Mahinda’s Long March!
Posted on February 22nd, 2015



What  happened on 18 Feb 2015 at Nugegoda should be the beginning of the  Long March of Mahinda. My mind goes back to similar situations and occasions that took place in history.

One such occasion was when the Nazis were almost at the gates of Moscow in June 1941. Soviet Union was at the brink of defeat and capitulation.  A depressed Marshall Stalin retired to his dacha outside Moscow his own fate in the balance. Although by that time he was a much hated figure in Russia after the 1935-1938 purges, the Russians knew there is no other leader than Stalin who could lead a war against the might of the Third Reich, who had by then invaded the Soviet Union on a 2900 km war front. When the Generals came calling on him Stalin himself feared that he would be arrested for bringing such disaster on the Soviet Union. However that was not to be. They all came with one voice asking him to lead the Soviet Union. Thus commenced the Soviet counter offensive and by April 1945 Red Army was in Berlin and four years and two days to the date of the launching of Operation of Barbarossa, Marshall Stalin held the victory parade in Moscow Red Square.

Earlier elsewhere in China another leader Mao Zedaong took his forces on a long retreat 1934-1935, now famously called the Long March, to escape encirclement by superior forces of the Kuomintang supported by the Western Christian powers.  the 6,000-mile (10,000-km) historic trek of the Chinese communists, which resulted in the relocation of the communist revolutionary base from southeastern to northwestern China and in the emergence of Mao Zedong as the undisputed party leader. Fighting Nationalist forces under Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) throughout their journey, the communist troops crossed 18 mountain ranges and 24 rivers to reach the northwestern province of Shaanxi. The heroism attributed to the Long March inspired many young Chinese to join the Chinese Communist Party during the late 1930s and early 1940s. Finally  on 1 October 1949, at the Gates of Heavenly Peace – Tien An Men Square in Peking Chairman Mao Zedong himself declared the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China.

Mahinda Rajapakse too should recognize importance of the historic meeting organized by the patriotic forces at Nugegoda on 18 Feb 2015 and commence his Long March back to power. For this he must be go around the country from town to town, from village to village to rally back the patriotic Sinhalese to fight off the disaster that is waiting to happen. Politics aside he should know by now whom he can depend on for his political resurrection. This will give him the opportunity to test true friendships and allegiances. Fact of the matter is that votes that Mahinda Rajapakse received in 2011 and 2015 are votes for himself  and his Ranaviruwoes and not for the SLFP per se! The crowds that came to Nugegoda are not an endorsement for a repeat of the old bad ways, but to lead the nation on a reformation. This can only happen with the empowerment of the majority Sinhalese Buddhists who are the bulwark of his constituency.

The massive endorsement at Nugegoda must be repeated many times over around Sri Lanka to gather support.

For this he cannot depend on the self-serving SLFP old guard. They were never with him during war years.  Most of them were on the Un Winnable War platforms” – Sudu Nelum and Thawalama.  They remained with him only to bask in the war winning glory. Lot of them are veritable baggage, dead weight and past their use by  (expiry) date. It is important that he test the faithfulness of those who follow him – especially the old and useless geriatrics of the party –   for  MAHINDA Lakuna is the one that will bring votes!

If he tries to save the SLFP instead of the nation he would be doing an ungrateful and unpatriotic act, for it is the nation that is in danger and not the old SLFP – made up of back stabbers, the uncouth and self serving hangers-on. For a second time over he has no excuse but to serve his vote base first and then the rest.

In Colombo what happened on 8 Janurary 2015 was a classic Putsch” engineered by the Western Christian countries, the Christian Churches, Western NGO hordes, the Racist Tamils abroad, Uncouth Islamists, and their lackeys, and cat’s paws in Sri Lanka.  Earlier they tried without success to bring crowds onto the streets to make it look like another Color Revolution” or one similar to Arab Springs in the Middle East without success. The gullible Sri Lanka voter  took the bait,  hook, line and sinker all in one take.  Thus commenced the Yaha Palanaya with the sweetner  -100 day promise which is turning sour by the day!

