Posted on February 13th, 2015

Kanthar Balanathan, Retired Director & Power Systems Specialist Engineer, Australia

Specific people in SriLanka, both educated and impulsive took pleasure to read the 100 days implementation of a multitude of matters, by the suddenly gathered mixed ideology groups.


The election concluded with 6,217,162 votes secured by HE Maithripala Sirisena (HEMS), and 5,768,090 votes secured by former President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa. Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR) secured 92.7768% of the total votes secured by HEMS. Further analysis reveals that in the Polonnaruwa district, MR secured 71.39% of votes secured by HEMS. However, in the Hambantota district, HEMS was able to secure only 57.01% of the votes secured by MR. This is a vibrant indication of who is popular among the citizens of SriLanka.

In the North HEMS received 394,991 votes and MR received 108,831 votes. In the East, HEMS received 583,120 votes and MR received 214,769 votes. In total, HEMS received 978,111 votes from the N&E, and MR received 323,600 votes from N&E.

It was so disappointing to note that 17 SriLankan petty politicians, contested and wasted 138,200 votes for nothing, but political gambling, and/or political sadism. 

  1. The criticality we have to address here is, for an executive president election, just a 3.7% difference in votes between the two, and/or 51.28% against 47.58% is adjudicated as DEMOCRACY”.


Well, we have a mind set to accept that as democracy, because the west said so; i.e. 10 against 9. However, we have to investigate the different electoral system in other parts of the world, to arrive at a free, fair, and reasonable electoral system for SriLanka.

  1. From the majority of 449,072 votes, a mere 224,537 votes decided the victory in terms of democracy.
  2. In the North HEMS received 394,991 votes which determined the victory. Adding the N&E votes, it is definitive that Tamil (majority) and Muslim votes directed HEMS to victory. Further a portion of the UNP supporters voted for HEMS. Therefore it is certain and undisputable that Tamil votes escorted HEMS to victory.
  3. Why did the Tamils vote for HEMS? (a) Is it anti-MR sentiment? (b) Do they have a superficial belief that HEMS will grant Police & Land powers to NPC?



Citizens of SriLanka assumed they could appreciate and welcome the changes. However, the change has been change of governance only so far, with marginal victory, may be, in agreement with some western influence and manipulation, because of their falcon formation defence/offence strategy.

(US’s contract on Diego Garcia is due to expire in 2016?)

The current regime shall not kneel down, and implement whatever is thrown onto them from the west and India.

  1. On the 21st of January 2015, GOSL should have commenced the process of abolishing the presidential system.

The process will begin of abolishing the authoritarian executive presidential system and replacing it with an executive of a Cabinet of Ministers responsible to Parliament, and of repealing the 18th Amendment to the Constitution with legislation to establish strengthened and independent institutions, including a Judicial Services Commission, a Police Commission, a Public Service Commission, an Elections Commission, a Commission against Bribery and Corruption and a Human Rights Commission. This will be through a 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which will be presented to Parliament and passed as swiftly as possible.”

Let’s turn to the pages as follows:


The process of abolishing the presidential system, which was the main focal point during the election, has not been concluded to date.

Minister of External Affairs Mangala Samaraweera said that the Executive Powers of Presidency will be abolished by February.” Ref:

Dr Dayan Jayatilleke, an intellectual veteran political analyst, says in his interview to the Sunday Observer as follows:

‘Executive Presidency cannot be abolished in 100 days’.


The current action plan and execution by HEMS+ is not fully explained to the people of SL to-date.

However, people are fully aware that some MP’s and ministers are, (a) worried about their pension rights, (b) how they plan to financially commit to the forthcoming election in April, if held, (c) internal quandary for portfolios, (d) exercise their ministerial power to boss around civil servants and diplomats, (e) terminate diplomat’s appointments without adequate causes, and hard to find replacement of expert carrier diplomats.

These behaviours may lead SriLankans to judge the irrational schedules.

To-date, the 100 days’ work programme strongly focus on retribution of their opponents, but not interested in recuperation.

  1. Code of Conduct
    1. On the 22nd January: A Code of Conduct will be introduced for observation by all representatives of the People.
    2. On the 2nd February: An ethical Code of Conduct will be introduced legally for all representatives of the People.

This task was given to Comrade Anura Kumara Dissanayaka (Cde AKD). What has the Cde got to say about the action plan?


It is fair to state that the only political party in SL, which is free of bribery, corruption, thuggery, and hooliganism in SL, is the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, JVP.

