Questioning “Final Days of War” “”…” British and American accountability for Dresden and Hiroshima bombings
Posted on February 14th, 2015

Shenali Waduge

Final days of war” and accountability is the hot topic in the diplomatic and international arena. Let us ask the Germans and the Japanese what they thought of when the Allied Troops flattened Dresden the night prior to Valentine’s Day in 1945 in a 2 night blanket bombing using 3,300 tons of high explosive and 1,500 tons of incendiary bombs that had no strategic goals except to murder 35,000 (some argue it is far more) German civilians and create cultural hurt and the Royal Air Force bomber SIR Harris” claims he would repeat the bombing again 30 years later! Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and 3 days later bombing of Nagasaki not the greatest act of terrorism in modern civilization committed 6 months after Dresden where almost 140,000 civilians died? Have the Germans and Japanese forgotten these crimes against their people by their new found friends in the international community and have the perpetrators no shame to hide behind terminologies like human rights” R2P” democracy” and commit similar atrocities?

British bombing of Dresden, Germany ”…” February 13, 1945

‘The directive when I took over was that I wasn’t to specifically aim at anything unless ordered to do so and to blast the German cities as a whole.’ So said SIR Harris, but that doesn’t get media attention and certainly no attention of the humanitarian organizations ever ready to cry foul at every country other than the First World. Nevertheless, accountability cannot have color, accountability cannot have favor and accountability cannot be racial and discriminative.

Unfortunately, accountability today is simply a witch-hunt. What is simply mindboggling is the manner in which these Western nations knowing their culpabilities proudly appear in front of the world and deliver inspirational messages on human rights and democracy while they fund agencies to create regime change and even assassinate national leaders”¦. It’s simply amazing how they can function this way and the world gives them standing ovations for their speeches.
It is said that Churchill ordered” the bombing of Dresden as payback” for the German bombing of Coventry. Killing of Osama bin Laden is said to have been payback” for 9/11 though no single court case found him guilty or even put him on trial. If the West says a person is guilty ”…” with or without trial ”…” he is guilty but that law applies only to the White West.

There was NO warning siren for Dresden and a town was devastated on orders of UK.

The Germans may like to recall these horrific memories by their new found friends. In all, over three waves of attacks, 3,300 tons of bombs were dropped on the city. Many of the bombs that were dropped were incendiary bombs. These created so much fire that a firestorm developed. The more the city burned, the more oxygen was sucked in ”…” and the greater the firestorm became. It is thought that the temperature peaked at 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface of roads melted and fleeing people found that their feet were burned as they ran. Some jumped into reservoirs built in the city centre to assist firefighters. However, these were ten feet deep, smooth-sided and had no ladders – many drowned. Very few of those in the city centre survived ”…” those that did provided a vivid picture of what it was like to be in a firestorm.

Dresden must be remembered as an example of how UK bombed civilians when the war was virtually over.

American bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan ”…” August 1945

Facts about the Atomic Bomb:

  • Length: 3 metres
  • Diameter: 0.7 metres
  • Weight: 4 tons
  • Element: Uranium 235
  • Energy: Equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT explosive power.
    (It has been estimated that the yield was equivalent to approx. 13 kilotons.)

The death toll is said to be over 140,000 by the end of December 1945 (4 months after the bombing), 76,000 buildings in the city (92% of buildings) were destroyed. The blast affected 60% of buildings 5km away from the hypocenter. Only 8% of buildings (6180) remained suitable for use. were affected.

‘Over 40 years, in 36,500 survivors monitored, there were 176 leukemia deaths which is 89 more than the control (unexposed) group got naturally. There were 4,687 other cancer deaths, but that was merely 339 above the number in the control (unexposed) group, so this is statistically a much smaller rise than the leukemia result. ‘Natural leukemia rates, which are very low in any case, were increased by 51 % in the irradiated survivors, but other cancers were merely increased by just 7 %.

The mythical reasons American politicians and media cohorts were using was debunked by Gar Alperovitz a political economist in his book, Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam” (1965). While acknowledging the paucity of evidence available at the time, he argued that dropping the atomic bomb was not needed to end the war or to save lives” but was US President Truman’s means of sending a chastening message to the Soviet Union.

The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico by Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer and was called the Manhattan Project”. The funds came from Wall Street ”…” the Rothschild and the Lehman Brothers.

It was the Secretary of War Henry Stimson who first informed to Eisenhower the existence of the bomb. Eisenhower did not wish to use the bomb because Japan was already defeated. Incidentally, while Stimson was a member of the Skull and Bones, President Truman was a Masonic.

