The sound  of a Jaffna clap with one hand
Posted on March 12th, 2015

H. L. D. Mahindapala

There are two narratives, with two interpretations, to the North-South events that convulsed Sri Lanka in the post-independent period. The conventional narrative that has gained popularity is the mono-causal interpretation which blames only the Sinhala-Buddhists of the south for the worsening of the inter-ethnic relations. According to this theory events eventually spiraled down to a bloody confrontation because of the intransigence of the Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists who failed to accommodate the demands of the Tamils.

This argument was based on the assumption that the Tamils had not only a right to demand whatever there was on  their political agenda, irrespective  of the consequences to other communities, or the nation, but also because they were politically correct in making their demands – even if the demands came from  the extreme end of the political spectrum — and the only right that the Sinhalese had was to give in, whether they were reasonable or not. Leaving aside the plethora of complex theories and ideological constructions that were thrown in to bolster this mono-causal interpretation of events, there is no historical evidence to justify the accusation that the North-South conflict originated primarily from Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism that was hostile to the minorities.

This argument ignores and denies that there were autochthonous forces driving the north into mono-ethnic extreme. A closer look at the grass root forces in the North will confirm that it is the internal forces of the Jaffna  peninsula that locked them into an ethnic corner from which they could not get out except through violence. Eventually the North decided to step out of  the multi-cultural, democratic mainstream  to carve out  a mono-ethnic enclave through violent means. S. J. V. Chelvanayakam was the father of this separatist ideology which he first launched on December 18, 1949 and later, in a more violent form on May 14, 1976 when the Tamil leadership passed the Vadukoddai Resolution declaring war on the rest.

The violent conflict between the two communities ran for  33 years. It began officially from May 14, 1976 when the legitimized violence of the Vadukoddai Resolution gathered a  momentum  of its own and fell into the hands of the deified Velupillai Prabhakaran. It ended on May 19, 2009 when the Tamil Tigers were vanquished on the banks of Nandikadal. The international media classified it as the Longest running War in Asia”.

At each stage of the events exacerbating North-South relations the Tamil leadership withdrew into a cocoon of their own refusing to either examine their failures critically or to engage in mid-course corrections. They took comfort in consistently diverting attention to the Sinhala-Buddhist South to cover-up their failures and blame everything on the Sinhala-Buddhists. For instance, they never asked : Was the Vadukoddai violence that ran all the way to Nandikadal necessary for the survival or  the progress of the Jaffna Tamils? What purpose did it serve? If the Vadukoddai War was endorsed, launched,  financed, propagated, directed and  internationalized by the  Tamil leadership, embracing it as the work of their boys” and turning a blind eye to the forcible recruitment of children to wage a futile war, who is responsible for the prolonged conflict that engulfed the nation for 33 years? Who is responsible for the rejection of the peace agreements (plural!) that came with international guarantees? To believe that only the Sinhala-Buddhist south is responsible for  the holocaust will be something akin to the belief in the sound of a clap with one hand.

There is, no doubt, that the Sinhala majority misjudged, mishandled and reacted with counter-violence to contain the growing menace of Tamil extremism aiming to divide the nation. But down each step of the way, from Ponnambalam’s Nawalapitiya incident in the late  thirties, to Chelvanayakam’s 1949 Maradana speech and later in the Vadukoddai declaration of war in 1976 the Tamil leadership, overestimated their strength, and resorted to confrontational politics unlike the other two communities which distanced themselves from Vadukoddian violence. Their provocative politics roused the historical fears, antagonisms and defensive counter-violence of the South. The extremism of the Northern politics pushed Southern politics also into extremism.

The historical sequence of events, where one event determined the next, with one exacerbating the other, the geographical location where historical events exploded and impacted  on both sides of the divide, and the over-determining mono-ethnic ideologies and the interactions of the political actors that manufactured and manipulated the separatist movement  — a movement that threw the nation into a holocaust of unprecedented proportions —  must be arranged in the natural order of the evolving events to grasp the meaning of our  time.