On 9 January 2015 the ruling party although still a majority in the parliament capitulated wholesale to the United Christian Party (aka UNP) bullies. Ranil Wickramasinghe the unwinnable leader of the UCP usurped the leadership of the parliament from the Walking Mummy” and appointed a majority Christian Cabinet bringing back memories of another Ngo Dinh Diem regime – this time in Sri Lanka. Some of them are the very grandsons of the failed 1962 Catholic Coup.

They have in a short span of time embarked on trips to Western Nations and India to discuss  crucial Sri Lankan Policy matters with no mandate to do so. These are issues that are left best for a parliament that will be there after the parliamentary elections if the intentions are to implement Yaha Palanaya. The current Foreign Minister  has no mandate to run around the world and compromise national safety by pandering to the Christian West and India. The subjects that he is overturning overnight are things over which thousands of our Ranaviurowoes sacrificed their  life and limbs and the nation suffered through a 30 year war to avert.

As Samurai says

If the Sinhala Buddhists (70% of the population) vote en block they can have their choice as the President. Their vote was badly split at this election. Sizeable numbers of Buddhists voted against Mahinda Rajapakse for no other reason than his apparently incurable weakness for minority appeasing policies.
See article by Dilrook Kannangara on Sinhala Voters are the King Makers and the Ray of Hope for the Defeated”
Inviting the Pope, Canonizing Joseph Vaz as a Saint and recognizing him as an Apostle of Sri Lanka, allowing the multi – culturalizing of Buddhist sites and pilgrim destinations like Sri Pada, Kataragama and Buddhist citadels like Anuradhapura, Dambulla, Mihintale and Mahanuwara (Kandy), allowing new Christian Churches and Mosques to be built in Buddhist holy towns and cities and at a rate totally out of proportion to the numbers of these religious minorities in this country cost the loss of critical numbers of Sinhala Buddhist votes for Rajapakse.”

For Rajapakse to return to power, he must humble and reform himself. The minorities have proven to be un-satisfiable. He must distance himself from the members of his family – wife, children  who have helped  brought the disaster of a Christian Administration – another Dinh Diem regime to this majority Sinhala Buddhist nation. He must distance himself from the Catholic / Christian Church’s influence and most importantly from the Christian / Catholic hierarchy in Sri Lanka. They worked behind the scenes to engineer his downfall from power.

The problems of Sri Lanka are those due to non-recognition of the rights and privileges of the Sinhalese majority and their current inability to assert themselves in the political and economic spheres. There are some who blame Bodu Bala Sena for the ills of the Rajapakse downfall. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Bodu Bala Sena is only a reaction to the step-motherly treatment the Buddhist and Buddha Sasana are receiving at the hands of the powers that be. It is not because of Bodu Bala Sena, that ISIS terrorists are killing, raping and plundering willy nilly in the Middle East. It is because of intolerance  that is ingrained in Islam which is now making itself raising its head in Sri Lanka.

Mahinda Rajapakse need to consolidate his powerbase and rise up like the phoenix from the ashes of 8 Jan 2015. Nugegoda gathering was a meeting of minds of those who voted for him and those who were deceived by the promises of  good governance

Nations eternal gratitude goes out to the Maha Sangha, Dinesh Gunawardana, Wimal Weerawansa Vasudeva Nanayakkara and Udaya Gammanpila for organizing the mammoth rally in Nugegoda.

We wish  a reformed Mahinda Rajapakse,  the Blessings of the Holy Triple Gems to   return to power in the not too distant future and save the Buddhist nation from the usurpers of power. We hope that he will have the energy and strength to complete the Sri Lanka Long March and save the nation from the new Portuguese – that is the United Chistian Party formerly called the UNP.

19 Responses to “Mahinda’s Long March!”

  1. Charles Says:

    This is a very encouraging piece of writing that boosts the defeatist mentality that has set in since the 8th January. Thank you Ratanapala.