Many believe that the atomic bomb was a live test to see the exact destruction the bomb could cause. John Foster Dulles says keep Japan in the war another three months, and we can use the bomb on their cities; we will end this war with the naked fear of all the peoples of the world, who will then bow to our will.”

On March 9 and 10, 1945, 325 B-29s had burned thirty-five square miles of Tokyo, leaving more than one hundred thousand Japanese dead in the ensuing firestorm. Of Japan’s 66 biggest cities, 59 had been mostly destroyed. 178 square miles of urban dwellings had been burned, 500,000 died in the fires, and now twenty million Japanese were homeless. Only four cities had not been destroyed; Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki. Their inhabitants had no inkling that they had been saved as target cities for the experimental atomic bomb.

Beginning in early May, a six-man council of Japanese diplomats explored ways to accommodate the Allies. The delegates informed top military officials that our resistance is finished”.

The tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that a weak, inexperienced president, completely under the influence of James Byrnes and Bernard Baruch, allowed himself to be manipulated into perpetrating a terrible massacre.

Dr. Hida attending to the victims says that while treating the terribly mangled and burned victims, My eyes were ready to overflow with tears. I spoke to myself and bit my lip so that I would not cry. If I had cried, I would have lost my courage to keep standing and working, treating dying victims of Hiroshima.”

Leaflets warning of bombings were not given in advance and neither were both cities military targets.

Dresden had no warning sirens and Hiroshima’s warning leaflets came the day AFTER the bombing of Hiroshima (leaflets were dropped on 7th August the day after Hiroshima bombing and on 10th August the day after the Nagasaki bombing.

These are just a handful of the lies America tells the world. For supposed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the US is responsible for the deaths of over 1.4million Iraqis after decades of illegal occupation. Incidentally most of the victims of the atomic bomb were children and tragically no different to the children killed by unmanned US drones today.

Can the American public really be happy at the manner its Government is killing innocent people just to save American lives that are not even threatened by them? Are more Americans not dying by shooting themselves at churches, malls or inside supermarkets?

But not surprisingly, immediately after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki what does the Allies go and do ”…” they try the Japanese officials for war cries” at an International Military Tribunal which met in Tokyo from 1946 to 1948 and found 38 Japanese military and civilian leaders guilty of atrocities and surprise, surprise no one was charged for the atomic bombings. Do we laugh or cry?

When the UN General Assembly asked if the threat of nuclear weapons was permitted under international law in early 1990s the World Court concluded that use of nuclear weapons was unlawful” and the threat of using nuclear weapons was also illegal under the Hague and Geneva Conventions (10 of the 14 judges). Therefore, by virtue of these being in existence at the time of the atomic bombings ”…” the US stands guilty.

The bombing followed US military occupation in Japan with a Treaty signed and scores of American troops are stationed in Okinawa where the Japanese are expressing their displeasure at the wave of crimes and rape taking place.

So when Japan sends its special envoy Akashi to Sri Lanka, we would like him to run through the notes on what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and how the Japanese people in these areas continue to suffer radiation while delivering orders on behalf of the US, Japan’s strategic ally in Asia.

Dresden was a crowded Germany city. The British attack was not precision bombing on specific military targets. It was deliberate bombing of a whole area. The fires that the bombings created led to further damage with people caught in fires as hot as 1800 °C.

Can the present lot of UK parliamentarians including Mr. Cameron and Nick Clegg please tell the world how this attack on Germany was justifiable on military grounds when the German armies were in retreat? What reputation does the UK and in particular its hero Churchill have when the British specifically targeted and killed thousands of innocent Germany civilians in the FINAL DAYS OF A WAR THAT WAS OVER?

We would like to know from the US and UK why when German and Japan were all but defeated why they ordered attacks to wipe out civilian populations in Dresden, German and Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan and more importantly we would like to know if Germany and Japan have forgotten the deaths and justice due to those who were killed unnecessarily.

All that we can conclude from what took place in Dresden and Hiroshima and Nagasaki is that for both UK and US the civilians of other nations were of no concern to them. That same premise stands in the present context.

How do we align this type of dastardly attack with Sri Lanka is that since UK and US are well aware how they have ordered civilian populations to be bombed unnecessarily they must be concluding that Governments like Sri Lanka must be applying that same theory. We are extremely sorry to say that they are totally wrong to conclude so ”…” the Sri Lankan army did not target civilians ”…” the FINAL DAYS OF SRI LANKA’s WAR saved hundreds and thousands of civilians. The UN covers upto 13th May 2009 ”…” it is from there upto 19th May 2009 that has become a competition amongst foreign politicians and media to come up with guestimates of civilian deaths and they can’t even prove that such numbers even lived in these areas or provide names of kith and kin related to the dead. They are ghost numbers that find perfect reason to humiliate Sri Lanka’s victory over terrorism.

