Crack appears as Government’s U-turn on China’s $1.4 billion port project while Ranil still insists on No Nod Yet to China-funded Project
Posted on February 7th, 2015

Yahapalanaya News

President invites China to invest more in Sri Lanka

An Apparent policy conflict has appeared yesterday between Priminister Ranil Wickremasinghe’s  UNP fraction of the government and President Sirisena’s faction when the cabinet backed China’s $1.4 billion proposal after favourable environmental report

Sri Lanka’s new government has approved China’s $1.4 billion port project in the island nation’s capital, marking a swift U-turn following warnings it might scrap the venture.

Sri Lankan government spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said on Thursday the Cabinet approved the Colombo Port City project following a favorable environmental impact assessment.

Contradicting cabinet spokesman Dr Rajitha Senaratne, the Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told parliament here on Friday, that the controversial US$ 1.4 billion Chinese-funded Colombo Port City project had not been cleared, and that it is being reviewed and No Nod Yet given to China-funded Project.

There are many issues regarding the port city project. Therefore when this government came to power, I got down all the files relating to this project. When I inspected them, I found that all the required reports are not there. There is a deficiency in the EIA. Therefore, to inquire into this, we have appointed a separate committee. In addition to that, under my chairmanship we have appointed a cabinet subcommittee. After getting reports, we will take a decision. We will inquire and then take that committee’s report into consideration and take a decision. And at that stage we will inform this House,” Wickremesinghe said.

Wickremasinghe’s position is in support of Sri Lanka’s neighbour India who has raised concern about security threats posed by Chinese ownership of the freehold of 20 hectares of land next to the main commercial port in Colombo. India uses Colombo as a transshipment port.

Sri Lanka’s new prime minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, said before last month’s presidential vote he would cancel the deal if his party came to power because no environmental impact assessment or feasibility study had been presented to parliament.

China’s Special Envoy and Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Liu Jianchao, told the Lankan media here on Friday, that China is ready to submit all its projects for review, and that these projects will proceed further only upon getting clearance.

Meanwhile President Maithripala Sirisena while expressing hope that China would assist Sri Lanka in its development endeavors in the future too, invited Chinese government as well as private companies to increase investment in Sri Lanka, when the Chinese President’s Special Envoy and Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Liu Jianchao called on the President yesterday (06).

Minister Jianchao who is currently on a two-day visit to Sri Lanka said China expected to further enhance the long –standing bilateral relations between the two countries and pledged his country’s continued assistance to Sri Lanka’s development.

The Chinese Minister extended China’s congratulations to President Sirisena on his election victory and said two main Chinese magazines have reported very positively about President Sirisena’s assumption of high office.

President Sirisena recalled with gratitude the assistance by China to Sri Lanka in the past especially commended the support given to Sri Lanka to eradicate terrorism from its soil.

During the discussion it was revealed that President Sirisena is scheduled to undertake a state visit to China in late March and during that visit many discussions will be held to further cement existing bilateral relations.

Chinese Ambassador in Sri Lanka Mr. Wu Jianghao and several other high level officials accompanied Minister Jianchao during the discussion.

Senior Advisor on Foreign Relations to President Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala and Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Chithrangani Wagiswara were also present.

Speaking to Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera in Colombo, China’s assistant foreign minister, Liu Jianchao, said the plan, and another port project in the south, were good for Sri Lanka.

(We) believe that the new Sri Lankan government will act upon the basic interests of Sino-Sri Lanka friendship and national development to ensure important cooperation projects do not experience ups and downs because of changes in the political situation,” China’s foreign ministry cited Liu as saying.

Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the project when he visited last year.

Under the proposed deal, 108 hectares of the site on reclaimed land would be taken over by China Communications Construction Co Ltd, including 20 hectares on an outright basis and the rest on a 99-year lease.

In a newspaper advertisement yesterday, Jiang Houliang, head of CHEC Colombo Port City (Pvt) Ltd, a subsidiary of the state-owned Chinese investor, said his firm estimated 83,000 jobs and $13 billion of foreign direct investment would come from the project over 10 years.

57 Responses to “Crack appears as Government’s U-turn on China’s $1.4 billion port project while Ranil still insists on No Nod Yet to China-funded Project”

  1. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Envromental assessment was done and was available for scrunity and for submissions long before the presidential election. This Royalist Ranil has mislead the public and still doing the same. The reason Indians, Indian parasites, India and vermin wanted it scrapped was simple Fort and Pettah are in their hands. Royalist Ranil must have promised land to these Indians in Fort and Pettah in the yet to build Colombo Port City. Jai Hind

  2. sena Says:

    Good. Mithree is standing on his own

  3. Independent Says:

    Decision shall be taken based on how this projects serves Sri Lankan interests, not Indian, Singaporean or Chinese interests.
    I am sure the president has his own team. He came to power with the support of many groups, not just UNP and Chandrika. There is an executive committee, which should investigate the costs-benefits and problems associated with the project and I sure further negotiations can be made on a such a high cost project, make amendments as necessary to save Sri Lanka more and serve better.

  4. sena Says:

    This is good governance with exchange of ideas. This is what MR missed. When he got a cold all his opportunistic henchmen drank kottamalli

  5. SenaD Says:

    sena Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 5:45 am

    Good. Mithree is standing on his own

    Not possible under the new system being put together!

    This is an inking of the shape of things to come or it could be another drama being played for the time being.

    The two-headed-monster-system that they seem to be creating is likely to produce more problems of this sort in the future; even if the EAP and the PM are from the same political party, the PM can implement his wishes except those that may have implications on defence and appointment of judges, ambassadors and high commissioners.

    The EP will become an impotent bystander.

    The directly elected EP’s manifesto becomes meaningless if (when) the PM appointed by the EP has contrary ideas, ideally suited for any treacherous future PMs.

  6. cassandra Says:

    A project like this should not be rushed. One significant feature of this project is that it gives China FREEHOLD TITLE to a 20 hectare PIECE OF SRI LANKA. And it goes beyond that because, along with that sea front land, there will also go the rights to the surrounding sea– the so called exclusive maritime zone . Remember SL will thereafter not have access to that part of the ocean without Chinese permission.

    It took the country more than 400 years to get back its territory from the colonial masters and here we seem ready to cheerfully give away part of the island to a foreign power. What price development?

  7. SenaD Says:

    cassandra Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 7:42 am
    “And it goes beyond that because, along with that sea front land, there will also go the rights to the surrounding sea– the so called exclusive maritime zone .”

    Not necessarily true unless specifically worded in that way.

