Repeating What the JRJ Did
Posted on April 27th, 2015

Jay Deshabandu

The 19th amendment would be tabled in the parliament very soon. The Sobitha Thera’s Sathyagrha” or the protest against those who oppose the passing of the 19th amendment in its present form could perhaps get the attention of the Sinhala Buddhist and a few others.  For one thing, he is wearing a yellow rob and for another he is a respected clergy among the Buddhist circles.  I too have a respect for him.

But the honorable monk is not following, in this instance, what the Lord Buddha has taught us:  do not believe or accept anything unless you have seen it and convinced it for yourself.   If he wants to convince us,  he must educate the public on the content of the 19th agreement.

He should not ask people to believe in the contents of the 19th amendment just because he thinks he is a righteous Buddhist monk and a leader of an organization.  Can someone ask to take Buddhism as a religion without explaining what the Buddha has taught?

Is he forcing us to believe that appointing, without electing, an executive prime minister as right and democratic?  In India, for example, the executive prime minister is elected by the people. Should our people give up their right to choose an executive prime minister?  Are we a dysfunctional nation? Are our standards below that of Indians?

According to media, even President Sirisena , and many SLFP VIP members did not approve some aspects and contents of the 19th amendment.  Fortunately, it is comforting to note that some corrections and insertions will be added to it to be proper.

But our good Buddhist monk,  Sobitha Thera does not show any reservation on any content of the amendment and he is forcing us to believe it blindly from its inception in the incubation period.

Mr. Sirisena should not do anything similar to what the The greatest the grate honorable” JRJ did, whose curse ruined our young lives and led us to be in this mess today.

I believe that corrected final version of the 19th amendment and its contents should be available and explained to the members of the parliament before the beginning of a debate so that members of the parliament will be able to reflect the  nature of the ghost before putting their hands up!

9 Responses to “Repeating What the JRJ Did”

  1. Christie Says:

    Has any one seen this is doc 19A. It is definitely from India. I have not seen it. What I know of this monk Sobithtaya was, that he was getting a lot of money from a Colombo Indian run Business called Favorites Group for his dirty work for them about thirty-forty years ago. This Indian guy came to the Island with just a penny in his pocket and became one of the richest and politically powerful man thanks to Bandaranaikes.

  2. Christie Says:

    JRJ is a quarter Indian, what would you expect from him?


    Deshabandu. The original Jay Desabandu died in October 2014. He worked as the Organ player at a church near St Joseph College, Maradane. His real name was Percy De Silva and wrote articles to discredit late JRJ and the SL constitution. This is going back to about 10 years. His commentary was always published on the SUNDAY LEADER. Now a new Jay Deshabandu has surfaced. What are you talking about SOBITHAYA HE IS AN OPIOM Addict. Only person I can think about who pays you is the retired Judge who is living in Australia, a relative of H. Don Mahindapala. When Late JRJ was writing the constitution he went to his house and told him Sri Lankans are not MATURED ENOUGH to have an Executive President like the US. So Ceylon should have a Prime Minister and showed him the Constitution that he wrote, it was only four pages. JRJ looked at it and told him, “I will read it when I get time”. He then gave this paper to a peon which eventually got thrown away. Now the organization that you work for is living in an imaginary world. This is how this illegal government grabbed power. 1. Erick Solderhime wanted to give Tamils EELAM. So he wrote a letter to OBAMA and told him he should get support of Buddhist Monks to defeat MR family. This was in 2007. In the mean time Vass Gunawardena forced him self to a meeting with OBAMA and told him that at the next Presidential election he could win. So, White House gave good publicity to him. And published a article in Washington Post as an up coming politician with a hopefully next president. When RANI saw this he went bananas and told OBAMA that Vass changed sides at the last moment which changed the Result, if he didn’t I would have been the next president and the Tamils would have got their EELAM. OBAMA immediately appointed Dr. Mendis to the White House Staff. He got the Election Commissioner to stuff the Ballot boxes and how to stop the computer and adjust the result. 2. OBAMA gave RANIL 50 Million dollars and told him to use it in any way he wants. RANIL opened a office in Los Angeles, California which had direct links to LA TIMES Editors. He then starts to insult MR family. This is why RANIL says he is the EMPEROR of Sri Lanka. 4. Jay Deshabanduwa, I can analyze every sentence of yours and show that average Sri Lankan knows what Dis Information is! If not the crowds that went to protect MR and Family soon after the election wouldn’t have been there!


    Christie, don’t sling mud at JRJ please. Without him we couldn’t have had this military victory. (Executive Presidency like Abraham Lincoln MR used it well) Now for the quarter Indian! What are you talking about British India as Queen Victoria as the EMPREROR of INDIA? I asked him about this connection at a wedding and he answered it in a simple way. At that time all the royalty went to get wires from North India, which his great grand father did. She was a Muslim but he converted her to be a Buddhist. Without going to details, there is Ring that JRJ inherited and British confiscated it but later it was given back to JRJ family and now it is in the Colombo museum. Just like MR JRJ loved the country and the people. RANIL is not related to JRJ, tell him to prove it!

  5. Christie Says:

    Namaste: JRJ and SWRD are great for some but not for me. They both sucked to Indians in the Island and the Indian Empire. What have they done for the majority of the people of the country? JRJ owned shops in Pettah, did any Sinhalese were renting those shops or are they now? Without him we him we would not have had this Indian terrorist arm. He did not nip it in the bud, instead let it grow letting the Indians achieve their goals like SWRD did. Can you please explain this wires from India and what Royalty British or from the Indian Sub Continent?.

  6. Christie Says:

    Namaste: JRJ and SWRD are great for some but not for me. They both sucked to Indians in the Island and the Indian Empire. What have they done for the majority of the people of the country? JRJ owned shops in Pettah, did any Sinhalese were renting those shops or are they now? Without him we him we would not have had this Indian terrorist arm or the constitutional mess. He did not nip the Indian terrorist arm in the bud, instead let it grow letting the Indians achieve their goals like SWRD did. Can you please explain this wires from India and what Royalty British or from the Indian Sub Continent?.

  7. Independent Says:

    I am not saying JRJ is great. I voted for him in 1977 and voted against him in a by election less than a year later ( as I remember). But he had balls to speak against India and openly said India trained LTTE and correctly said LLT’s aim is to catch the whole country.
    In addition to this he was a very simple man compared to nowadays presidents. My wife use to walk along Ward Place to Town Hall when she was a school girl. JR was there sometimes in the yard and even spoke to them often. I too have seen him in his house few time relaxing.

    Without Bandaranayake most of us have already died, doing odd jobs. He democratised the education, otherwise it will be limited to Kalu Siuddas and Tamils. This the truth.

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    13-A Plus 19-A !! Who gains from all this ?

    Watch it, Patriotic Lankans !

  9. SA Kumar Says:

    it will be limited to Kalu Siuddas and Tamils- Small correction English Educated Tamil (1% Tamil) not all Tamil
    Agreed SWRD is great only he made a mistake Sinhala only ACT even though this ACT correct but as CBK said also every one agreed it should have include Tamil also official language.

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