But the mono-causal theorists skip the evolving stages of the escalating demands of the North from colonial times and jump straight into 1956 to blame S. W. R. Bandaranaike, as if history and inter-ethnic relations began with Bandaranaike. Consequently, in popular political folklore, the common  perception begins by blaming the Sinhala-Buddhist wave that swept the nation in the post-1956 era. Invariably, the mono-causal theorists begin their  narrative of contemporary times on  page one of their opening chapter by accusing Bandaranaike. The mono-causal theory bred one-eyed academics who blithely   popularized their mono-causal myth without taking into consideration the preceding factors that were generated by the mono-ethnic political culture of the North. Long before  Bandaranaike became a force  of his own in 1956 Northern Vellahla elite had escalated, step by step, over the colonial and post-colonial decades mono-ethnic politics to the nearest point of the ultimate extreme.

Even at this late stage it is not too late to question this mono-causal theory that blames the majority Sinhala-Buddhists. How valid is this accusation? There are three major minorities in Sri Lanka – i.e., the indigenous Tamils of the North, the Muslims mainly of  the east, and Indians of central hills all whom speak Tamil. Despite differences which are common  factors in any majority-minority relationship, the Sri Lankan state resolved differences with the Muslims and the Indians non-violently, within the democratic framework. So why did the Sri Lanka state fail only with the Northern Tamils? What went wrong only with the Tamils of  the North? Was it because only the Tamils of the North stepped out of the democratic mainstream and resorted to violence? Was it because of any failure  of the majority community which had successfully resolved differences with the other two communities? Or was  it because the extremist nature of the Tamil demands, together with intransigence, blocked all possibilities of resolving differences for peaceful co-existence between the North and the South?

If Sinhala-Buddhism is that evil, as described in the mono-causal theory, how come they compromised with the other two minority communities and paved the path for non-violent co-existence? Besides, it is on record that the Tamils achieved a great deal whenever they cooperated with the Sinhalese. Prof. Wilson hailed the Chelvanayakam-Dudley ‘Senanayake Coalition government from 1965 – 1970 as the golden years of Sinhala-Tamil reconciliation” (p.111 —  S. J. V. Chelvanayakam and the Crisis of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, 1947 b- 1977, A Political Biography, A. J. Wilson.). S. M. Rasamanickam, in his presidential address to the annual Federal Party convention of 1969, spoke glowingly of the rewarding relationship that prevailed among the two communities when the Federal Party formed the National Government with Dudley Senanayake. He said: During  the last four years were able to gain some rights, if not all of what we expected, through the method of cooperation” (Ibid). Clearly, the possibilities were there for peaceful resolution of differences within the democratic framework whenever the minorities worked together with the centre.

What stood in the way of  North-South relations is not the demands  – and there were plenty of it from  all three minorities — but the specific nature of the separatist demand that threatened the unity and territorial integrity of the nation. As seen  in the evolution of  the inter-ethnic relations between the majority Sinhalese and Muslim and the Indian minorities it was possible to  resolve the reasonable demands non-violently with the majority within the  democratic framework. Peaceful co-existence failed only with the Northern Tamils. Why?

The Northern Tamils not only stepped out  of the non-violent democratic mainstream, but were also determined to step out of the overall framework of the state demanding a separate state. Separatism and  violence are inseparable. It was Tamil extremism that pushed the Tamils into the violent Vadukoddai corner from which they could not get  out. No compromise was possible with intransigent separatists. Take, for instance, three constructive, progressive and meaningful settlements worked with cast-iron guarantees :  – 1. the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement with Indian guarantees; 2. the Ceasefire Agreement signed by Velupillai Prabhakaran and  Norway with the  backing  of  India and international community and 3. the P-TOMs which handed over on a platter the control of the North and the East to Prabhakaran without an election for ten years. All three were rejected and scuppered by Prabhakaran. And whom do the mono-causal theorists blame : the Sinhala-Buddhists, accusing them of not compromising and giving into the demands of the Tamils?

