The birth and rise of the Nugegoda Man
Posted on February 21st, 2015

H. L. D. Mahindapala

The message that came out – loud and clear – from the Nugegoda rally is unambiguous : a new political man has risen with a new consciousness to change the political landscape. He is also bent on changing the mistake he made in the last presidential election. Like the Balangoda Man, our prehistoric ancestor, the Nugegoda Man represents a type, a pathfinder. He can be counted as the new force of the nation. The Nugegoda Man represents the critical mass that will impact in the  coming electoral contests. He is the future.

Second, it means that Ranil Wickremesinghe’s days as Prime Minister are numbered. Nugegoda represent a clear shift of power from CBK-Ranil-Sirisena bloc to that of Mahinda Rajapakse. What  the My3” did secretly, behind the back of Mahinda Rajapakse, the Nugegoda Man did it openly on February 18 : undercut the power of the CBK-Wickremesinghe-Sirisena combination. The Nugegoda wave is now unstoppable. Only three kinds of maneuvers can stop Mahinda Rajapakse: 1.the legal maneuvers of the blundering government  to debar him from contesting can hold him back, temporarily though; 2. Sirisena-CBK-Nimal Siripala de Silva get together to do a cut-throat kuth-thu and 3. CIA-style operation to harm  him physically.

Third, the birth of the Nugegoda Man will have significant consequences. The Nugegoda Man represents the majority coming together in a formidable formation. Its force will be felt in the coming general election where the majority will have a decisive  impact in determining the composition of the next Parliament. .

Fourth,  the CBK-Wickremesinghe-Sirisena combination has nothing new to give the electorate in the coming  election. They have exhausted all their promises in the Presidential election and the electorate now knows that their promises had not contributed substantially to their existential condition. In fact, they are beginning to feel that the presence of the pro-West, pro-Indian My-3 Pala-naya” poses an  existential threat to their future.

Fifth, the role of  the minorities will not have an over-determining impact in the parliamentary election as they did in the  presidential election. Electoral demographics do not add up like the way it did in the presidential election. In  parliamentary elections the Nugegoda Man will play a dominant role reducing the minorities to the margins.

Sixth, the spontaneous flow of the people to Nugegoda confirms that Mahinda Rajapakse has had only a brief set back. It represents a resurgence that I have never seen before in electoral politics – and I’ve been  in the thick of politics from  the time I  joined Lake House as a cub reporter in 1954. I’ve seen leaders going up and down like dizzy riders in a rollercoaster. But no one in living memory has done the miracle of bouncing back within such a short span of time.

The miracle is not in bouncing back but in the speed with which he had shot into a formidable position. As far as I can recollect no other defeated candidate ever rose to political heights of popularity, on a massive wave of grass root energy, within 40 days as Mahinda Rajapakse. This  is only the beginning. It is possible to visualize this  trend turning into a tsunami by the time the general election takes place in July.

Leaders discarded at elections do come back but always after a considerable lapse of time when the incumbent government has tired the voters with incompetence, corruption and failures to deliver. No one has  come up within days of being defeated. The show of strength at Nugegoda questions whether Rajapaksa was ever defeated. Technically, yes, in a psephological sense. But not as a political force. He is still out  there, with enough clout, to whack the Ranil-led government for a six.

Wickremesinghe has never been a match to him and never will be. Mahinda Rajapakse’s charisma/nationalist fervor is etched indelibly in the psyche of the nation. It is overpowering enough to overcome his short-comings. He has only to give the word and then a whole new political wave will burst out from the restrained shores to sweep the nation.

Mark you, the Mahinda Rajapakse wave has risen at the height of a massive media and government  propaganda campaign hitting him and his family with the kind of accusations that would have crushed any other lesser figure. The flood of  masses that submerged Nugegoda indicate that the anti- Mahinda Rajapakse propaganda has flowed over  the electorate like water on a duck’s back. What is more, the resurgent Mahinda wave leapt to  new heights without the backing of the SLFP. Though some dissident SLFPers broke rank and joined the Nugegoda rally the SLFP did not  throw its full weight behind the pioneering Dinesh-Wimal-Vasu leadership.

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka heightened the drama of the day by pausing repeatedly to let the groundswells of thunderous applause subside as he read Mahinda Rajapakse’s message. It was, indeed, in line with the  best of political theatre. It is the only time I’ve seen a great political drama of Shakespeare’s Hamletian magnitude succeed without the Prince on the stage. In other words, the voters have dismissed the accusations against Mahinda Rajapakse as some irrelevant muck that has no bearing on their political judgment.

The rise of the Nugegoda Man means that there are deeper and bigger issues than the details of personal lives of the Rajapakse family. Overnight the  electoral dynamics have changed. It means that Mahinda Rajapakse is identified with the most deep-rooted forces that make or break leaders of the nation. This explains why it took a combination of 47 diverse parties to defeat him. If you throw in the Indian RAW, the American CIA and the Western NGOs it adds up 50.  And even then he lost only a by a slender margin.

These unfolding events took me back to the second election  campaign in April 1960, after the fall of Dudley Senanayake’s Short Parliament that lasted only for 33 days. He recommended dissolution and Sir. Oliver Goonetilleke, the Governor-General called for a new election. I was embedded with Dudley Senanayake as the Lake House correspondent to cover his entire election campaign. He set out for the first election campaign from Woodlands”, Borella  in January and formed a minority government. The second one was launched from the Mirigama  residence of his close confidant and friend, Arthur Amaratunga.