    For example people who have freehold ownership of land next to the sea shore do not have the rights to the surrounding sea!.

    In many countries all the mineral rights under the ground belong to the state. I am not sure beyond what depth is considered underground in those cases

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    I confess that I have not studied the Port City project. But, if it is anything like Hong Kong which was on a 99 year lease to Britain (lease has now expired), then it is worth going ahead.

    As Christie says, Pettah & Fort will not like it !!

    Note that during the PAST CBK/Ranil era the powers that be of that time, Norway the Peacekeeper, tried to use the N&E for strange purposes like building of mini (suicide ?) submarines – probably to hit merchant ships ! Post war Pres MR could not run any more with the Norwegian power, could he ?
    That is why he went with CHINA. That is why China became a main supporter of Lanka.

    Brit leases all over the place are expiring/expired e.g. Hong Kong, Diego Garcia.
    That is why all eyes are on Lanka ??

  9. douglas Says:

    No doubt, the Cabinet Spokesman has put his “foot in the mouth”. The Prime Minister says one thing and quite different is stated by the Cabinet Spokesman. Dr. Rajith attempts to justify the project because he was in the previous Government that began it and he wants to continue with it’ whereas the present Prime Minister while being in the Opposition opposed it. In fact while engaged in the election campaign for the Common Candidate, he stated that this project has to be blocked. So both Dr. Rajith and and the Common Candidate – the Present President Mr. Maithripala Sirisena knew what was going on in the campaign. Now this is becoming a “COMEDY” of the “100 Day Government”.

    This is where the President has to “intervene” as the Leader. This “infighting” has to be stopped. He has to have his “antennae” spread out and observe things carefully and take timely action. That is the lesson he has to learn from the previous President who failed to do that and allowed every “Dick,Tom & Harry” to dance without being checked in time before the damage was done. If he took that timely action, he would have been our President event today. Mr. Maithiripala Srisena, the President of today: Do you want that happen? Be aware; PEOPLE are WATCHING you.

  10. Cerberus Says:

    Western powers are busy trying to create a Arab spring in Hong Kong too. Wonder whether it will work. There is no democracy in USA. Only Corporate rule with Banks, Corporations running the country. After the Citizens United ruling by the 5 kings in the Supreme court (unelected members) now Corporations can give unlimited cash to Politicians to ensure their agendas are pushed through. The Media is controlled by Rupert Murdoch and a few Corporations. So the people only hear what the Corporations want them to hear. The Republican Congress and Senate are now busy doing the bidding of their masters are dismantling every benefit the Americans have while giving massive tax breaks to the very rich. 85 people own more than all the rest of USA. The Republicans say Global warming is a hoax since the oil and coal companies such as Koch Brothers give them funding. Some of the Southern states do not teach Darwin’s evolution in schools. They teach creationisms which teaches that God created everything 6000 years ago and the people are so idiotic they vote for these politicians! RW will do the same in Sri Lanka given half a chance. I think he owns most of the media already. That is why they were able spread all the lies about MR so quickly. He who owns the media will control the country.

  11. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    So is this stand off in Colombo got anything to do with Modi’s (5th) visit to Beijing and the first visit since he became head of India while the US is pushing pressure on Colombo to cancel this deal?

    It is rather a flimsy excuse to base the outcome of this project on a belated “environmental study report”.


    Mr. Bernard Wijeyasinha, at last you have the message. WHAT IF US NAVY BLOCKS THE COLOMBO HARBOR. Now lets take a hypothetical case. At some stage Ranil. W falls dead and CBK becomes the Prime Minister, then the military might take over like in Egypt and Thailand. Then the Chinese navy is now in control. Can the US Navy penetrate CERTAINLY NOT. Time to clearly separate Tamil Nadu and India after Mody took power. This Fort and Petta small dirty business belong to Tamil Nadu Tamils and NOT TO GUJARATHIS. INDIA WILL support any way US having a foot on the harbors (BOTH Colombo and south).

  13. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    I agree with you, It is rather a flimsy excuse to base the outcome of this project on a belated “environmental study report”.
    In addition, the land is created using land reclamation from sea. It is an artificial island just like , Palm Jumeirah and Palm Jebel Ali, on the coast of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    This project will create an estimated 83,000 jobs and $13 billion of foreign direct investment would come from the project over 10 years.

    At last President Sirisena has got a vision of future prosperity

  14. SenaD Says:

    Fran Diaz Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 8:51 am
    ” But, if it is anything like Hong Kong which was on a 99 year lease to Britain (lease has now expired), then it is worth going ahead.”

    Fran Diaz, it is only the 20 acres of land that the Chinese company have bought, the rest is covered by a lease for 99 years.

    Even then all of it will be under Sri Lankan sovereignty; only foreign embassies and the land on which they are situated are considered as being under the respective countries’ sovereignty.

    Cerberus Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 9:17 am
    “He who owns the media will control the country.”

    They are certainly instrumental in establishing dominant opinions in the country, not based on facts and sometimes based on out and out lies.

    That is why someone, (I have forgotten who), has said “if I do not read newspapers I am only uninformed but if I do read them I will be misinformed”, or some other words to that effect.

    Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 10:06 am
    “It is rather a flimsy excuse to base the outcome of this project on a belated “environmental study report”.”

    Mr BW, they will, if at all possible, use any excuse or even no excuse if they can get away with it to frustrate the Chinese having a dominant position in terms of influence over Sri Lanka, to comply with the terms of agreements they have had with their sponsors.

  15. Independent Says:

    SenaD/ Fran,
    Even in free port Singapore, no foreigner can own (or buy on 99 year lease) landed property. They can own a whole 40-50 storey building but locals must own lower few floors.
    Owning (or leasing more than 25 years) a property is one thing owning land is another.
    These are the things they should re-negotiate. They can look at how other countries doing it. They must have all safeguards of security of the country, cannot simply trust one or two men, even if their recent records are good.
    National security shall be based on Laws, Constitution and ability to act fast under emergency situations, not based on previous tract records of people.

  16. douglas Says:

    Has anyone seen this “Agreement”? It is time that the PEOPLE demand it be made a “Public Document”. Let us see it and study ourselves without listening to these cooks – the Politicians. That is, I believe TRANSPARENCY. Till such time that PUBLIC AWARENESS is made, though a discussion in the Parliament, the project must be put on hold.

  17. Lorenzo Says:


    “At last President Sirisena has got a vision of future prosperity”


    It is RUN-NIL and other UNP clowns who are DUMB not My3.

