Insulting the Flag
Posted on February 4th, 2015

Prof. Hudson McLean

New York Times article – Humiliating Sri Lanka’s National Flag!

This is an outrageous act by a nincompoop who should be taken to task according to American Law. President Sirisena should instruct the Sri Lankan Ambassador Washington to take appropriate action.

As a predominantly Buddhist country, Sri Lanka will not act in the same manner as Islam Fundamentalist, in France or Netherlands, but action according to the local law is the least Sri Lankan government might impose upon.

Following several very educational debates on LankaWeb, I beg to enquire from the Readers & Writers, the following question-;

“Should President Sirisena is assassinated (I sincerely hope not) before the Parliamentary elections, in the absence of Vice-President, who would be the legal replacement, until subsequent Presidential elections?

Would it be Ranil Wickramasinghe – Prime Minister, or Chief Justice K Sripavan, an ethnic-Tamil?”

With current open borders, free movement, rapid reactions from within the resurging Tamil Terrorist LTTE, and reductions in security, for the sake of Sinhela Nation, this possibility should be prevented at all costs!

Those LankaWeb subscribers who doubt or question my loyalties, let me re-iterate. I have supported ex-President Rajapaksa and GR for their patriotic dedication in destroying the Terrorist vermin of LTTE. However, I have also denounced the activity of flamboyant Namal Rajapakse, as well as the rampant corruption within the Rajapakse family dominance. I respect the majority verdict of the electorate.

From the articles published in LankaWeb and other media, I note that the New Administration of President Sirisena has started an exhaustive Spring Cleaning Campaign. Like several readers pointed out, that the past record of President Sirisena and his family cohorts, is not that clean. But as said in the Chronicles, “To Catch a Thief – Appoint a Thief”. (With no disrespect to President Sirisens.

Now Sri Lankan farmers have empowered a Fox (with a blemished record) to clean the Chicken farm, following the previous Fox who got routed by the farmers.

This Sri Lankan Saga, is much better than some of the Soap Opera on TV!

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6 Responses to “Insulting the Flag”

  1. Independent Says:

    ” I have supported ex-President Rajapaksa and GR for their patriotic dedication in destroying the Terrorist vermin of LTTE. However, I have also denounced the activity of flamboyant Namal Rajapakse, as well as the rampant corruption within the Rajapakse family dominance. I respect the majority verdict of the electorate.”

    This is my stand too. In addition I denounce supporting of previous president for the time being, I do not defend him for any of his terrible acts saying that it is because of LTTE diaspora threat, UN threat, US threat , UK threat , Canadian threat, Australian threat, European threat , Catholic threat and Islamic threat. Threats do exist, it is the leaders duty to counter those, it is their duty to never to allow resurgence of LTTE.
    We should alarm them as well as protest every move that could enhance that threat.
    However I appeal all patriot to not to heartlessly insult the president. That will not be productive at all.

    Even a future government of a UNP+SLFP is much better than UNP alone and especially better than having to join with TNA and Muslim parties. THERE WILL NOT BE A MR+WW government and even if it happens , it will worse than the previous government.

  2. lokubanda Says:

    Professor, ‘rampant corruption’ is yet to be proven, and I believe we all should be decent enough to consider anyone innocent until proven otherwise. Secondly, we should not forget that many among those who are now spearheading ‘good governance’ have themselves been up to mischief when in power. That has been proven beyond doubt, and some of them have already served punishment! Let’s not take thing on their face value.

  3. Wickrama Says:

    I don’t know why or on whose advice, knowingly or un-knowingly,
    My3 appears to have supplied an answer even before the question was asked !


    The new President Maithripala Sirisena has issued an order calling out the armed forces to exercise police powers under the pretext of public security.

    Issuing an “Extraordinary” Gazette notification yesterday (February 02) the President said; “By virtue of the powers vested in me by Section 12 of the Public Security Ordinance (Chapter 40), I,
    Maithripala Sirisena, do by this order call out all the members of the Armed Forces specified in the First Schedule hereto, for the maintenance of public order in the areas specified in the Second Schedule hereto.”

    First Schedule

    The Sri Lanka Army
    The Sri Lanka Navy
    The Sri Lanka Air Force

    Second Schedule

    The Administrative District of Colombo
    TheAdministrative Districtof Gampaha
    The Administrative District of Kalutara
    The Administrative District of Kandy
    TheAdministrative District of Matale
    TheAdministrative Districtof NuwaraEliya
    TheAdministrative District of Galle
    The Administrative District of Matara
    TheAdministrative Districtof Hambantota
    The Administrative District of Jaffna and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative Districtof Killinochchi
    The Administrative District of Mannar and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative District of Vavuniya
    The Administrative District of Mullativu and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative District of Batticaloa and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative District of Ampara and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative District of Trincomalee and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative Districtof Kurunegala
    The Administrative District of Puttalam and the territorial waters adjacent to such District
    The Administrative District of Anuradhapura
    The Administrative District of Polonnaruwa
    The Administrative District of Badulla
    The Administrative District of Moneragala
    The Administrative District of Ratnapura
    The Administrative District of Kegalle.