 In 1949 when S. J. V. Chelvanayakam launched his first speech for separatism Northern politics had reached its penultimate state of mono-ethnic extremism. It began in the 20s when the English-educated Vellahala Tamil elite – all politics in Jaffna originated from the English-educated Saivite Vellahla elite — asked for one extra seat in the Western Province, consisting mainly of the Sinhalese, in addition to  the seats allotted to them in the North. In the thirties the Tamil leadership, led by G. G. Ponnambalam, jumped from one extra seat to 50 -50 – i.e.. 50% for the 12 % Tamils and 50% for the 75% Sinhalese. Though this 50 – 50 claim was disguised as coming  from all the minorities – Jaffna Tamils, Muslims and Indians – neither  the Muslims nor the Indian Tamils wanted it, nor backed it.

In the forties the Tamil leadership dropped the disproportionate politics of percentages and asked for disproportionate share of territory based on ethnic demography. It was disguised as federalism, though in reality they were aiming at separatism, based on the little now and more later” policy of Chelvanayakam. (p.128 – Ibid). In 1949 they had neared the end  of the mono-ethnic spectrum, advancing from  one seat in the Western Province to dividing  the nation into two. There was nowhere  to go beyond the extremity of a separate state. It is at  this point that Chelvanayakam took the center stage and declared his separatist ideology at the GSCU Hall on Dec. 18, 1949. By this time the momentum of mono-ethnic extremism had become an  irreversible force within  the  peninsula. In other words, Bandaranaike had nothing to do with the rise of Tamil extremism, including separatism. After Chelvanayakam’s Maradana speech on December 18, 1949 it was speeding downhill, all the way to Nandikadal.

The divisive politics of Jaffna spilled over from the cadjan-curtained borders of the peninsula and entered the mainstream politics specifically in 1949. Consequently, it is necessary to revisit 1949 when Chelvanayakam launched his first  separatist speech at the GCSU Hall in Maradana to get a historical perspective of the mono-ethnic extremism that escalated, inch by inch, into violent politics. In hindsight the political path taken by Chelvanayakam to deviate from the democratic mainstream and  resort to separatist violence confirms the foolishness of the Tamil leadership that misled the Tamil people. Nandikadal confirms that there was nothing to gain from separatism.  . Nandikadal  exposes the folly of both Tamil extremism and the short-sighted Tamil leadership that believed, on  the one hand, on the self-inflicted wounds of victimhood and, on the  other, their misperceived  belief that they constitute a race with a history far superior to that of the Sinhalese, the Muslims and  the Indians.

The conventional wisdom that blames only the Sinhala-Buddhists cannot carry the Tamils into the future. It is a slogan that has passed its use-by-date. Contemporary history did not begin with Bandaranaike or his Sinhala Only Act. He and his policies did add fuel to the fires that were already raging in the North. But the fires were certainly not lit by Bandaranaike. Jaffna was already burning with the hate politics that targeted the south. Chelvanayakam brought the communal fires of the North to the  south  in 1949 when he delivered his separatist ideology at the GCSU Hall in Maradana.

The manner in which the hate politics of the north exploded in the hands of Prabhakaran, the first born child of the Vadukoddai Resolution, is the acid test that exonerates the Sinhala-Buddhists of being the primary cause of Tamil violence. As stated earlier, Tamil politics is obsessed with victimhood. The logic that followed this perception was devastating to the Tamils. They were made to believe that could enter their political heaven only by eliminating the Sinhala-Buddhists and grabbing  all possible  territory exclusively for themselves. This exclusivity, rejecting multi-cultural co-existence – an ingrained historical trend recorded even in Yalpana Vaipa Malai – led them to the violent Vadukoddai Resolution. It contained not only the hate politics of the North but also their misperceived superiority of Jaffna culture which, in fact, doesn’t exist.