    You have reminded us that we are still not lost. There is still hope. We have to depend only on Sinhala Buddhists- the Sinhala Buddhists that made us win a war against a ruthless terrorism. It was not Tamils or Muslims who helped us to achieve that great victory over the terrorist menace.

    We have to encourage BBS and all Buddhist Patriots to form into groups and associations to look after ourselves. Pleasing the Tamils and the Muslims is over. Let us unite as Sinhala Buddhists. Perhaps that is the solution release ourselves from the disaster facing us to day.

  2. douglas Says:

    I heard, being there physically present at Nugegoda on the 18th February, Mr. Dinesh Goonawardane making his speech to the “mammoth” crowd assembled. Comparatively, he made a very impressive presentation.

    Yet, that moment took my memories back to 1960s when his father, Late Mr. Phillip Goonawaradane – the Lion of Boralugoda (Boralugoda Sinhaya) along with his two staunch supporters viz. Late Mr. Mettananda and Prof. W.S. Karunaratne, made a bid to establish a government of the MEP, under his leadership. OH! the “mammoth” crowds that thronged to listen to these three leaders, in every meeting were beyond imaginations. But, “alas”; when the voting results were announced, MEP was “Nowhere”. I hope Mr. Dinesh Goonawardene – the son of that “Boralugoda Sinhaya” and the Leader of that same political party – MEP, will remember that. Good Luck.

  3. Geeth Says:

    Nugegoda movement must be registered, as a new political organization, by the exact name “NUGEGODA MAN”

    Nugegoda Man (NM) must open headquarters and regional offices in the same manner like revolutionary parties do, for example like the way Paris-Commune or the Bolsheviks did. This political activist group, NUGEGODA MAN must be an umbrella for any party member to come and join and work for the cause.

    Some individuals who support the cause of NM must establish a TV channel and a newspaper.
    The activists must canvas and sell papers in every town and village and must establish direct eye-to-eye contact with people.

    All grassroots level SLFP supporters, MEP and JNP even UNP supporters must be called to rally around it. They must call other political party members to join it to repeal 13th and bring permanent peace to the land. Provincial council members and Pradesheeya Sabha members of all parties must be comprehensively briefed of the cause and must be mobilized. Nugegoda Man must work for a political cause and others must be able to see that difference between it and existing political parties.

    Nugegoda man need to establish some means of communication with people in order to counter balance the media monopoly that Ranil clan enjoys now.

    One way to shatter this media field-day is to call for a boycott of major newspapers and news channels that which publish unsubstantiated allegations. MR must have had establish some TV channels and newspapers via some of his friends when he was in power. Regrettably his advisers must have been busy with other things so they have forgotten the essentials of politics in the similar manner that they had neglected many other vital things. But Ranil had his channels and newspapers to cry for his mumbo-jumbo even during climax of MR’s time.

    However this call to boycott newspapers must begin with the Nugegoda man’s regional meetings that are planning to have; and must loudly declare that in the event of inevitable arrival of Nugegoda man back into the saddle, those who published unsubstantiated allegations in electronic and print media will be dealt severely.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:


    You are right in all you say. But we are in 2015 and not in Mao’s or Stalin’s time in history of the world. We do not want to make a sacrificial lamb of Pres MR in the political morass of the present day Lanka.


    We have to bear in mind that British General Elections are going to happen there in April this year, same as in Lanka. PM Cameron said a couple of years ago that ‘most of the troubles in the world today are due to Britain’. He said a great truth. For Lanka, today’s problems are mainly due to Colonisation by the Portuguese (Churche/s) & Britain (Tamil problem).

    New battles are fought through the pen. The Pen is mightier than the Sword. Yes, the Pen and the Vote is what we must count on.

    We have to make sure that the next Election is NOT RIGGED like the last one.

