Serendib (Sri Lankan) Spring
Posted on February 17th, 2015

Prof. Hudson McLean

 As a firm, unashamed supporter of Patriotic Sinhala Nationalists, I find the response of Mr. Bernard Wijeyesingha Totally Unacceptable, Unpatriotic, will be a fast-track to shed blood!.

 There is No Way, the majority of the Sri Lankan population, including some Tamil & Muslim would accept the creation of a grossly over-crowded Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

 Apart from rapid-breeding Tamils from Tamil-Nadu taking the newly proposed bridge connecting Mannar <-> South India, within one generation, Sri Lanka would be over-whelmed with Tamils.

 First of all, President Maithripala Sirisena, in his selfish greed, joined hands with the Devil(s), the upcoming General Elections should demonstrate, that the Gang-of-Three is booted out to Tamil Nadu, by foot.

 Examples of Scotland, or Crimea, or any other country as an example is irrelevant.

 Lets look at Ukraine, where so called Russian rebels supported by Russian government is looked-down by the USA & EU.  The reason is that, Crimean Peninsular take-over by Russia was only for self-defense, to prevent its acquisition by NATO.

 USA-NATO-EU supported Kuwait when Iraq invaded, but the only reason for the costly invasion was, Oil. There is no-love-lost between the West & Arabs.

 India would love to move in to help the Tamil struggle and take over Sri Lanka  as one Indian Federal Province, under Tamil Nadu, simply to control the Indian Ocean from the Chinese. The strategic position of Sri Lanka in Indian Ocean, is priceless.

 If the Colombo Harbour extension allows the Chinese to own a patch of the reclaimed land, let that be a condition to prevent India from claiming Northern land from Sovereign Sri Lanka.

 All arrows point towards the Traitors Three – MS-RW-CBK!

 Personally, I would move the next mile, and let MR Rule Sri Lanka, as a Sovereign State, without any whisper of Tamil Eelam, for all the tea in China.

 The most practical solution is that, MR takes the first step to reach out to General Sarath Fonseka, make amends, invite him to be the Prime Minister in the next MR government. Even go the full length and offer him to be VP for one term leading to Presidency.

 According to the Last Election, I repeat……

Last election:

 The last election for the office of president in Sri Lanka was held on 26 January 2010.[ii] Turnout was 74.50 percent and 10,495,451 of 14,088,500 people casted ballots.[iii] Mahinda Percy RAJAPAKSA of the United People’s Freedom Alliance won 57.88 percent or 6,015,934 votes, while his opponent, Sarath FONSEKA of the New Democratic Front, won 40.15 percent or 4,173,185 votes.

 Otherwise, the Traitors Three – MS-RW-CBK! will smoke out a Massive Hornets Nest of Sinhala Spring, and the Trio might have to take a fast flight out of Sri Lanka, to save their hide!

 Since none of the allegations against MR is proven according to an Independent Judiciary, I would consider MR to be Innocent till Proven Guilty.

Responses to Post Mortem – Post Electoral Analysis”Surprised to read response from Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha

 Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

February 16th, 2015 at 11:24 am

If or when Elam is formed Sri Lanka has roughly 2 choices:

 1) a hot war” between Colombo and Jaffna that will be as devastating as that between India and Pakistan


 2) to work with Elam as a policy of two nations on one island” with both hopefully working for the better of all.


Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

February 16th, 2015 at 2:34 pm

Mr. B.W.


NO 2 is out of the question, completely out of the equation.


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20 Responses to “Serendib (Sri Lankan) Spring”

  1. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Mauritius is a third State of India. Indians have outbred the Creoles of Mauritius. Today the inhabitants who were in there before the arrival of Indians have become the untouchables of Mauritius. An Indian drag line across Ceylon and Mauritius will be hard to jump over let alone cross over with Indian navel vessels capable of launching missiles. Jai Hind.

  2. dingiri bandara Says:

    Tamil Nadu have 72 million Tamils. Sri Lanka, I presume have 2 million. Why not make Tamil Nadu the Tamil Eeelam and leave SL alone . Is it not the logical solution.