On the contrary, the Pol Potist rule of Prabhakaran confirms that it is an inescapable manifestation of the intolerant, intransigent and fascist culture of Jaffna. He did not come out of nothing, or the Sinhala South. He is an indigenous product of the Vellahla fascism that oppressed, suppressed and persecuted the people of Jaffna during  feudal and colonial times. He is merely an extension of that culture. Unable to justify his subhuman politics the Tamils blamed the Sinhala for his actions. It is the Sinhalese who created Prabhakaran, they said. Well, if the Sinhalese created Prabhakaran why did he kill the Muslims? What did they do to him or to the Tamils? If the Sinhalese created Prabhakaran why did he kill Tiruchelvam, Laxman Kadirgamar and the entire Tamil leadership, including those  who legitimized his  violence  in the Vadukoddai Resolution? What did the Tamils do to him to kill Tamils?

It is  the intolerant, arrogant, fascist political culture that ruled Jaffna throughout its history that resurfaced in Prabhakaran. The religio-casteist fascism of the Vellahlas was replaced by political fascism which manifested itself in the ruthless personality cult of Prabhakaran. Chelvanayakam’s Maradana speech paved the path to take Jaffna  back to its fascist feudal roots. His separatist ideology was the only available strategy for the ruling Vellahla elite to retain the feudalistic casteist power and privileges without yielding to the intrusive  external influences undermining their political grip in the peninsula. Separatism was a movement of the Vellahlas, by the Vellahlas for the Vellahlas. It inflamed and fostered the most vicious form  of fascist racism which surfaced in the deified cult of Prabhakaran.

However, it is  possible for  the new generation to write off Chelvanayakam’s Maradana speech that  ran  down to Nandikadal as bad memories of an unwanted historical nightmare. The choice before Jaffna now is very clear: do they want to go  down the same path that took their children to Nandikadal? Or do they prefer to drop their arrogant  counter-productive and misperceived politics and return to peaceful co-existence?

20 Responses to “The sound  of a Jaffna clap with one hand”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    Tamil Eelam concept is older than 1949. As per AJ Wilson’s book, Tamil Eelam was unvailed in 1922 by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam inaugurating the Ceylon Tamil Congress – the first mono-ethnic political party in the country. In fact he takes credit for introducing an ethnic group hetherto didn’t exist in the island called ‘Ceylon/Sri Lankan Tamils’ in 1911. Until then all Tamils were considered ‘people of Indian extraction’.

    To quote SJV Chelvanayagam’s phrase, all these moves are ‘bus stops’ towards the journey to Tamil Eelam.

    The last paragraph contains an error in logic. The Maradana speech was delivered to Tamil elites working in the best jobs at that time. Those Tamils died in Nandikadal were poor unemployed Tamils. The two groups are different. If another Maradana speech arouses racism and violence, it will still spare the Tamil elites and sacrifice poor Tamils. The war and extortion that followed the events described in the article actually made Jaffna Tamils richer beyond their wildest imagination. There is nothing that stops them from doing it again. In fact, they will do it again to build a much better life for their remaining elites in the island.

    With no mechanism to ‘Sinhalise’ other Tamils, the non elite Tamil sections have no avenue to escape the strnglehold by the new ‘Brahmins’, the Jaffna elites.

  2. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Thanks Dilrook. Indian colonial parasites have done exactly the same in their other colonies. Jai Hind.