    What are the Priorities for any new govt of Lanka ? We suggest getting rid of the 13-A as the top priority. The 13-A was imposed on JRJ govt under DURESS and therefore null and void in any Court of Law anywhere in the world.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    I really believe that the last election in Lanka was rigged. This was done partly through double voting in Tamil areas and possibly through some arranged computer ‘glitches’ at the Colombo Campus Statstics Dept.

  6. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    In addition to distancing from these elements mentioned in the article a strong alliance with the Buddhist Sanga must be forged… regardless if the world hollers how “undemocratic” it is.

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    Actual date of British General Elections is 7 MAY, 2015.

    Two world wars emanated from Europe. Today, Germany has learnt to balance her Budget and follows President Truman’s ideas in her Constitution. Pres Truman’s Constitution for Germany has many ideas that large and small countries all over the world can follow and avoid disasters.

    How can SE Asia help avert another catastrophe in EU and elsewhere without compromising our own values and laws ?

    Keep State & religion (any religion) apart. Henry VIII did this for Britain and Britain grew only after that.

    There are limits to economic growth. Maslov’s theory shows that after economic growth, self realization is required, or else there is mass trouble.

  8. HelaPutha Says:

    MR must ask his SLFP supporters to press for the no confidence motion and stop Ranil&Co immediately. There is need for a long march.

  9. Independent Says:

    Nugegoda Man’s Wife Arrested . It is the duty of the “mammoth” crowd assembled to make a long march to CID to get here out.

  10. Ananda-USA Says:


    Well Said! Agree with MOST of what you have written!

    ABSOLUTELY ….”The massive endorsement at Nugegoda must be repeated many times over around Sri Lanka to gather support” …. in a SUSTAINED & CONTINUOUS WAY until VICTORY is achieved!

    Its THRUST must FOCUS on the Sinhala Buddhist community …. to bring them together ONCE AGAIN in defence of their Motherland and their People!

    NOTHING can be done to SWAY the Tamils, the Muslims and the Christians …. they have REJECTED KINSHIP with the Sinhala Buddhist community in a VERY CLEAR WAY by collaborating with LOCAL & FOREIGN Anti-National Forces to OUST the MR/UPFA GOSL that Liberated, Reunified and Developed the Nation as NEVER BEFORE, and CANNOT BE RELIED UPON to join hands with the Sinhala Buddhist in this PATRIOTIC effort!

    INDEED … “The minorities have proven to be un-satisfiable” … their Selfish GREED INSATIABLE!

    The Sinhala Buddhist majority MUST HOLD THE POWER & LEAD THE WAY until THEY CHANGE for however long it TAKES to achieve that dream of ONE Indivisible Nation, of ONE Indomitable People sharing ONE Inseparable Destiny, with EVERY CITIZEN irrespective of community having an EQUAL RIGHT to enjoy the benefits of our Motherland, and EQUAL DUTY to love, protect and defend her at all times, without question!

    Granting of those EQUAL RIGHTS in our Motherland must be CONDITIONED on the Discharge of those EQUAL DUTIES towards our Motherland WITHOUT freebies given to Anti-National TRAITORS!

    First and foremost, President Mahinda Rajapaksa should COMMIT to REPEALING the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVING the Provincial Councils, and INSTITUTING a District System of Administration with DISTRICT GOVERNORS (aka GA’s) APPOINTED, and NOT ELECTED, by the GOSL.

    If President Mahinda Rajapaksa DOES THIS, he will go a LONG WAY towards meeting the ASPIRATIONS, and ALLEVIATING THE FEARS, of the Sinhala Buddhist community, and GAINING THEIR UNWAVERING PERMAENT SUPPORT which was eroded by his FAILURE to do so!

    President Mahinda Rajapaksa MUST NOW SEE the damage that is being done to the country’s National Security, its future Territorial Integrity, and National Sovereignty by his FAILURE to REPEAL the 13th Amendment in order to PLACATE India and the West.