  18. OaO Asithri Says:

    I for one am not rushing to take my hat off to MS yet – although if this is genuine, then we should be happy as it shows that at least here we have a semblance of concern and interest for Sri Lanka’s future and not just being hijacked by Runil who not only did NOT get a vote to become PM, but is someone who SL masses have rejected for over 29 times in succession to date!

    Given all the Kumanthranaya (i.e. involving UNP, TNA, GTF, BTF, JVP, SF, CBK, SLMC, etc.) that is coming out now in all the sordid details leading to this “dump MR at any cost” regime change, I am very skeptical when I see this type of news.

    Patriots, let us ask ourselves the question – is this not another charade of good cop, bad cop being dished out for consumption? Keep in mind that this unholy cabal (I call it so as there are separatist-eelamists and pro-LTTE elements in it) has to win the upcoming GE soon and therefore, should we not be asking this very question?

    Since assuming power, this regime (consisting of these strangest bedfellows ever in our 2600 history) has done nothing but just mudslinging, mudslinging, mudslinging but not offered yet any substantive policy statement, strategic development roadmap, or anything similar to further develop and move forward our motherland.

    Rather, I think the strategy is to just concentrate on mudslinging until the next GE so that Ranil/CBK cabal will finally have the chance to not only deceive the masses (as just mudslinging is not the way forward, but it is certainly an ’emotional grabber’ that one can use to one’s best advantage, especially when one has unfettered access and authority over the nation’s key media organizations) and grab power, but also to neutralize MS’s power/influence further and make him an even bigger puppet than he is aligned now to be now.

    “Cabinet approved the Colombo Port City project following a favorable environmental impact assessment” – Really?
    My foot! Say this to the birds.

    OaO Asithri

  19. Independent Says:


    Very good point. Who knows what the agreement is. Even the patriotic foreigners did not raise a single question and accepted with both hands ! If some one want to get rid of this project , kill him !

    It is the same as mini budget. People are attached too much to politicians or they hate too much, without knowing the truth !
    Suddenly the president has become a good man because his preference is for the project to proceed.

    If one looks at the two projects, MR Airport and MR Port and extrapolate, without reading the agreement – BIG NO.

    But these are the things that should be made readily know to public to know what these corrupt parliamentarian and secretaries are doing.
    When will Yahapalanaya expose these, rather than restricting to a “Executive Committee” ?

  20. SenaD Says:

    douglas Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 2:46 pm
    “They must have all safeguards of security of the country, cannot simply trust one or two men, even if their recent records are good.
    National security shall be based on Laws, Constitution and ability to act fast under emergency situations, not based on previous tract records of people.”

    I agree, these are not negotiable.

    The problem is that we do not know the details of what is in the agreement, in my case it is like the proverbial blind man trying to describe what sort of animal an elephant is, he at least could touch it; here we have snippets of info of dubious authenticity.

  21. Independent Says:

    Exactly. Even so called Yahapalanaya so far is for the average man who don’t read agreement, but listen to the polytactitian.

  22. Fran Diaz Says:

    A piece of news on a related thread :

    I saw an article in the Island newspaper recently where Dr Wickrema Weerasooria analyses the new Companies Act of Sri Lanka and this is what he had to say about it :

    The new Companies Act of Sri Lanka does NOT allow Peoples’ Companies. What does this mean ? Does it affect Co-ops as well ? I know for certain that about 15% of companies in the USA are Co-ops, and the US is a mainly capitalist country allowing this.

    We would welcome further knowledge on this matter.

    Yes, it is true that L’web readers sometimes have to grope in the dark due to lack of complete knowledge on important matters. That is why we have to have a well educated Parliament, a CJ, Supreme Crt & a legal system to oversee safety, security and welfare of all citizens, now that the so called Latimer House Rules (from Britain !) are in place and we have a so called Governing Council that can override the Parliament. The Exec Pres & the Exec PM seem to nullify each other ?

  23. OaO Asithri Says:

    So called Yahapalanaya so far is all about having a glitzy-sparkling (just watch SL TV today) witchhunt+mudslingling jamboree and nothing else. Of course, we all are now seeing that this so called rid-corruption, nepotism, etc. were all just vote-grabbing slogans by the unholy cabal that propped-up MS (just do research on who’s who have been appointed to key positions in this “100-day-government”).

    What a damn disgrace this is for a country of our size and stature that needs leadership, strategy and development at this (still) post-30yr-war stage in our history!

    OaO Asithri

  24. Ananda-USA Says:

    OaO Asithri,

    Brother, we need your presence here of a full time basis to push back against Anti-National elements PILING into LankaWeb to CONTINUE the DESTRUCTION of Sri Lanka that is NOW underway.

    Today, I saw two articles, which I post below, in which the US is praising the new Yahapalanaya GOSL as a MIGHTY IMPROVEMENT of the previous GOSL. These HYPOCRITES who have set half the world ABLAZE with their INTERFERENCE in Sovereign Nations are HAPPY as HELL that their REGIME CHANGE agenda geared to the CONTAINMENT OF CHINA has succeeded in Sri Lanka at ROCK BOTTOM COST.

    Their DEFINITION of “Respected Nation” is a “Servile Nation” chained to their global agenda that has driven untold nations to DESTRUCTION and ANARCHY.

    The Patriots of Lanka must REVERSE this electoral coup-de-etat in the upcoming General Elections, or an IRON CURTAIN of ENSLAVEMENT to FOREIGN POWERS & to the EELAMIST DIASPORA will descend on our Motherland.

    Time for Sri Lanka to return as a respected member of the international community – U.S.

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 07, Colombo: Praising the Sri Lankan people for electing a new government after a decade of an oppressive regime, the United States said it is time for Sri Lanka to return to its rightful place as a respected member of the international community.

    The United States Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said the Sri Lankans sent a clear signal at the elections that they want a change for a step forward for good governance

    “The people of Sri Lanka – from Jaffna to Galle -sent a clear signal from the ballot box: that they wanted your country to take a step forward, to realize its tremendous potential, and to finally enjoy the fruits of peace,” Blinken said.

    The Deputy Secretary made these remarks Thursday when he addressed a gathering at the Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington DC at a celebration to mark the 67th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence.

    The high-ranking U.S. official said this year the whole world is celebrating the Independence Day with Sri Lanka.

    “Following January’ elections, you have every reason to hold your heads high and take pride in what you have already accomplished in this young year,” he said.

    “After the most successful election in your country’s history, Sri Lankans can stand proud alongside Americans as keepers of the democratic dream,” Blinken added.

    He noted that less than four weeks into taking office, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena is pursuing an ambitious agenda.