6000 of Sri Lanka’s national heroes sacrificed their lives trenching through landmines and other traps laid by the LTTE to save 294,000 civilians. This is not one or two numbers ”…” this is TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY FOUR THOUSAND Tamil civilians and gave them food and water thus far denied by the LTTE and provided First Aid. Look at the footage of the men, women, children and elderly that the Sri Lankan army saved to see how malnutritioned and feeble they were and UN can confirm this.

Therefore, we would like to know what Germany and Japan in particular say of the final days of war in their country where civilians perished in thousands by US and UK bombings ”…” the deaths of these people cannot be forgotten for strategic advantage!

17 Responses to “Questioning “Final Days of War” “”…” British and American accountability for Dresden and Hiroshima bombings”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    On August 6, 1945 the US dropped an atomic bomb (“Little Boy”) on Hiroshima in Japan. Three days later a second atomic bomb (“Fat Man”) was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. These were the only times nuclear weapons have been used in war.

    Reasons for the bombing. Many reasons are given as to why the US administration decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Reasons include the following:

    1.The United States wanted to force Japan’s surrender as quickly as possible to minimize American casualties.

    2.The United States needed to use the atomic bomb before the Soviet Union entered the war against Japan to establish US dominance afterwards.

    3.The United States wanted to use the world’s first atomic bomb for an actual attack and observe its effect.

    Given all of these reasons, the US was in quite a hurry to drop the bomb. Shortly after successfully testing history’s first atomic explosion at Trinity, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, the order to drop the atomic bomb on Japan was issued on July 25. The third reason sounds more plausible.

    Months prior to dropping of the bombs two cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki were spared the conventional bombing and was kept “clean” for the impending atom bomb drops. As mentioned above America wanted to measure the “kill capacity” of the newly made bombs and this is how it was done. These two cities did not have any military importance. After the event worthy successors of Dr Mengele went to Japan and carefully monitored and recorded the effects of burns, radiation etc of the victims.

    These are the champions of human rights in the world today! They are the people who want to investigate the last days of the Eelam war in Sri Lanka!!

  2. Independent Says:


    Problem is not ONE speaker of Sri Lanka, talking in defence of the country at the UNHCR was brave enough to directly challenge USA this way. IF they said this, they have no choice but to accept responsibility and surrender. Our supreme leader went there with a crowd of 40 useless people and came back after one man kicking another at a night drinking party. Then he directly went to worship pope, came back and went to worship Murugan.

    When will we be getting a leader who speak the truth fearlessly ? No point saying these things when they open a building in a village our village folk.

  3. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Killing of hundreds of thousands of WE TAMILS who wanted a separate country in India in the fifties, Killing of Sikh seapartist, Killing of Assamese, Muslims and Kashmiris. Sacred Indian Empire is not accountable. Jai Hind

  4. Nimal Says:

    This is the exact argument I have with the politicians here where we were too compelled to have our little Dresden and that blame goes to the horrible Nazies and in our case the separatists.

  5. ranjit Says:

    Americans on one side kill thousands per day and make another thousand refugees around the world in different places while Muslims kill same amount and make life miserable for millions and nobody talks about human rights for their cruelty and slaughter of human lives. What kind of a world we are living today? We are all human beings and the law should be same to all.Why these super powers harass small countries like us and why our own political traitors help these white pigs to interfere in our own affairs and allow them to poison the minds of different ethnic minorities to create division among the people of a sovereign state?

    The Muslim Barbarians burn innocent people alive in Iraq and in Syria on daily basis. They harass and kill other religious sects and chased them from their own homes. Millions are in refugee camps and no one bother to bring perpetrators to books. While these murderous groups kill people in wholesale the Americans and the International community just wasting time talking and bombing unnecessarily killing more and more innocents. No questions asked from them for their crimes against humanity but they keep on harassing and questioning poor countries like us for rescuing a whole country from most ruthless terror organization in the world L.T.T.E. Why this double standard why no one ask from these shit bastards or tell them to go and mind their own business.

    If you need a peaceful country with all races to live in harmony bring back Mahinda Rajapksa back to politics as soon as possible if not a big disaster will fall in to our Motherland with this UNP backed power. International community brought these thieves back to power by a coup to fulfill their dreams and destroy the land,the people and the peace we were enjoying for the last ten years under the Rajapksa rule.

  6. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    “History is written by the victors”

    “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only by those who own it”

  7. AnuD Says:

    Past is past and is no point of talking. Everybody knows the truth. What is important is the present.