Before setting  out on the first day of electioneering he was  pacing up and down the front  verandah of the house after breakfast. He was somewhat apprehensive and nervous. After what seemed like a long silence he turned to me and said: I can fight a living woman but not  a dead man!” With his experience  of winning the election on the emotional wave of his  father’s death in the fifties he was referring to the similar emotional wave on which Mrs. Bandaranaike was riding high in the second election campaign. He was, however, banking on the report  of the commission on corruption which had named leading SLFPers like C. A. S. Marikkar and  Moonekulame among others. He hammered the  theme of corruption exhaustively in his campaign but it didn’t cut any ice. The mood of the nation was preoccupied with the magic of the Bandaranaike legacy. He lost in July and Mrs. Bandaranaike became the first women prime  minister of the world.

The parallel between  1960 July election and the coming July election is obvious. Though there will be many parties in the fray it will be essentially a contest between Wickremesinghe and Mahinda Rajapakse in the south, if he decides to come forward, that is.  Oddly enough, both will be fighting on two different narratives of the legacy of Mahinda Rajapakse and the Nugegogda rally has already given the answer to the narrative that has won.

The mood and the issues of the forthcoming election will be entirely different from that  of the presidential election.  The new  Rajapaksa vs. Wickremesinghe contest is going to be a whole  new ball game with a whole new set of issues. Besides, by the time the voters go to the polls in July, the 100-day regime of Wickremesinghe would have lost its fizz. Already the fizz of the of the mini-budget has evaporated and the voters can’t be baited by another package of goodies which they know now will not impact on their hip pocket nerve.

Besides, there are no signs of the promised Yaha-pala-naya” dawning at the end of 100-days. The goal of creating the ideal country” (Manifesto) is receding every day. The failures of the 100-days will be a sitting  duck for the Nugegoda Man to  turn away from CBK-Wickremesinghe-Sirisena combination. Their bungling, incompetence, internal fratricide, corruption, nepotism and the anti-national polices to reverse history will, most  likely, bring the votes back to Mahinda Rajapakse. The massive gathering at Nugegoda represents an exodus of  Biblical  proportions running away from the promised land of CBK-Wickremesinghe-Sirisena. .

Furthermore, all the  ha-ho about overthrowing the Mahinda legacy – from the Colombo Port City to other major  infrastructure development programmes – has proved to be nothing  but hot air. The ballyhoo about corruption charges – the main plank – is no longer a winning card for the CBK-Wickremesinghe-Sirisena camp. The ad-men behind the Presidential campaign focused, in a timely move, on the theme of CHANGE ( when-a-suck ). The change” has come and gone without yielding the expected impact. The people are still living in  essence in the Mahinda era with a few minor changes in the political ambience.

Of course, it was possible, under the prevailing political conditions, to hold out promises of a new world on January 8, 2015. But that mood has changed rapidly. The My-3” of CBK-Wickremesinghe-Sirisena now has to go before the voters to defend the record that  promised a Yaha-pala-naya”. Other than muck-raking nothing substantial has been achieved, nor are they likely to achieve in the remaining days to make a dramatic impact on the electorate.

The”My-3” tactic so far has been to demonize  the Rajapakses. Has it created a sympathy wave for the Rajapakses? Was the Nugegoda wave to get back Rajapakse an act of public guilt? The failure of the Yaha-pala-naya” to deliver its  promises will be the biggest liability in the coming  election. Besides, the Nugegoda Man has experienced the promised when-a-suck and he feels that he is still running on the highways and byways built by Mahinda Rajapakse.

As for the promised new world nothing tangible has  changed. It is the same old same old. The President has appointed his close relatives to key posts. Wickremesinghe has made similar appointment with his cronies. Even the holier-than-thou Wijedasa Rajapakse has appointed one of his kind to his ministry. A man facing charges of money laundering (Rs. 300 million) is the Finance Minister. Sirisena who promised never to abuse his powers committed the worst offence by exercising arbitrarily Presidential powers that  he didn’t have to remove the Chief Justice. He did that knowing that he was breaking the law – the law which he upheld when he acted to remove the former Chief Justice, Shirani Bandaranayake..

Worst of all, the  Paskaralingams, and Mahendrans have returned, from  their exile, to fiddle with the economy under Wickremesinghe’s patronage. Why? Aren’t there enough qualified Sri Lankans to manage the economy? As these exiles did the last time when Wickremesinghe was Prime Minister, they will fly out on the eve of the next election leaving  the economy in a mess. On top of all this, the old LTTE brigade, led by Charles Gnankone, one of  the brothers who ran the shipping lines for the LTTE, has returned to reverse the historical gains also with the blessings of their patron, Wickremesinghe. Is this  Yaha-pala-naya” or Yaka-gay-pala-naya”, eh?

Anyway, nothing that has happened so far has strengthened Wickremesinghe’s political  base. The prevailing political scenario is  somewhat bizarre. The average man and the SLFPers are in quandary : they elected a SLFP President in a SLFP Parliament which  – hang  on! – has been  hijacked by an unelected prime minister of the UNP who has no mandate/majority to occupy the eighth seat in the front row of the government benches which is reserved for the president. This topsy-turvy situation is not only farcical but thrown the political equilibrium into a dysfunctional bullock  cart.

The administration Wickremesinghe  runs is no better. For instance, in the critical area of education Wickremesinghe has appointed Kabir as Minster of Higher Education over the more competent and experienced academic, Prof. Rajiva Wijesingha.  Kabir is poking his fingers in an area about which he knows nothing. His only qualification seems to be his excellent ability to follow instructions given by Wickremesinghe. Result : Higher Education is running  like a cart drawn by three-headed donkeys, all running  in different directions.

The corruption, favouritism, incompetence and  the reign  of mediocrities ruining  tertiary education has been exposed by Alahan K. Alaharatna in The Colombo Telegraph (February 17, 2015). It is a shocking expose of Jaffna University Vice-Chancellor, a fake with fraudulent credentials, running a lawless University with her favourites recruited not on merit but on personal loyalty.

