Are LTTE cadres providing security to Chief Minister Wigneswaran?
Posted on February 12th, 2015
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February 12th, 2015 at 9:33 am
Are LTTE cadres providing security to Chief Minister VC Wigneswaran NPC (Saiva TE)? so He has three security
SL Police(right behind him) & VP’s boys in right & RAW in left !
no wonder Our first minister so smart !!!
February 12th, 2015 at 9:50 am
Wickremesinghe observed that everyone in parliament should be a part of the government after the next general election.- so why election Sir ?
new party SLFPUNP against any other major party apart from TNA in next election?- I am clearly confused.
common BBS Sandiyas what you are doing ???
My personal advice to MR- ask Karuna amman to resign from his national list MP for you to come to parliament immediately .
February 12th, 2015 at 10:29 am
SA K !!! Let Karuna wait in Parliament. I have not seen anybody speaking like him. He should be able to identify the new LTTE BODY GUARDS.
President MY3 will have to watch out. His silence on some matters, should not be taken as a sign of weakness and servility.
February 12th, 2015 at 12:22 pm
If we really want to bring lasting peace in the country then the politicians must get rid of the absurd escorts which is used as a status symbol, costing the taxpayers. This type of extravagant circus is imitated and demanded by all politicans,that include the lot in the north. We reap what we sow.What is good for the goose is also good for the gander,.
This type of double standards will only make the minorities resentful, therefore they too have the right to the security circus.
Today I saw two or three councillors and the local MP visiting and inspecting the local open market, not a single security bugger on site, not even the local police was informed of their visit.
proliferation of armed escorts leads to other complications where these arms could be misused.
I am not sure if the Northern politicians have their own armed security, if so it’s a cause for alarm. We must disarm every politician in the island during the peace time and they must face the normal security threat as the rest of the people.
February 12th, 2015 at 12:49 pm
RELEASING the CONFISCATED BOATS of the Tamil Nadu POACHERS back to them …. is this MORE “Yahapalanaya”???
CONFISCATION of BOATS was the ONLY EFFECTIVE METHOD of DETERRING the businessmen and political agitators behind this SCHEME to ROB Sri Lanka of its FISH, and NOW that is being REVERSED!!
How does Aiyoo Sirisenaa hope to DETER CRIME without ADEQUATE & EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT?? Everything else has been TRIED BEFORE! GIVING UP and PLAYING DEAD with ALL LEGS up in the AIR to PLACATE India wont protect our Motherland!!
Aiyooooo Sirisenaaaaa …. What are YOU DOING to our Motherland?? NO GUTS to ENFORCE the LAW!! More “Yahapalanaya”? YIKES!!
Boat Release: TN Fishermen Ecstatic But Seek Compensation for Damage
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Feb 12 (NIE) COLOMBO- Indian fishermen�s leaders and owners of the 87 fishing vessels detained by Sri Lanka, were ecstatic when they learnt that the boats were going to be released this week on the orders of Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.
But they are concerned about the state of the boats, which might have suffered decay and damage due to months of neglect, and are seeking compensation from the Indian and Lankan governments.
“I am extremely happy to hear about the release. From the bottom of my heart, I thank the Sri Lankan President for it. But I fear that 47 of the 87 boats may have suffered severe damage as they have been in water for months, some for eight months. Their owners need to be compensated by the authorities,” said U.Arulanandam, a veteran fishermen’s leader of Rameswaram.
The Director General of Fisheries, Nimal Hettiarachchi, said on Thursday, that on the instructions of President Sirisena, the Attorney General had sent word to the courts dealing with the boats’ case, that he had no objection to their release. The courts at Kayts, Mannar, Point Pedro and Trincomalee were expected to order their release on Thursday.
According to another fishermen’s leader, Devadas, 30 to 32 boats are unusable.
“Returning these damaged boats will not bring much relief to the owners, who are already in a bad way economically. Many boat owners have been working as coolies or doing odd jobs in the fishing industry for the last several months,” Devadas told Express over the phone.