  3. S de Silva Says:

    Thank you HLD for your roundup of the historical background. Going through the mass of Tamil claims, the core claim by the Tamils before the West is that the Tamils are formally discriminated by the anti-Tamil polices of the ‘Sinhala Government’! Well the Sinhalas are the majority of Sri Lanka and therefore ANY elected government of Sri Lanka have to be naturally a ‘Sinhala government’ – If that is a ‘problem’ for the Tamils my simple advice for them is to get out of Sri Lanka!! The Tamils who stay behind and wish to be happy, should make an effort to fit in with the majority Sinhalese.
    More importantly, we should annihilate the myth of Tamils being formally discriminated against by the policies of the GoSL. This claim of discrimination is the corner stone of bogus Tamil propaganda in the West to gain sympathy and privileges (aided unintentionally by the incompetent GoSL overseas missions). I am not speaking here of individual instances of discrimination which is all around in the US, UK and West against the minorities. The recognised yardstick to measure discrimination against a community includes landownership, Education, Health facilities, employment etc and in terms of any of these factors the Tamils are no worse off than the Sinhalas in Sri Lanka!! So the Tamils MUST be formally challenged to list out the formal discrimination practised against them by the GoSL – S de Silva – London

  4. SA Kumar Says:

    Well the Sinhalas are the majority of Sri Lanka and therefore ANY elected government of Sri Lanka have to be naturally a ‘Sinhala government’ – You mean Sri Lanka Government?
    In England is English Government or they call White Government (in where you live now).

    Tamils my simple advice for them is to get out of Sri Lanka!! – To where Africa / American or moon ?

    Why this kolaveri manchang ???
    Already we created Saiva TE & Muslim TE only problem now instead of your lion or our koddiya flag Indian flag is flying Jalpanam !!!!

  5. mario_perera Says:

    Dilrook writes: To quote SJV Chelvanayagam’s phrase, all these moves are ‘bus stops’ towards the journey to Tamil Eelam.

    The man who had the best chance of stopping this ‘journey to Tamil Eelam’ was Mahinda Rajapakse. The abolition of the 13A was there for the asking. At the end of his rule not only was it still there but also snow-balling.

    His entire vision was centered on an ever occurring return to power and he was convinced that the Tamils would fall into his electoral net. So he pampered the vanity of the Tamils. He engaged in massive reconstruction works for the North. He let them hold elections and strengthened their hand. He put the Colombo Tamil power elite back in their northern saddles from which the LTTE had ousted them. This power elite, it must be remembered had fled Jaffna and were safely installed in Colombo. Now the silent mice of that period have suddenly become emboldened and vociferous. And so, not only are we back to point zero, but provided them with a stronger Eelam launching platform.

    At that time, in the immediate post-war period, the MR government could have transferred Sinhala families, more especially the families of the soldiers who had fought to liberate that land, and provided a base for the sinhalization of that territory. Now that reality has faded into a fruitless dream.

    The man who boasts of having won the war failed miserably in gathering the fruits of that victory. The rights of the vanquisher are now being enjoyed by the vanquished. In that sense the LTTE did not die in vain.

    The story of Mahinda Rajapakse is not a success story, but one of a dismal failure.

    Mario Perera

  6. SA Kumar Says:

    His entire vision was centered on an ever occurring return to power- Not agreed If than He could have said every demand to JJ party but He did not.

    At that time, in the immediate post-war period,
    1) Fully implement 13A ( India / American Happy )& 6A (Sinhala Politician happy) together
    2) the MR government could have transferred Sinhala families 100,000 as SF suggested (Sinhala people happy)
    3) engaged in massive reconstruction works for the North (Tamil people happy)

    Who deferred MR Sinhala people & India/American not We-Tamil !
    You may ask me than why We-Tamil voted to MS instead MR because 30 years old losers Sinhala political leaders (Ranil/CBK/Mangala) backed (Money/intelligent help etc) by India/American (same as like 30 years old loser Sinhala Bhuddist forces back by same people to wiped out VP & CO).

    We-Tamil were convinced We will get better deal than MR’S 13 plus BS (lie) that why We followed these Three former Heads (Ranil/CBK/MS) promised 13A no more no less .
    anyway so far so good only concern is Indian flag flying in Jaffna instead of your Lion or our koddiya flag!