    “The world took notice when he lifted restrictions on the media; restored independence to government institutions; and committed to respect human rights not just for some Sri Lankans, but for all Sri Lankans,” the U.S. official pointed out.

    Blinken said it was particularly moving to see members of the Tamil National Alliance join the celebrations in Colombo.

    Commenting that President Sirisena’s remembrance of all the Sri Lankans who perished in the war and his pledge to never again allow Sri Lanka to be traumatized by the shedding of innocent blood was an important step towards healing Sri Lanka’s wounds, the official asked Sri Lankan to not to stop the progress there.

    “But my hope is that you will not stop there. In mending the rifts inside Sri Lanka, I hope you will turn outside, to the world, in order to share your story of progress and reconciliation.”

    Deputy Secretary Blinken assured the U.S. support for Sri Lanka’s efforts to expand democratic freedom and political rights; to prevent corruption and investigate financial crimes; and to promote sustainable economic growth.

    Speaking of trade relations, the official said Sri Lanka’s trade with the United States generates tens of thousands of jobs for Sri Lankans and the U.S. is “eager to see that relationship grow with new trade and investment for the benefit of both of our economies.”

    “We can all see a future for Sri Lanka brimming with happiness and prosperity. And we can all celebrate hand-in-hand, knowing that the next generation of Sri Lankans will know peace and pride like never before,” Deputy Secretary Blinken emphasized.

    U.S. commends positive steps taken by the new government in Sri Lanka

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 07, Washington: The United States on Friday commended the steps taken by the new government in Sri Lanka to address post-war reconciliation and long-standing crucial issues such as accountability and pledged to assist the new government to create a more open and democratic society.

    State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said at the daily press briefing on Friday that the United States “commended steps taken by the new Sri Lankan Government to address things like reconciliation – long-standing issues, right – democratic governance, accountability.”

    “Certainly have seen some positive steps here,” Harf said.

    Meanwhile, the U.S. National Security Adviser, Susan Rice in a speech presenting President Barack Obama’s 2015 National Security Strategy said the United States will help “countries in transition” including Sri Lanka.

    “We’ll help countries in transition -like Burma, Tunisia, and Sri Lanka -become more open, more democratic, and more inclusive societies,” Rice said.

    Earlier, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Nisha Biswal, the first high ranking U.S. official to visit Sri Lanka after the election of new President Maithripala Sirisena, said there is a lot more work to be done for Sri Lanka to pursue a future that is peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous.

    Concluding a two-day visit to the country on Tuesday (03), Biswal expressed the United States’ willingness to work with the Sri Lankan government of President Maithripala Sirisena.

    Following Assistant Secretary’s visit to the island, Sri Lanka’s new Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera is expected to visit Washington next week. He is scheduled to hold discussions with Secretary of State John Kerry on February 12th.

  25. SenaD Says:

    OaO Asithri Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 3:35 pm
    “Patriots, let us ask ourselves the question – is this not another charade of good cop, bad cop being dished out for consumption? Keep in mind that this unholy cabal (I call it so as there are separatist-eelamists and pro-LTTE elements in it) has to win the upcoming GE soon and therefore, should we not be asking this very question?”

    This is part of the dramas that are being provided to keep the masses entertained hoping to secure a win at the GE just as they managed at the PE, helped by things MR did not do rather than actually did do. MR had in his power to reduce to a minimum the scope for exploiting the issues the opponents managed to exploit, despite the betrayal by his trusted secretary.

    OaO Asithri Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 4:42 pm
    “Of course, we all are now seeing that this so called rid-corruption, nepotism, etc. were all just vote-grabbing slogans by the unholy cabal that propped-up MS (just do research on who’s who have been appointed to key positions in this “100-day-government”).”

    If the current opposition uses the same tactics effectively as used on them at the GE, the UNP and their main supporter JHU may do badly, but they are seriously handicapped as they do not have the media behind them.

    The JVP tried to keep its distance saying that they are not recommending anybody but MR must be defeated hoping not to be closely associated with the UNP. I think it wont wash with the voters who are not JVPers.

    It is still not clear what the president going to do at the GE is!.

  26. OaO Asithri Says:

    Ananda-USA, for sure I will endeavor to step up to the plate and bat for our Motherlanka always, as you have always known me to be. I consider it an honor, a sacred right and not at all a chore.

    Of course, the US is thrilled to see how easy it was to pull yet another regime-chance and this time one geared to thwart China’s growing influence in our region. Sad to see how some of our Hela-morons think this was all done because the US loves us beyond limits! LMSSAO!!! What they fail to realize (and remember) is that when the US and the West refused to sell us the badly needed armaments (yes, that is for us to purchase and not be given as aid!) and was insisting on stop-war and go for another 30-years of “peace talks” with the LTTE – while the LTTE was shooting, hacking, blowing up Sri Lankans with glee – it was China that came to our rescue and not only sold us those armaments, but also provided outright military aid/grants to finally enable our Ranvirus to liquidate them LTTE terrorists lock stock and barrel. Indeed, sad to see how short some of our Hela-morons’ memories are!

    “U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Nisha Biswal, the first high ranking U.S. official to visit Sri Lanka after the election of new President Maithripala Sirisena, said there is a lot more work to be done for Sri Lanka to pursue a future that is peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous.”

    Really? My my…

    “lot more work” – I wonder if this is codified reference to “Tamil autonomy” first and then of course in short order morphing it to the same LTTE campaigned goal of “Tamil eelam” of “We Tamils” ???

    If that were to be the case, then I dread the thought of where all this will lead us – next Iraq, Libya?

    What a Yahapalanaya that would be then…indeed!!!

  27. Wickrama Says:


    Another stupid statement of yours.

    “It is RUN-NIL and other UNP clowns who are DUMB not My3.”

    So by giving Executive Powers to DUMB UNP clown Run-nil, My3 has become DUMB, DUMBER and DUMBEST !!! LOL !!!

  28. helaya Says:

    Ananda USA,
    I was there during this guys speech at the Independence day celebration. He was just happy to have Mahinda removed. Mahinda did not genuflected to these guys. I also attended a screening of Mcllums (chanel 4) new version of Killing field. The audience was full of so called educators form American University (all morons). I was the only one against and when I asked question they were very hostile to me and they grabbed the microphone from me. It was obvious that whole thing was fabricated. I will writr about it soon

  29. OaO Asithri Says:

    SenaD, agree with your angles of thought.

    You said “they (the current opposition) are seriously handicapped as they do not have the media behind them”

    True, but it is even far worse as I understand.

