President should dissolve Northern Provincial Council on Genocide Claim
Posted on February 12th, 2015

Shenali D Waduge

 It cannot be a coincidence that immediately following the visits to the North by US and British officials that the Northern Provincial Council has passed a Resolution claiming genocide by Sri Lanka. What needs to be reiterated is that the common enemy of Sri Lanka and its people was the LTTE which was militarily vanquished by the Armed Forces in May 2009. If anyone holds a candle to a terrorist movement banned by 32 nations including Sri Lanka they need to be held culpable for aiding and abetting terrorism. This is an international rule applicable to all. Accusing of ‘genocide’ is a very serious allegation and must be substantiated with evidence. To claim genocide where are the dead? who are the dead and to claim genocide how can that be collaborated with population statistics? These claims that have been taking place need to be seriously dealt with because these are coming between all initiatives to create a peaceful and harmonious Sri Lanka and for all communities to work towards developing the nation and not dividing it. It is therefore suggested that the President of Sri Lanka take this NPC Resolution as a threat to the National Security of Sri Lanka and dissolve the NPC and relook at the 13th amendment for if it does not provide the service to the people of Sri Lanka and is an unnecessary cost the provincial council system needs to be abolished altogether and with the new constitutional changes being drawn up whether 13th amendment should be kept needs to be seriously addressed.

 Background to 13th and PC system

 Following the signing of the India-forced Indo-Lanka Accord in 1987, the Sri Lankan Government was compelled to make amendments to its Constitution and introduce the 13th amendment on 14th November 1987 and incorporate a Provincial Council system under Provincial Councils Act No 42 of 1987. As per the Indo-Lanka Accord, Sri Lanka was required to merge the North and East provinces (North-East Provincial Council). NE held its first election on 19 November 1988 with Indian-backed Varatharaja Perumal elected as Chief Minister. The Provincial Council did not last long for Perumal declared a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (coincidence that it was timed with the withdrawing of the IPKF from Sri Lanka) resulting in then President Premadasa dissolving the Province and bringing under the State of Sri Lanka. The Accord required a referendum to be held by 31 December 1988 in the Eastern Province to decide whether the merger should be permanent but also allowed the country’s President the provision to postpone such. On 14 July 2006 the JVP filed three separate petitions with the Supreme Court requesting a demerger of the 2 provinces. A historic verdict came on 16 October 2006 the Supreme Court ruled that the proclamations issued by President Jayewardene were null and void and had no legal effect and both provinces were formerly demerged on 1 January 2007.

 The suffering because of LTTE

 It is imperative that the people of Sri Lanka and the world realize that LTTE was the common enemy. LTTE killed other Tamil political movements, their leaders and their cadres, LTTE has killed a sitting President, Opposition candidates, over 10 leaders of political parties, 7 cabinet Ministers, 37 Members of Parliament, 6 Members of Provincial Councils, 22 Members of Pradeshiya Sabhas, 17 Political Party organizers, 4 mayors including Alfred Duraiappah who became LTTE’s first target in 1975. LTTE has also killed foreigners including the former PM of India, Rajiv Gandhi. Besides killing innocent civilians (Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims) LTTE has put to death its own cadres including the injured and child soldiers who disobeyed orders or attempted to flee.

 Therefore, it has been unfortunate that the political establishment of Sri Lanka has not correctly pointed out to the international community that Sri Lanka’s Terrorism by LTTE was a factor that ALL the citizens suffered from. This next brings up the question of RECONCILIATION. Given that it is a terminology adapted by the West, again the political establishment of Sri Lanka should have asked why Sri Lanka need to reconcile with terrorists because the military fought and defeated terrorists and not Tamils. Which next brings us to the question of grievances of the Tamils. It is essential that grievances of Tamils should not and cannot get unnecessarily entangled to the conflict and its outcome. Grievances of Tamils must have a basis and we are continuing to ask what Tamils are constitutionally, legally denied that ONLY Sinhalese are enjoying. As far as we can see there is absolutely no discrimination that we can think of. Nonetheless, the Northern Province has been repeatedly claiming that the North is a Tamil Homeland and that Sinhalese are not allowed in the North and this chant has been continuing ever since the TNA took reigns of the Northern Province. The self-determination they are claiming demands a separate state because of Sinhala discrimination but reserves a right for them to continue to live among the Sinhalese. Now does this not look odd?

Tamils were living under iron rule of the LTTE who had its own courts, own laws, own police, own banks, own taxing systems and no Tamil could open their mouth against the LTTE. Democracy for Tamils under LTTE was to say yes to all that LTTE wanted. No sooner the LTTE was defeated against much advice the former Government decided to hold elections and allow Tamils to exercise their franchise and they did so by voting the LTTE created TNA. Many of its members were selected by LTTE when it was formed hurriedly following 9/11 when the LTTE overseas brains were apprehensive how the world would apply ‘war on terror’ to the LTTE.

 Democracy in the North – after LTTE defeat

  • Presidential elections held in January 2010
  • Parliamentary elections held in April 2010
  • Local Government elections March 2011
  • Provincial council elections held in September 2013

 With the North under the political wing of the LTTE influenced by the LTTE diaspora fronts that are now banned it is prudent that we remain alert to the links LTTE has formed over the years. From emerging from the India induced incubator LTTE today is heavily influenced by foreign players that are using the LTTE and its political wing to advance their agendas with a compromise element that would satisfy their future agenda. We have been warning of a pan-Christian state grounded in the North as a Asia look out, an economic hub and the platform with which the West will balkanize India and work towards Russia and China. These are serious security concerns for Sri Lanka and for other nations of Asia for it means future conflicts being nursed already.

 Nevertheless, petty political gains have ignored State action against the TNA and its Resolutions.

 Other examples of TNA-ruled Northern Provincial Council posing a threat to the National Security of Sri Lanka

