Open Letter 2 To President Sirisena
Posted on April 22nd, 2015

by S. B. Lokuge

Dear Hon President,

On the 16t April, Colombo

It was reported that you told the party leaders of The people’s alliance at a meeting held at the president’s official residence on the 10th of April, Ranil must be the PM, I am ordered to do so by India and the west”. You don’t know the pressure exerted by India and the west. They trust only Ranil”.

You have also mentioned  you suffered mental agony under Mahinda for seven years. Wasn’t that Mr President because Mahinda did not make you the PM and was you thought Mahida was planning to make Basil the PM?

Now isn’t it obvious to you and all of us why Mahinda did not give you that important job Mr President? Isn’t it obvious to you and  all of us that you are not a leader and only a follower, not a smart and intelligent person, and does not have the courage, the self- esteem Mr President.

Can you still blame Mahinda for giving those important ministries to Gota and Basil Mr President? When his most trusted ministers back stab him like you did Mr President. Judas committed  suicide when he betrayed Jesus, but hope you won’t do that Mr President because then Ranil will become the president of Sri Lanka. God will never forgive for that Mr President.

Mahinda’s biggest mistake was trying to please the Tamils and Christians hoping to win some of their votes. He went out of his way to please them at the expense of his Sinhala Buddhist voter base. They worship the Brits, Yanks and white people only. Hope you will not make the same mistake Mr President.

Now it is time to come clean and tell the people your role in the unholy alliance with Ranil and Chandrika who engineered the regime change on behalf of the Tamil diaspora, Endia and the west. Obviously when you agreed to their terms and big $$$ to contest Mahinda you never believed you will become the president and get into this mess and become their prisoner. Did You Mr President? We all know Chandrika(our Modi) and Ranil were proven failures and if they continue to dictate to you the country will go back to those dark days of bombs and massacres and will be the end of Sinhala Buddhist race Mr President.

So it is not too late to expose the role of India, USA,  UK, The Diaspora and the election commissioner, Ranil and Chandrika in this regime change operation and save the country. People will admire your courage and forgive you if you do that Mr  President.

13 Responses to “Open Letter 2 To President Sirisena”

  1. helaya Says:

    Please mail this letter to Srisena. Spineless scum bag.

  2. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Hope this comes to the attention of the Indian Empire. the Coomonwealth of Indians headed by Kamalesh Sharma , Governor Chandrika and Kankani Ranil. Jai Hind

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    I also blame China. Now it is OBVIOUS Butt-a-landa is an ANTI-CHINA mole in SL. Given the value of projects and security why can’t they just send him to Nibbana using a mole in SL?

    When a former Israeli PM tried to divide Israel for the US imposed TWO STATE SOLUTION, a patriotic youth walked up to him and shot him dead. How many civilians Butt-a-landa killed in 1989?

  4. ranjit Says:

    This dirty Harry will not rule the country for long I am sure of it because he is not fit and educated to hold the Presidency as everyone thought. He is a slave of Indian and western empires. Nowadays all western Govt’s come to visit him and pressure him to do this and that which he cannot refuse as he is very much depend on them. They put him there to do their unfinished work which was halted after the war.

    Before these UNP thugs take all opposition members to the courts they should question Ravi the biggest thief who helped to rob billions in 80 days and put him behind bars. They haven’t done anything worthwhile except reducing gas price and few items which were not important to ordinary citizens. They are bunch of liars and inexperienced politicians who took power by force and now rule the country by thuggery and intimidation. People must give them a good answer when next election arrives. We hope for a better future with a gutty leader to lead not a puppet with no backbone.

  5. Independent Says:

    “why can’t they just send him to Nibbana ”

    – He can reach Nibbaana while living his this very life only, being a Buddhist. If he is involved in killings in 1989 there is no way he could do it.
    If a My3’s friend LTTE walks to him and shoots him he will probably go to the God ( or Allah) to give the God company. The God will like him because there is no way the position is challenged in billions of elections to come in the Heaven. On the other hand his arch rival will be a threat to the God.

  6. L Perera Says:

    I have said it before and will do so again, Sri Lanka’s biggest problem is the high cost of living and the inequality of incomes that affects around two thirds the population. The standard of living has risen exponentially in the past five
    or so years and so has the gap between the wealthy and the rest. Regardless of who is in power a change in policy and thinking is a must. The leaders must work towards creating an egalitarian society if there is to be peace and progress.
    If not we will remain a developing nation and not much else, for years to come.