    What ever it is, we have to align with India in international politics. So, we have to have a balanced relationship with both the China and the USA. Motta Raala only became pro-China and that did not work for Sri lanka. China was entirely business-oriented. On the other hand, US says enhanced relation then this crap democracy, human rights come forward and that means they want their way. I think, they intend to destroy the Sinhala-buddhist nature in Sri lanka too. It was very clear the day that MR goes out of the scene all these UNHCR melodrama would subside. President Rajapakse wasted lot of money to change the USA work but it was unsuccessful. Now the new president should take the reign to his hand once the general election is over.

    One reason is Sri lanka is a small country and politicians do not know how to steer the country. On the other had, they don’t tell the truth to the citizens.

    See how Mahinda Rajapakse supported the establishment of the first Catholic Saint in Sri lanka. HE cheated Sinhala-buddhists and no one is prepared to accept that. CBK thinks that SLFP is important than the country. Mangala Samaraweera, I am pretty sure in order to destroy what ever MR did, he will do his best to remove Chibna from Sri lanka. On the other hand, Ranil Wickramasinghe does not talk and is Secretive and he should be very dangerous because of that.

    I don’t think any of these leaders are good for Sri lanka.

    President Maithripala sirisena should take strong decisions. but, right it is too much turmoil.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    AnuD said

    “Motta Raala only became pro-China and that did not work for Sri lanka.”

    But, but, but ….. that was not MR’s fault! He tried as much as he could to WORK with the US; but the US was not LISTENING!

    1. MR wanted WEAPONS to fight the LTTE; the USA gave NOTHING! They provided only intelligence on the locations of arms carrying LTTE ships in the Indian Ocean. MR was FORCED to buy from China, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine etc.

    2. MR wanted DIPLOMATIC SUPPORT against LTTE; instead the US tried to RESCUE the LTTE leadership to serve as political proxies they could later REINSERT into Sri Lanka to serve their agendas, and when that was REJECTED by the GOSL, they are bringing WAR CRIMES charges at the UN! MR had NO CHOICE … do you COMPLETELY ERADICATE the LTTE and bring PEACE and SECURITY to your people, or do you PLEASE the USA and ACCOMMODATE its Neocolinialist Agenda? MR chose to SIDE WITH HIS PEOPLE and PROTECT them …. as NO OTHER PREVIOUS LEADER had the GUTS to do!

    3. MR wanted DEVELOPMENT funds through the IMF and the World Bank, and even funds to balance the budget and buy weapons during the height of the WAR against the LTTE; this the USA BLOCKED! MR was again FORCED to get loans from China, Iran, Libya etc. The USA and India were GIVEN EVERY OPPORTUNITY to ASSIST this brave democracy fighting against DIABOLICAL terrorist movement for its VERY SURVIVAL, but our pleas FELL ON THEIR DEAF years! They wanted the CARNSGE TO CONTINUE, as t had during the previous 25 years … and PREACHED HOMILIES to us demanding Sri Lanka NEGOTIATE with the LTTE for fifty years more, while tens of thousands died EVERY YEAR!

    CONCLUSION: US was UNWILLING to HELP Sri Lanka in ANY MEANINGFUL WAY, NOT with MONEY, NOT with WEAPONS, NOT with DIPLOMATIC SUPPORT, not with TECHNOLOGY, but ASSUMES the RIGHT TO BLOCK HELP to ri Lanka from other nations, and UNDERMINES the GOSL when it somehow finds a way to WIN & SURVIVE by engineering REGIME CHANGES in Sri Lanka!

    UNLESS & UNTIL there is a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in the Neocolonialist US Foreign Policy towards EMERGING NATIONS, even DEMOCRACIES of LONG STANDING like Sri Lanka, there is NO ROOM for Sri Lanka to ATTAIN ITS SECURITY, ECONOMIC and DEVELOPMENT GOALS by dropping our DEFENCES and falling into the American Embrace!

    We will end up like a host of other nations around the world, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, and now Pakistan and Yemen!

    Sri Lanka has to RETURN the PATRIOTIC UPFA GOSL to POWER, and RESUME the INDEPENDENT & SOVREIGN PATH we were pursuing BEFORE that DAY OF INFAMY, January 8, 2015 when a Foreign Engineered REGIME CHANGE took place!

  9. Independent Says:


    You said,

    ” The reason for that is What ever it is, we have to align with India in international politics. So, we have to have a balanced relationship with both the China and the USA. M– R– only became pro-China and that did not work for Sri lanka. China was entirely business-oriented. ”

    – I agree. There is no reason for USA to come after Sri Lanka as a nation just because LTTE was destroyed. In fact they helped us a lot by informing where were the arm ships despite some saying “the USA gave NOTHING”.
    There should be a reason to it. The reason is his priorities. People should understand this.