  • February 2012 – TNA leader Sambanthan writes to 47 member states of UNHRC urging support for Resolution on Sri Lanka
  • Ever since NPC was formed the TNA has been demanding police and land powers without delivering a service in the areas they have been allocated. At the inaugural session in 2013 the Chief Minister Wigneswaran reiterated demand for land and police powers and he has been continuously claiming militarization and colonization though he had asked TNA members to use the word ‘genocide’ with caution knowing the legal implications of its use. A brave citizen has come forward to lodge a case citing penal code section 120 violation by TNA Whoever by words, spoken or intended to be read, or by signs; or by visible representations, or otherwise, excites or attempts to excite feeling of dissatisfaction to the President or to the Government of the Republic, or excites or attempts to excite hatred to or contempt of the administration of justice, or excites or attempts to excite the People of Sri Lanka to procure, other than by lawful means, the alteration of any matter by law established, or attempts to raise discontent or dissatisfaction amongst the People of Sri Lanka, or to promote feeling of ill-will and hostility between different classes of such People,  shall be punished with the simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years”.
  • January 2014 NPC passes Shivajilingams Resolution seeking international inquiry into the Sri Lankan government’s acts of ethnic cleansing,” and rejecting Sri Lanka’s own inquiry mechanisms. Another resolution called for building a monument at Mullivaikkal, in Mullaitivu, in memory of civilians killed in the final military assault on the LTTE in May 2009 (most believe this a covert way to honor dead LTTE)
  • April 28, 2014 – NPC passes Shivajilingam’s Five Resolutions
    1. International Investigation against Sri Lanka for crimes against Tamils during the war. Special gratitude to US, UK, Macedonia, Mauritius and Montenegro for leading the Resolutions at UNHRC calling for investigation of crimes against humanity committed in Sri Lanka
    2. Gratitude to countries who supported the UNHRC Resolution in March 2014 – Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Montenegro, Peru, Republic of Korea, Romania, Sierra Leone, Macedonia, UK, US and gratitude for those that voted down attempts to remove section calling for an international investigation. Gratitude for Japan and Philippines inspite of abstaining
    3. Appreciation to UNHRC Members for supporting independent international investigation for crimes against humanity by Sri Lanka
    4. Assistance from International Community to permanently resolve the Tamil National Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. Enable a NEW CONSTITUTION FOR SRI LANKA with assistance from International community recognizing self-determination of Tamil people and offering at a minimum a federal set up for a sovereign Tamil nation constituting merged Northern and Eastern provinces.
    5. NPC condemns the banning of 16 Tamil Diaspora organizations and 424 members of Tamil Diaspora through Sri Lanka Gazette notification.
  • August 2014 – 33 TNA Provincial Councillors from North and East Write to Navi Pillay Requesting UNHRC to look into all the past violations against the Tamil people at least from 1974 when the killings of Tamil people by the Sri Lankan forces started and looking into genocide of the Tamil people. Note the letter has been cited in a complaint to the police by a citizen of Sri Lanka citing Penal Code violation section 120 which the Sri Lanka police are currently investigating.
  • February 2015 – Northern Provincial Council passes resolution “Since then, Tamils across Sri Lanka, particularly in the historical Tamil homeland of the NorthEast, have been subject to gross and systematic human rights violations, culminating in the mass atrocities committed in 2009. Sri Lanka’s historic violations include over 60 years of statesponsored anti-Tamil pogroms, massacres, sexual violence, and acts of cultural and linguistic destruction perpetrated by the state,” (can migration and settlement from invasions be called Homeland?)

 What is genocide

 The term genocide originated in 1944 by a Polish-Jewish lawyer (Raphael Lemkin) with reference to the Nazi policies against the Jews. The UN used it after the Holocaust defining genocide as an intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. In 1946, the UN General Assembly Resolution affirmed genocide as a crime under international law and went on to in 1948 to adopt a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. In 2006, the UN Security Council Resolution 1674 assured protection to civilians in armed conflict against acts of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. In 2008 the UN Security Council Resolution 1820 included ‘rape and other forms of sexual violence to constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or a constitutive act with respect to genocide.’

 Given these terminologies

  • The 1915 massacre of 1million ethnic Armenians
  • 1945 millions of Jews massacred by Germans
  • 1975 Khmer Rouge executions of 1.7m to 2million Cambodians
  • 1990 killing of 1million Tutsi’s in 100 days by Hutus
  • 2003 and beyond situation in Darfur with an estimated 300,000 dead and over 2.7m displaced can be defined as genocide.
  • The genocide by colonial invaders upon lands that they captured and people they brutally killed and the lands they took over from the indigenous races in Americas, Africa, Australiasia and Asia continue to evade investigation for genocide. Between 16th to 19th centuries 8.4million to 112million population declined in the nations that colonials invaded (80% of their population). Spanish conquest of Americas left 8m indigenous dead. Portugual colonial expansion in Africa left over 80 indigenous tribes extinct. Belgium genocide of Congo under Leopold II of Belgium reduced 60% of Congo’s population.

 Has there been a systematic killing of millions of Tamils in Sri Lanka?

 None of those claiming genocide can give evidence to substantiate their claims. Not even names of the dead have been given except to run a global campaign claiming between 40,000 to 125,000 dead. So far no one has presented names, whereabouts, their identities – absolutely nothing except claiming the dead.

 Nevertheless, LTTE’s attempts to ethnic cleanse the Sinhalese and Muslims from their original habitats can be proven with names of victims, with locations of attack with dates – this ethnic cleansing started out in early 1980s and continued for decades. Right of freedom of movement and right to residence is applicable to all citizens and the TNA or the NPC have no rights to refer to the North as original Tamil homeland forgetting that Tamils arrived via South Indian invasions and settled down over time alongside the Sinhalese who were living in the North and historical and archaeological documents suffice to prove this.

 What should President Sirisena do?

 President Sirisena must address the nation and the international community to declare that no such genocide has ever taken place in Sri Lanka. This must be done to put an end to this nonsense of passing resolutions causing unnecessary friction among communities. The Sinhalese and Muslims have been victims of LTTE terror and no one seems to care about the injustice to them over 3 decades.

 The examples shown by the manner that the Northern Provincial Council has been functioning over the few years that it has been functioning shows that the NPC is attempting to arouse communal flames. None of the other provinces have passed resolutions demanding action against the LTTE because they have left it to the State Government to do so given that LTTE and those connected remains a national matter.

 The President should immediately demand a report from the Governor on the Resolution claiming genocide by the NPC.

 Chapter XVIIA, 154 sets out details on the establishment of Provincial Councils. Under Public Security 154J ‘security of Sri Lanka is threatened by war, or external aggression or armed rebellion, the President may give directions to any Governor as to the manner in which the executive power exercisable by the Governor is to be exercised. (the present Resolution claiming genocide and previous claims of such is causing undue pressure internally and externally to Sri Lanka and this poses a security threat). 154K stipulates that if the Governor or any PC fails to comply or give effect to directions the President by law can take action. 154L stipulates that the President has the right to make a Proclamation to dissolve the Province.

 The NPC must be requested to apologize to the nation for bringing Resolutions that they are well aware are false and baseless with nothing to substantiate except to create tensions amongst communities. That the NPC has been indulging in this over a period of time through examples show that President Sirisena has to not only consider dissolving the Northern Provincial Council but seriously relooking at the 13th amendment in view of the national security threat to the nation.

 If President Sirisena can take a call on 13th amendment deciding to repeal it would make him achieve what previous leaders were unwilling to do.

 Shenali D Waduge

37 Responses to “President should dissolve Northern Provincial Council on Genocide Claim”

  1. charithsls Says:

    There seems to be a very lukewarm attitude from the Sinhalese so far to this very communal call of genocide from Wigneshwaran. Sinhala & Buddhist organisations should make a huge protest against this call to President Sirisena & PM Wickremasinghe. Repealing the 13th is the ideal response by the govt but do not think they have the bottle to do it.
    This is an immediate result of removing the previous governor & the SLFP camp should make mass protests on this to gain the maximum mileage.

  2. Independent Says:

    Yes. President My3 should dissolve this alien PC created by ex-president MR with the objection of all patriots to show off his CHOGM rubbish. That is the accelerator pedal of his downfall.

  3. Nimal Says:

    I was told that Lord Nasby is in SL and he should be given a red carpet and perhaps seek his advice to find the best way to
    deal or answer the war crimes allegations, get the best lawyers to speak for the country and defend every patriot who is to be examined. To put this thing under the carpet is not advisable and we seems to have a good case in the light of sovereign nations are under the attack by terrorists.
    Right people appointed could clear everyone involved in the accusation.
    GOSL must invest on the best legal backing and the likes of Lord Nasby could come in handy. I know him well enough to vouch for his true interest for Sri Lanka, had spoken several time at the house of lords in our favour.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    NO WAY!

