion.

    Aiyooo Sirisenaaaa …. What have you done to your Motherland?!

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