    Critics say this is against the hope that we would return to civilian administration. This means he is of the opinion that circumstances endangering public security have arisen in all 25 districts, and that the police are inadequate to deal with that situation.”

    With these powers, Our heroic Armed forces should immediately take control of ALL SECURITY ASPECTS of the country in the event My3 dies under any suspicious circumstances, while leaving the politicians to carry out all other administrative and legislative work, AS LONG AS the country’s security is not threatened.

  4. NAK Says:

    The answer is Ranil wickremasinghe. When Premadasa was killed, Wijetnga, his Prime minister became the president.
    I believe that how it is in the constitution.
    Knowing fox by his side, Sirisena may have sensed the need cover his back,hence empowering forces or he is expecting a revolt from the SLFP/UPFA and is signalling that he is ready to face it.

  5. douglas Says:

    Dear Prof: Your second question: “Would it be Ranil wickramasinghe , Prime Minister or Chief Justice K Sripavan an “ETHNIC TAMIL”? (stated in capitals by me).

    In my opinion, so long as this type of references; (“Ethnic Tamil” etc) are in our hearts and minds, this country will never come out of the “mud pit” we have fallen. All of us need to “change” in our attitudes and that needs a whole lot of values to be administered into our hearts and minds, in that, let us first remember the TEACHING OF BUDDHA: “NAJATCHA VASALO HOTHI, NAJACHA HOTI BRAHMANO; KAMMANA VASALO HOTHI, KAMMANA HOTIC BRAHAMANO” (in simple terms, it means, IT IS NOT THE BIRTH THAT DECIDES THE HIGH AND LAW PERSONS; BUT ACTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS ARE THE DECIDING FACTORS OF LAW AND HIGH PERSONS)

    Having the above mentioned “Teaching” in mind and heart and strive to learn the following: SEE YOURSELF IN OTHERS. THEN WHOM CAN YOU HURT?. WHAT HARM CAN YOU DO?.

    Shouldn’t we direct ourselves to a NEW BEGINNING?.

  6. SenaD Says:

    Prof. Hudson McLean said:
    “This is an outrageous act by a nincompoop who should be taken to task according to American Law. President Sirisena should instruct the Sri Lankan Ambassador Washington to take appropriate action.”

    I think it will be futile to take any legal action against the culprit because it will be ruled inadmissible under “freedom of expression” and would merely result in loss of money.

    But the Ambassador must register a strong protest by writing to the paper.

    “As a predominantly Buddhist country, Sri Lanka will not act in the same manner as Islam Fundamentalist, in France or Netherlands, but action according to the local law is the least Sri Lankan government might impose upon.”

    Hoping to incite a violent reaction from Sri Lankans may well be another of the author not just insulting the flag for the sake of it.

    On the other hand it is also a true indication of the shape of things to come when the new govt truly tilts towards the US, only noises are being made at present.

    If the president is killed it will be the PM who will serve as the president for the rest of the period. The same applies even if the president is not killed outright but incapacitated to the extent of being unable to discharge his duties.

    You are not alone when you said “I have supported ex-President Rajapaksa and GR for their patriotic dedication in destroying the Terrorist vermin of LTTE. However, I have also denounced the activity of flamboyant Namal Rajapakse, as well as the rampant corruption within the Rajapakse family dominance. I respect the majority verdict of the electorate.”

    I was hoping he would start sorting out all those after he got the 18th A. and also he would enhance the obvious peace dividend of being free from the fear of getting blown up by reducing the cost of living to prepare for the election for his third term, because development of the country needs a long period. Without attending to those MR even truncated his term.

    It is no secret that reducing the cost of living is a vote winner; as the 100 day budget is doing preparing for the next GE.

    The opponents would use subterfuge but the room for such was allowed to develop by the ex-president and his advisors and the opponents exploited it, greatly helped by modern technology and double agents, foreign as well as Sri Lankan.

    Prof. Hudson McLean said:
    ” Now Sri Lankan farmers have empowered a Fox (with a blemished record) to clean the Chicken farm, following the previous Fox who got routed by the farmers.”

    Whether the newly empowered Fox will be able to make a success depends on whether he can be his own man or not. Signs are not promising because of his partners who seem to have blinkered him.

    There is the possibility of having to say “leda marunath bada sudda wunane”!.

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