Pursuing the hare
Posted on February 26th, 2015

Island Editorial  Courtesy Island February 26, 2015,

National Freedom Front Leader Wimal Weerawansa’s wife Sashi has been further remanded over an allegedly forged birth certificate. Wimal has also been summoned to the CID and questioned over an alleged incident of unlawful assembly.

If the Weerawansas have been on the wrong side of the law, let them face the consequences of their action. But, the law must apply equally to everyone if the government is not to be accused of having it enforced selectively to achieve its political objectives the way its predecessor did.

The high octane performance on the part of the police and the prisons authorities as regards Weerawansa’s wife was amazing. The CID swung into action on Feb. 19 and made a beeline to a private hospital where she was receiving treatment and took her into custody. She was then carted off to the prison hospital after being remanded and the police objected to bail for her. The police have said her arrest had nothing to do with the Feb. 18 Nugegoda rally her husband organised with the help of some others in support of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Police Spokesman ought to stop making such claims for his own sake; he should not allow his once well-proportioned nose to elongate further and ruin his handsome face!

Lalith Kotalawala’s wife, Sicille, is living freely overseas. No serious attempt has been made to have her extradited over a fraud amounting to billions of rupees. The leaders of the new government, especially the JHU big guns, before the Jan. 08 election vowed to have former LTTE arms procurer KP arrested and tried for his involvement in terrorism. He was directly responsible for the LTTE’s mindless terrorism, we were told. But, he is still a free man! Notorious drug dealer Wele Suda has revealed the names of several persons who allegedly took money from him to facilitate his narcotics trade. So far no one has been arrested.

No arrests were made over a letter former Prime Minister D. M. Jayaratne issued to the Colombo Port officials seeking priority clearance for a container which was later found to have a huge stock of heroin. The yahapalana government has not cared to bring the culprits to book. Is it that the police and their new political masters consider forging birth certificates a far more serious crime than heroin smuggling!

Minister Champika Ranawaka, in the run-up to the Jan. 08 presidential election, released to the media a picture claiming that it showed former President giving KP a bear hug. But, it turned out to be a digitally altered picture of Rajapaksa embracing the doyen of Sri Lankan cinema, Dr. Lester James Peries with the latter’s head replaced with KP’s. Forgery is so serious a crime that the CID goes so far as to arrest suspects in hospital. But, no action has been taken in respect of the aforesaid photograph. The Police Spokesman may tell us there has been no complaint against the minister. If so, will the police act in case of a complaint being lodged?

Lofty ideals such as good governance are being bandied about by all and sundry these days, but nobody seems to know what they really mean. Selective enforcement of the law and the manipulation of the legal and judicial processes to achieve political ends only make a mockery of good governance.

The onus is on the new government to make good its much-advertised election promise to catch each and every politician of the previous government who allegedly plundered public wealth and committed various other offences and have him or her tried and punished in such a way that he or she will rue the day he or she was born. Unfortunately, looking for forged birth certificates seems to figure higher on the government’s list of priorities than the alleged theft of public wealth etc. It is said that he who pursues the stag regards not the hare. But, it looks as if the government worthies, apparently unable to chase the stag, were pursuing the hare instead.


9 Responses to “Pursuing the hare”

  1. Lorenzo Says:


    This is shameful for good governance.

    Control your dogs My3. Don’t let them bite the people who will one day stand by you.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    MY3 has a DOG POUND, SOME ARE RABID. They bite anyone. MY3 has to give up looking after dogs, for his own good.

  3. Hiranthe Says:

    WW is a true son of Mother Lanka. He is so clever that he can read the situation and all out to protect the motherland. Similar to a dog protecting its master. It can go to great lengths. WW is similar. He will go to great lengths to protect the motherland. He was demanding MR to improve his performance but finally he had to back down and I think he had to dilute his demands in order to be in the Alliance and to support MR.

    At Nugegoda, they were trying to bring back MR not because he likes MR personally. I don’t believe that. Their thinking cannot be identical. They cannot be good friends from the behaviour patterns. I think, it is by thinking of the country and to protect the country he needs MR in the fore front. We have the lion to lead in MR and WW had read the situation correctly.

    One thing he should learn is to become settled down and be patient rather than shouting from top of his voice even in the Parliament. He will eventually learn and get more matured.

    Now he is barking similar to Sajith Premadasa in high octave, which will take away the leadership image and educated and matured people will hesitate to follow him in public although they sense a true patriot in him. At present he is playing to the gallery.

    If WW reads this, hope he will change his attitude but not the love towards Mother Lanka. This is my honest comment for him. We need him. A good cricket captain is able to read the game properly and change the action plan instantaneously. They are the ones who win at the end of the day. I see a good leader who can read the political situation in WW. Hope he can change his image within the educated and professional circle to make them follow him.

  4. Lorenzo Says:



    One day, UriNePee GESTAPO dogs will come after My3, his brothers, sisters, son, daughters, wife, etc. Mark my word.

    Run-nil and UriNePee stay with My3 only until the next election. After that you will see their TRUE COLORS. My3 is their TOP target.

    How did Run-nil become PM in 1993? His beloved LTTE killed Premathasan.
    How did Run-nil become OPPOSITION LEADER in 1994? His beloved LTTE killed Gamini D.
    How did Run-nil plan to become PRESIDENT in 1999? His beloved LTTE almost killed CBK.
    How does Run-nil plans to become PRESIDENT in 2016? His beloved LTTE will kill My3 and put the blame on MR!!!

    Mark my word.

  5. SA Kumar Says:

    WW is a true son of Mother Lanka.- former JVP killer become son of Mother Lanka like 7th grade dropped out become our TE Thesiya Thalaiver & a run away solder become defence sectary etc…
    in Mother Lanka any thing possible

  6. SA Kumar Says:

    I don’t believe that. Their thinking cannot be identical. They cannot be good friends from the behaviour patterns. -agreed

  7. janakic Says:

    Wimal Weerawansa is a true patriot and of presidential material. He has a good future in Sri Lankan politics. He should get the qualifications of a lawyer like the other politicians. It is easy to do. Then people would not comment on his education. He is much more intelligent than most of our university graduates these days.
    God bless him and his family to protect Sri Lanka forever more.

  8. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



    There are whispers that they can go on for another two years. A Buddhist Priest said that, and Rajitha said that on TV, while saying that the remanding of Mrs Sashi was wrong. Coming events are casting their shadows.

    How and when the ‘low pressure’ area of Ranils back side create a Tornado is un-predictable. He is playing with FIRE.


  9. Sooriarachi Says:

    Selective application or violation of the law is now becoming the norm in Sri Lanka.
    Speaking of justice, did the new President act unconstitutionally, when he sacked the Chief Justice Mohan Peris to appoint someone they thought more suitable? I believe, the previous regime at least followed due process, to impeach the former CJ, Shiranee Bandaranayake, and through a majority vote in the parliament, removed her from that position. However she was reinstated with the help of the BASL, whilst a CJ Mohan Peris was already in office. This was similar to appointing Ranil Wickremasinghe to the position of Prime Minister when DM Jayaratne was already holding that position. Is this a sign of future authoritarian rule?

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