    THINK what will happen if this dirt is dissolved. FRESH ELECTIONS will be held and TNA will win again!!

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    Thank you Lankaweb for publishing my comments. We need a variety of views.

  6. Independent Says:

    There is no need to hold fresh PC elections. Once GE is held, let them try the life without PCs and prove it is better !

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko “Faceook” Lorenzo and his 2nd LAPDOG Ado Dependent!

    Are you STILL dancing your EELAM KOLAMS here, trying to convince PATRIOTS you care about Sri Lanka?

    Desperately TRYING to shed the EELAMIST sheepskins now that your have done your WORST to OUST the PATRIOTIC GOSL???


  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    India is just “wary”, but Sri Lanka is being SCREWED! BULLSHIT … I say!

    Indians are is WARY; they are ECSTATIC; this is their DREAM COME TRUE … in thekir MYOPIC short term view!

    This UNDERSCORES the URGENT NEED to REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVE all Provincial Councils. INSTITUTE a District System administered by GOSL APPOINTED Government Agents.

    1. Large Provinces governed by Sri Lanka’s enemies have the POWER to UNDERMINE the Central Government and ENABLE seperation into independent Ethno-Religious fiefdoms.

    2. The Northern and Eastern Provinces have large coastlines. With Land & Police powers they will be able to engineer a large INFLUX of Foreigners to settle in Sri Lanka …. in particular Tamil Nadu Tamils, and Muslims from the Middle East, Maldives and elsewhere.

    3. The Provincial Council bureaucracies are an UNNECESSARY FINANCIAL BURDEN, and CREATE MORE RED TAPE BARRIERS to HARASS the citizens of Sri Lanka, that is ALREADY OVERRUN with corrupt officials milking them. Local town, city and district administrations with an ELECTED central government to secure and develop the nation as a whole, IS ENOUGH GOVERNANCE, IS ENOUGH FRANCHISE! END THIS COMMUNAL Provincial Council FOOLISHNESS threatening to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into ETHNO-RELIGIOUS Bantustans NOW!

    Aiyoooo …. Srisenaaaaa …… What are you DOING to our Motherland!!

    Sri Lanka’s Northern Province resolution: Indian officials wary

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 11 (Hindu) The Indian government took note of the resolution by the Sri Lankan Northern Provincial Council internally, but officials said it was too early to gauge its importance to the reconciliation process already initiated by President Maithripala Sirisena’s new government.

    Officials are studying if the genocide resolution would affect the Geneva conference of the UNHRC, where the U.N. special rapporteur is due to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” that could also lead to a resolution against Sri Lanka being tabled. India would be keen to see any such resolution put off, it is understood, so as to allow the new Sri Lankan government time to implement its promises to the Northern provinces.

    India not for war crimes probe against Sri Lanka

    Any attempt to challenge the new government in Colombo with an international genocide investigation at this point could “complicate matters,” sources in New Delhi have said.

    The U.N. special rapporteur is expected to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” and a resolution on Sri Lanka’s ‘genocide against Tamils’ could also be tabled then. India has traditionally opposed any international investigation into war crimes in Sri Lanka, a position that led to India abstaining from the U.S.-backed resolution at the UNHRC in March 2014.

    Sources told The Hindu that the issue of reconciliation and rehabilitation for the Tamil-dominated areas will be a key issue when President Sirisena meets with Prime Minister Narendra Modi next week. “The government will be keen to discuss the new government’s plans as well as the just-started talks on repatriation of 1 lakh Sri Lankan refugees living in India.”

    In Delhi last month, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, who met with Mr. Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, said that the Sirisena government would implement a “credible domestic mechanism” for reconciliation, but wouldn’t allow any international inquiry into allegations of human rights violations during the war against the LTTE.

    President Sirisena will visit India from February 15 to 18, his first international engagement since he was sworn in.

    Sri Lanka’s Northern Province resolution: Indian officials wary

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 11 (Hindu) The Indian government took note of the resolution by the Sri Lankan Northern Provincial Council internally, but officials said it was too early to gauge its importance to the reconciliation process already initiated by President Maithripala Sirisena’s new government.

    Officials are studying if the genocide resolution would affect the Geneva conference of the UNHRC, where the U.N. special rapporteur is due to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” that could also lead to a resolution against Sri Lanka being tabled. India would be keen to see any such resolution put off, it is understood, so as to allow the new Sri Lankan government time to implement its promises to the Northern provinces.

    India not for war crimes probe against Sri Lanka

    Any attempt to challenge the new government in Colombo with an international genocide investigation at this point could “complicate matters,” sources in New Delhi have said.

    The U.N. special rapporteur is expected to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” and a resolution on Sri Lanka’s ‘genocide against Tamils’ could also be tabled then. India has traditionally opposed any international investigation into war crimes in Sri Lanka, a position that led to India abstaining from the U.S.-backed resolution at the UNHRC in March 2014.

    Sources told The Hindu that the issue of reconciliation and rehabilitation for the Tamil-dominated areas will be a key issue when President Sirisena meets with Prime Minister Narendra Modi next week. “The government will be keen to discuss the new government’s plans as well as the just-started talks on repatriation of 1 lakh Sri Lankan refugees living in India.”

    In Delhi last month, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, who met with Mr. Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, said that the Sirisena government would implement a “credible domestic mechanism” for reconciliation, but wouldn’t allow any international inquiry into allegations of human rights violations during the war against the LTTE.

    President Sirisena will visit India from February 15 to 18, his first international engagement since he was sworn in.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:

    Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa …. Is this a PART of your balleyhooed “Yahapalanaya”??

    If you don’t ACT NOW as the Minister of Defence and President to SUSPEND the Northern Provincial Council and INDICT its members for TREASON, then you are UNWILLING & INCAPABLE of DEFENDING OUR Motherland!

    Defending the Nation is YOUR FIRST & HIGHEST DUTY; ACT NOW or RESIGN!

    Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa ….. What are YOU DOING to our Motherland??

    Sri Lanka’s Northern Provincial Council adopts resolution calling for an international investigation on ‘genocide’

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 10, Colombo: The Northern Provincial Council in Sri Lanka Tuesday adopted a resolution calling for an international investigation into alleged acts of genocide committed against the Tamils during the war.

    Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran presented an amended version of the resolution calling for an international inquiry on genocide against Tamils committed by the successive governments since the country’s independence from the British in 1948.

    The resolution notes that the obligation to prevent and punish genocide under the Genocide Convention is not a matter of political choice or calculation, but one of binding customary international law.

    In the resolution, the NPC has urged the team appointed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to investigate the war in Sri Lanka, to comprehensively investigate and report on the charge of genocide in its submission to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2015.

    “During the war, government military forces engaged in deliberate aerial, artillery, and naval bombardment of civilian areas and also used prohibited weapons and ammunitions, such as cluster bombs. According to UN estimates, 60 – 100,000 Tamil civilians were killed over the course of the 27-year-long war. The large scale and severe nature of the genocide also forced many Tamils to flee the North East Provinces and seek refuge in Tamil Nadu and Western countries,” the resolution has stated.

    The resolution described that the case of genocide in Sri Lanka is unique among genocides in history because it occurred over several decades and under different governments before intensifying into a “no-holds-barred war” for nearly three decades and culminating in the mass atrocities of 2009.

    “It is accordingly vital that Sri Lanka’s historic violations against Tamils, in addition to the 2009 attacks, are addressed through an international mechanism in order to combat Sri Lanka’s institutionalized impunity,” it said.

