Yaha Palanaya or Gava Palanaya?
Posted on February 14th, 2015


Open letter to Ven. Sobitha Thera


Your demand for the arrest of all those who accused the then presidential candidate, Maithripala Sirisena and UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe of a secret electoral pact is front page news in The Island of 12.02.2015. As for Tissa Attanayake’s role in producing the said document, you ascertain that this was meant to cause political turmoil.

However, the JHU had also committed a similar offence when Minister Patali Champika brandished a doctored photograph of the then President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Dr. Lester James Peiris cause political turmoil.

It is alleged that in the document flaunted by Attanayake the signatures of Sirisena and Wickremesinghe are forged. My intention is not to defend Attanayaka, but to highlight the simple fact that a signature is difficult to verify. It could indeed be a genuine mistake or not. Though the CID suspects Attanayaka to have used a forged document, it must be proven in a court of law that it was indeed a forged document and used with the full knowledge that it was forged with the intent of causing political turmoil. Until such time, we must keep an open mind.

However, in the case of the document Patali Champika used, one does not need expert analysis to conclude that it was a forged document as the glaring discrepancies was obvious after a cursory glance. It is difficult to accept that one with a sharp intelligence like Patali Champika missed the obvious. Either way, mistake or deliberate, it is a matter for a court of law to deliberate.

 A Buddhist monk should not disregard the errors/offences of one person and call for the blood of another for the same errors/offences.

Shivanthi Ranasinghe

11 Responses to “Yaha Palanaya or Gava Palanaya?”

  1. SenaD Says:

    With such blatant support by him for mud slinging he has ceased to be venerable and he justifies himself being called simply Sobitha thera just like the others of his ilk.

    Champika has confirmed he is indeed PA CHA Ranawake.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    As for the FORGED DOCUMENT, are there not any HAND WRITING EXPERTS IN SRI LANKA ? That is disturbing if there is none.

    Tissa Attanayake should get the services of a Certified Forensic Handwriting Expert, from USA, who is a member of the ABFDE***AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXPERTS. He should get down one from USA and another from China. They will tell exactly who has forged those two signatures. This is a serious matter.

    If I remember right, long years ago, there was an established Hand Writing Expert in Sri Lanka.




    Next, someone should take that MASTER FORGER to COURTS, PACHALI CHAMPAKA, and those who are complicit with him in LIBEL, and DEFAMATION. Where are those LAWYERS AND POLITICIANS who can straighten up their spine, and take this fellow to COURTS. CAN SOMEONE GET STARTED.


  3. Christie Says:

    Namaste; “Hora ganayange thatte thara ganna ona” Sir John Koatalawala 1955-56. These days you don’t need that as most of them have a crew cut instead of shaving off the hair. Jai Hind

  4. Ananda-USA Says:


    “Dis-robing” oneself in public, called “flashing”, used to be a standard practice on US campuses of “Higher Learning” while I think “Redda Ussanawa” is standard practice among the political High Ups in Sri Lanka. Do both of this spring from the same malady?

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    ANANDA !! When I said Dis-robing, I did not mean it literally, but metaphorically. I remember foreigners used to remove their clothes and run across the field, and it was known, I think, as “Streaking” Stand to be corrected.

    The Redda Ussanawa is a Sri Lankan trait. It is a different sort of malady. When you say that, it brings me back to memories of a teen ager. I was retuning after a holiday in Badulla, by train. Somewhere on the line the train stopped for a signal. Many heads were out of the windows enjoying the scenery. There was on old man with a Konde tied in a knot walking along the line. Some mischievous guys in the train, shouted ”Ado Somapala ” and everybody joined in. This old fellow lifted his sarong above waist, and all the heads out of the window came crashing in, including the many ladies. It was Laughter all the way.

    Personally, I vehemently protest Buddhist priests in Parliament. Their place is in the Temple. They use very abusive language when engaged in politics. They try to outdo the Politicians. DISGUSTING.