    Although the slogan was “Yahapalanaya” news is now coming that censorship is happening today in this Yahapalanaya controlled media. Communal minded Tamil and Muslim elements are boldly elbowing their way in, with no check and balance today. Recently there was an instance where a Buddhist monk was stopped by the SL Police from proceeding with a pre-arranged religious ceremony at a venue down south as the Muslims in the area too decided to also use the same venue! This caused an ugly stir in the area, but the whole thing was evidently swept under the carpet by the Yahapalanaya honchos who are today heading the many and multiple media orgs in SL.

    Dark, gloomy days are indeed ahead of us! Time for calculated and concerted actions to stop this impending madness/disaster.

  30. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:


    In my opinion not under the Obama administration. He has cut the US military force to pre world war 2 levels. Please Google “US cuts military force to pre world war 2 levels”.

    The US will NOT face Russia in Ukraine, Syria and Iran and then take on Russia (in the Security Council) by blockading Sri Lanka’s ports. that is only one side isssue

    There is no reason to provoke Beijing to this limit. Beijing will find that completely unacceptable. The Chinese Navy has almost come to blows with the US navy in the Phillipines and Diego Garcia where Chinese ships deliberately came within range of US war ships. that is yet another issue

    Under Modi and India’s incessant belief that Sri Lanka falls under her sphere of control (while forgetting that Peninsula India falls under Colombo Sphere of control) will be utterly shocked if the US navy blockaded Sri Lankan ports. it will damage India’s standing in the sub continent and bring China into direct play with us in the ocean and Russia in the Security Council.

    NeelaMahaYoda: What is worse is that such artificial islands have proven to be ecological boons. Usually with such islands developers place massive iron perforated balls around the island. they rapidly become the “seed” for reefs and marine life. That island will also have parks, trees and fresh water lagoons.

    SenaD: you said:
    “they will, if at all possible, use any excuse or even no excuse if they can get away with it to frustrate the Chinese having a dominant position in terms of influence over Sri Lanka, to comply with the terms of agreements they have had with their sponsors”. Pleas Google “Chinese investments in South Asia”. She is such a dominant player in South Asia she is requesting to be a member of SAARC. She invested 45 billion in Pakistan while Obama just invested 4 billion with India. China already had come pretty close to that investment in Sri Lanka and she has massive investments in Nepal Bhutan and Bangladesh. Beijing will only allow the new government to push China so far.

  31. cassandra Says:


    I note your comments. However, the grant of a freehold title to an individual is different to what appears to be contemplated here – perhaps, I should not have used the word ‘freehold’ – this is an outright ‘grant’ of 20 hectares to China.

    Some crucial questions to ask
    – Will these 20 hectares be part of SL’s SOVERIGN TERRITORY?
    – Will SL have any control over that piece of land?
    – Will China be free to use it for any purpose? –
    – Who will have control over the surrounding sea?
    – Will not China also be entitled to an exclusive economic zone in that area?

  32. Wickrama Says:


    With regards to Port City, there is a link in lankaweb, just below this item,

    “Port City
    … -Full Story- (https:/ – 08/02/15)”

    Watch and listen what Ranil said before the election and what Rajitha says now !! Hilarious !

  33. Wickrama Says:

    OaO Asithri Says:
    February 7th, 2015 at 7:01 pm

    Although the opposition now do not have any media backing/support, they should exploit the freely available social media such as Youtube, Facebook etc.

    A dedicated team should be organised to collect all video evidence, that could be easily recorder by people using their smartphones, showing the misdeeds and gross violation of law & order by the “YAKA”PALANAYA goons, keep several digital copies in case there are “raids”, to be fully utilised during the forthcoming electioins.

  34. Independent Says:

    Can someone publish details of this project ?

    I found the following article in Sunday Times. I checked CHEC web site but surprisingly this is not listed as one of their jobs or potential jobs. There is a Wikipedia article too which shows a map.

    I know foreigners always get fascinated seeing the strong waves at Galle Face Green and would this island affect that natural beauty will be a question.

    Most alarming statement is highlighted below. There is a 20 hectares land “freehold”. Why China wants to “own” this minute part of Sri Lanka ?

    The other question is this development appears to be only the construction of artificial island.

    After completion of it, the government have to provide all the infra structure.

    At what cost ? Can the government charge road tax to access the areas leased or sold ?

    Do our security forces have full control over the whole island ?

    Port City project: Sweeping tax concessions to China

    A gazette notification containing tax concessions to Chinese firms building the Colombo Port City artificial island has been cancelled and a new one granting even broader terms has been issued. This includes a complete, eight-year waiver of corporate income tax for China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC), which is the contractor for engineering, procurement and construction of the project.

    This concession had earlier been granted only to C/c China Communication Construction Company (CCCC), a subsidiary of CHEC that is handling the Colombo Port City Project. Implementation will be done by a fully-owned company of CCCC set up in Sri Lanka and it will be called CHEC Port City Colombo (Pvt) Ltd. The Government of China is the majority shareholder of CCCC.

    The new gazette issued by Investment Promotion Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena allows for the “transfer or lease of reclaimed lands to the prospective buyers”– a clause that was notably absent from the earlier one, which he rescinded. The transfer or lease of reclaimed lands to the project company or by the project company to prospective buyers has been exempted from the payment of Value Added Tax. The Nation Building Tax is waived for the project company and for the contractor and subcontractors during the project implementation period.

    The old gazette, dated January 24, 2014, was rescinded on September 11. A new one with amendments was issued on the same day but its contents were not available on the website of the Department of Government Printing till September 15 — the day before Chinese President Xi Jingping’s arrival. When the Sunday Times on September 13 asked Minister Abeywardena about the new gazette, he said there were “minor changes” but did not specify what they were. However, several significant amendments have been introduced.

    The cost of the project has risen by US$ 37 million (Rs. 4.8 billion) to US$ 1,337 million (Rs. 174 billion) in the eight month period between January and September 2014. The investment is to be made by CCCC. The island will be 233 hectares in extent. Once completed, CCCC will have effective control of 108 hectares of land—20 hectares on freehold basis; 88 hectares on a 99-year lease. The Sri Lankan Government will have 62 hectares for development and 63 hectares for common facilities such as roads.

    The clause related to exemption of CHEC from corporate income tax reads: “The provisions of the Inland Revenue Act, No. 10 of 2006 relating to the imposition of income tax on the China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd (CHEC) on the profit and income generated from the activities from the said Project shall not apply for a period of eight (08) years.”