  7. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Fully agree with the article

    Playing the “victim role’ while badgering the other does not work anymore. Tamils play this role while acting like thugs. They are more than willing to beat up a Buddhist priest in the Tamil Nadu holy city of Chidambaram, demand that New Delhi treat the Singhalese like unwanted dogs not just in Tamil Nadu but across India. “Chase them out” is the clarion call of Jayalalithaa.

    Singhalese have been on the defensive since independence if not earlier. Time to make demands along the same lines.





  8. mario_perera Says:


    I agree with you Bernard. But before we claim the ‘two way’ treatment from Tamil Nadu, let us first claim it from the Tamils in the North of our own country. They pitilessly chased away tens of thousands of Sinhalese from the North, and are obdurately claiming back land now occupied by the army that liberated those lands for them. Still the Sinhalese cannot claim back their lands illegally appropriated by the LTTE the proxies of the Tamils.

    How can we expect other countries to hearken to our cry of distress, when we are treated with contempt by a section of our own population within our own country?

    Our leaders have bent themselves backwards to please the Tamils. The Tamils know it only too well which explains the scorn they shower on us.

    First get back the land they took from our Sinhala people. Until then do not release any land they claim as being theirs. The Tamil land policy is: It is our right to keep what we think is ours. It is also our right to share with you what is yours. Your right is to share what is yours with us. You have no right to claim what we think is ours.

    Let us claim what is ours from them. NOW is the time as we are in possession of land we have freed with our sweat, blood and lives. do not give it to them until we get back from what is ours.

    Mario Perera

  9. SA Kumar Says:

    IF THE SRI LANKAN TAMILS WANT RESPECT THEN TAMIL NADU HAS TO ELEVATE SINGHALESE TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL. – Who We-Hela Demilaya are to tell TN Tamil to respect you or respect us ???

    They pitilessly chased away tens of thousands of Sinhalese from the North,- Yes agreed , talk to CM Vikki to sort out in civilised manner .
    We-Tamil Need 100,000 Sinhala family & Mahaveli water to Irana madu Kulam in 2020 to united country forever.

    How can we expect other countries to hearken to our cry of distress, when we are treated with contempt by a section of our own population within our own country?- this applied to We both community .

  10. mario_perera Says:

    Mario:They pitilessly chased away tens of thousands of Sinhalese from the North,-

    S.A.Kumar: Yes agreed , talk to CM Vikki to sort out in civilised manner .

    Talk to CM Vikki to sort out in civilized manner??? Is it the role of the Sinhalese to undo in a civilized manner what the Tamils did in the most uncivilized manner???
    FURTHERMORE, your ‘Vikki’ does not have jurisdiction over an ounce of this territory that is Sri Lanka. The supreme power over LAND is the government of Sri Lanka, and more especially in its HEAD, the president.

    Mario: How can we expect other countries to hearken to our cry of distress, when we are treated with contempt by a section of our own population within our own country?

    S.A.Kumar: this applied to We both community

    Sorry you are wrong again. The greatest scorn a person can heap on another is to disdain his presence and company. You Tamils are welcomed in every part of the so-called SOUTH. Go to every major city (except Jaffna) and see for yourself. Your choice of company even among yourselves is based on CASTE. To heap scorn on others, even among yourselves is part of your innermost PSYCHE.

    As regards the land issue may I remind you, that the land now in military possession was liberated from your representatives the LTTE. The dispossessed are the liberators of your people. Your individual people now claiming rights over parts of them should have lodged their claims with the LTTE. That would have been ‘the civilized way’. This land now belongs to the government of Sri Lanka by right of acquisition and well over the period of prescription as well.

    Where was your Vikki during all that time? He was safely and securely established among the Sinhalese people and even lording it over them from his berth on the Supreme Court Bench.

    Mario Perera

  11. Lorenzo Says:

    THANKS to the war created by CHELVA + VP, Tamils BENEFITTED. Not just “elite” Tamils. Poor and LOW caste Tamils benefitted MOST. MOST LTTE cadres were ENDIANS.

