Posted on July 5th, 2015

Stanley Perera reporting from Colombo

Once upon a time ago there was an Arab who built a tent to protect himself from the weather condition and severe sand storms.  The Arab had a camel,  The camel was tied outside the tent.  The severe weather condition and the sand storm began to upset the camel but the Arab was quite comfortable inside the tent.  The camel first put his head inside the tent and gradually pushed the Arab out of the tent.  The camel after a while declared the ownership of the tent and forced the Arab to supply the camel with all the facilities at the expense of the Arab.  This is what has happened to the land owners the Sinhalese in the North and East.  The Tamils from Tamil Nadoo left India due to the uncongenial standard that existed some time back, illegally entered Sri Lanka as Kallathonis and invaders, occupied the North and East.

Then came the megalomaniac called Velupillai the Tamil Terrorist.

Until such time the land owners the native Sinhalese and the Muslims who migrated from India and those so called Jaffna Tamils co-existed in peace and harmony.  This Terrorist Megalomaniac began to ethnically cleanse the North by chasing out the Native Sinhalese and Muslims from North who became refugees in their own land and lived in refugee camps in the South.  Thereafter the GOSL got into a war situation with the Tamil Terrorists in the North and East of Sri Lanka.  The Megalomanic Velopillai took with him 250,000 Tamils to Nandicadal lagoon as human barrier.  The GOSAL was quick enough to annihilate the entire Terrorist gang including the Megalomaniac Velopillai leaving 250,000 homeless Tamils in refugee camps.  The GOSAL fed the entire Tamil refugees with 3 meals a day with free medicine and health care for two years.  The GOSAL resettled the entire 250,000 refugees and provided them with kerosene cookers, cooking utensils and bicycles and for some with sewing machines completely neglecting the displaced Native Sinhalese and migrant Muslims.  Stupid GOSAL up to date did absolutely nothing to resettle the Native Sinhalese who were subjected to ethnic cleansing by the Megalomaniac Tamil Terrorist while Muslim politician under the pretext of resettling the displaced Muslims settled down hundreds and thousands of Muslims from Pakistan in order to build up the vote bank for Muslims in Government owned crown land.  This mattaya also obtained large sums of money from Muslim Countries to build up their Muslim numbers.  If you take Colombo Municipality limits Muslims are no 1, Tamil population second and last comes the Native Sinhalese.  The writer believes in 100 years Native Sinhalese will become the third in their own land after Muslims and Tamils.  So is this not the tale of Arab and the camel?  Look what has happened in Fiji.The coolies brought by the British empire became 51% of the population.This is food for thought.


  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Welcome back Stanley!

    The ONLY way to prevent that from happening is to make SINGHALA the ONLY NATAIONAL and OFFICIAL LANGUAGE while keeping English as the link language.

    Then the MASSIVE population growth rate of Tamils and Muslims will BOOST the number of Singhala speakers. Keep religion aside. IF SL has SINGHALA SPEAKING Hindus and Muslims who classify themselves as SINGHALA SPEAKING people, that is fantastic.

  2. Independent Says:

    Lorenzo’s method is to make the Camel into an Arab. Might be possible.

    But the core reason is , the Arab was stupid. Therefore by educating the Arab, he will learn how to treat Camel like a Camel with compassion.

    Whose mistake is this ? What is the root cause for that bugger to make this mistake. Remove that root cause and everything will be alright. If cannot be removed, kick the bugger out and get a new bugger. Keep running the do loop until you find the correct bugger. make the number of iterations a large number. Meanwhile additional subroutine can be included to gradually remove the root and make in convergence very fast.

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Sinhalese are divided thanks to Unpatriotic Party (UNP). Then you have Janatha Vinasha Party (JVP) jokers.
    Unpatritoic Party (UNP) have always divided the Sinhalese and make the minorities king makers. What do you expect?
    All the kallathonis came in the 60s, settled down in the coastal belt. They also a party to the previously settled down
    foreigners. Not bad just after 50 years.

    All the people in Sri Lanka know there was no mala eelam kingdoms ever in the country. You can’t see any old buildings
    like in Anuradhapura or Polonnaruwa etc. Those mala eelam exists only in books and www. But they still chant this mantra and get away with it thanks bickering Sinhalese. Sinhalese fighthing each other to get to power and make as much money that the previous lot.

    Then you have the ever multiplying mussies. They breed like xxxx. Nobody says a thing. BBS was the only people making any noise. But Sinhalese themselves branded them racist and stopped them. Now the xxxx are busy settling down in government lands. No objections. All the politicos are quiet for their votes. Sinhalese and Buddhsim are doomed. But nobody cares. Unpatriotic Party (UNP) is run by traitor catholic chief gb rw. Marus sira just a token president. What future for the Sinhalese?

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Or Singhalese should become the proverbial CAMEL! Then game on!

  5. Independent Says:

    Sinhalese never operate this way. Singhalese, may be.


    What future for the Sinhalese? – have to wait for the right man or woman. None of the current buggers can be trusted.

  6. stanley perera Says:

    There is no reconcilliation with Tamils in Jaffna. Sinhalaya will never pregress under the present political situations. It is only the Tamils and Muslims the luckey ones. They rip the majority Sinhalese. What a shame.

  7. Lorenzo Says:


    We are referring to the SAME people.

    The MAJORITY SL community should become the proverbial CAMEL! Then game on!

    Never say never. Things are changing. The younger generation in SL is VERY AMBITIOUS. They see in the internet what others have and they want it NOW.

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