    “The said Tax Exemption Period of Eight (08) years shall commence from the year in which the China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) commences the construction of the Project,” it adds. On Tuesday, President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Chinese counterpart, President Xi, witnessed the signing of a “term-sheet” agreement on the Colombo Port City Developing Project (Phase I). According to the official media statement, CHEC Chairman Mo Wenhe signed on behalf of Sri Lanka while China Development Bank Chairman and Executive Director Hu Huaibang signed for China.

    The online Investopedia dictionary defines “term sheet” as a non-binding agreement setting forth the basic terms and conditions under which an investment will be made. It serves as a template to develop more detailed legal documents. Once the parties reach an agreement on the details laid out in the term sheet, a binding agreement or contract that conforms to the term sheet details is then drawn up.

    Another agreement related to the Colombo Port City was entered into on the same day between the Sri Lankan Government and CHEC Port City Colombo (Pvt) Ltd. R.W.R. Pemasiri, Secretary to the Ministry of Highways, Ports and Shipping, signed for Sri Lanka. Chen Fenjian, President of CCCC, signed for China.

  35. Independent Says:

    There are some show-off youtube models and more details on Port Authority website. No sufficient details,technical , environmental and financial.

  36. ranjit Says:

    MY3 is a good Buddhist and a Sinhalese. We can make him to walk on the correct path somehow although he joined with the most corrupt and murderous UNP er’s but we cannot accept this current UNP Govt because their hands are not clean as they think. They are criminals who has court cases against them for corruption and other wrong doings in the past. People must understand what they did to our country during the war time? Nobody can forget their deeds and words during the war? Nobody can forget how they massacred the youth in this country, and allowed to kill our war heroes in cold blood. They assaulted strikers,sacked thousands of Innocent people when protested for their demands, They have a bad record and we cannot depend on them to do a good job this time or in the future therefore we must all get united to send these pretenders & liars home in the next General election if not we have to suffer more than we think of.

    I can remember every lie they uttered during the election and before.Maybe every citizen remembers their double talk and the way they canvass around the country? Everybody thought that they ( mud & lies company) will make a better Govt than Rajapksa’s but unfortunately nothing better has come up yet. They keep on lying and misguiding the people of this country. Awamangalaya is doing round the world in 80 days these days. They try every trick in the book to bring Rajapksa’s to justice with the help of their friends America and the Europeans. JVP dogs are pretend to be good Samaritans these days doing marketing for their Gestapo masters UNP. Already the people of this country have realized who are the Good,Bad and the Ugly so we hope good will prevail and the rest will vanish in to thin air. S.L.F.P must stand with the former President not with MY3 who is a puppet on a string with Choura Regina on one side and the darling of the west Ran nil on one side with his gang of thieves and separatists.

  37. Ananda-USA Says:

    Helaya said

    ” I was the only one against and when I asked question they were very hostile to me and they grabbed the microphone from me.”

    Thank you for your courage and commitment to our dear Motherland. We Patriots must organize so that there is not ONLY ONE PERSON to CONFRONT thhem & EXPOSE the NAKEDNESS of this STUPID HEGEMON, but to marshall PHALANX of Patriots to Drive them from the STAGE in CONFUSION & SHAME!

    We MUST ASK THEM why their INVOLVEMENT ACROSS the GLOBE are ABJECT FAILURES, despite great expenditures in BLOOD and TREASURE. We MUST ASK why given that REALITY how they can PRESUME to QUALIFIED to ADVISE Sri Lanka on how to GOVERN OUR OWN COUNTRY!

    NOT ONE US intervention in DEVELOPING NATIONS since the end of the 2nd World War has been a SUCCESS; that is an ABYSMAL TRACK RECORD that EXPOSES the US for the Bull in the Global China Shop it has BECOME! EVERYWHERE they leave a TRAIL of Death, Destruction and Tears!

    If they had an IOTA of DECENCY, they would ACKNOWLEDGE that REALITY, offer PROFUSE APOLOGIES & COMPENSATION to the Nations they have DESTROYED, and FORESWEAR INTERFERENCE in 3rd World Nations! They KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!

  38. Sirih Says:

    Chinese envoy told the president in blunt language that, if they stopped this project ALL Chinese investments will be pulled back. That send shivers down all these morons that have no clue what is the national interest is ?
    Ranil is working for a different party and now president was advised by people that realised Chinese aid is so vital for our national interest.
    I am in colombo for last 5 months and working with different stake holders to show the middle ground and even I was even offered high level position within a govt. owned telecom but I politely turn it down but offered availability as a adviser to govt. foreign relations since we have a momentum now with non western players which we should use to our advantage.
    Western agenda to our country is to create chaos and then control. Indian penetration to our country is massive and unfortunately Ranil and his gang does not see the agenda or does not care as long as they are in power.

  39. Ananda-USA Says:

    Cassandra asked

    ” – Will these 20 hectares be part of SL’s SOVERIGN TERRITORY?
    – Will SL have any control over that piece of land?
    – Will China be free to use it for any purpose? –
    – Who will have control over the surrounding sea?
    – Will not China also be entitled to an exclusive economic zone in that area?”

    Let us first address the NORMAL Rights of Sovereign Nations under Internal Law:

    Clearly, SL’s LAND is Sovereign Territory.

    Also, that part of the SEA extending 12 miles into the OPEN OCEAN constitutes the TERRITORIAL WATERS of Sri Lanka, except where it would overlap with India’s TERRITORIAL WATERS in the Palk Strait. Bilateral international agreements with India establishes the maritime boundary in the Palk Strait between our two nations, taking into account the presence of islands that modify the TERRITORIAL WATERS. This INCLUDES the RIGHT OF PASSAGE of ships through the region. In International Maritime Law, TERRITORIAL RIGHTS are further limited in the case of narrow Navigational Channels, such as the Straits of Malacca, the Dardenelles Strait, and the Palk Strait,to guarantee the right of passage through them to all nations.

    I don’t know whether this applies to man-made canals such as the Suez and Panama Canals.

    Furthermore, that part of the SEA that extends 200 miles from the land out into the OPEN OCEAN is the ECONOMIC ZONE of Sri Lanka, where Sri Lanka has the EXCLUSIVE right to EXPLOIT Fish. Minerals and other Marine Resources. These ECONOMIC ZONE rights do not include the RIGHTS OF PASSAGE of ships through the region. As in the case of the TERRITORIAL WATERS within the 12 mile limit, international agreements between nations determine the ECONOMIC ZONE boundaries where they overlap. It is very likely that the ECONOMIC ZONE of Sri Lanka overlaps with that of not only India, but also the Maldives as well.

