India Not to Set Up Nuclear Power Plant in Lanka: Officials Say
Posted on February 16th, 2015

By P.K. Balachandran Courtesy The New Inadian Express

COLOMBOIndian as well as Sri Lankan officials here have denied that the Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement signed by Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Monday, envisages India’s setting up nuclear power plants in Lanka.

Officials explained that the deal will enable India to train Lankan personnel in  peaceful uses of nuclear energy in fields such as, medicine and agriculture. Training will also cover measures to ensure nuclear safety. Indian experts will tell their Lankan counterparts about the safety features incorporated in the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant and how Lanka can tackle a nuclear fallout in the unlikely event of that happening.

Officials described as fanciful an agency report that Lanka is looking to produce 600 MW through nuclear plants.

Even without a formal agreement, India has for some time been helping Lanka use nuclear science in medicine in a small way in medicine. The New Delhi agreement is a breakthrough” to the extent that this is the first time that Lanka has signed an agreement on nuclear cooperation with any country, and India has signed with any of its neighbors, the officials explained.

Lanka is very conscious about the impact of nuclear power plants on its environment, and has made a major fuss about a possible mishap at Kudankulam and even Kalpakkam. India has attempted to address these fears, but unsuccessfully. The present agreement is expected to result in the formation of a joint committee to address this and other issues involved in nuclear cooperation.

Lanka Far From Producing Nuclear Power

That Lanka is far from producing nuclear power is evident from the latest (2013) projections about power generation by the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB)).

In regard to nuclear power, the document says:  The development of nuclear power for civil purposes appears to be gaining acceptance worldwide. As a matter of preparedness, CEB will initiate a process to seek technical assistance from the IAEA for preliminary research on future nuclear technology. In this regard, during the planning period, with the assistance of the IAEA, a roadmap for the possible implementation of this option will be defined so as to ascertain its economic viability. It is worth highlighting that this preparatory process in itself may cover a period of at least 10 to 15 years.”

5 Responses to “India Not to Set Up Nuclear Power Plant in Lanka: Officials Say”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    Right …. Nuclear Plants are GOOD for Tamil Nadu to GENERATE On-Demand Electrical Power Cheaply & Reliably to SELL TO Sri Lanka, and PREVENT the Development of Sri Lanka’s OWN Electrical Generation System!

    What could be a BETTER STRATEGY for HOLDING Sri Lanka HOSTAGE to Electrical POwer from India in the FUTURE, HOBBLING Sri Lanka Hand & Foot and ENSLAVING our Motherland to India??

    Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa …. What an ABSOLUTE MUTT you are!

    Yamapalana Sudiya!

    Lankawata Harima Deyak Siduwuna,
    Seemawak Nathuwa Pathuruna.
    Raja Wennata Sithapu Landa,
    Sudiya Nisa Moda Wuna,
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?

    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?
    Gilla Neda Yahapalanaya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Kiyannako Attha Aney,
    Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanaya?
    Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanayaaa ….?

  2. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Tamil Nadu may have a nuclear powered plant but according to Inforchange poverty”

    Chennai (Madras) has one thousand 2 hundred slums in that city alone. 2002 census showed India as a whole had 52 thousand slums with no electricity, no toilets, no basic services. That was 12 years ago. \

    54% of Mumbai’s 18 million people live in slums. by 2017 Mumbai would have the world’s largest slum population.

    According to the Global Hunger Index Kerala ranks as “SERIOUS” when it comes to hunger. India’s states rank as “alarming” and India’s most industrious state, Maharashtra home to Bollywood ranks as “EXTREMELY ALARMING”.

    So much for India’s commercial nuclear program. It is not working.

  3. SA Kumar Says:

    nuclear power, the document signed.
    You Modaya , now you have accepted if any disaster happen in TN nuclear plant you will not claim any damage against India.

  4. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Thank you Kumar for enlightening us; I thought it was an agreement to provide us with a 600 mw and providing us with the technology and skills required to proceed with such a nuclear plant. Now I can see another reason for Indian payments to Chandrika. Kudan Kulam is one of the largest nuclear plant system in the world when it is completed. I some times wonder whether India has the infrastructure to distribute the power generated and will try to sell us some. My major concern was and is a Nuclear Bhopal and now I can see India got the Insurance certificate. No wonder Modi top was worn by Sirisena. Jai Hind

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    Sri Lanka can get plenty of green clean safe energy in abundance using solar & wind energy !

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