    The resolution has further noted that the UN Security Council should refer the situation in Sri Lanka to the International Criminal Court for prosecutions based on war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide adding that alternatively or concurrently, domestic courts in countries that may exercise universal jurisdiction over the alleged events and perpetrators, including but not limited to the United States, should prosecute these crimes.

  10. Christie Says:

    Namaste: The new Great leader and appointed leaders should get rid of Indian imperialist agenda. Then the Great leader is a coolie of Indian administrator Chandrika Kumaranathunga-Bandaranayke. Jai Hind

    Get rid of 13A.

  11. ranjit Says:

    Why these stupid Sri Lankan Sinhalese don’t realize the danger ahead if we continue like this. Shenali’s letters should be read by everyone then atleast something from it might click it in these stupid heads. Our whole freedom and happiness has gone now. People are now wondering why we helped to change the course of our forward march and the development we were going thru. These UNP Mafia took the Govt by force and allowed all their white friends to come and destroy our peace which we enjoyed for last ten years.

    Tamils & Muslims should be kept in the distance because if you allow them to dance as they wish they will grab every inch of our land and demand more and more until nothing left for us Sinhalese. They have the backing of this white pigs the International community. These International Mafia creeps in to small countries by pretending to help the minorities and gradually destroy the Majority and grab what ever they can get hold and leave after sometimes. There are so many good countries suffering today because of these terrorists thieves Americans,British and the rest. Afganistan,Libiya,Syria,Pakistan,Sudan were few to mention. Before this International Mafia destroy us we must prepare and act accordingly. Our leaders must think the safety of our people and the country first before they think of their personal benefits. Traitors to the land should be brought to justice and punished. They should investigate money laundering by Foreign Embassies and their criminal activities after the elections. Stop them before something nasty happen.

  12. Dilrook Says:

    “Yamapalanaya” will be in for plenty of problems if they dissolve the NPC. TNA is just getting ready for this years’ extortion with its begging bowl at the UNHRC. Sadly the Rajapaksa regime pandered into TNA and UNHRC demands. UNHRC sessions will start in a few weeks’ time. Most likely there will not be a resolution against Sri Lanka this time.

  13. SA Kumar Says:

    “Yamapalanaya” – Good governance – ” Nallaadchi”
    NCP is Indo-Lanka agreement & SL Law of Land- Saiva TE is part of India with mini Indian embassy .

    UNHRC will pass a resolution against SL this time .

    We both community lost the war ! India is the winner !

  14. SA Kumar Says:

    CM Vigneshwaran NPC
    where were this colombo man living last 33 years(during Eelam war 1 to 4) his both his daughter-in-laws are sinhalese He who gave more punishment than his counter part sinhala judges when he was in supreme court to vp’s boys. He returned from India so call a pilgrim visit become NPC Chief Minister over night with 100,000 favourite votes.

    You modayas You gave our TE to Indian now !!!

  15. Sarath W Says:

    Indians have this inferiority complex and always get worried and jealous when Sri Lanka is developing rapidly. That is why they trained and armed the Tamils to destroy our economy during JR’s time and did every thing possible to get rid or MR with the help of Chandrika and Ranil. During my recent visit to India I could not believe what a shit hole India was, a mass cess pit. The rapid development of Sri Lanka, the beautification of the major cities was an eye sore for those stupid and conniving politicians, and they know under Ranil and Chandrika Sri Lanka will be dragged down again by those ungrateful Tamils.

  16. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Quoting the article:

    “It cannot be a coincidence that immediately following the visits to the North by US and British officials that the Northern Provincial Council has passed a Resolution claiming genocide by Sri Lanka”

    what that statement implies to me is that the Northern Council simply put Colombo on the defensive. this article has taken the same stand, defensive. It is almost impossible to win a war (be it a military campaign or a war of words) by taking simply a defensive posture especially when the accusations are vague.

    Instead of defending this accusation take this opportunity to accuse the Northern Council of various issues including:

    -Support of the LITE and their genocidal acts on Tamil Hindus and Muslims
    -Their role in the whole scale slaughter of Buddhist Priests during the war, the slaughter of Sinhalese
    -their role during the war to bifurcate Sri Lanka based on trumped up grievances
    -their continued role as agents supporting Pro LITE organizations in Tamil Nadu
    -Their role in rigging the elections to oust Rajapakse and put in this coalition
    -their role in the implementation of a plan to annihilate the Buddhist Sinhalese and the Sinhalese people in order to annex Sri Lanka
    -their role in the hundreds of thousands of Sinhalese murdered, Viharas destroyed, and the purge of Sinhalese from the Northern council






  17. SA Kumar Says:


    Minister Mangala Samaraweera are doing good job now – he urge International to allow time and space while supporting in this journey to put MR & Family in electric chair !!!

    Yakko !!!

  18. Ananda-USA Says:

    RELEASING the CONFISCATED BOATS of the Tamil Nadu POACHERS back to them …. is this MORE “Yahapalanaya”???

    CONFISCATION of BOATS was the ONLY EFFECTIVE METHOD of DETERRING the businessmen and political agitators behind this SCHEME to ROB Sri Lanka of its FISH, and NOW that is being REVERSED!!

    How does Aiyoo Sirisenaa hope to DETER CRIME without ADEQUATE & EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT?? Everything else has been TRIED BEFORE! GIVING UP and PLAYING DEAD with ALL LEGS up in the AIR to PLACATE India wont protect our Motherland!!

    Aiyooooo Sirisenaaaaa …. What are YOU DOING to our Motherland?? NO GUTS to ENFORCE the LAW!! More “Yahapalanaya”? YIKES!!

    Boat Release: TN Fishermen Ecstatic But Seek Compensation for Damage

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 12 (NIE) COLOMBO- Indian fishermen�s leaders and owners of the 87 fishing vessels detained by Sri Lanka, were ecstatic when they learnt that the boats were going to be released this week on the orders of Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.

    But they are concerned about the state of the boats, which might have suffered decay and damage due to months of neglect, and are seeking compensation from the Indian and Lankan governments.

    “I am extremely happy to hear about the release. From the bottom of my heart, I thank the Sri Lankan President for it. But I fear that 47 of the 87 boats may have suffered severe damage as they have been in water for months, some for eight months. Their owners need to be compensated by the authorities,” said U.Arulanandam, a veteran fishermen’s leader of Rameswaram.

    The Director General of Fisheries, Nimal Hettiarachchi, said on Thursday, that on the instructions of President Sirisena, the Attorney General had sent word to the courts dealing with the boats’ case, that he had no objection to their release. The courts at Kayts, Mannar, Point Pedro and Trincomalee were expected to order their release on Thursday.

    According to another fishermen’s leader, Devadas, 30 to 32 boats are unusable.

    “Returning these damaged boats will not bring much relief to the owners, who are already in a bad way economically. Many boat owners have been working as coolies or doing odd jobs in the fishing industry for the last several months,” Devadas told Express over the phone.

    He said that he had met Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in connection with this problem and she told him that compensation is possible. The Tamil Nadu government had also promised to pitch in, he added.

    Boat owner Ramesh said that since the loss of his boat, he had sunk deeper into debt with a cumulative debt of Indian Rupees 15 lakhs.

    ” I had pawned my wife’s gold jewelry and am unable to retrieve it,” he said.