    He MUST understand that as a President or Prime Minister he CANNOT FULLY IMPLEMENT the 13th Amendment against the WILL of the Majority of the CITIZENS of Sri Lanka, whatever his own PERSONAL commitments are to Foreign Powers.

    He should also understand that his own survival depends not on those Foreign Powers, but on the UNWAVERING LOVE & SUPPORT for HIM by his OWN PEOPLE. The Nugegoda Man has ASSURED him of that in a Deep Throated Roar!

    Therefore, he MUST TELL the FOREIGN POWERS that he CANNOT act against the will of his own people, and REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVE the Provincial Councils, and REPLACE them with a District System governed by GOSL APPOINTED Governors. Subject these ACTS to CONFIRMATION in a National Referendum to SUPPORT the Action by the President and the Parliament.

    He must also EXPEL corrupt individuals from his future Administration, and rely on Honest people of high skill, knowledge and merit!

    If President Mahinda Rajapaksa PROMISES TO DO THESE things in his RE-ELECTION platform, there NO DOUBT in my mind that he will be ELECTED as Prime Minister, REGAIN the Executive Presidency, and be able to HOLD that position as long as he is both ABLE & WISHES to be President, to LEAD our Motherland to that Grand Vision of becoming the New Wonder of Asia SECOND to NONE!

    Jayawewa … Mahinda Rajapaksa Janadhipathi Thumani!

  11. Charles Says:


    I think a future government should also remove the green and orange bands from the Sri Lanka National Flag.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    THIS IS THE THIN END of THE WEDGE in DISMANTLING Sri Lanka’s Powerful Armed Forces!

    Gotabhaya ACTED UPON suggestions made by a host of PATRIOTS to OFFSET the cost of MAINTAING a LARGE Sri Lanka Defence Force by using them in National Development work such as CONSTRUCTION of Civilian Infrastructure.

    In that way it would be possible to Maintain Battle-Ready Armed Forces to defend the Nation against ANY & ALL LOCAL & FOREIGN enemies. That is CALLED DETERENCE! Now, that Ran Weta DEFENDING our Motherland is being DISMANTLED!

    Next will come AN EXCUSE that the COST of DEFENCE is TOO HIGH, UNSUSTAINABLE and the numbers of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Coast Guard men MUST BE REDUCED to BALANCE the BUDGET! A self-fulfilling Prophecy since the Development Funds used to maintain them was taken away!

    WHO WILL BENEFIT from This?

    The TAMIL Eelamist SEPARATISTS demanding REMOVAL of Army bases in the North, and the emerging Hard-Core MUSLIM SEPARATISTS demanding the “Return of Land to Muslims” in the East … OF COURSE!

    Aiyooooo Sirisenaaaa …. You are WRECKING the DEFENCES of our MOTHERLAND built as such great COST in BLOOD & TREASURE!

    Sri Lankan government directs thousands of soldiers engaged in labor work back to their regiments

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 22, Colombo: The government of Sri Lanka has reassigned close to 18,000 soldiers who were deployed to work on development projects under the former government back to their regiments.

    The former government had deployed around 18,000 military personnel to work in most of its development projects and most of them worked as laborers.

    Deputy Urban Development Minister Dunesh Gankanda told the media that the objective was to ensure that their jobs were protected and their services were not used for labor work.

    He said that only soldiers required for skilled work such as technicians would be retained in projects and the others will be sent back to their units.

    President Maithripala Sirisena during the election campaign pledged to ensure the dignity of forces personnel by not deploying them for laborers’ work.


    Sri Lanka Muslim party expresses concerns over land issue in the Eastern Province

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 22, Colombo: Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), an ally of the Sri Lankan government has expressed concern over the land issue in the Eastern Province.

    The SLMC has written to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe about the concerns over land yet to be returned to Muslims in the Eastern Province.

    SLMC General Secretary M.T. Hassan Ali has stated in the letter that the Muslims want a solution to the issue ahead of the announcement of general elections.