  10. Ananda-USA Says:

    AnuD also said,

    “Past is past and is no point of talking. Everybody knows the truth. What is important is the present.”

    Now that is FOOLISH talk; we have to LEARN from the PAST and STOP doing the SAME THINGS that get us in trouble!

    We were DRIVEN to NEGOTIATE with the LTTE for nearly 25 years by people who PREVENTED us from SOLVING the PROBLEM before it got to be a HUGE “cannot be WON” PROBLEM! THAT was DOING MORE of WHAT DOES NOT WORK, listening to the words of Sri Lanka’s enemies!

    What MR and the UPFA GOSL did was to LEARN from our past, and STOP DOING the SAME THINGS that DO NOT WORK! It took 25 years for us to LEARN from our recent past. But, had we looked at our full history, especially the last 400 years of RESISTANCE to European Invaders, and LEARNED FROM IT, we would have WON THIS WAR & SECURED THE BENEFITS OF PEACE much EARLIER!

    What ever it is, we have to align with India in international politics.

    ABSOLUTELY WRONG! We have to RE-LEARN & REMEMBER that Tamil Nadu will ALWAYS MATTER MORE to India, being the Jewel in India’s Economic & Technological Crown, than Sri Lanka. Tamil Nadu Policicians WILL ALWAYS BE the Racist Expansionists dreaming of a GREATER TAMIL NADU and will NEVER LEAVE Sri Lanka in PEACE. They will ALWAYS ATTEMPT TO EXPLOIT their bretheren in Sri Lanka to the Expansionist purpose of creating a GREATER TAMIL NADU, and we Sinhalaese stand in their way. Modi’s BJP government … that took an independent line from TN while a STRONG MR GOSL existed, is now falling over backwards to PANDER to the Racists of Tamil Nadu. As I had WARNED BEFORE, that IRRESPECTIVE of Party, India’s goodwill changes with the direction of its National Political Winds. Sri Lanka has to MAKE HAY while a favorable wind blows, and PREPARE TO WEATHER the STORM when that WIND CHANGES for the worse …. AS IT SURELY WILL!

    NO, instead of toeing India’s line, Sri Lanka should MAKE India ACCOMMODATE Sri Lanka’s line; whatever line that SERVES OUR OWN NATIONAL INTERESTS of maintaining OUR INDEPENDENCE & GROWTH. To that end, Sri Lanka should PREVENT India from GAINING A DOMINANT POSITION inn Sri Lanka in our Economy, our politics, our diplomatic outreach, and our military defense, and in their diplomatic presence in Sri Lanka, and KEEP Indians LARGELY out of Sri Lanka. That translates into barring Indians from settling in Sri Lanka, gaining citizenship, buying land, buying economic assets like banks and finance companies, hospitals, educational institutions, factories and power plants, toll roads, airports, highways, fuel tank farms, automotive industry and imports, telecommunications etc etc.

    So, we have to have a balanced relationship with both the China and the USA.

    YES, I AGREE to the EXTENT that it is possible, WITHOUT SACRIFICING Sri Lanka’s National Interests or COMPLETELY ENSLAVING our Motherland to either of these two nations.

    Will the US allow such a dignified role for Sri Lanka? Judging from the past since independence in 1948, I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT!

    The USA has NEVER CONTRIBUTED either to Sri Lanka’s DEFENCE or its ECONOMIC growth, except by opening the US MARKET to Sri Lankan exports. Even the latter is now restricted by takig away the most favored trading status. I remember how the USA punished Sri Lanka for nationalizing the oil companies, and how China helped us buy rice with the Rubber-Rice Pact. Western governments, in general, wanted to sell Sri Lanka their finished goods, and at most buy raw materials from us at low cost. But, they NEVER WANTED to sell us the MANUFACTURING PLANTS that would PRODUCE GOODS in Sri Lanka, to PREVENT US from competing with their own industries. For example, they would not sell us Steel and Tire factories; those had to bought from the Soviet Union and other Socialist nations that did not have a Neocolonialist agenda to FOREVER HOLD US IN ECONOMIC BONDAGE!

    The US RESENTS our alliance with China, and HARASSES Sri Lanka at EVERY TURN, NEVER VOLUNTEERING to help this POOR but THRIVING and DESERVING DEMOCRACY attain its Vision of becoming the New Wonder of Asia!

    More than ANY OTHER NATION, the USA can help Sri Lanka attain that GOAL through development funding and technology transfer, but has NEITHER THE GOODWILL NOT THE MOTIVATION to help Sri Lanka in the way China does. Where are the GIFTS of a US PV Solar plant, US wind turbines, an American Technical University, a State of the Art Research Hospital, Expressways, Airports and Harbors they can provide? Instead of the $3,000 million a year China gives, the US gives $25 million a year …. all to its REGIME CHANGE PUPPETS for “Democracy Building! Bah! The US wants to acquire a TERRIFIED SLAVE at low cost by UNDERMINING our Motherland; but THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL!