    I ask you comment writers “Is Tissa Attanayake that stupid to use a forged document at a public meeting”? I don’t think so. Now Let’s look who is this SOBITHAYA. He was against MR as far as when MR was the prime minister. Sobithaya, in 2005 visited Iran secretly and met Ayathulla Hominy to get details of how to became a Spiritual Head of State. He lived in Prabhrakern controlled area. He was against any military advance. Marvil Aru attack was opposed by him. When it was captured he contacted all UN agencies to put pressure on MR not go any further. In 20012 SOBITHYA paid a comment writer to state that the comment writer is from the neighboring village his family knew SOBITHAYA’S family and SOBITHAYA was educated in England. He has a degree from London University. On the contrary; SOBITHAYA’S family wanted to educate him but did not have money. Nayake Hamuduruwo took him as an Abithaya. Later got him to make him a hamudurovo. Some how Prabhrakeran wanted Hamudu support during JR’s time and gave him MAHANAYAKE of Northern and Eastern Province title. He has no education apart from Privana education. He can read and write few words of English.
    CHRISTIE, Sir John Kothalawal never said what you have written. Please refer to the news paper that published it.

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dear Charles, you said

    “Please do not bother with this idiots who do not know what they say and do. They have no idea that supporting this government is selling our country to the west. In thid government there are no patriots. They all have their personal agenda and that is it and what happens to the country and the innocent people ar not their concern.”

    I KNOW you mean well in your concern for me when you say this, but I DON’T AGREE that leaving these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka to comment UNCONTESTED without being held ACCOUNTABLE for all they did in the RECENT past to UNDERMINE & OUST the GOSL that Liberated, Reunified and was Rapidly Developing our Motherland is the RIGHT thing to do.

    They are NOT IDIOTS who know not what they say or do, but DEVIOUS CONNIVING CON-ARTISTES and AVOWED ENEMIES of our Motherland GEARING UP to REPEAT their PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE on the BACKS of the Sinhala MODAYAS!!!

    They INCESSANTLY MOCKED all the Patriots who blogged here, including YOU, in their STRATEGY to turn the VOTERS of Sri Lanka against the UPFA GOSL. After DOING THAT, they came here and CROWED about their SUCCESS in OUSTING that GOSL.

    That RAT “Facebook” Lorenzo who pretended to be a PATRIOT all these years, building up his “PATRIOT” credentials hiding under a TREACHEROUS SHEEPSKIN to strike at the CRITICAL MOMENT to HELP CREATE an EELAM for his TRUE SPONSORS, brought a LARGE TEAM of AGITATORS and AVATARS to LankaWeb to support his CAMPAIGN.

    In the Aftermath of the Election, in a MOMENT OF UNWISE BRAVADO & HUBRIS provoked by my CRITICISMS, “Facebook” Lorenzo disclosed many of his REGIME CHANGE ACTIVITIES …. websites and blogs hosted, Facebook and Twitter accounts maintained, teams of Propagandists fielded, and AVATAR accounts activated …. RIGHT HERE AT LankaWeb. That, you may RECALL, is what finally COMPELLED the LankaWeb Moderator to INTERVENE to RESTRICT his blogging ACTIVITIES. I had been WARNING LankaWeb readers to this danger of Lorenzo’s activities long before the LankaWeb Moderator came down hard on him!

    Nevertheless, he and his TEAM of AVATARS/AGITATORS are STILL COMMENTING at LankaWeb, and have even INVADED LankaWeb’s List of Article Contributors, as LISTED on LankaWeb’s Home page. I know this beyond reasonable doubt, having OBSERVED his antics for MANY YEARS on MANY FORA and through PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of his DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES at one of my own blogsites.

    Although his main blog-handle of “Facebook” Lorenzo at LankaWeb is NOW IRRETRIEVABLY EXPOSED & COMPROMISED, some of his AVATARS continue their campaign of creeping back to regain the confidence of the LankaWeb community by making seemingly Patriotic comments here and there, but CONTINUING to sow disaffection and doubt in the minds of unwary voters.

    LankaWeb Editor should know that at least TWO of the Authors on his List of Contributors listed on the LankaWeb Homepage are in fact AVATARS of “Facebook” Lorenzo himself planted at LankaWeb MANY YEARS AGO!

    Let me now address why we should CONFRONT and OUST this VIRAL INFESTATION from LankaWeb, or at least POST WARNINGS to the UNWARY as I am now doing by CONFRONTING them!

