Tamil Tiger Supportive TNA Dismayed By UN Report Delay? An Eye Opener For the Administration Not to Grant Too Many Concessions!
Posted on February 18th, 2015

Insight By Sunil Kumar, 

Feb.17th, 2015
The external report which suggests that Sri Lankan Tamils are dismayed over a delay in the UN probe report is a clear indication of ingratitude on their part  towards being free of the vicious clutches of the Tamil Tigers and their megalomaniac leader Velupillai Prabhakaran who had little concern for their well being as opposed to his own!
Bearing in mind that there are Tamils in Sri Lanka today who owe their very existences, their present livelihoods and the freedoms they enjoy, to the Armed Forces under the Administration of former President Mahinda Rajapalsa and their emancipation from the vicious mendacities of the Prabhakaran terrorists who had them in a stranglehold they truly are an ungrateful lot indeed 
In all probabilities this is a direct result of the TNA egging them on.
Having at times openly and other times surreptitiously supported the LTTE and having had the good fortune not to be barred from entering the political arena in Sri Lanka by virtue of their support for the terrorist outfit which now appears to be an oversight by the previous Administration and perhaps a grave one which could cost the Nation in the future, particularly if it  means granting an inadvertent platform for the resurgence of the Eelamists.
It comes as no surprise that Sri Lanka’s main Tamil political party the TNA who  incidenrally many believe have no entitlements to political rights in Sri Lanka have expressed dismay at the decision taken by the Human Rights Council in Geneva to postpone the submission of a report based on an investigation over the war in Sri Lanka.
Despite The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) pushing for the report to be submitted as scheduled next month and having said it will seek a meeting with the council to discuss the latest developments they seemed to be rather blinkered by their demands as there are many factors towards their chagrin relative to an investigative report, the foremost being their support for the Tamil Tiger terrorists during their failed campaign and their continued push towards Eelam which needs no rocket science to infer.They could be culpable for their part in many of the LTTE crimes against humanity and are a dangerous lot in the absence of the LTTE who need to be watched very closely as the reprisals for neglecting this could be dire for the Sinhala nation!The HR  council on Monday agreed to a request by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein to postpone the report till September in order to give the new government of Sri Lanka time to address concerns over the war between Tamil Tiger rebels and the military which ended in May 2009.

TNA Legislator Suresh Premachandran  has indicated to the global media that the decision to postpone the report will be a setback to resolve the” Tamil issue” in the island.\ where the so called “Tamil Issue” appears to be categorically a push by the secession minded TNA towards fortifying their resources and readying for another overwhelming attempt towards  their objectives and something the Government needs to stem with every available means to prevent this quite apart from the time taken to put together  a response to the UNHCR questionnaire which in a relative sense is worthless as the Government was acting very legitimately to defend Sovereignity and territorial Integrity regardless of the lies and innuendo presented by those finger pointing at the measures taken by the then Government.

Although the rhetoric emanating from the TNA camp suggests that “The TNA will discuss this matter and seek a meeting with the council soon to raise our concerns. If some countries have backed this postponement then it is totally unacceptable. This is going to be a setback to resolve the Tamil issue in the country. Unfortunately justice has been delayed,”as Premachandran of the TNA has said,  it is also seems indicative of a setback towards their ultimate goal of secession where time could be of the essence in a political climate  which appears to be somewhat circumspect in Sri lanka today!.

The UN Human Rights Council however said that the postponement of the report till September will be a “one time only” delay and the push for accountability will remain. Something which the Government of Sri Lanka  as well as the previous one has always maintained is an internal matter which needs no UN involvement.

TNA Leader R. Sampanthan  has said that he hoped the decision to delay the report would be a one time only delay and it will give time to the government to use the technical skills of the UN to conduct its domestic probe which sounds like an inveterate lack of knowkledge relative to the issue ( what UN technical skills is he talking about in an internal matter concerning Sovereign Sri Lanka with a Sinhala majority) where the TNA could end up being incarcerated for their part in the LTTE terror conflict in their effort to hurry up proceedings.!

Technically there should be no concerns about how long the delay takes as the end result will in all probabilities be the same  and inconclusive as Sri Lanka addresses cardinal issues that were displaced by the Tamil Tiger terrorist inslaught which brought so much destruction to life, limb and property in Sri Lanka.
The Tamils realistically have had their justice set in place by the Rajapaksa Administration and it is now upto the present one to assure continuity without the interference of the TNA who will most assuredly continue to attempt ursurping the process of justice in Sri Lanka as they have done throughout their existence with a little help from friends around the globe.

2 Responses to “Tamil Tiger Supportive TNA Dismayed By UN Report Delay? An Eye Opener For the Administration Not to Grant Too Many Concessions!”

  1. Christie Says:

    Namaste: This is the best example that Indian imperialists are behind all these. The West like US are pawns of Indian Imperialists. Jai Hind

  2. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Certainly agree!
    Has history not proved through the actions of Indira and Rajive Gandhi and the rest of the Indian politicos who depended heavily on Tamil Nadu votes and pandered to their rhetoric as well as overstep their metes and bounds as far as Sri Lanka was concerned in several attempts to intimidate?
    Maybe its time Parliament initiated legislation to revoke and overturn the Sirimavo- Shastri pact and repatriate all the imported labour to send them back to where they came from.
    And there is every likelihood that the Sirisena Administration with his comrades Ranil and Chandrika could end up dancing to the Modi Nagasalam which could pose all kinds of headaches for Mother Lanka!
    Already The Muslims in the North have pledged alliance with the TNA which is another danger sign the Government should be wary of!!
    Furthermore Pakistan has been a true ally of Sri Lanka but never India whose affinities at the best of times appear bogus! The question needs to be asked “who virtually created the LTTE and plied them with all the necessary support?” and the answer to this needs no rocket science!
    It was perhaps poetic justice that the LTTE eventually bit the hand that fed them.

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