  7. SA Kumar Says:

    it is not too late – need to wait 6 more years less 100 days !
    that time all done & dusted TWO STATE SOLUTION !

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    I agree with L.Perera. The masses from whichever group, want to feel a sense of Progress. As things are in Lanka, the Leaders are made to serve the interests of foreign countries and not serve their own folk. All this attitude from Lanka Leaders started with Colonists and the East India Trading Co > British Empire.

    Now that the new illegal govt has turned the country away from China and toward Westward Ho ! let us get down to the business of taking care of the People of Lanka.

    First, since the Tamil terrorist group, the LTTE, was taken down, thanks to the great efforts of MR & brothers, the SL Armed Forces, and MR govt., we suggest that Tamil Leaders sign an Agreement with the GoSL that :

    (a) Tamil Leaders revoke the Vaddukoddai Resolution calling for a Separate State for Tamils using Violence.
    (b) Revoke the idea of a Separate State for Tamils.
    © Phased out removal of the Tamil Language as a National/Official Language.
    (d) Phased out Repatriation of all illegal migrants from Tamil Nadu.

    Also, te Dept of Census & Statistics must have a new method of providing data re ethnic and religious groups in Lanka, particularly re the Tamils as Tamils of the South and Muslim Tamils are not accounted for. As such, at present, there are a large number of Tamils who are hidden away in Lanka.

    We do not oppose Tamils or any other group learning the Sinhala language & Buddhism to enter mainstream life. It is happening anyway !

    The English Language can be a strong link language in Lanka. People can feel free talk in any language, but Tamil should not be a National/Official language in Lanka.

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    Endia and USA are already in BED!!

    This was published TODAY in thediplomat.

    A new paper by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace argues that India and the United States should collaborate on building New Delhi’s next Vikrant-class aircraft carrier, the 65,000 tons nuclear-powered INS Vishal, expected to enter service in the 2020s.

    “Working in concert to develop this vessel would not only substantially bolster India’s naval combat capabilities but would also cement the evolving strategic bond between the United States and India in a truly spectacular fashion for many decades to come,” Ashley J. Tellis, the author of the Carnegie study, underlines.

    In January 2015 (AFTER PUPPET MY3 was made the president – my addition), both countries announced a joint working group to share aircraft carrier technology and design. The Pentagon selected Rear Adm. Thomas Moore, the Navy’s two-star program executive officer for aircraft carriers, to lead the U.S. delegation in discussions. India will be represented by Rear Admiral Surendra Ahuja, a former Indian test pilot.

    Tellis uses the working group announcement as an impetus to push for even closer cooperation between New Delhi and Washington. He assesses that India is more likely to consider deeper defense ties given the growing Chinese naval threat in the Indian Ocean:

    [N]o country today would profit as much from collaborating with the United States in carrier design and construction as India at a time when its local dominance in the Indian Ocean is on the cusp of challenge from China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), which commissioned its first aircraft carrier in 2012.”


  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    Another important point to address is that the Elections Dept ought to allow the registration ONLY of Political Parties reflecting National interests. Political parties based on Ethnicity or Religion allow further division of Lanka and endless internal wars which are exploited by foreign countries for their own benefit. As such, the People of Lanka fall on the wayside in this endless infighting and no real development is allowed or major breakthrough in any Sciences. Large numbers of People die for absurd reasons and the country is turned into a war zone to suit others.

    Act now with strong and sensible ideas to save the country and the People.

  11. AnuD Says:

    Fran Diaz:

    The way to do what you say to select right people at the interview itself. Interview should be focused on right person with that attitude.

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    AnuD :

    Yes, I agree. For that to happen, all Interview Boards, for any post, ought to be of a high calibre. People with PAST good records in Public Service must be chosen.


    As things are with the present illegal govt., anything goes ! Failed politicos are floating to the top and true Patriots kept down.

  13. Fran Diaz Says:

    Mr Anandasangaree of the TULF suggests a BILL OF RIGHTS for all the People of Lanka. He suggest a BoR in the lines of the South African version. Please Google and see the BoR in S.Africa. I agree that the BoR of S.Africa is a fine addition to any Constitution.

    However, I must add that the Tamil Leaders of Lanka must :

    1. Revoke the Vaddukoddai Resolution.
    2. Revoke all calls to Separatism.
    3. Agree to phase out the Tamil language as a National/Official language to stop illegal migration from Tamil Nadu.
    4. Agree to phase out and deport all illegal migrants, esp from Tamil Nadu.

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