Headless Foreign Missions
Posted on April 7th, 2015

Now that there are not enough sufficiently experienced “career” diplomats to satisfy the promotion of existing career DPL staff within the foreign Ministry, what options are there for the GOSL to continue the national responsibility of appointing suitable Ambassadors to these Foreign Missions?


  1. Appoint promising junior “career” officers even if it contravenes the Parliament approved Foreign Service Minute stipulations and may lead to be a laughing stock of the international DPL communities in these countries at DPL official and social functions?
  2. Appoint non-career DPLs as done by the rest of the world and the previous government?
  3. Call for applications from the senior staff officers of the SLAS for selection to fill the vacancies?
  4. Suspend the functioning of some of these Foreign Missions temporarily until the next government thereby saving billions of Foreign Exchange to the SLn taxpayer? (See below for costs) 4. Leave it all as they are and hope for the best?!
  5. Outsource the Ambassadorships on “acting” basis to the local Indian Embassy/Ambassadors? (The way our Foreign Policy is dictated to by India currently some Parliamentarians may even consider this as a feasible and cheaper option

4 Responses to “Headless Foreign Missions”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Breaking news. 400 BN bond issue to find money to pay salaries DEFEATED in parliament 52 to 31.

    Now govt. is BANKRUPT.

    People should STRIKE WORK NOW! No salaries for you. NO NEW YEAR.

  2. Independent Says:

    Read the Full Breaking News
    Lanka parliament rejects raising Rs. 400 billion in Treasury bills
    Tue, Apr 7, 2015, 09:20 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Apr 07, Colombo: Sri Lankan parliament today defeated a measure by the government to raise Rs. 400 billion in Sri Lanka Government Treasury Bills after a vote was taken on the resolution tabled by the Minister of Finance.

    The 225-member legislature defeated the resolution under the Local Treasury Bills Ordinance with 31 in favor and 52 against when the division was taken after an extensive debate.

    The government has tabled the proposal to raise funds required to meet the spending commitments made by the previous government, the ruling party said.

    According to an AFP report, the analysts saw the ‘shock defeat’ as a major embarrassment for the government.

  3. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Career Diplomats or career suckers. Having met some of those career suckers who live in a world of clouds I believe it is it is time to appoint diplomats who want to serve the majority of the country in the first pale. There is no doubt when Indian Imperialists backed Sirisena one condition would have been the recalling some distinguished Island diplomats like Thisara Samarasinghe. Jai Hind.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    I agree with Christie.

    We need diplomats who serve the country well, NOT career diplomats.

    Don’t assume career diplomats are better than others. No evidence.

    Close down missions that are not critical.

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