    Ramesh has no idea about the condition of his boat. “If it is not in a usable condition, I will not take it,” he said.

    Boat owner Sekaram said that he was “very happy” to learn of the release but wondered in what condition his boat is in.

    ” We have asked for compensation from our government. Hope we will get it,” he said.

    Start Talks

    Jesuraja, a mechanized boat owner, said that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments should now take the next step and re-start talks between the fishermen of the two countries. Talks might be held in Chennai on March 5.

    “The fishermen of the two countries should be able to fish in the same area without harming each other’s livelihood,” Jesuraja said.

    He also suggested that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments should join together to compensate the fishermen who had lost their boats and were reduced to penury.

    “Each of the lost boats would have cost Indian Rs. 15 to 25 lakhs,” he pointed out.

    Timed for Sirisena’s Visit

    Colombo’s decision to release the vessels was dictated by President Sirisena’s desire to have friendly relations with India, and to retrieve bilateral ties from the abyss it had fallen into during the Presidency of his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Furthermore, Sirisena is to begin a three day trip to India on February 15, his first official visit to any country since he took over in January. The release of the 87 Indian boats should pave the way for smooth talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at New Delhi.

  19. Indrajith Says:

    Sri Lanka seeking a delay in releasing the report of UN investigation – report
    Thu, Feb 12, 2015, 09:18 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 12, Washington, DC: Sri Lanka was seeking a delay of several months in the release of a United Nations report on the investigation of alleged war crimes committed during the country’s three-decade long war, a Reuters report said.

    Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera during his visit to Washington on Wednesday has told the reporters that the new government is seeking a delay in releasing the report of the UN Human rights Council mandated investigation by several months until the government had time to establish a mechanism to deal with the issue.

    “Once the report is finalized, we are hoping they can refer it to our domestic mechanism for action,” Samaraweera told reporters.

    “We are hoping they could hold on to it until our mechanism is in place – maybe August, you know, or so,” Reuters quoted Samaraweera as saying.

    The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein is scheduled to present the investigative report on the investigation mandated by the UNHRC at its 28th session in Geneva on March 25.

    It has been reported that the United States and its allies want to postpone the presentation to September, to give the new democratic and pro-Western government of Sri Lanka sufficient time to put in place a credible domestic mechanism to investigate the alleged war crime charges.

    However, when contacted by Reuters, UNHRC spokesman Rupert Colville has said that the report is still scheduled for release on March 25.

    Our Mangala is asking to delay the release of UN report on war crimes against SL. Why? If it is released before the election, the new govt has to to reject it but if it is delayed until after the next general election, they can officially accept it and take action against all those nemes metioned in the report. Kohomadha Tikiri Mole?

  20. SA Kumar Says:

    Our Mangala is asking to delay the release of UN report on war crimes against SL- why he is not asking time cancel report so SL can have own investigation( who is going believe anyway that is different matter)!

    Dayan Jeyatilagas suggested first time in UNHRC said lied that MR will implement 13A( 13 plus) so America/India let it go .

    Good luck to Yakko Mangala !!!

  21. SA Kumar Says:

    please can you tell me Mangala Samaraweera pro or anti 13A ?

  22. Leela Says:

    I do not believe that lankaweb moderator should strike out Lorenzo’s comments however distasteful it may be for some or many subscribers. As for me, I have no qualm about reading divergent opinions on controversial issues regardless my standing. Otherwise this will be like the hotel without parippu. I hope other commentators agree with me.

  23. Indrajith Says:

    ‘මහින්ද සමග රට දිනවීමට ඔබ සූදානම්ද රැලිය’ 18 දා

    “මහින්ද සමග රට දිනවීමට ඔබ සූදානම්ද?” යන මැයෙන් ලබන 18 වැනිදා පස්‌වරු 3.00 ට නුගේගොඩ ආනන්ද සමරකෝන් එළිමහන් රංග පීඨයේ දී ජාතික රැලියක්‌ පැවැත්වීමට කටයුතු සංවිධානය කර තිබේ.

    ජාතික නිදහස්‌ පෙරමුණ, මහජන එක්‌සත් පෙරමුණ, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී වාමාංශික පෙරමුණ හා පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමය යන පක්‍ෂ මෙම රැලිය සංවිධානය කර ඇත.

    මහජන එක්‌සත් පෙරමුණේ නායක දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන, ජාතික නිදහස්‌ පෙරමුණේ නායක විමල් වීරවංශ, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී වාමාංශික පෙරමුණේ නායක වාසුදේව නානායක්‌කාර හා පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමයේ නායක උදය ගම්මන්පිල යන මහත්වරුන් ඇතුළු දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ නායකයන් රැසක්‌ මෙම ජාතික රැලිය ඇමතීමට නියමිතය.

    ඉකුත් ජනාධිපතිවරණයේ දී මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතාගේ ජයග්‍රහණය වෙනුවෙන් කැපවූ සියලු ජන කොටස්‌ වෙත මෙයට සහභාගි වන්නැයි එම පක්‍ෂ ආරාධනය කරයි.

  24. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    SA Kumar:

    It is called confronting lies. The Tamils have done an excellent job of using LIES TO ACCUSE.\







  25. SA Kumar Says:

    lies- BW have seen all photos & video clips from SL forces( May 2009) mobile phone in you tube.
    We are Hela -Demilaya (Eelath Thamilar) .


    why this kolaveri machang ? Please have some Japanaya manbalam ( karuththa colomban), very testy !!!

  26. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    SA Kumar; In the Deccan Herald there was an article titled “India should support UNHRC report on Sri Lanka: Karunanidhi” to which I answered:

    “Karunanidhi who has resurrected TESO, TELO, PLOT plus so many pro LITE organizations gets a voice in this newspaper. So what is to stop the support for Khalistan? or the independence of Kashmir or that of the North Eastern states based on the human rights violations done on them?”

    A sommenter named “Amar Akar Anthony” replied to my comment with:

    “Two wrongs do not make a right. Fact of the matter is that the Sri Lankan army committed war crimes against the Tamils”

    My first reply was:

    “At least you admit that two if not more wrongs did happen. If so we both have endlessly read, heard and discussed the human rights violations of the Sri Lankan army okay I agree. now lets add to that the human rights violations done by the Tamil Tigers and supported by Indian politicians who to this day (like Karunanidhi) continue to go on without any charges brought against them. When the Tamil Tigers committed genocide on the Tamil Muslims and the Christians the Tamil leadership in Chennai and New Delhi are to be held responsible for that. The crimes of that war were committed for 30 plus years and include the IPKF, New Delhi, Chennai and the Sri Lankan miltiary. You cannot charge one person while giving a pass to the rest”

    My second reply was:

    “One more issue. I know the Tamil Tigers were terrorists but they had support from India. If I gave you a gun and told you to kill someone and you did then I am as guilty as you. that is why Karunanidhi, RAW, New Delhi and Chennai politicians active or retired have to face the same charges of genocide for they supported the Tamil Tigers. If the SL army is guilty and you say two wrongs have happened then time to address both wrongs and not one.”

    and my third reply was:

    “One last issue. Karunanidhi supporting pro Tamil Tiger outfits is to Sri Lanka the same as Pakistan supporting the Taliban against India. You as an Indian would see that what Pakistan is doing is tantamount to an act of war even though Pakistan denies it and the Taliban or any other terrorist organization kills Indians. Right now Karunanidhi has resurrected TESO, TELO, PLOT like Pakistan supports the Taliban. There is your proof. The wrong of supporting such murderous terrorists who have done so much damage to SrI Lanka must be addressed or the moral ground of India complaining about Pakistan is lost”

    Finally to you I state:






  27. SA Kumar Says:

    1) YET COLOMBO HAS MADE TAMIL AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE IN A NATION WITH AN UNBROKEN WRITTEN HISTORY WRITTEN IN PALI AND SIHALESE.- in same history book Mahavamsam stated Tamils king was fighting with Sinhala king visa versa so We both community live (not together)in Mother lanka last 2,600 years . also Pali is Indian Language so Sinhala also come from Indian ( most sinhala letter matching with Malayalam ) language.
    so We both are own of mother lanka or we both are kalathonis !!!
    2) Mjority & mainorty You are majority in Sinha lanka & We are majority in Damila Lanka (TE).
    3) Thank you ,you have made Damila as Sinhala lanka for that We will make Chinhalam as official language in TE.

    Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha MY Sakotharaya we can argue for 100 more years end of the day How we want live is the matternow after 33 years war.
    only two choise – United Mother Lanka (excecly like union states in India) or divide into Two .
    At present time United SL ( not Unitary) is best solution for both of us so fully implement 13A & 6A(like 16A india) over night. let our future generation will do what is right for them (Eelam war V,Nanthi Katall 2 etc….)

  28. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    SA Kumar:

    I do not need to argue with you. I made my point

    The Madras Presidency which lasted for 262 years included the Dravidian speaking languages. Periyar wanted Dravidistan and that was first supported by Ali Jinnah. The Dravidian speaking people of India then saw discrimination from the Indo Aryan North Indian Brahmin culture and wanted a home of their own even earlier than the concept of Pakistan.

    Ultimately Jinnah did not support Dravidistan. and only wanted Pakistan. Neither did the Mahatma or the British. BUT the languages of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (Telugu), Karnataka (Kannada), Kerala (Malayalam) have in one way or the other come from Tamil.

    there are more Tamils in those states than in Sri Lanka
    the art, culture (such as dance, music, literature), history (such as the Chera, Chola, Pandya, Pallava, Vijayanagar) to the architecture (such as the Gopurams) link these states. They have not made Tamil an official language along with their own, yet Modi wants to impose Sanskrit on all of India.

    The Sinhalese who are descendants of Vijaya came from North India and are Indo Aryan. the entire history of Sri Lanka and most of her literature that defined the culture of Sri Lanka is from Pali and Sinhalese. Yet the Tamils have imposed Tamil as an official language on (Sinhalese) Sri Lanka while avoiding the issue with fellow Dravidian states in India.

    This message is more for other readers than to debate you Kumar.

  29. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    One more point

    English has played a far greater role in Sri Lanka’s development than Tamil. If there is going to be a second official language that bind Sri Lanka it should be English and not Tamil.

  30. Ananda-USA Says:

    BW said

    “English has played a far greater role in Sri Lanka’s development than Tamil. If there is going to be a second official language that bind Sri Lanka it should be English and not Tamil.”

    Well said! This is QUITE TRUE, and English would be of FAR GREATER BENEFIT to Sri Lankans!

  31. Ananda-USA Says:

    AnuD said

    “Motta Raala only became pro-China and that did not work for Sri lanka.”

    But, but, but ….. that was not MR’s fault! He tried as much as he could to WORK with the US; but the US was not LISTENING!

    1. MR wanted WEAPONS to fight the LTTE; the USA gave NOTHING! They provided only intelligence on the locations of arms carrying LTTE ships in

    the Indian Ocean. MR was FORCED to buy from China, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine etc.

    2. MR wanted DIPLOMATIC SUPPORT against LTTE; instead the US tried to RESCUE the LTTE leadership to serve as political proxies they could later

    REINSERT into Sri Lanka to serve their agendas, and when that was REJECTED by the GOSL, they are bringing WAR CRIMES charges at the UN! MR had

    NO CHOICE … do you COMPLETELY ERADICATE the LTTE and bring PEACE and SECURITY to your people, or do you PLEASE the USA and ACCOMMODATE its

    Neocolinialist Agenda? MR chose to SIDE WITH HIS PEOPLE and PROTECT them …. as NO OTHER PREVIOUS LEADER had the GUTS to do!

    3. MR wanted DEVELOPMENT funds through the IMF and the World Bank, and even funds to balance the budget and buy weapons during the height of the

    WAR against the LTTE; this the USA BLOCKED! MR was again FORCED to get loans from China, Iran, Libya etc. The USA and India were GIVEN EVERY

    OPPORTUNITY to ASSIST this brave democracy fighting against DIABOLICAL terrorist movement for its VERY SURVIVAL, but our pleas FELL ON THEIR

    DEAF years! They wanted the CARNSGE TO CONTINUE, as t had during the previous 25 years … and PREACHED HOMILIES to us demanding Sri Lanka

    NEGOTIATE with the LTTE for fifty years more, while tens of thousands died EVERY YEAR!


    TECHNOLOGY, but ASSUMES the RIGHT TO BLOCK HELP to ri Lanka from other nations, and UNDERMINES the GOSL when it somehow finds a way to WIN &

    SURVIVE by engineering REGIME CHANGES in Sri Lanka!

    UNLESS & UNTIL there is a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in the Neocolonialist US Foreign Policy towards EMERGING NATIONS, even DEMOCRACIES of LONG

    STANDING like Sri Lanka, there is NO ROOM for Sri Lanka to ATTAIN ITS SECURITY, ECONOMIC and DEVELOPMENT GOALS by dropping our DEFENCES and

    falling into the American Embrace!

    We will end up like a host of other nations around the world, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, and now Pakistan and


    Sri Lanka has to RETURN the PATRIOTIC UPFA GOSL to POWER, and RESUME the INDEPENDENT & SOVREIGN PATH we were pursuing BEFORE that DAY OF

    INFAMY, January 8, 2015 when a Foreign Engineered REGIME CHANGE took place!

  32. Ananda-USA Says:

    AnuD also said,

    “Past is past and is no point of talking. Everybody knows the truth. What is important is the present.”

    Now that is FOOLISH talk; we have to LEARN from the PAST and STOP doing the SAME THINGS that get us in trouble!

    We were DRIVEN to NEGOTIATE with the LTTE for nearly 25 years by people who PREVENTED us from SOLVING the PROBLEM before it got to be a HUGE “cannot be WON” PROBLEM! THAT was DOING MORE of WHAT DOES NOT WORK, listening to the words of Sri Lanka’s enemies!

    What MR and the UPFA GOSL did was to LEARN from our past, and STOP DOING the SAME THINGS that DO NOT WORK! It took 25 years for us to LEARN from our recent past. But, had we looked at our full history, especially the last 400 years of RESISTANCE to European Invaders, and LEARNED FROM IT, we would have WON THIS WAR & SECURED THE BENEFITS OF PEACE much EARLIER!

    “What ever it is, we have to align with India in international politics.”

