Musical Chairs & Sinhela with Foreign Citizenship
Posted on February 6th, 2015

 Prof. Hudson McLean

The Article by Gomin Dayasiri was right to the point.

The respondents backed the logic of Gomin Dayasiri with blunt correctness.

Many of the Sri Lankans settled in USA – EU – Canada – ANZ – Singapore, have done well to reach top positions in their domain, in the midst of multi-national competition.  Family connections & bribery hardly was  a decisive factor.

This proves the fact that given an opportunity that, Sri Lankans are World Class.

And there are similar brains in Sri Lanka, only stepped upon, by the domineering political family mafia, feeding their own spoilt fat brats.

I fully agree with all those who responded positively to Gomin Dayasiri on his frank opinions.

Also I agree 100% that all those Sri Lankan (Sinhela) with Dual-nationality or who have Residence Permit in any foreign country, should they wish to participate in governance in Sri Lanka, MUST renounce their allegiance to another country. Period.

They cannot have their bread-buttered-on-both-sides!

One cannot serve two masters concurrently.

Thats almost prostitution. Non negotiable point.

I am afraid, at this point, Hon. Gothabaya Rajapaksa should decide whether he wishes to renounce his USA Citizenship.

 Same applies to the new Chief Justice!

I was about to mention the name of Chief Justice HNG Fernando who father was late Justice W.M. Fernando.

Son of HNG was late Justice Mark Fernando, another true gentleman in Ceylon judiciary. I knew both HNG & Mark!

All three of them had the right and possibility to hold British citizenship which they never ever wanted. Mark Fernando would have been welcomed to any prestigious London Chambers, to earn a few million bucks per annum.

Speaking of Musical Chairs, the Indian government has offered assistance to dig into the financial affairs of Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa and family.

My personal opinion is that, President Maithree Sirisena should respectfully refuse to accept this offer.

MR was the President of Sri Lanka, a Sri Lankan citizen and MR should only be subjected to the Laws of Sri Lanka.  We do not need any Indian or any other who might dash to Saraswathi Tamil Dosai Boutique to have a quick lunch in between deliberations.

Perhaps, there should be an Independent Sinhela-Sri Lankan Tribunal, possibly all party, to invite all politicians, specially the ones who are now about to get fat, to have a Day of Catharsis” of their Souls, to come clean.

Of course this will be under oath. They will also offer unlimited access to verify their assets, with an agreement that, whatever excess the investigators find shall belong to Sri Lanka.

I think this is Fair Game”! Dont you?

Any opinions?


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6 Responses to “Musical Chairs & Sinhela with Foreign Citizenship”

  1. Independent Says:


    Dual citizens, if they have given and oath to USA or another country promising full allegiance , should take a new oath. The problem is most of those people who hold high positions, may not even have the Sri Lankan citizenship because they are not supposed to keep the Sri Lankan passport, unless they obtain Dual Citizenship before they take another citizenship, according to Sri Lankan law.
    I am not sure those famous people have given up the citizenship and still work like they are citizens.

    Before anything else, I believe an investigation to make sure Central Bank Governor and Chief Justice are Sir Lanka citizens shall be conducted immediately

  2. L Perera Says:

    “The domineering political family mafia, feeding their own spoilt fat brats”.
    This has been BANE in Sri Lanka’s politics since Independence. When one lot is ousted the other steps in only to do the same and Sri Lanka’s economy takes a back step. Those who think it has now ended – think again.

  3. ranjit Says:

    Indian lovers are all set inside this Jarapalana regime to achieve their goal with ease with the help of the Americans and Indians. The whole country should know how the evil trio MY3/CBK/RANIL came to power and who helped them to be there. It’s not a secret. First they must investigate about the Rajitha’s tape conversation with foreign collaborators and the money they found in Ratmalana and then Rajitha’s hora deals while he was the Fisheries Minister.If they want to have a real Yahapalanaya in my homeland first they must do is to start investigating all earlier cases of corruption from the previous UNP/Chandrika Govt + JVP & UNP Murders during 80’s & 90’s+ hand over half of Sri Lanka soil to Prabakaran by Ranil the darling of the west. If My3 can do that fearlessly then I accept him as the President of Sri Lanka if not I will never ever accept them as my leaders and I will never call him my President.

  4. Independent Says:


    ” The whole country should know how the evil trio MY3/CBK/RANIL came to power and who helped them to be there.”

    Your above statement does not make ANY sense. 52% of the voters helped MY3 to come to power. You are saying 52% of Sri Lankans above 18 years old are evil. But you are addressing the whole country (including that 52%), and asking them to know they are all evil (excluding that 42% who voted for your God).

  5. ranjit Says:

    I am not saying the whole country is evil or those who gave their vote to MY3 are evil. I am talking about the Famous Trio.Three blind mice MY3/CBK/Run-Nil. MY3 is not evil as the other two. Evil means they are both dangerous to our country’s future. No need for me to explain to you.Just read Choura Regina booklet and it explains everything about this treacherous woman. We know already how she came back to Sri Lankan politics and who brought her. She is a paid agent of Diaspora and Americans.You cannot deny it. It’s the truth. She and Ranil tricked MY3 to get out from S.L.F.P and used him to get the power in to their blood tainted hands.

    MY3 came to power by rigging the votes in the North and East while the other two just become lords of the jungle in Yahapalanaya by taking the power by force. Can you deny it? Usually the Prime Minister should be from the Majority party not from the minority party. How they appointed the CJ that also by force. They use jungle law to appoint and dismiss people. You may like these idiots but I hate them Mr.Independent.

  6. Independent Says:

    OK, now I understand. Sorry for misunderstanding , I read the wording wrongly.

    “You may like these idiots but I hate them Mr.Independent.”- NOOO ! I don’t like them either . But I am relieved Mr. Rajapaksa gone, I had no choice than to be relieved that way. I could have been very happy had he ruled with integrity , removed 13A , resettled all the Sinhalas expelled form the north and East and controlled the Jihadist well .

    About the “evil” what I can tell you is,
    1. All the evil in those trio is also inside him, waiting to jump into action anytime.
    2. There are additional “Evils” in him than the Trio.

    I am experience enough to judge the “Evilness”. But I don’t blame you even my best friend is like you.

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