  3. SA Kumar Says:

    to work with Elam as a policy of two nations on one island” with both hopefully working for the better of all. !!!

    this what We-Eelam Tamil want always since 1948 but now too late Indian flag is flying in Japanaya/Jalpanam not Lion or Koddiyas flag soon Indian law applicable in NPC (Saiva TE) not Mother Lanka law like in Northern Ireland UK law applicable not Rep of Ireland.

    You modaya please support us We-Tamils will kick out these Indian like We done to IPKF but once we complete the job You know What we will do to you (remember R Paramadasa Last time ) because We need to give back to you what you gave at Nanthi Kaddal on 19th may 2009 .

  4. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    “As a firm, unashamed supporter of Patriotic Sinhala Nationalists, I find the response of Mr. Bernard Wijeyesingha Totally Unacceptable, Unpatriotic, will be a fast-track to shed blood!”

    My My Prof Hudson McLean thou protestest too much. If my comment had not even a shred of evidence, maybe even completely baseless you sure spent a good deal of time protesting this. what are you defending? a mirage? a lie that will go nowhere or is there some truth to what I may be saying that you have to place your accusations at the very top of your article?
    If my comment was based on wild speculations why even bother? because you know some part of it just may be true.

  5. Senevirath Says:

    this bridge is very dangerous and we are helping Indians to come to this country in millions . don’t even think of this this country should be named as ”’sinhale ”’how can we call us sri lankans if we are Sinhalese one time it was sinhale —– sinhale muslims sinhale tamils etc

  6. SA Kumar Says:

    Why not make Tamil Nadu the Tamil Eeelam and leave SL alone . Is it not the logical solution.- NO
    dingiri bandara

    We are Hela Demilaya not Thamilar ,We are Eelath Thamilar specking mother tank Thamil.
    NEP is our birth place no will touch if We will fight to the end !!!!

    can you just image if some one want you to move to other Village/town , will you move from your birth place ???

    Two Nation one country lived last 2,600 years & will live for another 2,500 years more to come …

    Why this kolaveri, kolaveri mate….

  7. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    SA Kumar; There are MORE Tamils in Kannada, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala than in Sri Lanka. The Madras Presidency united the ENTIRE DRAVIDIAN SOUTH including parts of Odisha and other states. Most of those languages ORIGINATED From Tamil, Karnataka’s classic dance is MYSORE BHARATANATYAM”. It is not even a separate dance form like Kathakali of Kerala or Oddissi of Odisha or Kathak of Manipuri, or Mohiniattam, Krisna attam, Kuchipudi etc. Yet NONE of those states even consider Tamil as a second language. Why should Colombo for a much smaller number of Tamils who have not played a central role in the history of Sri Lanka except as a stepping stone for Elam?

  8. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    It is not even a separate dance form like Kathakali of Kerala or Oddissi of Odisha or Kathak OR Manipuri, or Mohiniattam, Krisna attam, Kuchipudi etc. Yet NONE of those states even consider Tamil as a second language. Why should Colombo for a much smaller number of Tamils who have not played a central role in the history of Sri Lanka except as a stepping stone for Elam?

    English has played a significant role in modern day Sri Lanka. If there is going to be another official language other than Sinhalese that would unite Tamils and Sinhalese it would be English NOT Tamil.

  9. anura seneviratna Says:

    Even to think about 2 nations within the Indigenous Sovereign Hela/Sinhela Island Country of Heladiv tantamount to the greatest national crime in human history. When blatantly self evident fact of the existence of Tamil Nadu (Tamil country) and numerous Muslim countries is crystal clear; the settler communities within the Hela/Sinhela country are demanding illegal rights due to the creation of artificial Sri Lankan nation where the format is division of communities without unifying. Settler communities being born in a host country makes it their birth place but NEVER THE LAND OF THEIR INDIGENOUS SOVEREIGN NATIONAL COUNTRY TO DEMAND THE RIGHT OF NATIONHOOD!

  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    Who pushes India ?

  11. Fran Diaz Says:

    India is divided into many small States through language.

    Just make sure that does NOT happen in Sri Lanka.

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    It has ALREADY happened to SL!!