    As you well know, there is a General Election that will be held in Sri Lanka in April, 2015, which the Patriotic Forces of Sri Lanka MUST WIN CONVINCINGLY, to protect our Motherland from the CONSEQUENCES of the Electroral Coup-de-Etat Engineered by the Anti-National Forces with SPONSORHIP of Foreign REGIME CHANGE artistes in the recent Presidential Election.

    Sri Lanka’s ENEMIES are GEARING UP …. even as I write … to REPEAT the PERFORMANCE of January 8, 2015 … by sowing DISAFFECTION, DOUBT, CONFUSION and BUCKETS of MUD at the candidates of the UPFA within the SLFP.

    They fielded an INTERNET enabled CAMPAIGN, of UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS and similar those DEPLOYED to OVERTURN established governments in the Arab Spring fiasco, to achieve their PURPOSE that day. Are we, the Patriotic SONS & DAUGHTERS of Lanka, to turn the other cheek now for them to SLAP in CONTEMPT and DRAG OUR MOTHERLAND into the SAME SLAVERY to Foreigners, Separatists and their Greedy Paid Puppets that we emerged from in 2005?

    We are seeing these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka GEARING UP HERE to AGAIN DO WHAT they did leading up to January 8, 2015, offering honeyed words wailing about wrongdoing by the My3 GOSL to disarm us and let them screw us again. Don’t fall PREY to this SIREN SONG by SERIAL TRAITORS. Should we let them REPEAT THAT PERFORMANCE AGAIN, or are we GOING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. and YELL with all of our strength, HELL NO! WE WON’T LET YOU DO THAT AGAIN!

    There is an old Sinhala saying that warns the STUPIDLY UNWARY “Raa Watunu Waley Dawal Watenna Epa Puthey!”

    HELL YES! Let us not FALL into the SAME PIT in BROAD DAYLIGHT that we STUMBLED into in the PITCH DARKNESS of the NIGHT!

    Let us SLICE these EELAMIST HYPOCRITES off at their KNEES with the CUTTING EDGE of our VERBAL SWORDS. Let us IDENTIFY & EXPOSE them, TAR & FEATHER them, and CHASE them from PILLAR to POST, with the CLEAR MESSAGE that “NEVER AGAIN DARE TO CON US” planted firmly on their SMELLY BEHINDS!

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanayya Sudiya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiyaaa?

    100 Day Program grinds to a halt

    By The Nation
    www DOT nation DOT lk/edition/latest-top-stories/item/38399-100-day-program-grinds-to-a-halt DOT html
    15 February 2015

    Key policy reform elements of the new government’s 100 Day program remain untouched after the presidential election. These include the Amendment of Standing Orders (Due January 20), introduction of a Code of Conduct for People’s Representatives (Due February 2) and Tabling in Parliament of the National Drugs Policy (Due February 6).

    Most importantly, there is complete silence on the appointment of an All-Party Committee on electoral reform.

    Although President Maithreepala Sirisena’s manifesto clearly stated that the existing proportional representation system will be changed before the next general election, Prime Minister and Leader of the United National Party (UNP) Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated that Parliament will be dissolved on April 23 or sooner with no mention of electoral reform.

    Sections of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) which is led by the President, have opined that reform is imperative even if it took more than 100 days to change the existing election laws. Meanwhile, Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya insists that there is still time to make all necessary changes before the 100 days expire.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:


    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Pewwa Neda Borupalanaya Sudiyaaa?

    100 Day Program grinds to a halt

    By The Nation
    www DOT nation DOT lk/edition/latest-top-stories/item/38399-100-day-program-grinds-to-a-halt DOT html
    15 February 2015

    Key policy reform elements of the new government’s 100 Day program remain untouched after the presidential election. These include the Amendment of Standing Orders (Due January 20), introduction of a Code of Conduct for People’s Representatives (Due February 2) and Tabling in Parliament of the National Drugs Policy (Due February 6).

    Most importantly, there is complete silence on the appointment of an All-Party Committee on electoral reform.