He said that he had met Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in connection with this problem and she told him that compensation is possible. The Tamil Nadu government had also promised to pitch in, he added.
Boat owner Ramesh said that since the loss of his boat, he had sunk deeper into debt with a cumulative debt of Indian Rupees 15 lakhs.
” I had pawned my wife’s gold jewelry and am unable to retrieve it,” he said.
Ramesh has no idea about the condition of his boat. “If it is not in a usable condition, I will not take it,” he said.
Boat owner Sekaram said that he was “very happy” to learn of the release but wondered in what condition his boat is in.
” We have asked for compensation from our government. Hope we will get it,” he said.
Start Talks
Jesuraja, a mechanized boat owner, said that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments should now take the next step and re-start talks between the fishermen of the two countries. Talks might be held in Chennai on March 5.
“The fishermen of the two countries should be able to fish in the same area without harming each other’s livelihood,” Jesuraja said.
He also suggested that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments should join together to compensate the fishermen who had lost their boats and were reduced to penury.
“Each of the lost boats would have cost Indian Rs. 15 to 25 lakhs,” he pointed out.
Timed for Sirisena’s Visit
Colombo’s decision to release the vessels was dictated by President Sirisena’s desire to have friendly relations with India, and to retrieve bilateral ties from the abyss it had fallen into during the Presidency of his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Furthermore, Sirisena is to begin a three day trip to India on February 15, his first official visit to any country since he took over in January. The release of the 87 Indian boats should pave the way for smooth talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at New Delhi.
February 12th, 2015 at 1:15 pm
Sri Lanka seeking a delay in releasing the report of UN investigation – report
Thu, Feb 12, 2015, 09:18 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Feb 12, Washington, DC: Sri Lanka was seeking a delay of several months in the release of a United Nations report on the investigation of alleged war crimes committed during the country’s three-decade long war, a Reuters report said.
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera during his visit to Washington on Wednesday has told the reporters that the new government is seeking a delay in releasing the report of the UN Human rights Council mandated investigation by several months until the government had time to establish a mechanism to deal with the issue.
“Once the report is finalized, we are hoping they can refer it to our domestic mechanism for action,” Samaraweera told reporters.
“We are hoping they could hold on to it until our mechanism is in place – maybe August, you know, or so,” Reuters quoted Samaraweera as saying.
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein is scheduled to present the investigative report on the investigation mandated by the UNHRC at its 28th session in Geneva on March 25.
It has been reported that the United States and its allies want to postpone the presentation to September, to give the new democratic and pro-Western government of Sri Lanka sufficient time to put in place a credible domestic mechanism to investigate the alleged war crime charges.
However, when contacted by Reuters, UNHRC spokesman Rupert Colville has said that the report is still scheduled for release on March 25.
February 12th, 2015 at 1:21 pm
Our Mangala is asking to delay the release of UN report on war crimes against SL. Why? If it is released before the election, the new govt has to to reject it but if it is delayed until after the next general election, they can officially accept it and take action against all those nemes metioned in the report. Kohomadha Tikiri Mole?
February 12th, 2015 at 6:30 pm
NIMAL !! Yes, we must stop the EXTAVAGANT CIRCUS. Long years back, I was coming home for lunch, and happened to stop for the Red light at Horton Place, Kanatte Road junction. Another car came and parked parallel to me. I just bent forward to look who was at the wheel, then that person waved at me and I too waved at him. Who do you think he was ? Dudley Senanayake driving home for lunch, in his Humber Hawk. So where are the Escorts ? He had none. He was another Human Being, of this beautiful Sri Lanka.