    Alienation of Sovereignty by Voluntary or Imposed Agreements:

    Finally, certain international agreements, both recent and long standing, and voluntary (acquired as a business arrangement) and involuntarily imposed (by force of arms) between countries can ALIENATE formerly sovereign land belonging to nations.

    Examples of such alienation of land include Panama Canal zone, the Suez Canal Zone, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, Goa in India, Macau in mainland China, Hong Kong, and even TRincomalee in Sri Lanka. IN many cases these territories have been REVERTED/RECOVERED by those noations, but other have not been recovered as in the case of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

    I recognize that this last category that ALIENATES sovereign territory, and the EXACT NATURE & EXTENT OF THE RIGHTS rights given away to China by Sri Lanka, is your Primary Concern; that I confess that I SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW.

    The least burdensome and threatening to Sri Lanka ‘s sovereignty would be a LEASE on ECONOMIC EXPLOITATION of the land for a SPECIFIED PERIOD after which everything, including the improvements and the business goodwill, reverts back to Sri Lanka, but which does not ALIENATE any rights to enforce law and order, use for other non-commercial purposes such as military use or intelligence gathering, or the right of transferring the LEASE, or PROPERTY RENTAL rights to a 3rd party.

  40. Ananda-USA Says:

    SADLY, NO CREDIT is given to Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the former Secretary of Defense & Urban Development, under whom these Urban Development projects were CONCEIVED and BUILT! Before that NO HAD HEARD of Urdan Development & Renewal!

    Using Armed Forces Personnel for these National Development Actvities, HEAVILY CRITICIZED after Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa’s Election, was also PIONEERED under GR.


    UDA constructed new public market opened in Ratmalana to benefit Sri Lankan consumers

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 07, Colombo: Minister of Urban Development Water Supply & Drainage Rauff Hakeem and Minister of Power and Energy Patali Champika Ranawaka Saturday (07) declared open the new public market in Attidiya, in the Ratmalana suburb of Colombo.

    Minister Hakeem said the new public market, built at a cost of 59 million rupees, will benefit consumers in the Mount Lavinia, Dehiwala Bellanwila and Ratmalana areas.

    The new building complex, constructed under the guidance of the Ministry of Urban Development Water Supply & Drainage and the Urban Development Authority (UDA), is complete with all modern features and can accommodate 100 vendors.

    The dilapidated structure of the former public fair, where the ground was muddy and inaccessible during the rainy season, was reconstructed by the security forces using latest technology, the UDA said. The Navy has laid the concrete floor while the Army has constructed the building.

    The UDA says the authority intends to construct similar trading complexes all over the island.

    Speaking at the occasion, Minister Hakeem said the government will continue similar development programs initiated by the previous government of Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    (Photos by Duminda Sampath)

  41. Independent Says:

    Of the 62 hectares kept for Sri Lanka for development shall by right be “the prime water front land facing Indian Ocean” rather than some area of less value. Not sure whether these have been studied in detail. 20 hectares of prime land owned outright by China should not be allowed in my view. That is really asking too much and will create unnecessary trouble.

  42. Nimal Says:

    Allowing an open debate signifies good governance that was lacking in the past. India shouldn’t show it’s concern over a pure commercial venture of a sovereign state, unless India have a sinister plan for the island.

  43. sena Says:

    I was watching a documentary on Liberia and wondering SL society is becoming one like that too. Probably in Sri lanka most in the upper middle class benefited from corruption . Is any one here also benefited.

  44. cassandra Says:

    Ananda – USA,

    Thank you for your comments.

    It seems to me, very simply, that giving the 20 hectares of land outright to China is fraught with all sorts of dangers for SL. This is in addition to more land to be given on a 99 year lease. Having a permanent Chinese presence on the island is simply inviting trouble. Imagine the position in a USA/India v/s China conflict. Will not SL become the unenviable meat in the sandwich?

  45. douglas Says:

    Nimal: India’s concern could be this “20 hectares outright ownership” by China. Is that going to be completely outside the “control” of the Sri Lanka ‘s Sovereignty ? What are the “Maritime” legal consequences of such a “Prime Land” being given the outright ownership to a country with whom India is “not so friendly”? This could be a very “CONTENTIOUS” issue not only for India, but to others who are having “interests” in the Indian Ocean and whole sub continent. In my opinion, Sri Lanka should not have agreed to this “outright ownership” ( I don’t know what the agreement says) of a strip of land, that also facing the Indian Ocean, reclaimed from our shores to any foreign country. We should have thought of “LONG TERM” (perhaps from the near generation to come) consequences of such “GIFT”. Are we, as a result of this “GIFT” opening a “corridor” for future “Conflicts” outside as well as within?

  46. sena Says:

    The corruption in SL is so high, I think most in upper middle class benefited by it. Is any one here a beneficiary?

  47. sena Says:

    cassandra Says:
    on this other hand if India want to do another parippu drop, wouldn’t they think twice b’s of this chinese controlles 20 hectares

  48. Nimal Says:

    I own prime land close to Buckingham place and they don’t see as a threat. In fact top bank official came several times to my home trying to encourage me to buy more real estate at the most favourable terms. I always boasted to them that a ‘colonial’ like me came to UK with £38 in my pocket and a bag of oranges and I will colonize a bit of UK and we all had a laugh and in fact he wanted me to ‘colonize ‘bit more land but I politely declined the offer as I can’t handle any more responsibilities with old age catching on.
    If people could buy land in UK or in any western countries then we should also allow that in our countries too.
    What ever what the people say fundamentals are there in china for her to emerge powerfully and will be the elephant in the room in the area.
    I am no supporter of Chinese but it is the cruel fact.
    See how they are forging themselves in South America and Africa where the western economies lack that commitment to the countries that are at the bottom of the ladder.

  49. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    I strangely feel that President Maithreepala Sirisena has smelt an Indian Rat, and has see it floating in the air. Hence the trip to China. He has to check mate the overly love from the west, eyeing the Trinco Natural Harbours. HODI HELLAY HOYYA. KOONISSAN, HAAL MASSAN ADALA GANIN HOYYA.

    OaO Asithri !!! **There is a lot more work to be done in Sri Lanka** Really ?? My My. I like that. There is insufficient people in Sri Lanka to do the work of **PROGRESS** So women have to fly to Sri Lanka like Horse Flies to lend a hand.
    HOW KIND ANEY, THIS TAMIL HELPERS, THEY LOVE US SO MUCH ANEY. I cannot wait to see them poking the finger up, in Sri Lanka. What blatant deception ???