All signs indicate that Wickremesinghe is out  of  his  depth. He wants to a run a one-man show, according to his own ministers.  Wickremesinghe’s shenanigans have  not won the hearts and minds of Nugegoda Man. This is not surprising, According to Prof. Rajiva Wijesingha the  President has told him that he had handed over the making of appointments and the running  of the administration to his two favourites : Chandrika Bandaranaike, an unelected political apparatchik who is behind the Sirisena throne and Ranil Wickremesinghe – two peas that failed to sprout in the same rotten pod. Their solutions to the problems  they face so far have been to recall all the discards who had failed when they were president or prime minister earlier.

With every passing  day it looks as if the nation is veering away from its historical roots into an alien path which  is bound to have a serious consequences. Wickremesinghe’s obsession to micro-manage every detail in all the ministries is due partly his paranoia and partly his ambition  to consolidate his position by keeping  his rivals out of the prime ministerial chair. He thinks he  has found an escape  route  to stay in power without a majority in the parliament. His  formula is to turn the parliament  into a national government. But he has been a failure because he could never manage his own  party. How is  he going to manage all parties in parliament to agree with him on his hare-brained  schemes?

But, of course, there is a method in his madness. His idea of forming a national government is to secure  his position as prime minister, He is aiming to be the  prime minister without a mandate from  the people. Since he has  no viable formula to rise onhis own  steam he has come up with his self-serving idea of hanging on to  the premiership by preserving the status quo which he describes as national government”. His national government  is not intended to put any other elected leader with a legitimate majority in parliament as the prime minister.  His idea is to manipulate the President Sirisena and CBK and keep the SLFP contenders as far away as possible from his seat.

SLFPers are shrewd enough to see through the sneaky ways of Wickremesinghe. Both Maithripala Sirisena and Mahinda Rajapakse are committed SLFPers capable of rising over their personal rivalries and sink their differences for the sake of  the party. Their rivalry  will only ensure the victory of their traditional opponents. It’s time that SLFPers heeded Mahinda Rajapakse’s advice and agree to go along with known devil than the failed Wickremesinghe — the devil in angel’s clothing.

34 Responses to “The birth and rise of the Nugegoda Man”

  1. SenaD Says:

    HLDM, you said:
    “The Nugegoda wave is now unstoppable. Only three kinds of maneuvers can stop Mahinda Rajapakse: 1.the legal maneuvers of the blundering government to debar him from contesting can hold him back, temporarily though; 2. Sirisena-CBK-Nimal Siripala de Silva get together to do a cut-throat kuth-thu and 3. CIA-style operation to harm him physically.”

    You have missed out a 4th, viz.

    4. CIA-style operation to harm the president MS physically; that would make RW the president.

  2. Lorenzo Says:


    What if BOTH My3 and RW are physically harmed.

    Then Chamal R becomes president.

    Think ————–> Act

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    So called CIAA aggression MUST be matched by EQUALLy aggressive counter action.

    Otherwise you are DOOMED.

  4. Podda Says:

    Sena, your 4th point is a possibility and we cannot stop it happening. At least can we give lot of publicity to such an event, to warn (or give adequate notice to) the public about this scenario. Then the conspirators will think twice.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    Yamapalana Sudiya!

    Lankawata Harima Deyak Siduwuna,
    Seemawak Nathuwa Pathuruna.
    Raja Wennata Sithapu Landa,
    Sudiya Nisa Moda Wuna,
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?

    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?
    Gilla Neda Yahapalanaya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Kiyannako Attha Aney,
    Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanaya?
    Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanayaaa ….?


    No one is talking about the This Disgraceful Traitor, PUNK THE ELECTION COMMISSIONER Mahinda Deshapriya a MUSLIM. Item 3. is possible if MR is forced by supporters to contest for the Premiership. ONLY MR CAN CALL FOR A RECOUNT! He must ask for a recount of Killinochchi. Once a result is recorded and found that extra ballots, underage ballots and dead man ballots were in the ballots counted, then a request to replace the election Commissioner should lodged with the Supreme Court with a reference to Former C.J. Sarathe N. De Silva’s statement that this government is an illegal entity. Then Sarath N. Silva and the speaker should invite MR to be the care taker government until Ranil W, CBK and Managala Samaraweers is arrested and charged with TREASON.

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    Bravo! H.L.D. Mahindapala …. an Inspired Foretelling of Events to yet Unfold!

    In other words, the voters have dismissed the accusations against Mahinda Rajapakse as some irrelevant muck that has no bearing on their political judgment.”

    “The rise of the Nugegoda Man means that there are deeper and bigger issues than the details of personal lives of the Rajapakse family. Overnight the electoral dynamics have changed.”

    “The Nugegoda Man represents the majority coming together in a formidable formation. Its force will be felt in the coming general election where the majority will have a decisive impact in determining the composition of the next Parliament.”

    “It means that Mahinda Rajapakse is identified with the most deep-rooted forces that make or break leaders of the nation.”

    “With every passing day it looks as if the nation is veering away from its historical roots into an alien path which is bound to have a serious consequences.”

    INDEED….this is ONLY THE BEGINNING! Jayawewa Sri Lanka!

  8. Geeth Says:

    “…a new political man has risen with a new consciousness to change the political landscape. He is also bent on changing the mistake he made in the last presidential election. Like the Balangoda Man, our prehistoric ancestor, the Nugegoda Man represents a type, a pathfinder. He can be counted as the new force of the nation. The Nugegoda Man represents the critical mass that will impact in the coming electoral contests. He is the future.

    Beautiful and poetic symbolism in politics!

    Your point is very serious and a valid point to take into notice by concerned parties. That kind of operation/tragedy can be organized and executed by an external force as well.