The present President very PROUDLY says, that Rajapakse had a contingent of 4000 Presidential Security, and he had the good sense to bring his Security down to a thousand. THE AUDACITY ? Only a Pompous Jackass could say such a thing. Only his life is very precious in this Country, and the life of people who elect Politicians, are not so precious. No wonder his son DAHAM was showing of at the Race Course with 40 PSD personnel. The FATHER needs 1000 Security, the Son needs 40 Security. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO ???Do they ever tell how much is budgeted for Security of the whole DAMNING LOT OF BLOODY POLITICIANS, IN THIS COUNTRY, THEIR WIVES AND FOR THEIR CHILDREN, AND RELATIONS TOO. IT HAS TO BE BILLIONS. THIS IS GRAND LARCENY. Poor people, including Middle Class people try to strive on the meager amounts they get as pay, in relation to the cost of living. What about the VEHICLES each one handles. THE MORE THE NUMBER OF VEHICLES THE MORE THE PRESTIGE. So the imbecile Politicians think. Maintenance of these vehicles, could also go into the BILLION MARK.
Lorenzo long time back during the last Government, said the Army should take over the reigns of Administration. It was not a serious option at that time, but now, YES. I too backed it. That was for a different cause, the 13th Ammendment. All this affluent spending on one mans life is a MOCKERY at its best, and a Cardinal sin, at its worst. A sin, that will bring a CURSE on their families for generations.
How come Late Dudley Senanayake, drives home for lunch, and these FAKE Politicians have about ten or more Vehicles escorting them with Sirens, driving at Jet Speed, to go for lunch? THIS IS EMPTY VANITY. MAANNEY. BORU SOBANEY. What have these Politicians contributed for the progress of the Country ? DO they have an Annual Progress Report, reflecting what they have done and not done. Nothing of the sort. When I worked on a River Boat Casino, the Annual Progress report consisted of about 30 duty requirements. Even the Smile and deportment was considered for increase in emoluments, and for promotions.
I can say very much more on this subject, but this is enough for just now as an eye opener.
February 12th, 2015 at 9:28 pm
Let Karuna wait in Parliament. I have not seen anybody speaking like him. He should be able to identify the new LTTE BODY GUARDS.- me too very good at parliament English better than Suresh P, Selam A or Joker Sivagilingam etc..
sorry he left 10 years( 2004) back these are new VP’s boys RAW trained them.
February 13th, 2015 at 8:08 am
Fully agree with you. These politicians hardly do anything for the people. We are sadly going back to the dark days prior to the colonial times where our tyrannical leaders did fancy and the people in the country never existed in their mind. The day we glorify the good work of the past rulers the sooner we change our culture to the real world absorbing real values.
History of 200 years ago was dark in every country and to glorify it is dishonest and ignorant.
The countries that unshackled themselves and now have a decent country is UK.They too had a terrible history where the catholic hierarchy from Rome ruled the roost in the most cruel way, one only have to visit the London dungeon see that part of that history.
Having experienced the freedom and democracy that had ushered the good life to her people there, were much of their newfound values were inculcated in the colonies. Of cause in the process there were dark times in the colonies, like slavery, force labour of people brought ion from other countries, yet life was much better for all.
There’s no doubt that they profited from the colonies but they left an infrastructure buttressed with a culture with high moral values, which I was old enough to witness.
We should have built on this,instead we went into reverse gear and rest is the chaos we see in the country. Third world must blame the so called intellectuals who had the best education in the West but for their quest for power had made a mess of all the third world countries, though they secretly adore their vision and lifestyles of the Western cultures, denied to their people back home.
Since likes of us who amalgamated or assimilated with them, seems to have acquired their virtues like tolerance, honesty and mostly charity for the less unfortunate than us.
I wasn’t surprised when the young people here sacrificed their own home comforts just before the all important Christmas gone to Africa to save their human family that was affected by Ebola.We have much to learn from them and should they ever give up their high moral values then we may expect to be in the dark ages once again and let’s home that it will never happen.
THIS WHY WE MUST RESPECT AND CO- OPERATE on the international conventions that are there to protect the WEAK FROM THE STONG,one never knows who will be the next Hitler that may decimate the third world.
February 13th, 2015 at 9:33 am
Forgive my grammatical mistakes, written in hurry without rechecking.