    Go to north and see its TAMIL ONLY.

    Go to BATTICALOA and its TAMIL ONLY.

    Go to some parts of TRINCO, BATTI and AMPARA. They are MUSLIM ONLY.

    Colombo city is Tamil-Muslim ONLY.

    Nuwara Eliya Maskeliya is TAMIL ONLY.

  13. anura seneviratna Says:

    India is not one country like SL but a subcontinent. Different language in the Indian subcontinent stems from a different nation of people who are indigenous and have the right to demand separate nationhood and country. In SL, only the Sovereign Sinhela Nation should be upheld.

  14. Fran Diaz Says:



    Things can change overnight. Lanka is a small place, especially the North

  15. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:



  16. Independent Says:

    On a serious note, we had the opportunity to get rid of these language issues on the 20th May 2009, if we had a Sinhala Buddhist leader.

  17. Ratanapala Says:

    It is sad to see people talk of Tamil Eelam as a distinct area with definite boundaries. One has only to look at Eelam maps and see how they have continue to get bigger in proportion to the ever imaginative racist mind of the Tamils.

    The 1980 Tamil Eelam stamp issued by the Eelamist then differs considerably from the one that is depicted now. The lesson for Sinhala idiots is that this indefinite border which has moved relentlessly southward in a pincer move to encircle the Sinhala Buddhist will continue to advance even after giving the 2015 Eelam.

    First it will be border wars on lines similar to Mahaweli Oya – wrongly called Mavil Aru. There will be unending water wars half heartedly or not defended at all by the traitors in the South. This will continue to happen till 2015 Eelam merges with Malaya Nadu in the centre of the Island and possession of the head waters of Mahaveli Ganga. Do I need to go on?

    Read my earlier posts – What if Sirisena Wins Part I, II and II – under Categories: Ratanapala

    The capitulation geographic, political and physical ( kallathoni invasion to fill us personal space) will continue. Even Golu Muhuda will not be there for the Sinhalese. Sinhalese will end up as house servants of the Vellalas and the Muslims! and Sri Lanka a vassal state of India administered by Tamil Nadu!

    Present Sri Lanka administration under United Christian Party aka UNP will do the midwife work to deliver the Eelam child.

    Siri Lakata Jesu saha Allah deviyange Pihitai!

  18. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Ratanapala: this caught my eye

    “Sinhalese will end up as house servants of the Vellalas and the Muslims! and Sri Lanka a vassal state of India administered by Tamil Nadu!”

    Now that is a common joke among Indian commenters about Sri Lanka to me. My answer is “why bother the real desire of Indians is to exterminate the Sinhalese. the UNHRC will do nothing and Modi will laugh. the genocide of the Sinhalese would become a comedy act on Indian tv


    Professor Hudson Mc. Lean Correction. It is Mervin Percival Rajapaksa And NOT Mahinda Percy Rajapaksa.

  20. RohanJay Says:

    @lankaputhra the shortened form of Percival or Parsifal is Percy. Just like Short for James is Jimmy or William is Bill. What’s your point, we may not appreciate that we don’t agree with everything with what the prof says in fact I agree with most with what the prof has said. I think some of the Sri Lankans on this forum don’t like the idea of a white Brit having pretty decent grasp of Sri Lankan politics and history. I personally don’t agree with everything that is being said by him, but I cannot fault most of Prof Hudson McClean’s reasoning. Neither can I fault his excellent command of the English language. Which is excellent. It is clear he is some one who has had a very good classical education at least that’s what comes through from his writing.
    Also for your lankaputhra information Percival or Parsifal was name after an Arthurian knight and his quest for the Holy Grail. Richard Wagner(nasty white German racist but much loved composer) even wrote an opera called Parsifal.
    So lankaputhra think before you write, in trying to correct the Prof who is a highly educated man he knows what he is writing about. Like I said I don’t agree with everything the Prof says but most of his reasoning is sound to me.
    Yes Mahinda Rajapaksha middle name is named after a white Arthurian knight in search of the holy grail that white racist Richard Wagner wrote an opera about. So there lankaputhra!!!

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