    The SLMC has noted that the illegal dispossession of land is affecting thousands of Sri Lanka’s citizens in the Eastern Province.

    “This land has been occupied, cultivated and improved over the last thirty years by these citizens. But today they are being forcibly and irregularly dispossessed and denied the ability to exercise their rights to utilize their lands in freedom and without restriction, despite having done so for a very long period of time,” Hassan Ali has stated, adding that repeated representations to relevant authorities have failed to secure return of the respective lands.

    The SLMC has pointed out that the failure to resume possession of, use and enjoy respective lands by the Muslims in the area has drastically affected their lives and those of their families.

    “Thus, these citizens remain denied of their rights and in relation to lands that their families occupied/cultivated/improved for over three decades. This continuous denial of their rights is referable to failure of the authorities to take proper steps and measures,” Hassan Ali has noted in the letter.

  13. ranjit Says:

    Ratnapala just put your article in an envelope and send it to His Excellency Mahinda Rajapksa immediately for him to open his eyes and ears and rethink of the situation and come back to help the nation and save it from local and International traitors like Ranil/Chandrika/MY3,Awamangalaya,Rajitha,Champaka,Americans and the Indians.

    “If he tried to save the S.L.F.P. instead of the nation he would be doing an ungrateful & unpatriotic act.It is the nation in danger not the old S.L.F.P.” True Ratnapala he should think of the nation first than his S.L.F.P which is now under the traitor who back stab him.

    True faithfuls were the people who came to Nugegoda rally from the S.L.F.P not others. Must hats off to Prassanna Ranatunga,Yapa,Welgama and others who came with a sincere heart and love to the man who saved my country. “Mahinda is not a name but a country” very golden words from a fearless politician whom we know for several years. He was always there for the country same like the Nugegoda Man whom we cannot compare to any living or dear politician in this country. He worked for the people.He was with the people and he make us proud by developing the country and transforming it in to a developed country within few years.

    Those who love this country irrespective of Race,Color or religion must get united and support the Nugegoda Movement rejecting these Yahapalana thugs as they were a bunch of traitors to the Motherland who collaborated with Americans and Indians and took power by a coup. None of the appointments made by the Yahaplanaya were legal. They did everything in a hurry and started to harass the former President and his team without any truth in their accusations. Americans are financing and giving advise to their dirty plans. I hope Nugegoda Man will rise up in Millions to stop them before it’s too late. True Sinhala patriots must work out a solid plan to oust the Christian/muslim/Tamil foreign backed elements from this Sinhala land and stop the Tamil Nadu Indians who were planning to come back to take over our lands. I wish Nugegoda Man will rise up to the occasion at the correct time to save our Motherland.

  14. SA Kumar Says:

    I think a future government should also remove the green and orange bands from the Sri Lanka National Flag.- Agreed
    because TE kottiya flag not representing Muslim or Sinhalese so why should SL flag ?

    you modaya ???

  15. SA Kumar Says:

    also Charles the way what is going in mother Lanka soon Indian will replace Lion to White band as like Indian flag is flying ( mini embassy) in Jalpanam instead of our Koddiyas flag.

    Please support us We will kick out Indian like last time done to IPKF.
    Once We complete our job you know what we will do to you (like we done to R Premadasa) that is different mater because We need to pay you back what we owed at Nanthi Kaddal/Mulli Vaikal.

  16. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    It is only in Sri Lanka that a Labourer is looked down upon as a MENIAL. What is wrong with ARMY people doing Labour work ? Why are we looking down at them from such a high Pedestal. Who are these CLOWNS who think like that ? Really, who are they ? OH !!!

    It is the Sri Lanka Government that has opined, that the Army Personnel are being used as Labourers. Only MALE BODIES who wear Tie and Coat, and those wearing cloth or Kabaya, who ” Double ” hand shake are not in the Labourer Category. It is a shameless, insulting, degrading, ridiculing, thought, to be-little The very Ranaviruvos who made it possible for such PERVERTS, to sit on those seats and decree as such. They must be the lowly, LOWLY.