  11. Ananda-USA Says:


    AnuD also said,

    “Past is past and is no point of talking. Everybody knows the truth. What is important is the present.”

    Now that is FOOLISH talk; we have to LEARN from the PAST and STOP doing the SAME THINGS that get us in trouble!

    We were DRIVEN to NEGOTIATE with the LTTE for nearly 25 years by people who PREVENTED us from SOLVING the PROBLEM before it got to be a HUGE

    “cannot be WON” PROBLEM! THAT was DOING MORE of WHAT DOES NOT WORK, listening to the words of Sri Lanka’s enemies!

    What MR and the UPFA GOSL did was to LEARN from our past, and STOP DOING the SAME THINGS that DO NOT WORK! It took 25 years for us to LEARN

    from our recent past. But, had we looked at our full history, especially the last 400 years of RESISTANCE to European Invaders, and LEARNED FROM


    “What ever it is, we have to align with India in international politics.”

    ABSOLUTELY WRONG! We have to RE-LEARN & REMEMBER that Tamil Nadu will ALWAYS MATTER MORE to India, being the Jewel in India’s Economic &

    Technological Crown, than Sri Lanka. Tamil Nadu Policicians WILL ALWAYS BE the Racist Expansionists dreaming of a GREATER TAMIL NADU and will

    NEVER LEAVE Sri Lanka in PEACE. They will ALWAYS ATTEMPT TO EXPLOIT their bretheren in Sri Lanka to the Expansionist purpose of creating a

    GREATER TAMIL NADU, and we Sinhalaese stand in their way. Modi’s BJP government … that took an independent line from TN while a STRONG MR GOSL

    existed, is now falling over backwards to PANDER to the Racists of Tamil Nadu. As I had WARNED BEFORE, that IRRESPECTIVE of Party, India’s

    goodwill changes with the direction of its National Political Winds. Sri Lanka has to MAKE HAY while a favorable wind blows, and PREPARE TO

    WEATHER the STORM when that WIND CHANGES for the worse …. AS IT SURELY WILL!

    NO, instead of toeing India’s line, Sri Lanka should MAKE India ACCOMMODATE Sri Lanka’s line; whatever line that SERVES OUR OWN NATIONAL

    INTERESTS of maintaining OUR INDEPENDENCE & GROWTH. To that end, Sri Lanka should PREVENT India from GAINING A DOMINANT POSITION inn Sri Lanka

    in our Economy, our politics, our diplomatic outreach, and our military defense, and in their diplomatic presence in Sri Lanka, and KEEP Indians

    LARGELY out of Sri Lanka. That translates into barring Indians from settling in Sri Lanka, gaining citizenship, buying land, buying economic

    assets like banks and finance companies, hospitals, educational institutions, factories and power plants, toll roads, airports, highways, fuel

    tank farms, automotive industry and imports, telecommunications etc etc.

    “So, we have to have a balanced relationship with both the China and the USA.”

    YES, I AGREE to the EXTENT that it is possible, WITHOUT SACRIFICING Sri Lanka’s National Interests or COMPLETELY ENSLAVING our Motherland to

    either of these two nations.

    Will the US allow such a dignified role for Sri Lanka? Judging from the past since independence in 1948, I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT!

    The USA has NEVER CONTRIBUTED either to Sri Lanka’s DEFENCE or its ECONOMIC growth, except by opening the US MARKET to Sri Lankan exports. Even

    the latter is now restricted by takig away the most favored trading status. I remember how the USA punished Sri Lanka for nationalizing the oil

    companies, and how China helped us buy rice with the Rubber-Rice Pact. Western governments, in general, wanted to sell Sri Lanka their finished

    goods, and at most buy raw materials from us at low cost. But, they NEVER WANTED to sell us the MANUFACTURING PLANTS that would PRODUCE GOODS in

    Sri Lanka, to PREVENT US from competing with their own industries. For example, they would not sell us Steel and Tire factories; those had to

    bought from the Soviet Union and other Socialist nations that did not have a Neocolonialist agenda to FOREVER HOLD US IN ECONOMIC BONDAGE!

    The US RESENTS our alliance with China, and HARASSES Sri Lanka at EVERY TURN, NEVER VOLUNTEERING to help this POOR but THRIVING and DESERVING

    DEMOCRACY attain its Vision of becoming the New Wonder of Asia!