  9. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    I firmly believe that a formidable team of Lawyers should get together, to challenge the legality of the Prime Minister holding office in breach of the SRI LANKAN constitution. The Lawyers should not be hesitant, thinking that the Judges would be biased, and play into the hands of the present regime. Most unlikely, as it would be akin to the Judiciary, looking up and spitting. Let us not wait until Mohammed come to the Mountain. Let us take the Mountain to Mohammed. Lets do it. Let us veer away from a Defensive position to a formidable Offensive. That is where we will witness the crackling of the bones of the present regime as a whole, and not isolated to the position of the Prime Minister only.

    With a BIG BOUQUET to the team of organizers, who made the NUGEGODA JAMBOREE a spectacular event, let us not leave them behind to ponder what next, but keep pushing on what has to be done, has to be done. The Ocean plates have moved in an unfathomable way from NUGEGODA, and a Tsunami is in the making. The ripples are forming, and is spreading all over Sri Lanka. It is non stoppable. Let it wash the Mud-Slingers to their doom, in the political wilderness.

    Ex-CJ Sarath N Silva should be put to the Vanguard to spearhead, Storming the Bastion. I have a lot of faith in him. People of Sri Lanka await your assent to continue the Jamboree to GOLAN HEIGHTS.

  10. lokubanda Says:

    Mr. HLDM, In your last para you say: ‘Both Maithripala Sirisena and Mahinda Rajapakse are committed SLFPers capable of rising over their personal rivalries and sink their differences for the sake of the party’. Great if this really happens, but I have doubts. The way I see things is: (1) My3 was persuaded to contest the presidency by CBK & Ranil, and MY3 back-stabbed Mahinda in the process (2) Having won the election, My3 & Ranil are now dependent on each other for their own survival and therefore (3) My3’s loyalties are now with Ranil. (4) A split in the SLFP is advantageous to Ranil, and therefore to MY3 too, at least in the short-term. If Ranil entered the ‘house’ via the ‘back door’ (which is true), then MY3 got in through the ‘chimney’. Looks like there will be a day very soon when people will see the soot all over MY3 for facilitating Ranil in his endeavour, and MY3 will not be able to clean himself even if he drowns in milk!

  11. S.Gonsal Says:

    “Both Maithripala Sirisena and Mahinda Rajapakse are committed SLFPers capable of rising over their personal rivalries and sink their differences for the sake of the party. ”

    This is a statement of utmost importance. I think all commentators who still love Mahinda should stop “Ayoo Sirisena” and work towards this.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    The REGIME CHANGE artistes will now GO INTO HIGH GEAR with their KOLAM dances to MISLEAD, MISDIRECT and UNDERMINE the EMERGING PATRIOTIC TSUNAMI to RECOVER our dear Motherland from the grasp of her ENEMIES!

    Embala Sinhalayeni !

    Sathurange Dushta Kriya Kalapayata Rawatenna Epa!

    Apey WEERA Mahinda Rajapaksa Janadhipathi Thuma athulu Sri Lanka Nidahas Pakshayata Sathurangen Rata Beraganeemata Obey Uparima Sahaya Denu, Sanvidhanaya Wemu!

    Ratna Deepa, Janma Bhumi,
    Lanka Deepa, Vijaya Bhumi.
    Mey Apey Udaara Wu,
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi !
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi !

    Aaadi Sinhaley, Aey Apey Veera Meemuthun Layin,
    Saara Wu, Udaara Wu,
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi !
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi !

    Jayawewa … Sri Lanka … Maaniyeni!

  13. ranjit Says:

    HLDM wonderful article but if someone can translate it in to Sinhalese is far more better because more can read and we too can print and distribute among our friends and foes who don’t have the ability to read in lankaweb.

    Nugegoda man is the correct answer to this evil American backed Govt of Ranil and his corrupted cronies. Tears were pouring in my eyes when Wimal was giving his staggering speech. It was terrific. You cannot compare Wimal to anyone. He is a crowd puller and a fearless character whom we can depend on to fight for the truth and to save our Motherland from local and foreign traitors.

    Now the people of this land except Tamils & Muslims have realized their mistake by giving their vote to MY3. These two groups have a different agenda and they get their support from abroad specially from the Americans and the Indians. They have one thing in their mind and that is how to get their dreamland. They are getting closer to their goal because of this current Govt in power. This is a Govt which came to power by force. They hijacked it from the previous Govt. People have come to know and realized their evil plans already and calling for a change again and we saw it on 18th at Nugegoda. It was a massive movement which will spread in to other cities and towns to explain to the people the danger we will have to face if this un patriotic slaves of Americans Govern the country beyond 100 days.

    Nugegoda man was the beginning just to show the strength of an invincible man who will create history in a few days time. I hope no harm will come to this gutsy lion who liberated our homeland and people with both hands accept him to lead us again for a better and peaceful future.

  14. Christie Says:

    Namaste: The writer very well know Indian imperialists are behind the political maneuvers in the island even before the arrival of Mohandas Karamchand Gangdhi in 1927 whose visit was one of them. As you know the Third Eye (known to the world as RAW or Research & Analysis Wing) the most secretive and ruthless intelligence service in the world is capable in magic. Mahinda is no match when it is the Indian imperialists who made him win in 2005 and loose in 2015. Jai Hind.

  15. Christie Says:

    Namaste: What Indian imperialists want is a Parliament where one party will have not a two third majority as India got its Kankani Chandrika and Coolie Sirisena. Jai Hind.

  16. Sarath W Says:


    Your 4th point, CIA-style operation to harm Sirisena physically …
    This it a possibility as those who financed MY3 must have realised that MY3 regrates his mistake and is a burden to Ranil. They know it is impossible for Ranil to win the next election because of the Nugegoda man will win it. So the only way for Ranil to be in power is to get rid of MY3. If Nimal Siripala has any brains, he should bring a no confidence motion against Ranil and take over the premiership until the next election.