  50. Fran Diaz Says:

    I agree with most of what you say.

    Your comment : “That is the lesson he has to learn from the previous President who failed to do that and allowed every “Dick,Tom & Harry” to dance without being checked in time before the damage was done. If he took that timely action, he would have been our President event today. Mr. Maithiripala Srisena, the President of today: Do you want that happen? Be aware; PEOPLE are WATCHING you”

    I must remind you that MR did act on the vast sums of money some VIPs in his govt were receiving from abroad. Example, Shirani B. Folks at every point of power in his govt were ‘making hay while the sun shone’ putting their kith and kin in place etc and getting hot bucks for little work such as in the Prov Councils. State owned corporations are another point where, I imagine, kith and kin can get a job. How can anyone get just governance with imperfect human beings ? Whoever who comes in will do the same. Lanka jails will be overrun with state worker prisoners dumped there for employing or favoring their kith and kin.

    Also, let us please let us remind ourselves that MR had a War Crimes charge unfairly pasted on him and still has. What has the general population of Lanka done to bail him out of that one ? All Lankans owe him so much. How much has been done to help him ?


    What is the better system for governing Sri Lanka : A Socialist system or a Fascist type (Corporate run) system ? Choose now or forever hold your peace, for we are now headed for the latter after trying the former. Trinco war boat park and Tamil autonomy will be there to feed the latter system. Also cheated elections, as was the last one. People of Lanka, if you value your sense of freedom, make sure that the next election is free of cheating. Is the Colombo Campus Statistic Dept a safe place to total election figures ? What about illegal migrants from Tamil Nadu voting in Sri Lanka ?

    Sri Lanka is called the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The whole of Europe is composed of countries espousing Socialism. A few East European countries even flirted with what was called Euro-Communism in the 1980s and changed to Socialism. So why should Lanka be any different to Europe as it is today i.e. stand with Socialism. There are heavy govt bills to pay in this system but creative thinking, honest work and self reliance as much as possible will win the day.

  51. douglas Says:

    Nimal: As a Sri Lankan, I am very proud of you owning that land in Buckingham. Well done. I see a difference between an “individual”, perhaps as a “citizen” or “permanent resident” owning land in the “domiciled” country and a “Country” even through “non- resident” Company’s “ownership”, in a foreign country. It was on that basis, I expressed my concerns on this agreement to grant “outright ownership” of land reclaimed from our territorial waters. In these matters, our Leaders must think beyond the “immediate” benefits, but the “National Headaches”, that the future generations would have to face. If you trace our history, we will find how our then leaders obtained “benefits” against their own rivals and as a consequence left the future generation to fight the battle to freedom.

    Fran Diaz: You example of “Shirani B” is a “drop in the ocean” compared to what some of the VIPs under his very nose and perhaps with his knowledge were doing. I have been directly accusing one of his “Monitoring MP” was doing and “warned” future consequences that MR would have to face. Some of those “Deals” were running up not to millions but Billions of rupees. Let us see what is coming up in the near future. Thank you.

  52. Independent Says:

    I suspect those 20 Hectares would be used to activities not beneficial for our country.

    The Ministry of Fisheries has decided to withdraw the licenses given to foreign ships to fish in Sri Lanka’s territorial waters say reports.

    During the recent past foreign ships, with Sri Lankan flag, engaged in fishing in Sri Lanka’s waters plundering the fish harvest jeopardizing the livelihood of local fishermen. Japan and China were the worst offenders.

    Local fishing industry received another blow during Mahinda Rajapaksa regime when European Union banned fish products from Sri Lanka. All Ceylon General Fishermen’s Federation continuously agitated that the situation to ban fish products from Sri Lanka was due to the inefficiency of the Rajapaksa government and the government should mediate to evade such a situation

  53. Fran Diaz Says:


    We must await proof of misdeeds. Both sides are in the same soup.

    Which country has a perfect govt ?

  54. Dilrook Says:

    Such hypocrisy!

    Those who shed crocodile tears for 20 hectares in Colombo given away to China have conveniently forgotten that their beloved UNP gave away 2,000 hectares to India in Trincomalee (2000) and 450 hectares in Iranawila (1990) to USA. This is a rare case where two wrongs have made it right. The geopolitical imbalance created by the donation (extention) of the Trincomalee tank farm to India by Ranil and a previous government donating Iranawila to USA was only rebalanced by the handing over of 20 hectares to China in Colombo south port development project. Trincomalee and Iranawila have mostly military significance, not commercial. The Colombo project has huge commercial significance. Establishing a symbolic Chinese military presence in the island is a long standing nationalist demand we made.

    [Quoted from my article 2012 February 29] This nation cannot stand on its own. The only way it can deflect interference from powerful nations is by having a symbolic military presence of China in the island. All nations big and small avoid confronting China for obvious reasons. There is no sense in putting off Chinese military presence in the island. It is a win-win situation for both nations which will be welcomed by most South Asian, African and Latin American nations. China is the centre of the new Non Align Movement. Sri Lanka has already aligned with China in development, finance of projects and credit. It is time to reaffirm this alignment economically, politically and militarily.[Unquote]


    We thank Lankaweb for publishing this article which we believe helped take our concerns to higher authorities.

    Those who love Sri Lanka must thank the former government for paying heed to our advice at least on this matter. As expected, the US-India resolution was only the first and not the last of its kind.

  55. Independent Says:


    I was talking about outright sale of land to a foreign country, not leasing.
    Were those 2000 and 450 hectares outright sale ? If so, our sovereignty has already been compromised by UNPiers.

    Thanks for bringing this up as this is very relevant and helpful for readers to understand. We all tend to forget after few years.

  56. janakic Says:

    I am glad that Mr. Sirisena appears to show some leadership. Chinese investment in the Colombo Port development is essential to our economy. The environment impact is a red herring cooked up by the UNP to please the Indians. Mr. Sirisena’s obligation to the UNP should finish after 100 day program. After that he should work for the genuine interest of the country. As the Chairman of SLFP he should work for a win of a SLFP Government and not for another polygamous marriage with Ranil. The two parties are poles apart and cannot have an equal partnership. There is no scope for a National Government whatsoever.

  57. Nimal Says:

    Hope the Chinese set up a China town in this land and settle people from the far east that would spice up the social atmosphere. Introverted born losers could have their temples,churches,and mosques away from this area. We have a short life and why not enjoy without silly constrains. Then our hypocrites haven’t got to go to indulgences to places like Singapore and Bangkok. Plenty of blue whisky and could slap one another, right here in the darmadipaya.

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