    More than ANY OTHER NATION, the USA can help Sri Lanka attain that GOAL through development funding and technology transfer, but has NEITHER

    THE GOODWILL NOT THE MOTIVATION to help Sri Lanka in the way China does. Where are the GIFTS of a US PV Solar plant, US wind turbines, an

    American Technical University, a State of the Art Research Hospital, Expressways, Airports and Harbors they can provide? Instead of the $3,000

    million a year China gives, the US gives $25 million a year …. all to its REGIME CHANGE PUPPETS for “Democracy Building! Bah! The US wants to

    acquire a TERRIFIED SLAVE at low cost by UNDERMINING our Motherland; but THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL!

  12. SenaD Says:

    AnuD Says:
    February 14th, 2015 at 10:43 am
    “Past is past and is no point of talking.”

    Firstly it is not just the past; it is happening right now, though not on the scale of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Secondly, there is every reason to point out that ‘the so called international community’ headed by the USA, which is a minority of the world community that has arrogated to themselves the role of being the champions of high morals in governance are no better than anybody else and that they are in no position to preach to others.

    Although much hackneyed quote, this is nothing but the devil citing Scripture for his purpose or prostitutes preaching the virtues of celibacy, chastity, sexual fidelity etc, subjects that they are least entitled to preach.

    ranjit Says:
    February 14th, 2015 at 8:21 am
    “Americans on one side kill thousands per day and make another thousand refugees around the world in different places”

    “Why these super powers harass small countries like us”

    Both these are for the same reason, i.e. to keep a dominant position in global politics.

    Ananda-USA Says:
    February 14th, 2015 at 2:27 pm
    “He tried as much as he could to WORK with the US; but the US was not LISTENING!”

    At the time some vice counsel in the USA pointed out to the powers that be in the govt there that the USA policy will push MR into China’s open arms. But those advice were not heeded by the people that controlled the levers of power there.

  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko Dependent!

    You say ” There is no reason for USA to come after Sri Lanka as a nation just because LTTE was destroyed. ”

    BULLSHIT! There is a REASON, and that is the USA’s FLAWED China CONTAINMENT POLICY!

    The USA, which is kept afloat by US Treasury borrowing from China but yet FEARS a RESURGENT China, does not want Sri Lanka to become closely allied to China, but yet the USA will not help us in ANY SUBSTANTIAL WAY, that China is WILLING to do.

    Nevertheless, the USA PRESUMES A RIGHT to DENY Sri Lanka the BENEFITS of its alliance with China, while it WILL NOT REPLACE that LOSS with its own support. So, pray tell me, what GIVES THEM ANY RIGHTS TO INTERFERE??

    The USA CANNOT help Sri Lanka in the way China does, because it is DROWNING IN DEBT, unable to find the funds to rebuild its own decaying infrastructure or take care of its aging citizens, with military commitments, largely of its OWN CREATION, all across the Globe. The USA has no money to GIVE for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT to Sri Lanka which is VERY LOW on its LIST OF PRIORITIES, and has no LOBBY like Israel to keep the funds flowing. So, it gives $25 million to its NGO puppets in Sri Lanka to CHEAPLY ENGINEER a REGIME CHANGE and keep China from helping and getting a firm FOOTHOLD in Sri Lanka!

    There is a Sinhala saying that describes the situation like a glove: “ARA BALLA KANNETH NAHA, KANA BALLATA KANNDA THENNETH NAHA!”

    It is NOT IN Sri Lanka’s NATIONAL INTEREST to BOOT OUT those who help, to PLACATE those who WILL NOT HELP, and CANNOT HELP even THEMSELVES!


  14. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Ananda USA. Thanks for the informative comments. Replace USA with Indian Union. Jai Hind.

  15. Independent Says:

    MR. Indian Union, take your medicine.

  16. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko Dependent!

    I am not TAKING medicine, but DISHING it out to you! ENJOY!

  17. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dear Charles, you said

    “Please do not bother with this idiots who do not know what they say and do. They have no idea that supporting this government is selling our country to the west. In thid government there are no patriots. They all have their personal agenda and that is it and what happens to the country and the innocent people ar not their concern.”

    I KNOW you mean well in your concern for me when you say this, but I DON’T AGREE that leaving these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka to comment UNCONTESTED without being held ACCOUNTABLE for all they did in the RECENT past to UNDERMINE & OUST the GOSL that Liberated, Reunified and was Rapidly Developing our Motherland is the RIGHT thing to do.

    They are NOT IDIOTS who know not what they say or do, but DEVIOUS CONNIVING CON-ARTISTES and AVOWED ENEMIES of our Motherland GEARING UP to REPEAT their PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE on the BACKS of the Sinhala MODAYAS!!!