    Although President Maithreepala Sirisena’s manifesto clearly stated that the existing proportional representation system will be changed before the next general election, Prime Minister and Leader of the United National Party (UNP) Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated that Parliament will be dissolved on April 23 or sooner with no mention of electoral reform.

    Sections of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) which is led by the President, have opined that reform is imperative even if it took more than 100 days to change the existing election laws. Meanwhile, Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya insists that there is still time to make all necessary changes before the 100 days expire.

  10. NAK Says:

    This is a funny guy who suffers from either amnesia or selective memory.
    It was Ranil wickremasinghe himself who annouced that UNPers need not worry about the aftermath of the presidential election as we have already come to agreement and as to ous share of the government and it is all signed and secured.
    Now they claim there is no such agreement as such and throws Tissa behind bars while every one can see what was claimed as an agreement being implemented.

  11. Geeth Says:

    Dear readers, pardon me for going away from the main theme of the article. Since currently we all are experiencing a political turmoil in Sri Lanka, let me suggest the following proposals that we must bring onto the bargaining table for the winning of ex president Mahinda Rajapaksha back into reigns. Mahinda needs us, we need Mahinda, so we must come to a deal with him. However if he declares that he will abolish 13th and will adhere to national development policy based on the consensus of a national task force for a production oriented economy, then the UNP and the My3 faction will end up in the political wilderness. May the triple Gem bless Mahinda to be enlightened with this simple political wisdom.

    අපි මේ වෙලාවේ 13 අහෝසි කිරීමේ කොන්දේසිය අනුලන්ගනීය කොන්දේසියක් විදියට දේසපාලන සාකච්චා මේසයට ගෙන්න ඕන. මහින්දට එක කරන්නද පුළුවන් බව මට විශ්වාසයි. එතුමාට සිද්ධ වෙච්ච සියලු දේවල් ගැන හිතනකොට එය ඉටු කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය සියලු සාධක ඉටුවෙලා තියෙන්නේ. මෛත්‍රීට එක කරන්න කොන්දක් නැහැ කියන එක අපි දන්නවා. රනිල් කරන්නෙත් නැහැ. සිරිපාල ගොයියා කරන්නෙත් නැහැ. මේක කරයි කියල හිතන්න පුළුවන් එකම කෙනා තමයි මහින්ද. ඒ හින්ද මහින්දව තමයි ඉස්සරහට ගෙන්න ඕන. හැබැයි, 13 ගැන පැහැදිලි ප්‍රකාශයක් ප්‍රතිපත්ති ප්‍රකාශනයට ඇතුල් කිරීමේ කොන්දේසියට යටත්ව.

    මෙවර මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා දේශපාලනයට ආයුත්තේ selfless ජන නායකයෙකු මිස තවත් එක කුට දේශපාලකයෙකු ලෙස නොවේ. ඔහු ආයුත්තේ ඉතිහාසය වෙනස් කිරීමේ අභිලාෂයෙනි. එනම් ජනතා ශක්තිය හා ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඔහුට ලැබෙන ආරක්ෂාව පිලිබඳ විශ්වාසයෙනි. ඔහු 13 වෙනස් කරන බවට ප්‍රතිඥා දී, ජාතික ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් අනුගමනය කරන බවට සහතිකයක් ජනතාවට ලභා දෙන්නේ නම්, ලක්ෂ ගණන් ජනතාව ඔහුගේ නිවස අසල කඳවුරු බැඳගෙන ඔහු ආරක්ෂා කරනු ඇත. එවිට යුධ අපරාධ බිල්ලන්ට ඔහු රැගෙන යාමට සිදුවන්නේ මහා ජන ඝාතනයක් සිදු කිරීමෙන් අනතුරුවය. ඔහු ජන නායකයෙකි. අහක ඉන්න පෙන්දන්ගෙන් ආරක්ෂාව ඉල්ලා බැගපත් වීම ඔහුට තරම් නොවේ. ඔහු සැබෑ ජන නායකයෙකු ලෙස කැප්පෙටිපොළ කෙනෙකු මෙන් මරණය පිළිබඳව තුට්ටුවකට වත් මායිම් කල යුතු නොවේ. හැකිනම් තමාව යුධ අපරාධ වලට අල්ලා දෙනලෙස වත්මන් රජයට අභියෝග කිරීමේ හැකියාවක් ඔහුට තිබිය යුතුය. මංගලලා මෛත්‍රී ලා ඉන්දියාව සහ බටහිර සමග දැන් තමාව කොටු කිරීමේ කුමන්ත්‍රණයක නියලී සිටිනී නම් ඒ බව ජනතාවට ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ කීමට ඔහුට හැකි විය යුතුය.