    ABSOLUTELY WRONG! We have to RE-LEARN & REMEMBER that Tamil Nadu will ALWAYS MATTER MORE to India, being the Jewel in India’s Economic & Technological Crown, than Sri Lanka. Tamil Nadu Politicians WILL ALWAYS BE the Racist Expansionists dreaming of a GREATER TAMIL NADU and will NEVER LEAVE Sri Lanka in PEACE. They will ALWAYS ATTEMPT TO EXPLOIT their bretheren in Sri Lanka to the Expansionist purpose of creating a GREATER TAMIL NADU, and we Sinhalaese stand in their way. Modi’s BJP government … that took an independent line from TN while a STRONG MR GOSL existed, is now falling over backwards to PANDER to the Racists of Tamil Nadu. As I had WARNED BEFORE, that IRRESPECTIVE of Party, India’s goodwill changes with the direction of its National Political Winds. Sri Lanka has to MAKE HAY while a favorable wind blows, and PREPARE TO WEATHER the STORM when that WIND CHANGES for the worse …. AS IT SURELY WILL!

    NO, instead of toeing India’s line, Sri Lanka should MAKE India ACCOMMODATE Sri Lanka’s line; whatever line that SERVES OUR OWN NATIONAL INTERESTS of maintaining OUR INDEPENDENCE & GROWTH. To that end, Sri Lanka should PREVENT India from GAINING A DOMINANT POSITION inn Sri Lanka in our Economy, our politics, our diplomatic outreach, and our military defense, and in their diplomatic presence in Sri Lanka, and KEEP Indians LARGELY out of Sri Lanka. That translates into barring Indians from settling in Sri Lanka, gaining citizenship, buying land, buying economic assets like banks and finance companies, hospitals, educational institutions, factories and power plants, toll roads, airports, highways, fuel tank farms, automotive industry and imports, telecommunications etc etc.

    “So, we have to have a balanced relationship with both the China and the USA.”

    YES, I AGREE to the EXTENT that it is possible, WITHOUT SACRIFICING Sri Lanka’s National Interests or COMPLETELY ENSLAVING our Motherland to either of these two nations.

    Will the US allow such a dignified role for Sri Lanka? Judging from the past since independence in 1948, I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT!

    The USA has NEVER CONTRIBUTED either to Sri Lanka’s DEFENCE or its ECONOMIC growth, except by opening the US MARKET to Sri Lankan exports. Even the latter is now restricted by takig away the most favored trading status. I remember how the USA punished Sri Lanka for nationalizing the oil companies, and how China helped us buy rice with the Rubber-Rice Pact. Western governments, in general, wanted to sell Sri Lanka their finished goods, and at most buy raw materials from us at low cost. But, they NEVER WANTED to sell us the MANUFACTURING PLANTS that would PRODUCE GOODS in Sri Lanka, to PREVENT US from competing with their own industries. For example, they would not sell us Steel and Tire factories; those had to bought from the Soviet Union and other Socialist nations that did not have a Neocolonialist agenda to FOREVER HOLD US IN ECONOMIC BONDAGE!

    The US RESENTS our alliance with China, and HARASSES Sri Lanka at EVERY TURN, NEVER VOLUNTEERING to help this POOR but THRIVING and DESERVING DEMOCRACY attain its Vision of becoming the New Wonder of Asia!

    More than ANY OTHER NATION, the USA can help Sri Lanka attain that GOAL through development funding and technology transfer, but has NEITHER THE GOODWILL NOT THE MOTIVATION to help Sri Lanka in the way China does. Where are the GIFTS of a US PV Solar plant, US wind turbines, an American Technical University, a State of the Art Research Hospital, Expressways, Airports and Harbors they can provide? Instead of the $3,000 million a year China gives, the US gives $25 million a year …. all to its REGIME CHANGE PUPPETS for “Democracy Building! Bah! The US wants to acquire a TERRIFIED SLAVE at low cost by UNDERMINING our Motherland; but THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL!

  33. Ananda-USA Says:


    AnuD said

    “Motta Raala only became pro-China and that did not work for Sri lanka.”

    But, but, but ….. that was not MR’s fault! He tried as much as he could to WORK with the US; but the US was not LISTENING!

    1. MR wanted WEAPONS to fight the LTTE; the USA gave NOTHING! They provided only intelligence on the locations of arms carrying LTTE ships in the Indian Ocean. MR was FORCED to buy from China, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine etc.

    2. MR wanted DIPLOMATIC SUPPORT against LTTE; instead the US tried to RESCUE the LTTE leadership to serve as political proxies they could later REINSERT into Sri Lanka to serve their agendas, and when that was REJECTED by the GOSL, they are bringing WAR CRIMES charges at the UN! MR had NO CHOICE … do you COMPLETELY ERADICATE the LTTE and bring PEACE and SECURITY to your people, or do you PLEASE the USA and ACCOMMODATE its Neocolinialist Agenda? MR chose to SIDE WITH HIS PEOPLE and PROTECT them …. as NO OTHER PREVIOUS LEADER had the GUTS to do!

    3. MR wanted DEVELOPMENT funds through the IMF and the World Bank, and even funds to balance the budget and buy weapons during the height of the WAR against the LTTE; this the USA BLOCKED! MR was again FORCED to get loans from China, Iran, Libya etc. The USA and India were GIVEN EVERY OPPORTUNITY to ASSIST this brave democracy fighting against DIABOLICAL terrorist movement for its VERY SURVIVAL, but our pleas FELL ON THEIR DEAF years! They wanted the CARNSGE TO CONTINUE, as t had during the previous 25 years … and PREACHED HOMILIES to us demanding Sri Lanka NEGOTIATE with the LTTE for fifty years more, while tens of thousands died EVERY YEAR!

    CONCLUSION: US was UNWILLING to HELP Sri Lanka in ANY MEANINGFUL WAY, NOT with MONEY, NOT with WEAPONS, NOT with DIPLOMATIC SUPPORT, not with TECHNOLOGY, but ASSUMES the RIGHT TO BLOCK HELP to ri Lanka from other nations, and UNDERMINES the GOSL when it somehow finds a way to WIN & SURVIVE by engineering REGIME CHANGES in Sri Lanka!

    UNLESS & UNTIL there is a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in the Neocolonialist US Foreign Policy towards EMERGING NATIONS, even DEMOCRACIES of LONG STANDING like Sri Lanka, there is NO ROOM for Sri Lanka to ATTAIN ITS SECURITY, ECONOMIC and DEVELOPMENT GOALS by dropping our DEFENCES and falling into the American Embrace!

    We will end up like a host of other nations around the world, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, and now Pakistan and Yemen!

    Sri Lanka has to RETURN the PATRIOTIC UPFA GOSL to POWER, and RESUME the INDEPENDENT & SOVREIGN PATH we were pursuing BEFORE that DAY OF INFAMY, January 8, 2015 when a Foreign Engineered REGIME CHANGE took place!

  34. SA Kumar Says:

    I repead made my point BW-
    United SL ( not Unitary) is best solution for both of us so fully implement 13A & 6A(like 16A india) at present ONLY!

  35. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dear Charles, you said

    “Please do not bother with this idiots who do not know what they say and do. They have no idea that supporting this government is selling our country to the west. In thid government there are no patriots. They all have their personal agenda and that is it and what happens to the country and the innocent people ar not their concern.”

    I KNOW you mean well in your concern for me when you say this, but I DON’T AGREE that leaving these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka to comment UNCONTESTED without being held ACCOUNTABLE for all they did in the RECENT past to UNDERMINE & OUST the GOSL that Liberated, Reunified and was Rapidly Developing our Motherland is the RIGHT thing to do.

