‘මහින්ද සමඟ නැගිටිමු’.. – මාතර රැළියේ සජීවි විකාශණය මෙන්න…මහින්ද මාතර රැළියේ.. ජයඝෝෂා නොනැවතේ…
Posted on June 12th, 2015

lanka C news

‘මහින්ද සමඟ නැගිටිමු’.. – මාතර රැළියේ සජීවි විකාශණය මෙන්න…හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා එන මහ මැතිවරණයේදී අගමැති අපේක්‍සකයා කල යුතු බවට බල කරමින් පැවැත්වෙන රැළි මාලාවේ අද මාතර ජන රැළිය පැවැත්වෙයි.
මහින්ද මාතර රැළියේ.. ජයඝෝෂා නොනැවතේ… [Video/Photo]හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා මාතරදී පැවැත්වෙන ජන රැළියේ ජන ගංගාව අතරින් මතුවිය. මහ ජනතාව එක දිගට අත්පොලසන් දෙන්නට වූහ.එහෙත් මහින්ද මහතා වේදිකාවට ගොඩවූයේ නැත. ජනතා ජයගෝෂා මැද්දේ ඔහු ආපසු ගියේය.

ඔහු සුපුරුදු සුදු පැහැ ඇඳුමින් සැරසී සිටි අතර ජනතාවට ආචාරද කලේය.


5 Responses to “‘මහින්ද සමඟ නැගිටිමු’.. – මාතර රැළියේ සජීවි විකාශණය මෙන්න…මහින්ද මාතර රැළියේ.. ජයඝෝෂා නොනැවතේ…”

  1. Christie Says:

    Namaste: Who interrupted the streaming? Was it uploading or is it on the way? It has been replaced with Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera talking. Who is doing this? Jai Hind

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Mangala ponnaya got hurt as people of MATARA will not elect the loser again.

  3. Kumari Says:

    I get a message “the video has been removed by the user”. Not happy.

  4. ranjit Says:

    Mangalaya nor any mother’s son cannot stop the great war hero’s come back trail take my word. We are Southerners and won’t back down so easily. Awamangala Ponnaya can sleep with Tamil Diaspora and utter damn lies but the ordinary people now understand this crooked guy’s game of lies. They will be vanished in to thin air the next General election comes.Just give time to happen the miracle.

    Never seen like this in my entire life. Have you ever seen or heard in history a defeated candidate was welcomed and given rousing receptions like this to any politician in this country before? Never!! Traitors will do anything to stop this man therefore he must be protected at any cost by the people who are near him at all times. Choura/Ranil/Sira cannot be trusted. They will sling more mud at him and harass him as per the advise of their pay masters America and the west and Indian Parasites. We have to fight head on with this UNP Govt and exposed their corruption during this short period of time after Jan 8th. We have to educate the youths of this country about the UNP’s crimes against humanity and their support to LTTE terrorism during their tenure in office and how this great hero saved our Motherland from the clutches of barbaric Prabakaran and his killers.

  5. Jag Says:

    Just look at the tens of thousands of people who sacrificed their time to attend the rally. Who can say that MR isn’t returning to power. There is no doubt at all and he will be the PM after GE for sure, and GR too will be back in action. That is the one and only wish of patriotic masses of Sri Lanka.

    As I said on a previous thread, bandit queen + the faggot and the bath gotta clan – Sira, Rajitha, Champika and Ponil better pack their bags and be ready to decamp on GE day night.

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