Posted on February 4th, 2015


It is a difficult question to be answered whether we really enjoy being in a state of oblivion while making a list of our friends and foes? For the last many decades we, the Pakistanis, as a nation, have been trying our best to introduce us as a peace-loving rather cordial and friendly nation but unfortunately our all struggles seem gone waste; some of the countries to whom we have been trying to get closer, never seem willing to respond positively to our desire for peace; India is also one of such countries. This next door neighbor of us lets no opportunity of defaming Pakistan slip out of her hands.

A few days back when President Obama was there in India to attend the Republican Day ceremonies, the Indian authorities did their best to malign the image of Pakistan before President Obama by portraying Pakistan as the root-cause of all terrorist activities in India but the facts and realities are altogether otherwise. It is India which is promoting terrorism and supporting terrorists not only in Pakistan but throughout the region.

Since USA has been playing a leading role in the war against terror for the last many years, the government of Pakistan decided to take US into confidence regarding Indian’s involvement in terror activities in Pakistan. For this purpose General Raheel Shareef, the Chief of the Army Staff, paid a visit to US and had meetings with his counter-part and other authorities.

In these meetings, General Raheel Shareef presented evidences to the US authorities which contained proofs of India’s involvement in various terrorist incidents that have occurred in Pakistan. Furthermore during a Pak-US defense advisory meeting, the US authorities were made aware of Pakistan’s security vision for the next 5 years. Keeping in view all these evidences and proofs, the US authorities pledged to provide ammunition and security equipment to Pakistan in order to deal with the security challenges. Moreover the evidences regarding India’s involvement in nefarious terrorist activities in Pakistan were so convincing that the US authorities at once sanctioned one billion dollars support for the eradication of the menace of terrorism.

The US authorities strongly assured that every possible support would be provided to Pakistan for assassination or the capture of Mullah Fazlullah. It was also decided that US shall pave way for regular meetings of security hi-ups of Afghanistan, Pakistan and US,  moreover the system for secret intelligence information sharing between Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US will be improved as much as possible. Certainly all these decisions go against India because in case these defensive measures are materialized, India shall have to face a lot of difficulties in acting upon her disastrous plans against Pakistan.

 It is a daylight fact that India is using all possible tools for defaming Pakistan as a terrorist country. We have so many examples of incidents like Mumbai blasts, the Samjhota Express burning, the serial blasts in 1993 and the recent Boat incident in which the Indian authorities tried their best to hold Pakistan responsible. The credit goes no doubt to the Indian judiciary and to the Indian civil society that all these events and incidents were later exposed as the artistic-work of the Indian Intelligence Agencies.

The same practice is being adopted there in the Indian Held Kashmir also. Indian army and the Indian paramilitary troops are changing the paradise-like valley of Kashmir into a hell of cruelties. For the last so many decades, the Indian occupation forces have been involved in horrible crimes against helpless civilians in Kashmir. These brutalities include kidnapping, looting, burning the houses and shops and above all rape of Kashmiri women.

Every year thousands of women are molested by the Indian soldiers disguised as militants. To keep these brutal atrocities secret from the world eyes, India simply refuses to allow the international human rights organizations or the media to visit the state saying that the valley is under threat from the Muslim militants. And who are these so-called militants; it is another interesting question.

So many times, human rights organizations have reported their findings that Indian soldiers dress up themselves like Muslim ‘mujahideens’ and raid the houses of the Kashmiris at night particularly when weather is bad enough. They ransack the houses, loot whatever they could loot and rape the women without discrimination of age and appearance.

During all this activity they intentionally use typical Muslim vocabulary while talking to one another. Their only objective is to give the impression that they are the Muslim mujahideens from Pakistan. Most of the Indian people love peace and are in favour of friendly relations with Pakistan but what to do of the extremist elements in the Indian society to whom a shattering Pakistan is the most precious dream.

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