    They are NOT IDIOTS who know not what they say or do, but DEVIOUS CONNIVING CON-ARTISTES and AVOWED ENEMIES of our Motherland GEARING UP to REPEAT their PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE on the BACKS of the Sinhala MODAYAS!!!

    They INCESSANTLY MOCKED all the Patriots who blogged here, including YOU, in their STRATEGY to turn the VOTERS of Sri Lanka against the UPFA GOSL. After DOING THAT, they came here and CROWED about their SUCCESS in OUSTING that GOSL.

    That RAT “Facebook” Lorenzo who pretended to be a PATRIOT all these years, building up his “PATRIOT” credentials hiding under a TREACHEROUS SHEEPSKIN to strike at the CRITICAL MOMENT to HELP CREATE an EELAM for his TRUE SPONSORS, brought a LARGE TEAM of AGITATORS and AVATARS to LankaWeb to support his CAMPAIGN.

    In the Aftermath of the Election, in a MOMENT OF UNWISE BRAVADO & HUBRIS provoked by my CRITICISMS, “Facebook” Lorenzo disclosed many of his REGIME CHANGE ACTIVITIES …. websites and blogs hosted, Facebook and Twitter accounts maintained, teams of Propagandists fielded, and AVATAR accounts activated …. RIGHT HERE AT LankaWeb. That, you may RECALL, is what finally COMPELLED the LankaWeb Moderator to INTERVENE to RESTRICT his blogging ACTIVITIES. I had been WARNING LankaWeb readers to this danger of Lorenzo’s activities long before the LankaWeb Moderator came down hard on him!

    Nevertheless, he and his TEAM of AVATARS/AGITATORS are STILL COMMENTING at LankaWeb, and have even INVADED LankaWeb’s List of Article Contributors, as LISTED on LankaWeb’s Home page. I know this beyond reasonable doubt, having OBSERVED his antics for MANY YEARS on MANY FORA and through PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of his DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES at one of my own blogsites.

    Although his main blog-handle of “Facebook” Lorenzo at LankaWeb is NOW IRRETRIEVABLY EXPOSED & COMPROMISED, some of his AVATARS continue their campaign of creeping back to regain the confidence of the LankaWeb community by making seemingly Patriotic comments here and there, but CONTINUING to sow disaffection and doubt in the minds of unwary voters.

    LankaWeb Editor should know that at least TWO of the Authors on his List of Contributors listed on the LankaWeb Homepage are in fact AVATARS of “Facebook” Lorenzo himself planted at LankaWeb MANY YEARS AGO!

    Let me now address why we should CONFRONT and OUST this VIRAL INFESTATION from LankaWeb, or at least POST WARNINGS to the UNWARY as I am now doing by CONFRONTING them!

    As you well know, there is a General Election that will be held in Sri Lanka in April, 2015, which the Patriotic Forces of Sri Lanka MUST WIN CONVINCINGLY, to protect our Motherland from the CONSEQUENCES of the Electroral Coup-de-Etat Engineered by the Anti-National Forces with SPONSORHIP of Foreign REGIME CHANGE artistes in the recent Presidential Election.

    Sri Lanka’s ENEMIES are GEARING UP …. even as I write … to REPEAT the PERFORMANCE of January 8, 2015 … by sowing DISAFFECTION, DOUBT, CONFUSION and BUCKETS of MUD at the candidates of the UPFA within the SLFP.

    They fielded an INTERNET enabled CAMPAIGN, of UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS and similar those DEPLOYED to OVERTURN established governments in the Arab Spring fiasco, to achieve their PURPOSE that day. Are we, the Patriotic SONS & DAUGHTERS of Lanka, to turn the other cheek now for them to SLAP in CONTEMPT and DRAG OUR MOTHERLAND into the SAME SLAVERY to Foreigners, Separatists and their Greedy Paid Puppets that we emerged from in 2005?

    We are seeing these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka GEARING UP HERE to AGAIN DO WHAT they did leading up to January 8, 2015, offering honeyed words f wrongdoing my the My3 GOSL to disarm us and let them screw us again. Don’t fall PREY to this SIREN SONG by SERIAL TRAITORS. Should we let them REPEAT THAT PERFORMANCE AGAIN, or are we GOING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. and YELL with all of our strength, HELL NO! WE WON’T LET YOU DO THAT AGAIN!

    There is an old Sinhala saying that warns the STUPIDLY UNWARY “Raa Watunu Waley Dawal Watenna Epa Puthey!”

    HELL YES! Let us not FALL into the SAME PIT in BROAD DAYLIGHT that we STUMBLED into in the PITCH DARKNESS of the NIGHT!

    Let us SLICE these EELAMIST HYPOCRITES off at their KNEES with the CUTTING EDGE of our VERBAL SWORDS. Let us IDENTIFY & EXPOSE them, TAR & FEATHER them, and CHASE them from PILLAR to POST, with the CLEAR MESSAGE that “NEVER AGAIN DARE TO CON US” planted firmly on their SMELLY BEHINDS!

  36. Ananda-USA Says:

    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Pewwa Neda Borupalanaya Sudiyaaa?

    100 Day Program grinds to a halt

    By The Nation
    www DOT nation DOT lk/edition/latest-top-stories/item/38399-100-day-program-grinds-to-a-halt DOT html
    15 February 2015

    Key policy reform elements of the new government’s 100 Day program remain untouched after the presidential election. These include the Amendment of Standing Orders (Due January 20), introduction of a Code of Conduct for People’s Representatives (Due February 2) and Tabling in Parliament of the National Drugs Policy (Due February 6).

    Most importantly, there is complete silence on the appointment of an All-Party Committee on electoral reform.

    Although President Maithreepala Sirisena’s manifesto clearly stated that the existing proportional representation system will be changed before the next general election, Prime Minister and Leader of the United National Party (UNP) Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated that Parliament will be dissolved on April 23 or sooner with no mention of electoral reform.

    Sections of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) which is led by the President, have opined that reform is imperative even if it took more than 100 days to change the existing election laws. Meanwhile, Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya insists that there is still time to make all necessary changes before the 100 days expire.

  37. Ananda-USA Says:

    Does ANYBODY KNOW what is behind these re-instatements, and whether it has any connection to Gen. Sarath Fonseka, who was also reinstated?

    Sri Lankan President reinstates 10 Army officers

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 14, Colombo: Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena has ordered to reinstate ten army officers who were ordered to take mandatory leave after the 2010 presidential election.

    Secretary to the President P.B. Abeykoon had conveyed these orders to the Secretary of Ministry of Defense, according to a report in Ceylon Today.

    The reinstated officers including a Major General are scheduled to meet Army Commander Lieutenant General Daya Rathnayake on Monday.

    The Army Commander has informed the respective regiments of the officers to reinstate them with effect from Friday.

    The reinstated officers are: Major General Mahesh Senanayake Brigadiers- Duminda Keppetiwalana, Bimal Dias, Janaka Mohotti, Athula Hannadige and Wasantha Kumarapperuma, Colonel D.P.M.T’ Ubayawardene, Lt. Col. L.J. M.C.P. Jayasundara, Captain R.M.R . Ranaweera,and Captain R. Chrisantha.

    The officers were alleged to be threat to the national security of the country and sent on compulsory retirement by the previous government effective from 30 January 2010.

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