    They INCESSANTLY MOCKED all the Patriots who blogged here, including YOU, in their STRATEGY to turn the VOTERS of Sri Lanka against the UPFA GOSL. After DOING THAT, they came here and CROWED about their SUCCESS in OUSTING that GOSL.

    That RAT “Facebook” Lorenzo who pretended to be a PATRIOT all these years, building up his “PATRIOT” credentials hiding under a TREACHEROUS SHEEPSKIN to strike at the CRITICAL MOMENT to HELP CREATE an EELAM for his TRUE SPONSORS, brought a LARGE TEAM of AGITATORS and AVATARS to LankaWeb to support his CAMPAIGN.

    In the Aftermath of the Election, in a MOMENT OF UNWISE BRAVADO & HUBRIS provoked by my CRITICISMS, “Facebook” Lorenzo disclosed many of his REGIME CHANGE ACTIVITIES …. websites and blogs hosted, Facebook and Twitter accounts maintained, teams of Propagandists fielded, and AVATAR accounts activated …. RIGHT HERE AT LankaWeb. That, you may RECALL, is what finally COMPELLED the LankaWeb Moderator to INTERVENE to RESTRICT his blogging ACTIVITIES. I had been WARNING LankaWeb readers to this danger of Lorenzo’s activities long before the LankaWeb Moderator came down hard on him!

    Nevertheless, he and his TEAM of AVATARS/AGITATORS are STILL COMMENTING at LankaWeb, and have even INVADED LankaWeb’s List of Article Contributors, as LISTED on LankaWeb’s Home page. I know this beyond reasonable doubt, having OBSERVED his antics for MANY YEARS on MANY FORA and through PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of his DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES at one of my own blogsites.

    Although his main blog-handle of “Facebook” Lorenzo at LankaWeb is NOW IRRETRIEVABLY EXPOSED & COMPROMISED, some of his AVATARS continue their campaign of creeping back to regain the confidence of the LankaWeb community by making seemingly Patriotic comments here and there, but CONTINUING to sow disaffection and doubt in the minds of unwary voters.

    LankaWeb Editor should know that at least TWO of the Authors on his List of Contributors listed on the LankaWeb Homepage are in fact AVATARS of “Facebook” Lorenzo himself planted at LankaWeb MANY YEARS AGO!

    Let me now address why we should CONFRONT and OUST this VIRAL INFESTATION from LankaWeb, or at least POST WARNINGS to the UNWARY as I am now doing by CONFRONTING them!

    As you well know, there is a General Election that will be held in Sri Lanka in April, 2015, which the Patriotic Forces of Sri Lanka MUST WIN CONVINCINGLY, to protect our Motherland from the CONSEQUENCES of the Electroral Coup-de-Etat Engineered by the Anti-National Forces with SPONSORHIP of Foreign REGIME CHANGE artistes in the recent Presidential Election.

    Sri Lanka’s ENEMIES are GEARING UP …. even as I write … to REPEAT the PERFORMANCE of January 8, 2015 … by sowing DISAFFECTION, DOUBT, CONFUSION and BUCKETS of MUD at the candidates of the UPFA within the SLFP.

    They fielded an INTERNET enabled CAMPAIGN, of UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS and similar those DEPLOYED to OVERTURN established governments in the Arab Spring fiasco, to achieve their PURPOSE that day. Are we, the Patriotic SONS & DAUGHTERS of Lanka, to turn the other cheek now for them to SLAP in CONTEMPT and DRAG OUR MOTHERLAND into the SAME SLAVERY to Foreigners, Separatists and their Greedy Paid Puppets that we emerged from in 2005?

    We are seeing these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka GEARING UP HERE to AGAIN DO WHAT they did leading up to January 8, 2015, offering honeyed words wailing about wrongdoing by the My3 GOSL to disarm us and let them screw us again. Don’t fall PREY to this SIREN SONG by SERIAL TRAITORS. Should we let them REPEAT THAT PERFORMANCE AGAIN, or are we GOING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. and YELL with all of our strength, HELL NO! WE WON’T LET YOU DO THAT AGAIN!

    There is an old Sinhala saying that warns the STUPIDLY UNWARY “Raa Watunu Waley Dawal Watenna Epa Puthey!”

    HELL YES! Let us not FALL into the SAME PIT in BROAD DAYLIGHT that we STUMBLED into in the PITCH DARKNESS of the NIGHT!

    Let us SLICE these EELAMIST HYPOCRITES off at their KNEES with the CUTTING EDGE of our VERBAL SWORDS. Let us IDENTIFY & EXPOSE them, TAR & FEATHER them, and CHASE them from PILLAR to POST, with the CLEAR MESSAGE that “NEVER AGAIN DARE TO CON US” planted firmly on their SMELLY BEHINDS!

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