Aerial Photographs of the massive rally in Nugegoda on Wednesday-මහින්ද වෙනුවෙන් නුගේගොඩ දෙගොඩතලා ගිය මහා ජන සන්නිපාතයේ ගුවනින් ගත් පින්තූර වීඩියෝ මෙන්න…
Posted on February 18th, 2015
lanka C news

Rajapaksa told a rally of tens of thousands of supporters urging him to return that he is unable to ignore their wishes. Rajapaksa was defeated by former ally Maithripala Sirisena in the January 8 election.
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in a message to those who attended the massive rally in Nugegoda on Wednesday said that what the country was experiencing today was not a defeat but the outcome of the conspiracy against the country. This is clear when you consider the two-thirds majority of the Opposition in parliament. I challenge the opponents of the country to state that they had obtained a great victory with their heads straight. I emphasise to them that enjoying the benefits of a shrewd agenda is not a victory,” he said.
Meanwhile, speaking at the rally, National Freedom Front (NFF) leader Wimal Weerawansa said they called on the people who were disgusted by voting for the ‘Swan’ to come forward to make Mahinda Rajapaksa the prime minister to save the country from the clutches of the Western forces. The creation of a federal government is imminent in the country and the unitary state of the country is in danger under the present government. We must make Mahinda Rajapaksa the prime minister to save the country. We will go to every city with this national struggle to achieve that goal,’ he told some thousands of supporters. Due to the rally, the roads passing through Nugegoda junction were closed for few hours, as the thousands of supporters filled the roads. The rally was organised to promote former president Mahinda Rajapaksa as the UPFA prime ministerial candidate at the next general elections. Mr. Weerawansa said what existed the country today was not a national government but Ranil’s government, where Maithripala Sirisena was president in name only. If this is Sirisena’s government why are SLFPers being attacked and transferred? This is not a Sirisena government,” he said. He said that for country to be properly governed and developed, Mahinda Rajapaksa should be made the prime minister, adding that he did not lose and would never be defeated. Mr. Weerawansa said the government had deceived the government servants by promising to increase their salaries by Rs. 10 000 but had failed to do so while reducing the prices of inessential items even though they had promised to reduce the prices of essential items. No one will be able to stop this peoples’ force by mudslinging campaigns and insults. Mahinda Rajapaksa is living in Medamulana. He has no place to live in Colombo. He did not earn property but he earned people. people have lost faith in the government in 30 days how will things be after the next 40 days?” he asked. Mr. Weerawansa said the government was making false allegations against the previous government regarding corruption but had not been able to prove any of them. Where are the helicopters, Lamborghinis and golden horses they spoke of? They keep on saying my wife would be arrested but they have not even taken a statement from her,” he said. Pivithuru Hela Urumaya leader Western Provincial Councillor Udaya Gammanpila said it was the day when Provincial Councilor Azath Salley would leave politics as he had promised to do so if 5000 people came to the rally. Mr. Gammanpila said a separatist agenda was in operation under the pretext of 100 day programme and said they had predicted before the election that if Maithri won it would be the victory of the LTTE. He said that they pressed the government to accept that the LTTE was raising its head again. Mr. Gammanpila said the country which was rescued from the LTTE were being looted by the Western forces and the LTTE was raising its head again and requested Mahinda Rajapaksa to return to politics to protect the country.
February 18th, 2015 at 5:11 pm
February 18th, 2015 at 7:16 pm
පිට රටක ඉන්න නිසා රැලිය බලන්න පුළුවන් වුනේ අද (19 දා) පත්තර වලින්. මහා ජනකායක් පැමිණ සිටි බව පින්තුරවලින් දැකලා අතිශය සන්තෝෂයට පත්වුණා. විමල්, දිනේෂ්, ගම්මන්පිල වැනි අනාගත නායකයින් අපට ලොකු ආඩම්බරයක් සහ ශක්තියක්. ඔබ හැමට ජයවේවා. අපි ඔබ සමගයි.
