A Stark Revelation That Probably Has Frightening Implications Towards The Well Being Of Sri Lanka.
Posted on February 5th, 2015

In Retrospect By Sarath Kumara

January 24th 2015

The following item carries startling as well as revealing information about how the unitarity of the Sinhala Nation once again may have been  compromised through covert cunning and how the voting was manipulated to appease Western Powers through Indian involvement and the craftiness of Chandrika Kumaratunga and Ranil Wickremasinghe! This also points to a conspiracy of major proportions.So how can the nation trust such opportunists if this is verifiably true regardless of the Chinese angle and the various interpretations which deemed it unsavoury~ not for the Nation of Sri Lanka but those who mulled China’s empathy towards Sri Lanka as detrimental to their own agendas including India!?
And in the greater picture one might be inclined to ask” So what has India done for Sri Lanka in a positive sense that could come within even a fraction of the astronomical assistance provided by China towards what Sri Lanka is today?
Will Sirisena and his allies now reach out to India to reconstruct the Adam’s Bridge at Talaimannar so that Tamil Nadu could have free and unlimited access to saving the “poor suffering Tamils ” while also helping themselves to a piece of the action  they have longed for during generations  yet thwarted by Sri Lanka’s Sovereignity conscious leaders who have kept India at bay?

While there is popular belief in Sri Lanka that the Election was manipulated through extraneous as well as internal conspiratorial means  this item seems to confirm it as well as suggest the manner in which it was done.
As it is a well known fact that both Chandrika K and Ranil  W were waiting for just such an opportunity, it is bewildering as well as alarming that such manoeuvring was so easily accomplished and exposes them as well as their allies including Maithripala Sirisena for the bunch of conniving opportunists they are and always have been.

Certainly not a good prospect for the well being of Sri Lanka where based upon the sinister moves pointed out here it may also be an opportune time to make amends and scuttle them out of power as well as any appreciable control of the Nation’s administration at the forthcoming General Elections before greater harm is done to the Nation.

Already there are signs that these are not compassionate tolerant people but some  hell bent on extracting revenge, invading the privacies of dignified past Administrators using thuggery and intimidation and undoing much good done by the Rajapaksa Administration from many perspectives that brought recognition to Sri Lanka.
It is as though the present setup is spankingly clean where some of the Sirisena crew also carry dubious track records and shamefully so where in a recent news item they have been described as nincompoops, morons, criminals and thugs and perhaps not far from the truth although these descriptions in a general sense seem to be a feature of most incumbent rulers in varying degrees where once again no one is spankingly clean!!

Most unfortunately towards the metaphor, some of them are indeed traitorous, dangerous as well as untrustworthy individuals who now claim power in Sri Lanka using the Mahinda Rajapaksa Administration’s lapses as as excuse towards what could be a projection of huge inconsistencies, security lapses as well as a massive dent in the nation’s economy if self centered pseudo legislators such as these are allowed to continue their power hungry way with their usual bi-furcated idealogies and forked tongued insinuations and incrimination in a disgusting betrayal of trust and patriotism that suggests only self centered motivations.

It now appears to be plainly visible that these are not individuals to whom the Nation can be entrusted towards smooth functioning, posterity, a continuation of the growth patterns initiated by the previous Administration globally acclaimed, as well as securing  Sovereignity, Security and Territorial Integrity being individuals whose past track records have always indicated their incapacities towards, bunglings and shortcomings extending to more than a single term in office.
Hopefully the previous administration would have by now learned where they went wrong albeit bitterly and regretfully where there is always the possibilities that Mahinda Rajapaksa will once again rise as a Phoenix from the ashes of this connived defeat to be the true leader of Sri Lanka  and make amends where there are many who continue to love, admire and respect him despite his shortcomings and the likes of Chandrika and Ranil are reviled with the latest to be categorized thus being none other than Maithripala Sirisena himself who has also chosen a group of individuals dangerous to the well being of the Nation and the Sinhalese community in all likelihood of being  imperilled and  dictated to by the vicious terrorist clan the LTTE ever in readiness to re- emerge and their sympathetic pseudo political backing the TNA as well as the Tamil Diaspora.The rhetoric emerging from the Sirisena camp certainly seems to be indicative of this!
But of course the art of Thespianism is not beyond anyone in the political climate of Sri Lanka today, quality notwithstanding where oratory of the highest calibre has been known to fool the masses in the past and seemingly quite apparent in the present.