  17. SA Kumar Says:

    Your 4th point, CIA-style operation to harm Sirisena physically …

    Please give us same time to celebration our new counties NPC- Saiva TE & EPC -Muslim TE independence !!!

  18. Asanga Says:


    (You have missed out a 4th, viz. 4. CIA-style operation to harm the president MS physically; that would make RW the president)

    Well said! Its like John Perkins says in his book , if the Economic Hitmen are not successful in satisfying the needs of the ‘Empire’, the ‘Jackals’ step in! The Jackals are defined in his book as

    “If we falter, a more malicious form of hit man, the jackal, steps to the plate. And if the jackal fails, then the job falls to the military… Jackals are men who trace their heritage directly to those earlier empires. The jackals are always there, lurking in the shadows. When they emerge, heads of state are overthrown or die in violent “accidents.” (Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman)

  19. Geeth Says:

    Senad, Podda and Asanga,
    A suspicious mind is suspicious of everything. The suspicion goes not only for Ranil, but also toward MR because, from my3’s point of view, both are not trustworthy. May be that is the reason why he changed some people in security establishment. But who is most suspicious for My3, MR or Ranil?

    To My3’s calculations, danger comes from both sides. Making suspicious person a prime minister or vise president is a constitutional hara-kiri according to US and SL constitution. (In US you have vise president instead of prime minister) That is what happened to John F. Kennedy. The danger of the worst is the reason why Obama cannot deliver his ‘yes we can.’ That is the exact reason why Premadasa appointed Dingiri Banda as his prime minister.

    But what My3 must think is the history of each choice he have. MR is almost nearing to retire. Ranil is just beginning. MR’s manipulations are limited to national level. Ranil’s manipulations go into international level and even into secretive political black holes. There is a big international force behind him whose interests in Indian Ocean and Sri Lanka can be achieved instantly if they can bring Ranil into presidency. SO My3 must calculate that way. Yes there is a possibility of existing this type of strike plan- and it might come from elsewhere, not necessarily from within.

    Finally, My3 must think of the history of Ranil and MR. How Ranil bounced into the top of UNP. How his seniors died paving the way him to reach there? What secret service was behind assassinations of Premadasa, Lalith and Gamini? If there is any international connection existing to use Ranil, isn’t current situation is their last chance?

    So My3 must trust MR.

  20. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    NUGEGODA MAN. Yes, akin to Winston Churchill. Sir WC was not known by a Party name. He was the cynosure of all eyes, and was just known as WINSTON CHURCHILL. His name was, what mattered.

    Even the SLFP Chairmanship was taken by the back stabber, for his Glory, and His Glory alone. For MR, it was Hobson’s choice. It turned out to be a cloud with a GOLDEN LINING. I personally do not see any sense, in MR trying to hang on to the SLFP. SLFP now is a tainted Party, with all the malignant viruses, TNA JHU, JVP, MC etc. He should go as the NUGEGODA MAN, with a TWO WORD, new Party name. MR does not need any of these Political Circus Clowns. The faster MR enters the ring, the better for him. He won his first Bout, Heavy Weight ofcourse, with great Sri Lankan admiration.



    Your next grand bout is with the 13th amendment. COME INTO THE RING AND SMASH IT UP. IT, SURE WOULD SOLVE O*U*R* HOMELAND PROBLEM, and many other stagnant problems.

  21. Fran Diaz Says:

    HLD ! Fine piece here. The Nugegoda Man will be as important as the Balangoda Man !
    Don’t forgot it’s not just US/India backing but also Brit/EU/Cath church & other churches backing vs masses of Lanka. The power for these groups come from the Famous Brit Empire Plan of Divide & Rule … Attack on MR was part of the ugly and deceitful Plan.

    I agree with Ranjith. A group of strong and concerned Lawyers ought to take Sir Ranil to courts for his illegal govt. What we had in Lanka was a Presidential Election not an entire change of govt done illegally against the Constitution.

    Looking at the Constitution as a lay person, we question why it was that the 6-A has NEVER been put into action ? The Cold War which may have been reason for that finished in 1991. Lanka cannot afford to get involved in imaginary new Cold Wars – that is not our objective in life. Our objective in life (as in Buddhism, Hinduism & Christianity, etc) ought to be far more deep and profound.

    For us at the present time, we are with our backs against the wall and the Divide & Rule times of the Brits are over, forever ! The price we are asked to pay is too high i.e. The permanent division of Lanka and the destruction (as opposed to Evolution) of our culture and heritage. Now it is One for All, and All for One ! One Lanka, for all those committed to peace only.

    Note : Oil deals are as bad as IMF deals !

  22. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  23. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Thank you with acollades for your mind stirring article indeed Mr HLDM.
    So very precisely composed towards the awareness of many blinkered Sri Lankans and hopefully jar them to their senses about the folly of their wasted effort to recussitate deadbeats of the past as a result of the Presidential Election outcome who could easily pose a threat to the well being of Sri Lanka from many perspectives.
    It certainly merits a Sinhala translation for the masses to fully comprehend as its in their hands that the future of the Nation surely depends towards posterity.
    The’ Nugegoda Man’ if it is indeed part of his destiny should rise again as a Phoenix from the ashes to complete his task of redemption of the Sinhala Nation from the oppressions created by her enemies

  24. Fran Diaz Says:

    Curious to know what Oil Deals entail. Since IMF deals are more obvious, We the People would like to know Oil Deals too.

    Can anyone enlighten us ?

  25. Fran Diaz Says:

    Here are new developments from Westward Ho !, now that the new IMF deal is through. Why spend on lobbying in America with new IMF deal in place !