It is people’s expectation that Cde AKD will come up with an unblemished, comprehensive Code of Ethics” document to be enacted. It is also fair to say that, though, MPs are peoples representatives, the final document or interim should be put to confab by selected ‘peoples committees’ of districts in SL. It is the people who should advice on Code of Ethics of politicians and parties.

(There is a strong view that MPs may not acknowledge code of ethics, which will be tough for their survival.) 


Section 65(2) (b) of the constitution states that the President shall appoint the Prime Minister. However, can the appointment of Hon Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe be accepted as democratic and constitutional?

If this was undemocratic and unconstitutional, then the majority party MPs should have objected to this appointment. Could this appointment be considered as a dictatorial operative of the President?

There have been so many directives and operatives of GOSL, which are undemocratic. Are the MPs silent on those operatives, as a result of intimidation, or do they fear of losing their pension?


The election manifesto or the 100 days program did not address on 13th amendment nor granting of police and land powers to NPC.

For the first time surprisingly, TNA politicians Sambanthar and Abraham Sumanthiran attended the 67th Independence Day celebrations. Their attendance has brought anger to the rest of the TNA members. Sambanthar’s photos were burnt in front of the British PM’s office in London. Ref:




It was a good move by Sambanthar and Sumanthiran for been patriotic, however, was there an ulterior motive for this attendance?

  • Does GOSL cogitate that granting more powers to NPC may lead their coalition to lose in the forthcoming elections, if held in April 2015? OR
  • Does GOSL (HEMS) have hidden plans to grant more powers to NPC if they are elected to govern in April 2015?

SriLankans should seriously view those hidden action plans, if it does predominate among the coalition.


  • After the visit by politicians from US & UK recently, the NPC passed a resolution of genocide of Tamils. It is undisputable as to the cause why NPC passed a resolution on Genocide” after the US & UK politicians visit. From 1970 to 1995, the country was marked out as evil/diabolic with urban guerrilla warfare, where LTTE bombed, murdered, assassinated, destroyed assets worth billions of dollars, civilians were frenzied to move around, and youngsters were abducted to join the terror group. From 1995 to 2009, LTTE operated a hysterical administration in Vanni, and carried out terrorist activities bombing airports, buildings, killing civilians etc. From a point of intellectual judgement, the genocide was carried out by LTTE backed by TNA, because TNA supported LTTE. Does it mean that the US & UK were sponsoring LTTE with arms and training for purpose of carving out N&E? What did US carry out in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Isn’t that genocide? CV Wigneswaran should keep quiet and carry on developing the North with the powers that have been given to the NPC. Not be like a mud pot with a hole in the bottom. (Ref:
  • Former Chief Editor Vithyatharan of Uthayan is contemplating to form a political party joining hands with former rehabilitated terrorists. It is to be remembered that Vithyatharan was honoured by the LTTE leader.,article_full.aspx
  • MP Mr Saravanapavan had made a statement that it will be detrimental to allow major political parties to function in the North, meaning the UNP ++.

This is a clear indication of power avidity initiating in the up-country and the South. The motive is to destabilise the country’s governing system by way of protests and political enmity. Would the goal be to eventually join hands with the TNA in the N&E?

People in SL and GOSL should get up from catnap and supremacy merriment, and trail what is materialising in the North, and among Tamil Diaspora.


  • It is clear that the current coalition regime is holding MPs to ransom that they may dissolve the parliament if they do not listen to whatever is directed by the PM.
  • The MPs are in a state of confusion, with lack of understanding in democratic principles, constitutional, and dictatorship.
  • Most MPs are interested in their pensions. These MPs can be considered worthless, unpatriotic parliamentarians. These MPs are using the parliament as their home, and do not think that they are here to serve the people.
  • Appointments are made which are undemocratic and unconstitutional, leading to judging dictatorial actions.
  • Once promised to the people that GOSL is engaged on an action plan, then they must go forward. To date transition of powers from President to PM progress is not transparent.
  • It is a clear indication that GOSL has inadequate intellectual human resources or wants to be within a narrow bandwidth for the action plans, and keep everything muddy and cloudy.
  • JVP Cde AKD should come up with a comprehensive Ethical Code of Conduct for the political parties and members of parliament. The process shall be in consultation with either peoples committees” OR all University’s academic staff in relevant discipline.
  • As promised election should be held in April 2015. The Presidential system should be abolished, and governance shall headed by an executive cabinet of Ministers and PM, which should be accomplished prior to holding the elections.


  1. Ratanapala Says:

    There is no way the Presidential system can be abolished while the 13th Amendment and the Provincial System of governance is still in place. This is a sure way to pave way for Eelam and other “Istans”. Security of the Unitary State is more important than either Democracy, Human Rights or “Good Governance”.

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