Christian politicos meddling in Buddhist affairs
Posted on February 14th, 2015

By Janaka Perera

Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake recently raiding a Buddhist Meditation Centre at Kadawatha raises two serious issues – one legal and the other ethical.

Can a politician enter the premises of a religious or commercial establishment on the pretext of searching it (with or without the police) without a court order?  Should not Ramanayake, being a Christian have consulted Buddha Sasana Minister Karu Jayasuriya on this matter, before taking any steps on allegations made against the place?

Will those in charge of a church, mosque or Hindu temple tolerate anyone or group belonging to another faith storming the place in this manner?

Will this kind of behavior be tolerated in a predominantly Christian country, especially if the persons responsible for it are non-Christians?

In the recent past some bhikkus and lay Buddhists were accused of breaking into Christian evangelist prayer centres, although the incidents were sparked-off by covert operations to unethically convert Buddhists.

But in this case no allegations were made against the persons running the meditation centre that they were interfering in the activities of non-Buddhists or trying to undermine their religious beliefs.

As long as a meditation centre (luxury or otherwise) is not built by public funds for the exclusive use of any politician it need not be anyone’s concern.

Contrary to Ranjan Ramanayake’s claim the head of the meditation centre, Ven Bodhagama Chandima Thera has brought funds from Taiwanese Buddhists to build this modern meditation centre worth over Rs. 1000 million to be used both by local as well foreign devotees.  It is up to Ramanayake to disprove it.  Or else he should unreservedly apologise to Ven. Bodhagama for the blunder.

As for military personnel having been stationed there till January 8 Ramanayake should pose the question to the former President or members of his Cabinet or the former Secretary to the Defence Ministry.

Whether the meditation centre has been built in accordance with Buddhist principles or not (as Ramanayake alleges), is a matter for the Maha Sangha to decide – not for a Christian Deputy Minister in charge of livestock.

Even worse is Christian Affairs Minister John Amaratunga attempting to open the road opposite the Sri Dalada Maligawa for vehicular traffic despite the stiff opposition by the Maha Sangha.  However Most Venerable Udagama Sri Buddharakitha thera, Chief Prelate of the Asgiriya Chapter has thwarted the Minister’s attempt by making representations to President Maithripala Sirisena.

The road was closed during the term of late President Ranasinghe Premadasa after the vicinity of the Maligawa was declared a sacred area. Also if the road is opened to traffic it would not only inconvenience the thousands of pilgrims who come there but also cause serious accidents.

8 Responses to “Christian politicos meddling in Buddhist affairs”

  1. AnuD Says:

    What Ranjan Ramanayaka did was meddling in police affairs. IF a decent society, both Ramanayake and John Amaratunga must have resigned.

    But, Sri lanka did not change over night.

  2. Ratanapala Says:

    United Christian Party formerly called the United National Party is in charge. Sri Lanka is in line for another Dinh Diem regime. Remember how a procession on Vesak Day was fired on in Vietnam in the sixties – which was the veritable beginning of the Vietnam War with the assistance of the Buddhists in that country.

    I am appalled by silence of the two Kapuralas of Malwatte and Asgiriya on this abomination of a Buddhist place of worship by a Rabid Christian Dog. I am surprised by the apathy of the general Buddhist public for such a desecration.

    Gamarala thinks he can go to Divyalokaya by hanging on the United Christian Elephant tail! What a sorry figure he makes?

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    “Can a politician enter the premises of a religious or commercial establishment on the pretext of searching it (with or without the police) without a court order?”

    IN ONE WORD …. the answer is …. NO!

    Only Law Enforcement Officers of the Police, empowered by a Court Order …. and accompanied by Customs, Tax Collectors, Electricity Dept Technicians, Anti-Terrorism armed forces personnel are ALLOWED TO ENTER PRIVATE PREMISES in PEACE TIME!

  4. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Just some clarification on some matters:-

    If an ordinary person did the same thing this Christian or Non Christian did, what would be his position ?

    Would he be taken to the Police and produced in front of a Magistrate ? My position is YES, and possibly punished.

    So why this Ranjan Ramanayake not taken to the Police and produced in Courts as the ordinary citizen ?

    Is it because he is a ”untouchable” Politician ? How do politicians get special favoritism from the Law ? Are they not subjected to punishment for crimes ? This is the DAMNING palanaya that has been coming for Decades. Who is going to change it ? Nobody.

    Where is the Justice Minister and the Chief Justice on occasions like this ? How come they become VEGETABLES, and be so servile ? Don’t they have to look after the Law of the Land ? Are they turning a blind eye, and letting things pass. Do they have to bend forwards to the Government High Command ? Shame

    A previous chief Justice was called by many names, CHEAP JUSTICE, THIEF JUSTICE etc Will the present Chief Justice be called by similar names, if they by virtue of their position, fail to keep Law and Order in this Country ? I firmly believe it will be a VERY BEEEEG “YES”

    Yasapalanaya !! Punish all these buggers who act like maniac assholes in this beautiful country, called SRI LANKA. PLEASE.


    Ranil.W and Mangal S. said openly they do not want to know about the law of the land. They got OBAMA Support and British Canadian Support. Can any one challenge? NO! Janake, this is not the first time since January, this type of harassment happened. There should be massive scale demonstrations in front of US consulate and British High Commission.

  6. ranjit Says:

    Ramanayaka is an actor with no value or respect. Only rowdies go to watch his movies.He is called one shot because of his behavior in public and in Movies. His act should be condemned by all citizens specially the Buddhists.

    You see in other countries when people make a mockery of Mohammed how the Muslims protest and kill people? Christians do the same. Our stupid Buddhists, even some rowdies go and break a temple they will just sit idle. How many Buddhist temples were destroyed by thieves and other religion sects in Sri Lanka some to take valuables from it some to build their own religious places? Have any Govt. taken any action or do we protest against it?

    Ramanayaka should be arrested or given a beating by the public for his unforgiven action. This Rowdie who wears like a woman is disgrace and a nuisance to public with his habitual behavior.

  7. Nimal Says:

    If Ramanayake had entered the premises UNINVITED then he is out of order and should not allowed in future. Who knows if someone in that building had allowed in then ramanayake perhaps have a legal right.
    To bring Ramanayke’s religious and ethnic background is wrong and mischievous?

  8. Ratanapala Says:

    Ramanayake’s religious and ethnic background is very relevant for otherwise it will be out of context. It is the same with the other Ramanayake – Rosy who wants the destruction of what is left of the Buddhist establishment. What we are witnessing is a return to a Ngo Dinh Diem regime.

    Siri Lakata Jesu Pihitai!

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