The contents of this item need to be viewed not only with great trepidation and anxiety but also prudently in reading between the lines as to how the imminent dangers that may transpire at the hands of such administrators must now be thwarted while the previous Administration needs to be contrite about how such an eventuality ever transpired during its tenure. Much of it in the end perhaps attributable to Sinhala folly!

A danger that could prove to be eventually far worse that the LTTE and their Tamil Nadu sympathisers combined!
It is indeed a chilling prospect where once again there may be an opportunity for the true son of Lanka and his team to play a redemptorist role in the foreseeable future as the soothsayers predict!


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Courtesy of RAW

By K. Ratnayake
21 January 2015

Fresh evidence has emerged pointing to a concerted international effort behind the defeat of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse in the country’s presidential election on January 8.
Reuters reported on Sunday that the Colombo station chief for India’s external spy agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), was recalled to New Delhi before the election, following complaints by the Sri Lankan government that he was helping the opposition parties.
India rejected any suggestion that it meddled in the Sri Lankan election. External Affairs Ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin insisted that the diplomat was recalled as part of a normal transfer” after a three-year tour of duty in Colombo. The Reuters report, however, based on political and intelligence sources” in India and Sri Lanka, said Colombo asked New Delhi to recall the agent for helping gather support for joint opposition candidate Maithripala [Sirisena] after persuading him to ditch Rajapakse’s cabinet.”Sirisena, a senior cabinet minister, defected to the opposition in November, immediately after Rajapakse announced the date for an early presidential election.
Sirisena declared that he would run as the joint opposition candidate. The move was prepared well in advance by former President Chandrika Kumaratunga and opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, head of the pro-US United National Party (UNP). UNP leaders discussed this election strategy” with senior US and UK diplomats in Colombo during early November.It is no surprise that India was also on board. Since the end of the communal war in Sri Lanka against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2009, New Delhi, like Washington, has been deeply hostile to the Rajapakse government’s economic and strategic relations with China. In 2013, India supported a US-sponsored resolution in the UN Human Rights Council to investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka as a means of pressuring Rajapakse to distance himself from Beijing.
According to Reuters, India was stunned” when Chinese submarines docked twice in Colombo last September. An Indian security official told the news agency: The turning point in the relationship was the submarines. There was real danger.” Alarm bells would also have rung in Washington. As part of its pivot to Asia” to secure its hegemony in Asia, the US has been preparing war plans against China, premised on American naval supremacy in the Indian Ocean that would enable the US to cut off Chinese imports of energy and raw materials from Africa and the Middle East.The first suggestion that India was intervening in the Sri Lankan election was a brief item in the Colombo-based Sunday Times on December 28. It reported that allegations that RAW’s Colombo station chief K. Ilango had links with the Common Opposition may have cost him his job in Colombo.” According to this report, Ilango’s normal term of service was over, but New Delhi had extended it. However, he suddenly received transfer orders after the Sri Lankan government urged his recall.The Sunday Times report was ignored during the election campaign. Both Rajapakse and Sirisena only hinted at their sharp differences over the alignment of foreign policy. They stifled a debate that could have alerted working people to the acute dangers posed by Sri Lanka’s growing entanglement in geo-political rivalries. Rajapakse, who sought to whip up nationalist sentiment by portraying himself as the victim of an international conspiracy,” did not want to offend the India, the US and their co-conspirators by providing details of the plot.Sunday’s Reuters article cited an Indian official who said the then Sri Lankan defence secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapakse, complained about the agent’s activities to Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval” when Doval visited Colombo in late November to attend a defence seminar. After Doval’s return to New Delhi, the RAW station chief was recalled.During his visit, Doval not only met with Mahinda Rajapakse and his brother Gotabhaya but also with Wickremesinghe, Sirisena and Kumaratunga.
No details were reported, but undoubtedly Doval discussed India’s concerns over Rajapakse’s government, as well as the opposition’s election plans.Reuters provided details of the RAW agent’s activities, without actually naming him. According to Reuters sources, he was involved in facilitating meetings to encourage several lawmakers, among them Sirisena, to defect from Rajapakse’s party.” The agent also played a role in convincing Wickremesinghe not to stand against Rajapakse, in order to make way for someone who can win.” A Sri Lankan parliamentarian told Reuters: They actively were involved, talking to Ranil [Wickremesinghe], getting those things organised, talking to Chandrika [Kumaratunga].
”Kumaratunga was the linchpin of the plot. A major figure in Rajapakse’s Sri Lanka Freedom Party, she had strong links to Sirisena and other MPs who defected. At the same time, she had close ties in Washington, including to the Obama administration, through her lengthy association with the Clinton Foundation.Wickremesinghe has not denied meeting with the RAW station chief, as well as the Indian High Commissioner in Colombo. His spokesman told theReuters that they discussed the current political situation” but denied the Indian officials had advised” Wickremesinghe.
Kumaratunga has remained silent on her discussions with the Indian agent.New Delhi played a significant role in lining up political support for Sirisena via the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the main party of the Tamil ruling elite in Sri Lanka. For weeks, the TNA held off making any announcement about the presidential election. But after a trip to New Delhi by TNA leader R. Sambandan, the party openly backed Sirisena, helping to swing Tamil votes in the North and East behind the opposition candidate.Having won the election, Sirisena quickly shifted foreign policy to end Sri Lanka’s international isolation”—in other words, to move closer to India, the US and its allies. Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera’s first overseas trip was to New Delhi this week. Sirisena is due to visit India next month.In New Delhi, Samaraweera dismissed the Reuters report, declaring that the people” toppled the Rajapakse regime in a popular uprising, which he compared to the Arab Spring.” In fact, what happened was a carefully planned operation, backed by the US and India, to exploit widespread opposition to the autocratic Rajapakse government by falsely portraying Sirisena as the democratic” alternative. Sirisena, Wickremesinghe and Kumaratunga represent layers of the ruling class hostile to Rajapakse’s cronyism and pro-China tilt. They will be just as ruthless in attacking the basic democratic and social rights of working people.The implications of the US and India intervention into the election are not limited to Sri Lanka. As geo-political tensions intensify, the ousting of Rajapakse makes clear that Washington will not tolerate any opposition and will resort to any means to secure its objectives, as it intensifies its preparations for war against China.