February 18th, 2015 at 9:24 pm
Who is Azad Saly? A pimp and a traitor with no vote base anywhere in this country.He is a stooge of the west. He is a Jihadist sympathizer and a separatist. We will chase these thieves very soon and bring back our one and only leader my President Mahinda Rajapksa back to power.
Thanks Wimal,Dinesh,Wasu,Gamampila for taking up this stand you took without fear.Long Live the new chapter in Mahinda Chintanaya. Jayawewa!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Liar Azad Saly should resign as promised or stop lying anymore. Cowards!!!!!!!!!!!
February 18th, 2015 at 10:21 pm
You could be my valued friend who penned exquisite Sinhala poems at both Defencewire and SriLankaDefenceForum.
Unfortunately, “Fukumar Thutmoses” now dubbed “Ado Yakko Facebook Lorenzo” by me, also knows everything I know about you and your beautiful Kaviyas. Even though he is a relative NOVICE in Internet hacking, he does not have to be the “War-Games Expert” without “portfolios” that he has declared himself to be, to easily extract your poems from the Archives of SriLankaDefenceForum and present them here under a new LankaWeb handle as “Piyadigama”.
Both of us are very aware of the DIRTY TRICKS played by the Eelamists in the past. Therefore, before I accept you as my old friend, let me ask you to verify your identity by sending me an email on this subject, mentioning the Piyadigama LankaWeb blog handle and your old blog handle at SriLankaDefenceForum, from the SAME email address that you used under your old blogging handle. OK?
As you well know, even in those days, Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo was characterized by his EXTREME VIEWS which if adopted, would have brought Sri Lanka and its Patriotic Government into INTERNATIONAL DISREPUTE. As you know, these proposals were resisted by me and several others. As you aware, those views included white-vanning of opponents without prosecution in the courts, ethnic-cleansing, using EXTREME weaponry without regard to civilian casualties, and many other DEVIOUS methods … all in the name of Patriotism. He has CONTINUED to ADVOCATE those strategies, adding to it the engineering of a coup-de-etat by the military against the MR/UPFA GOSL, altough recently in his support of Yahapalanaya he has become the quintessential CHAMPION “Human Rights”, “Democracy” and “Anti-Corruption”, which is why I call him a DIABOLICAL EELAMIST HYPOCRITE! I have resisted HIS EXTREME PROPOSALS before he started on his Yahapalanaya drive at LankaWeb as well, for in my view NO END JUSTIFIES CRIMINAL MEANS.
After having DONE HIS VERY BEST to UNDERMINE & OUST the MR/UPFA GOSL from power, Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo is NOW continuing to execute a complex KOLAM dance here with an entire TEAM of AVATARS in tow, to MISLEAD & DIRECT Patriots over a CLIFF that would DESTROY Sri Lanka and ENABLE the CREATION of an EELAM. His favorite ploy to drag Patriots into the net is that he would support MR again if he REPEALS the 13A! Should we TRUST this SNAKE AGAIN, I ask, and fall into the same deep pit in mid-day that we fell into in the pitch darkness of mid-night?
Judging ALL of his POST-WAR ACTIVITIES I have CONCLUDED that he was an EELAMIST all along, a MOLE who BURROWED DEEP INTO THE FABRIC OF THE PATRIOTIC COMMUNITY, to EMERGE at the CRITICAL MOMENT to STAB THEM IN THE BACK. OAOAsithri, whom you know well, has also come to the same conclusion.
The OUSTER of MR was a SEVERE SETBACK for Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Economic Growth that now threatens to CREATE an EELAM in Sri Lanka and RESTORE the Sri Lankan Anti-National and Foreign Neo-Colonial Forces attempting to DIVIDE & ENSLAVE Sri Lanka. “Facebook” Lorenzo has been helping that effort to the BEST of his ability, and is now trying hard to ensure that an MR-led UPFA does not emerge VICTORIOUS in the upcoming General Elections to rescue our Motherland from the grip of its ENEMIES …. AGAIN.
When Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo’s AVATARS are found out and banished with their SHEEPSKIN cloaks trailing in the dust, NEW AVATARS are inserted into LankaWeb trying various ALTERNATIVE TACTICS to CONTINUE the program to mislead and misdirect patriots ahead of the CRITICAL upcoming General Election. As in the past, he uses his BAND of AVATARS to shore up his arguments and carry on debates with them in a MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY consisting solely of he, himself, his creations, and his lapdog followers. This is a strategy we have seen him REPEATEDLY deploy in the past as well.
In a moment of MISGUIDED EGOTISTICAL BOASTFUL BRAVADO, that is characteristic of him, Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo has COMPLETELY DISCREDITED himself by ADMITTING and TAKING CREDIT at LankaWeb for the BAG OF DIRTY TRICKS he used to DISCREDIT & UNDERMINE MR in the Presidential Election.
If you are trying to “Rehabilitate” Lorenzo in my eyes … please be aware that it is an ABSOLUTELY WASTED effort. I do not make such DECISIONS LIGHTLY and WITHOUT CAUSE; but when I do, it is VERY UNLIKELY that I will change my mind. ONCE BITTEN; TWICE SHY!
February 18th, 2015 at 10:29 pm
Azath Sally is a pimp and rogue who is behind the Jihadist operation. He should resign from politics as challanged without bogus reasons such as the Nugegoda rally on 18th was racist etc. Let alone it be Racist as could be, what complain he has, this is Hela Buddhist Land for that matter.
We cant be mixed with geri hambayaas! he better remember it, if not fuck off to saudi arabia or face the consequenses! Give back the Kuragala and Devanagala, if not Azath Sally’s family will be fucked including mother.
Ranil also must fuck off to West, you have no rights to be here, save your ass!
February 18th, 2015 at 10:37 pm
I am NO FAN of Udaya Gammanpila who collaborated with other JHU leaders to OUST President Mahinda Rajapaksa, but WHAT HE SAYS BELOW is ABSOLUTELY TRUE!
Our Motherland is in MORTAL DANGER of DISINEGRATION & RE-ENSLAVED by Western Nations!
“Mr. Gammanpila said a separatist agenda was in operation under the pretext of 100 day programme and said they had predicted before the election that if Maithri won it would be the victory of the LTTE. He said that they pressed the government to accept that the LTTE was raising its head again. Mr. Gammanpila said the country which was rescued from the LTTE were being looted by the Western forces and the LTTE was raising its head again and requested Mahinda Rajapaksa to return to politics to protect the country.”
February 18th, 2015 at 11:14 pm
Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo” Piously Proclaims ….
“Untruthfulness comes as naturally to a Tamil as mother’s milk “. – William Sabonadiere, 1866”
BULLSHIT! This is a Racist Comment against Tamils with which Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo hopes to REVIVE his TATTERED credentials as a PATRIOT! Tamils are NO LESS or NO MORE untruthful than other people! This is plainly ANOTHER EXAMPLE of his DEVIOUS EXTREMIST STRATEGIES … to curry favor with LankaWeb readers thinking they are as RACIST and AS DEVIOUS as HE IS!
February 18th, 2015 at 11:31 pm
Tamils are NO LESS or NO MORE untruthful than other people! – Thank you Ananada-USA
Leave me Eelamist day dream a side agreed with you Mother Lanka with very bad people ( RW, CBK, MS) hand now
February 19th, 2015 at 1:47 am
Namaste ““Untruthfulness comes as naturally to a Tamil as mother’s milk “. – William Sabonadiere, 1866”. This statement comes from a coffee planter of Ceylon who had Indian colonial parasite coolies. This is not a racist comment by any standard but a statement of fact. Anandda are you one who say that Indian colonial parasites who are exactly the same as 70 million or so Tamils in the world are different. Indians have told the world that Tamils in the island arrived 2500 years ago. How long the “Americans have been in the USA? I thank Lorenzo for his comments what ever is his background. My experience with Indians all over the world add credit to William Sabonadiere, 1866. Jai Hind
February 19th, 2015 at 4:12 am
Indian & We-Hela Demilaya are not same people My Sinhala Sakodaraya !!!
