Mad Dogs Howl at the Full Moon, but the Moon Does Not Fall.
Posted on February 21st, 2015

Prof. Hudson McLean

As said before, the Sri Lanka Soap Opera continues with intrigue, suspense, revenge, manipulation, sniping, more like a good Alfred Hitchcock thriller.

The plot revolves around political greed to hang-on to ill-gotten power. The way RW connived to reach Buckingham Palace in Colombo, aka Temple Trees, using CBK (who enjoyed ‘knifing’ the ex President MR in his foot), the Tamils, Muslims, some Christians, deserves credit for strategic planning.

Mission Accomplished” abeit temporarily, but holding-onto the Temple Trees is another matter.

At the forthcoming elections, without the support of the  President Maithreepala Sirisena, Ranil Wickremesingha and his UNP would have a hard time retaining his drive to Temple Trees.

The supporters of MR will give a hard time to any other potential candidate, irrespective of the Party, for the title of Prime Minister.

The question is, how will My3 play his cards this time?

My3 should give very careful serious consideration to this dilemma.

If My3 tries a ‘Game Changer’ by blocking MR as a potential SLFP candidate, and if MR fights within the SLFP, then it is most likely that RW might crawl or slide through.

The key to this conundrum is that the SLFP should now force a legality to claim that the change of Prime Minister, Chief Justice, Governor of Central Bank, as questionable in Court, and enforce judgement. It is better for My3 to reach an internal agreement rather that face a legal judgment, which might cause severe loss-of-face, in his Presidential capacity.


Any threats to prevent MR from facing the democratic process, might create public protests, a potential crisis situation, which might allow LTTE Tigers to take advantage of.

Changing of the military officers, (without even informing the Prime Minister), gives some flexibility to My3, and a positive sign.  However the Sri Lankan military has proven many a time that, the military is not really interested in a major coup-d’-etat, forcing a Military take-over.

The only Coup-d’-Etat as I recall was headed by late Rear Admiral Royce de Mel of Ceylon Navy, and his army brother Maurice de Mel, supported by late Senator Edmund Cooray, Chairman of Browns Group.

The UK government sent Sir Dingle Foot, brother of Michael Foot (Lab) to lead the Prosecution and Chief Justice HNG Fernando Presided, if my memory serves correct.

That was to dislodge Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike, which failed due to a slip-of-the-tongue by a lady over-the-top with a large Gin & Tonic, at a Colombo (7) Seven cocktail reception.


To address a few points:

Independent: I do admit that, I did let go a few times, some criticism of MR. A fact of life in Freedom of Speech.

To punish me with a Lifetime prison confinement is not fair.

Yes Sir, I am from a long line of Scottish Catholics.

 Arcadius: I am not a ‘mouth-piece’ for MR.

However, I do have the highest regard for the destruction of LTTE Tamil Terrorism, by MR, in collaboration with General Sarath Fonseka and Gothabaya Rajapaksa – Secretary of Defense.

 Lokubanda: Thank you Sir!

 Senevirath: It was a simple suggestion that Sri Lanka might consider a Name Change by Referendum.

 Mr. Bernard Wijeyesingha: I disregard your ‘rattle”.

Empty vessels make the biggest noise!

Your ‘gutter’ language has great potential for improvement, including some degree of Internet Etiquette, typing in Bold-Caps.

 Ananda-USA: Sir, With respect, if you do not wish to read any of my contributions, you are free to by-pass.

However you have no right whatsoever to decide on the  preferences of the general readership.

It is the prerogative of the Moderator of LankaWeb to decide on the content.  I have no affiliation with the Moderator or the Management of LankaWeb.

 RohanJay:  Thank you Sir.

 General Note: LankaWeb Forum has contributed to Sri Lanka and the Citizens, positively, as an Independent Platform to exchange opinions, and has succeeded over a long period. As I have stated, LankaWeb is read in many countries by both Sri Lanka expatriates, as well as country residents.

Contributors have expressed with Polite Civility, irrespective of their political differences, or domicile or nationality. I do hope they will continue to do so.

As a matter of principle, I do not engage in any email or any other dialogue.

However, occasionally, I might consider some response to comments, if the Moderator permits!


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5 Responses to “Mad Dogs Howl at the Full Moon, but the Moon Does Not Fall.”

  1. Senevirath Says:

    from 1990s I have been writing about this name change. not only me there were thousands we Sinhalese are ashamed not to have a country by our name . thank u for y r suggestion though u are not a Sinhalese u can understand
    ananda thinks that it will create more trouble . we had enough troubles and we eradicated that this is the way to do that /.

  2. Independent Says:

    Dear Prof,

    Before you wrote those few anti-Mahinda words no one even questioned your nationality and religion. Everyone loved you.

    Now it suddenly has become important and some fools even go further. Why ?
    This is called “RACISM” , Sir. UGLY racism.

    I believe 99% Sinhalese Buddhists are not RACISTS. But that 1% crept into becoming big Balu Sinhayas after the war victory. I call it DOG BRIGADE , Sir. It has nothing to do with Mahinda but DOGs need a human to lead, Sir. I am sure you understand.

    My ancestral home was only 100 m away from late Rear Admiral Royce de Mel . There was a minister “Ratnayake” as his neighbour. We were kids those days.

  3. Christie Says:

    Namaste: what is next in the island is decided by Indian interests. Indian imperialists are cunning, shrewd and ruthless. They have killed their PMs and tried to kill another; Indira is not one of them. It is possible 100 days may become 200 days and lead to killings among the non Indians of the island. Sobithaya has indicated this and if it is the same Sobitha who was a Favourite of the Main Street Indian merchants it is highly likely the Sirisena outfit will drag on. Some or other they will try and create trouble among the non-Indians and let non Indians kill each other in a large scale. Most of the killers will be Indians who are fluent in Sinhala as JVP did. Jai Hind

  4. Christie Says:

    Namaste: What Indian imperialists want is a Parliament where one party will have not a two third majority as India got its Kankani Chandrika and Coolie Sirisena. Jai Hind.

  5. GamiGreenGlobe Says:

    Prof. Hudson McLean, I think this time people will vote MR, the Nugegoda Man, irrespective of SLFP | UPFA or UNP as solidarity votes to create a healthy democracy with much needed counter power to resist the give away .. MR will be the only gracious way out for MY3 as he had hoppers with MR the day before his nomination as the common opposition candidate by back stabbing the integrity ..

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