5 Responses to “A Stark Revelation That Probably Has Frightening Implications Towards The Well Being Of Sri Lanka.”

  1. Christie Says:

    Namaste: For the world it is India, for the locals it is Bharata. For the world it is RAW Research and Analysis Wing for the Bharata it is Third Eye. The third Eye of Vishnu. Was formed by Mohandas Karamchand and Chandra Bose long before the second world war. It did do a great job in the Malaya front against the Allied forces. Its has two jobs one to look after the locals and the second to look after the Indian interest in the world that is the Indian Empire. I have come across some agents, directly working for the Third Eye. One was a journo and Englishman who worked in African countries, then Australia and I last heard was he went to Singapore. India has an Empire extending from Fiji to Guyana. Jai Hind

  2. Christie Says:

    “Mohandas Karamchand and Chandra Bose and Nehru

  3. Sirih Says:

    We have clever vote rigging done by a NGO.It is the NGO who orchestrated this registration.
    Every tamil/muslim areas got 91%/household, voter registration which is impossible and can be challenged via courts.
    If you take out household median for every area it should be 70% or 71% , since balance is below voting age.

  4. sena Says:

    looks like conspirators were also successful in convincing MR that he is going to win, hence calling early election- a self s self ruination similar to what prabakaran did in 2005 by blocking NE voetrs

  5. NAK Says:

    The same thing happened to Hugo charvez in venezuela but people there despite hardships did not allow the US supported opposition to change the govrnment. Finally they had to eliminate him. May be Mahinda escaped with his life.

    The Indian hand in this election was so exposed not in the N&E result but in the Nuwaraeliya result.

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