    These is the big time stuff We the People should be aware of.


    New Govt ends US lobbying contracts
    February 21, 2015 10:36 am
    From: Adaderana

    In a sign of improving relations with the U.S., Sri Lanka has terminated lobbying contracts worth tens of thousands of dollars a month that the previous government had signed to help it win friends in Washington amid war crimes allegations, the nation’s ambassador says.

    The investment in lobbyists to foster political and economic ties had gathered steam last summer, in the dying months of the administration of then-President Mahinda Rajapaksa, but with little apparent benefit, as Sri Lanka’s international isolation deepened over its refusal to credibly probe civilian deaths during the civil war that ended 2009.

    But political change inside Sri Lanka itself has done the trick. There has been a turnaround in the U.S. relationship after new President Maithripala Sirisena won Jan. 8 elections and promised democratic reforms and accountability for human rights violations.

    Sirisena was elected in large part because of public dismay over the rising cost of living on the South Asian island, where the monthly per capita GDP is about $540. Rajapaksa was also widely criticized for nepotism and alleged government corruption.

    Washington-based lobbying groups are often hired by foreign governments to help win the ear of U.S. officials, lawmakers, media and other opinion-makers. Justice Department online records show Sri Lanka signed eight contracts with such groups from 2014, with monthly fees ranging from $5,000 to $75,000.

    “The new government does not see a reason or requirement to have lobbying groups at this juncture,” Sri Lankan Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam told The Associated Press on Friday. “To my knowledge, all those contracts have been terminated since the election of the new government.”

    Vinoda Basnayake of Nelson Mullins Riley and Scarborough LLP said soon after the election, the embassy informed his company that its $35,000 monthly contract was not being extended. Nelson Mullins was one of several groups hired to serve Sajin De Vass Gunawardena, a lawmaker who had advised Rajapaksa on foreign affairs. Basnayake said its fees for the last quarter had been paid in advance.

    But Connie Mack, executive vice-president of Levick Strategic Communications LLC, said its client, Sri Lanka’s central bank — whose chief has been replaced by the new government — was three months or $180,000 in arrears on payments for the contract it terminated Jan. 28. Mack said he planned to meet with the Sri Lankan ambassador soon to discuss the issue.

    Kariyawasam, a career diplomat who became ambassador last July, told the AP he did not know if any payments to lobbyists were outstanding because he did not sign any of the contracts.

    The Obama administration is keen to improve relations with Sri Lanka, which forged closer ties with China under Rajapaksa. The island lies off the coast of southeastern India, on sea lanes linking East Asia and the Middle East.

    New Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera visited Washington this month, winning U.S. support for a delay in the publication of a U.N. investigation into the war. The report is politically sensitive in Sri Lanka because it could implicate elements of the nation’s military that crushed the resistance of ethnic Tamil rebels. – The Associated Press

  26. Ananda-USA Says:

    I agree with Susantha …. MR should AVOID MS like a PLAGUE … and take CONTROL of the SLFP/UPFA at the Next General Election!

    Only CONGENITAL IDIOTS & REGIME CHANGE PROPAGANDISTS who supported MS against MR in the Presidential Election STILL want MR to TRUST MS!!

    Who would TRUST MS, the BACK-STABBER, while the knife he used STILL PROTRUDING from our BACK? Any TAKERS??

    TRAITORS & REGIME CHANGE artistes offering MORE DESTRUCTIVE ADVICE to complete their MISSION of helping Foreign Powers and Ant-Nationalists SUPPRESS & ENSLAVE our Motherland! Bah!

  27. Indrajith Says:


    නුගේගොඩ කැරැල්ල

    මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ යළි බලයට පත් කිරීම සඳහා නුගේගොඩ දී පසුගියදා පැවැති අති සාර්ථක ජන රැලිය රැස්‌වීමකට වඩා කැරැල්ලකි. එම කැරැල්ලේ නියම නායකයා මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ වුව ද එළියට පෙනෙන්නට සිටියේ උදය, විමල්, දිනේෂ්, වාසුදේව වැනි දේශපාලනඥයෝ ය. මෙබඳු කැරලි මෙහෙයවීමට නායකයා සජීවී ව පෙනී සිටීම අත්‍යවශ්‍ය නැත. අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ ඔහුගේ නාම මාත්‍රික පැවැත්ම පමණි. මහින්ද යළි රටේ නායකයා කරවනු පිණිස පැවැති නුගේගොඩ රැලියට පන්ලක්‍ෂයක්‌ හෝ ඊට ආසන්න පිරිසක්‌ යන අතර තංගල්ලේ කාල්ටන් නිවසේ දී ඔහු හමුවීම පිණිස තවත් දහස්‌ ගණනක්‌ පෝලිම් ගැසුනහ. මෙයින් පැහැදිලි වූයේ මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ යනු ශ්‍රීලනිපය සහ එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සන්ධානය යන දේශපාලන සංවිධාන දෙකෙන් පරිබාහිර ජනප්‍රිය ඒකකයක්‌ බව ය. මහින්ද ජනාධිපතිවරණයෙන් පරදින්නේ එම ජනප්‍රියත්වය ඔහුගේම අය විසින් අනුභව කිරීමේ ප්‍රතිඵලයක්‌ වශයෙනි. ඒ අතර ජ්‍යෙdතිෂ් ශාස්‌ත්‍රඥයන්ගේ වුවමනාවට හෝ ස්‌වකීය ඥති වර්ගයාගේ වුවමනාවට හෝ විදේශික කුමන්ත්‍රණකරුවන්ගේ වුවමනාවට හෝ ඉක්‌මන් මැතිවරණයක්‌ කැඳවා ඔහු විශාල අනුවණකමක්‌ කළේ ය. එහෙත් නුගේගොඩ කැරැල්ල දෙස බලන විට පෙනී යන්නේ මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ තීරණාත්මක සංකල්පයක්‌ ලෙස තවදුරටත් මේ රටේ ජනතාවගේ හදවත් තුළ ජීවත් වන බව ය. මීළඟ ඡන්දයේදී මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා අගමැති අපේක්‍ෂක කරන ලෙස ජනාධිපති මෛත්‍රීට බල කිරීම නුගේගොඩ රැලියේදී සිදු විය. මෛත්‍රී ජනාධිපතිතුමා ඒ ඉල්ලීමට කන් දුන්නොත් ඇතැම් විට ඊළඟ මහ මැතිවරණයෙන් පසු ශ්‍රීලනිප ජනපති සහ ශ්‍රීලනිප අගමැති එක්‌ව රට පාලනය කරනු නැවත වරක්‌ දැක ගැනීමට ද අපට ඉඩ ලැබෙනු ඇත.

    මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතා ජනාධිපති ධුරයට පත් කිරීමට බලපෑ සමහර ඡන්ද මීළඟ මහ මැතිවරණයේදී ශ්‍රීලනිපයට හෝ එජාපයට නො ලැබෙන බව ස්‌ථිරය. එයට හේතුව එම ඡන්ද දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානයට අයත් ඡන්ද වීම ය. ඒ අනුව එළඹෙන මහ මැතිවරණයෙන් ජය ගැනීමට නම් ශ්‍රීලනිපය මෛත්‍රී සහ මහින්ද දෙදෙනා අතර නොබෙදී ඒකීය දේහයක්‌ ලෙස තිබිය යුතුම ය. නුගේගොඩ කැරැල්ල මගින් ඉතා පැහැදිලි ලෙස පෙන්නුම් කරන ලද්දේ නුදුරු අනාගතයේදී ශ්‍රීලනිපය දෙකඩ වන බව ය. එබන්දක්‌ සිදු වුවහොත් එය මේ නායකයන් දෙදෙනාටම සුවිශාල අපවාදයක්‌ වන්නේ ය.

    මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා සිය අවසාන ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී ලැබූ දේශපාලන පාඩම් විශ්වවිද්‍යාල දහයකින්වත් ලබා ගැනීමට නො හැකි, ඉතා වටිනා ප්‍රායෝගික පාඩම් ය. මේ පාඩම්වලට අදාළ න්‍යායය ඉතා පැරැණි න්‍යායයකි. කුමක්‌ද ඒ න්‍යාය ය? රාජ්‍ය නායකයා පරිහානිගත දේශපාලනඥයන් සහ සාස්‌තරකාරයන් ළංකර ගත යුතු නැති බව ය. කොන්ත්‍රාත්කාරයන්ගෙන් ඈත්ව විසිය යුතු බව ය. ඥාතීන්ට උදව් කිරීමේ දී ඔවුන් සතුටු කරනු පිණිස ආණ්‌ඩුවේ තනතුරු නො දිය යුතු බව ය. ආසියාතික දේශපාලනය යනු ඉතා සංකීර්ණ විෂයයකි. ආසියානුවකු ඡන්දයක්‌ ජය ගත් වහාම ඔහුගේ පමණක්‌ නොව ඔහුගේ බිරින්දැගෙත් හතර වරිගයම ඔහු වටකර ගනී. තම මල්ලිලාට පමණක්‌ නොව බිරිඳගේ මල්ලිලාටත් ඔහු සැලකිය යුතු ය. ඊළඟට ඒ මල්ලිලා සහ අයියලා තවත් අයට සලකන්නට පටන් ගනිති. සියලු කරදර එතැනින් පටන් ගනියි.

    නුගේගොඩ කැරැල්ල වූ කලී පරාජිත දේශපාලන නායකයකු උදෙසා මේ ලංකා ඉතිහාසයේදී එකතු වූ විශාලතම ජන ගඟ විය යුතුය. එය හොඳ පැත්තට ගලා ගොස්‌ කාටවත් කරදරයක්‌ නොවී මහ මුහුදට වැටේවා!

  28. Geeth Says:

    Susantha Wijesinghe,
    Nugegoda man has demonstrated his strength in thunderous effect. You are correct; it is SLFP that needs Nugegoda man rather than other way around. To my opinion, if MR ever decides to leave SLFP, it should be the last option, but that option must be on the table.
    I think before leaving, MR must ask SLFP to declare him as the next Prime Ministerial candidate. And must give an ultimatum to SLFP and My3 to take action.

    If the SLFP doesn’t want to accept MR’s proposal, then he can use all his black swans including firstly, independent lawyers whoever want to challenge the appointment of Ranil as the Prime Minister must go ahead with it.

    But knowing the illegality of the current regime change, Ranil and MS hastily changed the CJ and brought well-known supporter of the elam ideology to head the SC. (Think how they had planed the swearing ceremony with a different Tamil SC judge skipping CJ Mohan.P, knowing that Mohan wouldn’t allow Ranil to swear as PM; So Ranil knew that he was about to violate the constitution before the swearing) Therefore it is doubtful if current current CJ would give a positive verdict.

    At the same time, a veteran MP like Dinesh must bring a no confidence motion against Ranil.

    If the SLFP doesn’t listen at all, then like Bandaranayake did, MR must form a new party to contest next election.

    Yes, since the independence, the biggest political blunder that people of SL have made is voting for a regime change endangering everything. On the other hand, MR also shouldn’t have had a snap election at this point when it was not needed at all.

    And yet again, if regime change tragedy never occurred, Nugegoda Man wouldn’t be born.

