Mangala taking “Lamborghini Hunt” to USA
Posted on February 8th, 2015


What about hunting for LTTE funds? And don’t forget to mention Ravi

Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera is on his way to Washington DC to trace the foreign assets of the Rajapaksas.

According to the Sunday Times, Samaraweera will meet officials of the World Bank’s Stolen Asset Recovery Unit (StAR) in the US capital and Secretary of State John

The minister will be submitting to US officials A list of names of leading UPFA politicians and officials who were allegedly involved in amassing assets abroad, particularly in foreign banks. Such a list is now being compiled in conjunction with ministries which have information of different activities.”

So far the frenzied searches by the 100-day government have failed to turn up the Lamborghinis and stashes of cash the Rajapaksas are accused of accumulating.Avamangala Hundreds of policemen accompanied by high-ranking politicians have illegal searches of homes, including a former residence of President Rajapaksa, in a desperate mission to get the former leaders arrested before the general elections. Samaraweera’s mission to have former President Rajapaksa arrested for a coup that didn’t take place has so far not succeeded.

Here’s what ‘Apeyrata’ wants to know:


  • Will Mr. Samaraweera also ask the US to divulge details of the hidden assets of the LTTE? Were those funds used to buy the defection of politicians to defeat President Rajapaksa at the January elections? Have some of those funds being used to lobby US officials and fund their campaigns?
  • What about the current Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake who is facing criminal charges for money laundering? The case before Colombo High Court alleges Karunanayake had actively facilitated the transfer of US$ 300 million to Sri Lanka by convicted felon Raj Rajaratnam who is now serving time in federal prison.


One Response to “Mangala taking “Lamborghini Hunt” to USA”

  1. ranjit Says:

    See that donkey heads face in the photo. This is the dirtiest,brainless,idiotic,revengeful politicians ever to find in Sri Lankan politics. Why this stupid take advise from Americans because they were the coup masters during the election and their objective too was to harass the former President.

    From the day one he is trying to get hold of something about the former President but never succeeded. He is a very low class person with no respect. He is the one who told that MY3 was just a clerk and should not take any notice of him during the last election. This two tongue vicious snake should be put in a cage and locked never to return.

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