    1. ALL SL Tamil families in SL have at least ONE of them in Canada, UK, etc. Income is 6 times more in these places than SL. Quality of life is 1,000 times better.

    2. If you add all the wealth of SL Tamils around the world today, they can BUY SL!! All this thanks to war. Thanks to war, SL Tamils went to RICH countries and became filthy rich.

    3. Thanks to war, Endia invaded SL in 1987 and created a FEDERAL STRUCTURE. Now like TN, north has its own TAMIL chief minister!!

    4. Thanks to war, Endia invaded SL in 1987 and made Tamil and official language. Now Tamils can study and work in Tamil in ANY PART of SL. But can Sinhalese do it? No.

    5. Tamils BOMBED OUT the Sinhalese from Colombo. Life is WAY BETTER in Colombo than in Jaffna.

    So Tamils benefitted MORE than they LOST from the war.

    What does that mean?

    Tamils respect and worship Thanthai Chelva and Thalaivar VP for the war that made them PROSPEROUS!!

    When will the Singhalese understand this BITTER TRUTH? (Now don’t shoot me the messenger.) Looks like SOME understand PART of it but not the entirety.

  12. mario_perera Says:

    Thank you, Lorenzo,

    You are not a mere Messenger.

    You are our VERY VOICE

    I have always been an ardent fan of yours

    Mario Perera

  13. Lorenzo Says:

    Thank you Mario.

    There was a time when royal terriers used to growl at EVERYONE including you not knowing who and what you, etc. have done for the nation above politics.

  14. SA Kumar Says:

    The supreme power over LAND is the government of Sri Lanka, and more especially in its HEAD, the president.- here come …. yes power is belong to Govt but land is belong to Vikki (NPC people) !!!

    I remind you, that the land now in military possession was liberated from your representatives the VP&co -agreed We have dead of these land so law of land who should live in this land in peace time ?
    eg: like few month before few land was handed over to owner by army subject if any war they should return back to Army – All agreed ( with out agreed owners can not get land that is different mater)

    Where was your Vikki during all that time?his berth on the Supreme Court Bench who gave highers prison sentance to VP’s boys compare to his Sinhala judge !!!

  15. SA Kumar Says:

    When will the Singhalese understand this BITTER TRUTH? War benefit to Sinhalese is 1M Tamils out from Mother Lanka. !!!

  16. Fran Diaz Says:

    SA Kumar,

    Those 1 M Tamils out of Lanka have proved to be the worst enemies of Lanka, as they go and spread lies about Lanka that gave them free education & health care etc.


    The D&D Lankans who riot and kill are the very worst enemies of Lanka. Use your grey matter, D&D Lankans ! For a start –

    1. Get rid of the 13-A.
    2. Deport all illegal migrants.
    3. Remove the Tamil language as a National/Official language.
    4. Release all Tamil tea pluckers from Brit near slave line rooms. Use tea plucking machiens.

  17. SA Kumar Says:

    Fran Diaz
    All 4 points not need any more as Modi promised Fully implementation of 13A
    India reiterates implementation of 13th Amendment and beyond to build a united Sri Lanka !!!

    Those 1 M Tamils out of Lanka have proved to be the worst enemies of Lanka- All thanks goes to JRJ !!!

  18. Fran Diaz Says:


    Four points and more have to come in eventually.

    Is Mr Modi the Head of the Sri Lanka govt ?

    1 M Tamils out of Sri Lanka – thanks to India’s Congress Party of Cold War times.

  19. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    FRAN D !!!


  20. SA Kumar Says:

    YES MODI IS THE HEAD OF THE SRI LANKAN GOVERNMENT TOO- Modi said in Mother lankan Parliment He can see from Himalaya from here & In Jaffna He said He can see Rameswaram from Thallai Mannar !!!! Also Mother Lanka & Industan is in a same side of a coin

    Is that mean Mother Lanka is Part of India , Please correct me If I am CORRECT ???

    My Chinhala Sakothara Modayas Where is MY Mother Lanka !!!!!

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