    This is true; and Mahinda has acknowledged that mistake.
    මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා සිය අවසාන ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී ලැබූ දේශපාලන පාඩම් විශ්වවිද්‍යාල දහයකින්වත් ලබා ගැනීමට නො හැකි, ඉතා වටිනා ප්‍රායෝගික පාඩම් ය. මේ පාඩම්වලට අදාළ න්‍යායය ඉතා පැරැණි න්‍යායයකි. කුමක්‌ද ඒ න්‍යාය ය? රාජ්‍ය නායකයා පරිහානිගත දේශපාලනඥයන් සහ සාස්‌තරකාරයන් ළංකර ගත යුතු නැති බව ය. කොන්ත්‍රාත්කාරයන්ගෙන් ඈත්ව විසිය යුතු බව ය.

    However, There is no need MR to trust My3, but MS has no other option but to trust MR and bring him back as prime minister. He also must be very careful to keep suspicious espionage agents who pretending to be supporters/patriots’ at arm’s length to prevent irreparable sabotage.

  29. Ananda-USA Says:


    Terribly Sorry if my LANGUAGE got too convoluted in the second part of my statement, to wit:

    “I agree with Susantha that MR should AVOID MS like a PLAGUE, BUT disagree with Susantha in that MR should take CONTROL of the SLFP/UPFA NOW by OUSTING MS from the Party Leadership, EMERGE as PM at the Next General Election!”

    What I meant was:

    1. I agree with Susantha that MR should AVOID MS like a PLAGUE, and

    2. I disagree with Susantha that a new party should be created by MR. Instead, MR should to take CONTROL of the SLFP/UPFA NOW by OUSTING MS from the Party Leadership, and EMERGE as PM at the Next General Election.

    You want MR to create a NEW political party, while I would like him to WREST BACK control of the EXISTING SLFP from MS, and lead it to Victory in the next General Election.

    This should be done with minimal splitting of the SLFP, because the the General Election is TOO CLOSE now to repair any damage caused by a significant split of the SLFP.

  30. Ananda-USA Says:


    I hope I have CLARIFIED my stand to your satisfaction.

    It was I, NOT YOU, who wants MR to take control of the SLFP/UPFA from MS and contest the General Election as the SLFP/UPFA Leader and candidate for the future PM position!

  31. Ananda-USA Says:


    While I, like you, want MS to be restored to the Executive Presidency, how can that be achieved?

    MS can be REPLACED as Executive President by MR by

    1. MR contesting the Presidential Election 6 years from now and defeating MS. That will require a 6 year wait until the NEXT Presidential Elections and preventing elimination of the Executive Presidency in the interim.

    2. IMPEACHING MS and ousting him from the Office of President by Vote of Parliament. That requires a valid and compelling cause for IMPEACHMENT, and (I think) a 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE in Parliament.

    3. MR WRESTING control of the SLFP/UFPA from MS NOW, leading the party to VICTORY in the next General Election, becoming the PRIME MINISTER in Parliament and PREVENT MS from eliminating the Executive Presidency by exercising his leadership in Parliament, and RECAPTURING the Executive Presidency in the Presidential Election 6 years from now.

    Now, there is a POSSIBILITY that to PREVENT Option 3 from being exercised successfully, MS would APPOINT a member of the MINORITY party (say, Ranil from the UNP as he has now) instead of allowing MR to become the PM. In that case, the MAJORITY party (presumably the SLFP) in the Opposition can DEFEAT EVERY BILL that comes up for vote in Parliament, bringing the government to a standstill. If MS continues to allow a hung Parliament in which the bills of his minority government are DEFEATED, that would be SUFFICIENT CAUSE for IMPEACHMENT for FAILURE to PERFORM his DUTIES as Executive President and OUST him from the Executive Presidency.

    What path do you propose to bring MR to the Executive Presidency??

  32. Ananda-USA Says:



    While I, like you, want MR to be restored to the Executive Presidency, how can that be achieved?

    MS can be REPLACED as Executive President by MR by

    1. MR contesting the Presidential Election 6 years from now and defeating MS. That will require a 6 year wait until the NEXT Presidential Elections and preventing elimination of the Executive Presidency in the interim.

    2. IMPEACHING MS and ousting him from the Office of President by Vote of Parliament. That requires a valid and compelling cause for IMPEACHMENT, and (I think) a 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE in Parliament.

    3. MR WRESTING control of the SLFP/UFPA from MS NOW, leading the party to VICTORY in the next General Election, becoming the PRIME MINISTER in Parliament and PREVENT MS from eliminating the Executive Presidency by exercising his leadership in Parliament, and RECAPTURING the Executive Presidency in the Presidential Election 6 years from now.

    Now, there is a POSSIBILITY that to PREVENT Option 3 from being exercised successfully, MS would APPOINT a member of the MINORITY party (say, Ranil from the UNP as he has now) instead of allowing MR to become the PM. In that case, the MAJORITY party (presumably the SLFP) in the Opposition can DEFEAT EVERY BILL that comes up for vote in Parliament, bringing the government to a standstill. If MS continues to allow a hung Parliament in which the bills of his minority government are DEFEATED, that would be SUFFICIENT CAUSE for IMPEACHMENT for FAILURE to PERFORM his DUTIES as Executive President and OUST him from the Executive Presidency.

    What path do you propose to bring MR to the Executive Presidency??

  33. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  34. SA Kumar Says:

    What path do you propose to bring MR to the Executive Presidency?? NO path left over not even bring MR to politic !
    let him enjoy his retirement as he completed his job as Winsdon Churchill .

    let our Present three heads can completed their job to United Mother Lanka for ever.

    I am so confident present these three heads have experience & knowledge !!!

    Sure We all do not want Eelam war V at least for another 100 years time

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