The Crisis in Yemen and its Solution
Posted on March 30th, 2015
By Afshain Afzal
Since long Abdul Malik Al Houthi and his tribe along with allies were waging media war against the legitimate government of Yemen. The media campaign against President Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi as well as Saudi Royal family and Qatar was aimed at taking over power in Yemen, Qatar and finally grabbing of custodianship of the holy cities of Mecca and Media. The things turned from bad to worse, when President Hadi ordered the closure of all Houthi-controlled propaganda media including Yemen TV and Saba TV. This led to Houthi’s raiding of TV channels and the prominent newspaper, which voiced in favour of President Hadi.
Last week Houthis stormed the Yemeni Army and Air force depots and looted medium and heavy weapons. It is being doubted that some of the Armed Forces personnel were party of Houthis takeover. In addition to these weapons, the Houthi rebels were supplied arms and ammunition by the western countries, especially US to fight against the Al Qaeda and ISIS. However, the armed rebellion of Houthi and allies proved short lived to achieve the target and likely to be crushed soon. The well planned western sponsored revolt aimed at objectives including; international coverage of the issue, realization to Tehran that Washington will be on Iranian side in case of conflict with Saudi Arabia, isolate Saudi Arabia and Yemeni government as aggressor, divide Islamic world into poles.
Interestingly, the major trouble spot remained the locations where US Special Forces are stationed and conducting operations against Al Qaeda and Daish. In an official statement from State Department on 25 March 2015, US Secretary of State John Kerry commended the military action and demanded negotiations to resolve the crisis. The rebellion could not gain momentum as most countries including Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Morocco, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan and other countries played in the forefront to respond the call of Egypt and Saudi Arabia for the restoration of government of President Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi.
Although, Yemeni government offered chance for talks to Houthis but they instead preferred to wage a military campaign. In reaction to Houthi moves, Muslim countries, acting on Charter of the Arab League and the treaty of joint Arab defense formed a coalition consisting of 10 countries, including the Gulf Cooperation Council, and begun airstrikes to prevent the Houthi rebel’s movement from taking over the country. Ideally, Muslim countries should have waited for the outcome of the Arab League summit before an all-out attack on the positions of rebels. Nevertheless, the Muslim countries showed unity and disciple, which indicates coming up strong alliance of Arab and non-Arab Muslim allies. Pakistan, as a strategic partner of Saudi Arabia, immediately decided to send its special delegation to Saudi Arabia and assured military support in line with already concluded strategic defence agreement and Arab League resolution.
Foreign ministers gathered in Sharm El Sheikh ahead of the summit and agreed on a broad plan for the force. Later, a resolution was passed at the Arab League summit despite Iran dubbing Saudi military strikes on Yemen as Saudi invasion of Yemen”, which allowed use of military force against Houthi rebels. The Yemeni President in exile while supporting airstrikes asked his supporters to rise up in peaceful protest against the Houthi’s takeover. He said that the airstrikes must not stop till the time the rebels surrender and return medium and heavy weapons they looted from Army depots across much of the country. Interestingly, as pro-western puppets have been installed in Iraq and Syria through heavy western findings and arming, they are likely to show undeclared opposition. The strategy aims to exclude Iraq and Syria from the newly formed collation against Houthi rebels to propagate Iraq and Syria as pro-Iran countries. But it is not going to work as Muslims are well aware why West’s geo-strategic moves resolves around Iraq, Syria and Iran only.
The Western conspiracy to divide Islamic world into two poles; led by Iran and rest of the Muslims, dates back 13th century. The on-going differences between Muslims are mere Western propaganda as Muslims have with them a common holy book, Al Qurran” to decide their disputes and grievances. Houthis are neither terrorist nor Iran is against Sunnis or Saudi Arabia but West is funding and arming them to widen the gap. Similarly Saudi Arabia and other Sunnis are neither anti-Iran nor against the followers of Shia sect but they too are projected as allies of the West to widen this gap. Against the principles of Islamic democracy, Houthis are being faltered by western nations that since they are proprietors of oil wells in Yemen and other places, so they have the right to rule. In order to avoid bloodshed, it is important that Houthis must unconditionally surrender the looted weapons as well as those acquired from western countries, after which both the ruling parties led by President Hadi and the Houthis need to start a dialogue to amicably resolve the crisis.
March 30th, 2015 at 3:55 pm
The ONLY solution is to BUST Saudi with nukes and take over its oil fields.
IF USA is not doing it, Russia should do it. Russia can have a monopoly in world oil and gas exports!!
Putin was ridiculed for suggesting PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS to middle east problems. Middle east problems have NO peaceful solutions.
March 31st, 2015 at 6:44 am
How is that there was no Saudi Led Arab Coalition against ISIS. Is because they supported and sad to have financed the ISIS. I suppose that the truth will be stranger than fiction. I believe if there was strong Arab coalition the ISIS would have been defeated by now.
March 31st, 2015 at 12:44 pm
This is how it is unfolding.
March 31st, 2015 at 12:50 pm
World Muslim population grows at 1.8% a year. Non Muslims grow at 0.9% a year. This additional 0.9% growth in Muslims must be brought down to zero. Otherwise it is a mathematical certainty Muslims will take over the world. The US and other developed countries look at ISIS, etc. this way.