I have same anger/sadness (my blod is boiling) as you have because Indian flag is flying in Jalpanam not your Lion flag or our Koddiya flag !!!
This statement comes from a coffee planter of Ceylon – what else statement one can expect from Master for his slaves .
February 19th, 2015 at 6:52 am
Namaste; Demalayas in Ceylon are the only people in the world who claim they have lived away in another country separated by the Sea for 2600 years but have the same characters of the seventy million across the sea. They are the super humans something that the English are not. Almost all the Tamils I know have come to the island after the British and to work for them. Tamils in Kenya, Guyana. South Africa, Mauritius, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India are the same and I have not seen any difference between them. Jai Hind
February 19th, 2015 at 7:05 am
Namaste: “This statement comes from a coffee planter of Ceylon – what else statement one can expect from Master for his slaves”. This is another blatant lie propagated by Tamils and other Indians. Indians were not slaves of the British, they were partners of the British. Slave trade was banned in Britain by the time British started recruiting Indian administrators, Sepoys and Coolies. Mohandas Karamchand was not a slave of the British, he was an administrator and a Sepoy. The second British Empire in North America was built by the British with African slaves. Indians were never the slaves of the British. Jai Hind
February 19th, 2015 at 8:51 am
RANJIT !! This bugger wont stop telling lies and misleading the People by DECEPTION.
February 19th, 2015 at 4:22 pm
The sacrifices made by MR and the Rajapakse immediate family on behalf of Sri Lanka in her hour of need will NEVER be forgotten. Some nutty, inhuman people want us to do so – weird minds of these people should get psychiatric treatment. They are quite ill.
No government anywhere is perfect. We have to make do with the best people at any given time. MR & his GoSL did us proud, with some flaws which lends the human touch to the whole episode. No misdeeds have been proved. So the whole ugly accusations etc was done for regime change and Westward Ho ! Couldn’t it have been done without so much agony for the poor Sinhala masses & the MR Family ?
February 19th, 2015 at 9:18 pm
so you never meet any Jalpana or maddakilappu Tamilan in your life , it is very sad please take Jaldevi to Japanaya next time in mother Lanka at least to task a panaghn godda , it is realy worth !
We both community are kallaththonis as Engligh/ French man in Canada. can you ask them to go to England or France ?
so live with it like live last 2,600 since Eelara(Eela Raja)/ Dudugamu (Thudda Kaimunu) according toour history Mahavamsa(m)
Why this kolaveri ,kolaveri machan(g) !!!
February 19th, 2015 at 9:40 pm
Moderator- where is my engineering calculations to prove there was only 50,000 people ?
Moderator – We don’t entertain party political propaganda and publish ludicrous head counting method using photographs on Lankaweb. Please try Tamilnet for that purpose
February 20th, 2015 at 2:44 am
Dear Moderator,
None of the political parties brought up that issue, it has not much value anyway – I don’t support any party.
I don’t associate with Tamilnet or any other net (මෙය බොහොම හිත අමාරුකරන කතාවක් ඔබතුමාට හිතක් පපුවක් තිබේයයි මම හිතමි. ඔබතුමාගේ කොන් දේසි පැදිලිව කියන්න පුලුවන් නම් මම ඒ අනුව ලියන්නම්. ඔබ්තුමා ආනන් ද කියන පුද්ගලයා ගේ කේලාම් අසා මෙසේ කිරීම් ගැන මට බොහොම කනගාටුයි.).
I have use the crowd loading of 4-5 kPa to assume a figure of 0.25 m2 per person.
I have given a simple estimate based on scientifically proven method based on the area shown on photos. Why is it ludicrous ? If so many buildings would collapse under crowd loading.
It was 100% scientific.