    ඉන්දියාවත්, බටහිරත් ඔහුට පිටුපසින් පිහියෙන් අනින ලද බව ඔහු දැන් දන්නෙහිය. එය දන්නා නිසා ඔවුන් සතුටු කිරීමේ වගකීමෙන් ඔහු නිදහස්ය. උතුරු නැගෙනහිර ද්‍රවිඩ චන්ද දායකයා ඔහුව කරපොත්තෙකු මෙන් පාගා දමා තිබේ. ඔහු අනවශ්‍ය තරමට ඇත පත ගෑ කොළඹ ආත්මයක් නැති තුප්පහියන් රැල ඔහුට වස දී ඇති බව ඔහු මැනවින් දනී. දැන් ඔහු නිදහස් මිනිසෙකි. මේ පරාජය ජාතියේ අනාගත මාවත වෙනස් කරන ආශිර්වාදයක් වියහැකි සිදුවීමක් බවට පෙරලීමට ඔහුට හැකි විය යුතුය. පරාජය ඔහු අත තිබෙන දෙවියන් විසින් ඔහුවෙත ලභා දෙන ලද වරයක් සේ සලකන්න.

    අපේ මුළු පරපුරම ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්ෂය නිසා සියලු දේවල් නැති කරගත්ත මිනිස්සු. අපි පක්ෂයෙන් ගත්තු දෙයක් නැහැ. අපි පක්ෂයට දීල තියෙනවා මිසක්.අඩු තරමින් රක්ශාවක්වත් අපි අරන් නැහැ. එනිසා, ඔය දේශපාලකයින්ට වඩා පක්ෂයෙන් යමක් ඉල්ලා හිටින්ඩ අපිට සදාචාරාත්මක අයිතියක් තියෙනවා. මම පෞද්ගලිකව දෙසපාලකයෝ පස්සෙන් යන බූරු පැටියෙක් නෙවෙය්. නමුත් මහින්ද වගේම දෙවෙනි පරම්පරාවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාක්ෂිකයෝ හැටියට අපි ඉල්ලා හිටින්නේ එක දෙයයි. 13 අහෝසි කරන්න, ගංගා නිම්න පදනම් කරගත් කලාප අනුව හෝ දිස්ත්‍රික්ක සභා මත පදනම්ම්ව බලය විමද්‍ය ගත කරන්න, ජාතික ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් ගෙන්න. මේක මහින්දට පුළුවන්, සිරිපාලට බැරි දෙයක්.

    මේ ඓතිහාසික කර්තව්‍යය ඉටුකරලා, රටට සදාකාලික සාමයක් සෞභාග්‍යයක් ලබාදීල ඉතිහාස ගත වෙන්න මහින්ද ලැහැස්තිද????????

    මා මේ කී දෑ ඔහු සැලකිල්ලට ගන්නේ නම්, ප්‍රථමයෙන්ම ඔහු ඔවුන්ගේ නිවසේ නම වෙනස් කරනු ඇත. කාල්ටන් Carlton වෙනුවට සිංහල නමක් නිවසට යෙදුවොත්, ඔහු selfless ජන නායකයෙකු ලෙස දේශපාලනයට අවතීර්ණ වීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන බවට අපට දෙන ලද සංඥාවක් සේ එය පිළිගැනීමට අප බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු.

    The advantage of the declaration of repealing 13 is far reaching. Many UNP supporters and other party supporters will vote for the candidate (hopefully Rajapaksa) who pledges to repeal 13 is a definite result. That will even happen among the JHU supporters. By this way, president Mahinda Rajapaksa can make his defeat a boomerang to the conspirators, especially for India and the west. The entire conspiracy will be backfired. Let us make them eat their entire shit load.

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