    The Army personnel, in PEACE TIME can be put to good use for Development Projects. Whats wrong. ? It is the mentally deranged who, assumes a Superiority complex, when in actually, they are suffering from an inferiority complex.

    Though the Army Personnel do all kinds of work, labour, technical, engineering etc, their monthly pay packets have not been reduced one bit. They are Happy to lend a hand in any field, known as **DEVELOPMENT** They take a pride in doing that. They feel proud that they are partners of development, of the Country they saved from the TAMIL TERRORISTS BUTCHERS, whose relations are now Proxy TNA and others. This is the Hypocritical, Ungrateful bunch, that makes use of Development Work, equating it to Labour, and Labourers, and wants them to leave, without as much as a cup of TEA being offered for good relations. NOW, JUST GET OUT AND WE WILL LOOK AFTER OURSELVES, is our notion.

    I worked at Two River Boat Casinos, as a Slot Attendant. The functions were to ensure the Technical perfection of the machine, Customer relations, Paying Out Jackpots, with Federal and State Taxex deducted, Accepting Tip, after the client is paid, Physical cleaning of Machinerry,, mopping of paths that are not congested by customers is all part of the line of duty. Greatly Enjoyable. WE PERFORM ALL KINDS OF WORK with one title, that iis SLOT ATTENDANT***FLOOR PERSON ETC
    LUNCH TIME, WE ALL SIT TOGETHER FOR LUNCH, collect the plate from the Counter and sit anywhere nfor a lively chat.THE Director oftn joins in with the House Keeping Categoy, the poeple who wash the toilets etc, They are a very presentable lot. NO LABOUR TALK, JUST SOCIAL CONVERSATION.

    Stop this insult on working Categories. Please Stop the BIG MAN ISSUE.

  17. Independent Says:

    It doesn’t work like that in Sri Lanka.
    I have been bitten 3 times and lost thousands of dollars using your policy. I got my children to call them uncles and aunties and treated them equal and they ran away with money.
    Even then I agree it should be the correct thing, but need to address underlying problems first. People should be taught to hold pride on their work and do a professional job first, whatever the job that could be.

  18. Ratanapala Says:

    Fran Diaz,

    Progress moves upwards on a helix. The task of travelling a 100 miles would have taken many days in the years gone by, but we handle the same task in a few hours today. What is required is for ex President Mahinda to marshal his forces in a similar fashion to what Great Mao did 80 years ago and bring another victory to Sri Lanka from the foreign forces that are now operable in the country – Western Christian forces, Christian / Catholic forces, the Islamic Forces, Indian Forces, the Western Christian NGO hordes and the ungrateful Sri Lankans.

    The bane of Sri Lanka is the absence of proven leadership material. This is the reason why the country needs a reformed Mahinda back in power!

    Just as it happened in 1941 with Marshal Stalin, it is up to the patriotic forces to invite Mahinda and his brother Gotabhaya to rise up above party politics and lead the nation. To a nation that is rendered insecure on 8 Jan 15, Sri Lankans needs a leader who can stand up to the afore mentioned forces. Status of Sri Lanka as one country – Un-divided and Unitary is at stake just as it was 200 years ago!!

  19. Geeth Says:

    “The bane of Sri Lanka is the absence of proven leadership material. This is the reason why the country needs a reformed Mahinda back in power!”

    Exactly! we need a reformed Mahinda. We need “Padayathra” Mahinda rather than ex-president Mahinda.

    The characteristic of political mobilization in S. Asia is different from that of some other countries Ratnapala. The problem of south Asian politics is that people are getting around individuals or parties without thinking of ideas and political aims; and mobilizing around either party lines or individuals. But people gathered in Nugegoda, to plead MR to come to fulfill specific political/historical duty, namely “save the nation from division.” This is exactly a political mobilization based on an idea. It is very unique.

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