President Sirisena only has poison to serve the nation
Posted on July 19th, 2015
Ajit Randeniya
The protagonists of the Yahapalana deception appear like a bunch of bungling comedy actors except for the danger they pose to the future of Sri Lanka. If the breathtakingly doltish display of the care-taker education minister (Wilbewa toiya”) Akila Viraj Kariyawasam to bring Napoleon Bonaparte – who had been dead for nearly 100 years – to the World War 1 arena is anything to go by, the country is clearly going to the dogs.
If the Wilbewe Toiya instils fears about the future of the country, his leader, the chief back-stabber Maithripala Sirisena proves that he is a classic example of a pathetic man without any charisma, discernible leadership or management skills or any other worthwhile traits – other than the record of selling his services to the cabal of local and foreign conspirators who secured power on January 8, on behalf of anti-national forces.
Performance over the last six months has showed that the only qualification Sirisena seems to have had for the job of president was his preparedness to backstab his leader without any moral compunction. His non-existent decision making ability as the chief executive of the country is a true national embarrassment. And then, his performance as the nominal leader of the majority political party has been more than disgraceful.
Looking at the moronic personality and the inept on-the-job performance of President Sirisena reminds Winston Churchill’s acerbic slights of other British political leaders: He is on record famously remarking that the three-time Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin – whom the bellicose Churchill hated with gusto for his alleged crime” of trying to appease Hitler – I wish Stanley Baldwin no ill, but it would have been much better if he had never lived”. And of Clement Atlee, A modest man, who has much to be modest about”.
The reasoning given by Sirisena in his disgraceful special statement” of 14 July for his many demeanours, shows beyond doubt that he is a fitting candidate for the unflattering descriptions of Churchill, unfairly directed at a couple of decent British politicians.
First thing to note is that Sirisena’s14 July statement” did not materialise from the ether! Orders came from London where Chandrika the venom pot” was taking instructions on next steps from MI6, following the SLFP’s decision to nominate Mahinda Rajapakse for the August 17 election. Sirisena, who seems to be able to do not much else than dancing to the tunes of his puppet Madam” simply delivered what he was asked to.
The nub of what Sirisena said was that he will continue to stand against former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. There were hardly any surprises in the cowardly statement, made after full signing up of Rajapakse’s nomination. But the man has form. He has backstabbed, lied, and tried to distort or obfuscate the truth before.
Judging by the malicious breach of trust he committed on Rajapakse in joining the international conspiracy, the man is clearly capable of anything. Signing Rajapakse’s nomination papers and then announcing he is against the nomination is typical of the immoral, back bone-less behaviour he has made himself famous for!
Sirisena also made the election results prediction that Rajapaksa will be defeated again” as he was defeated on January 8. He has demonstrated that he has not been exposed to the true nature of the so called January 8 victory” cobbled together by assembling all desperate groups from Ranil Wickremesinghe and Rajitha Senaratne to the various Islamist rabble.
Nor does he seem to have counted the electoral level results for the SLFP and the UNP following the so-called victory. Most importantly, he seems to be disregarding the abysmal six-month record of the Yahapalana fraud and the impact it has made on the national morale, the economy and peoples’ lives in general. Obviously, Sirisena’s announcement of his neutral stand” at the upcoming pols is a stance enforced by his inability to face the people again.
Sirisena’s explanation of the reasons behind his agreeing to give nominations to the former President shows the man’s duplicitous nature: he said that he had repeatedly refused demands by UPFA leaders to grant nominations to Rajapakse, but was forced” ultimately because he wanted to retain the party leadership in order to be able to reward those who supported his treacherous common candidature.
Next, revealing his unextinguished jealousy and hatred of Rajapakse he declared his illegal, dictatorial wish, following the elections, to form a government with the victorious political parties”; His determination not to appoint Rajapaksa PM appears to be based on a blatant disregard for the constitution as he displayed in removing the chief justice and in appointing Ranil Wickremesinghe prime minister. Being the sneaky character he is, a wink towards foul-mouthed turn coats” like S. B. Dissanayake was clearly visible in his reference to other senior politicians” who can be appointed PM.
Immediately after the infamous statement however, UPFA General Secretary Susil Premajayantha insisted that in accordance with the Parliamentary Elections Act of 1981, only a person named in the original National List submitted to the Elections Secretariat along with nominations for the last parliamentary election or an unsuccessful candidate at the same election could be appointed PM. The former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva also clarified the legal position relating to the PM at the Anuradhapura meeting.
Sirisena showed that he has his own devious interpretation of what is fit for a President”: his peculiar morals apparently prevented him from breaking ranks with the UPFA because the Rajapaksa group would have contested from another party and entered Parliament anyway. So he seems to believe that he received a mandate on January 8 to keep Rajapakse out of parliament and out of politics!
Next he made his obviously murky moral backdrop even murkier by justifying not taking disciplinary action against party members supporting Rajapakse: his explanation was that he needed to protect the 47 member Ranil Wickremesinghe government”. A disturbing display indeed – by someone purporting to be a national leader – of a moral landscape sans any principles or decisive action.
Sirisena also revealed the blatant falsity of his earlier denials of any meetings with Mahinda Rajapakse by disclosing that he had met the former President for talks in three occasions.
All in all, there are some positives: Sirisena who seems to have a penchant for using ghoulish similes (like crabs in boiling pots, rebirth as crows and dogs) by comparing his disastrous short rule with a minority government to the journey of the Titanic.
This was probably the only truth he uttered in the entire statement. May Sirisena and his band of unpatriotic rogues face the same fate as the Titanic – in the name of the nation and its people.
July 19th, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Maru Sira has been honest in comparing his govt. to the TITANIC.
UNP govt. should be called the TITANIC GOVT. It is bound to SINK again, if they come again.
(Despite the sinking of the TITANIC, JACK “CAPTAIN COOL” DAWSON is having fun with ROSE “…..”. Now he has got her a govt. job at the CULTURAL MINISTRY. So much for good governance!!)
July 19th, 2015 at 5:11 pm
July 19th, 2015 at 8:08 pm
Thank you for the write up to know what was told by Pacha My3
I did not even watch this traitor’s speech with the fear of myself getting sick and the fear of throwing up.
How badly Mother Lanka must be feeling when these foul mouthed traitors standing on her with extra weight of blatant lies they utter?
Many cannot bear this fellow’s verbal diarrhoea.
Howmuch bad karma our nation has committed to have such a joker at the driving seat??
At least from now on, our nation should live by pancha seela and spread good and positive vibrations so such traitors with negative vibrations and vested interests cannot shine. This should be our long term goal. If we need to get the support of the universe and for positive cosmic energy to flow to our little island, its inhabitants should be without black and dark matters in their minds. Prosperity will return.
Invasion by Dutch, Portuguese and English had destroyed our original values and our lives became full of dark matters which brought nothing but disaster and poverty. Instead of self-sufficiency in our thoughts we practiced poverty thoughts. And we filled ourselves with dependent thoughts instead of independent thoughts. That changed our mindset.
We were depending on free rice, free medicine, free groceries and then white flour from America. Finally everything from outside, nothing from our own backyard.. We cannot think independently because we were conditioned to depend on someone outside our country.
When Anura Kumara and Champika tell maga lies, people believed because they have been conditioned to trust these traitors. Situation is still the same. It is hard to break. Majority follows the media of the unpatriotic camp. Lanka E news is their favourite and that is where they get the latest news from, which is no different to Tamil Net.
As a long term goal, this thinking pattern should be broken and our ancient glory should be brought back.
But the short team goal, and the gravest problem in hand is how to beat the devil and how to wake up the sleeping giants in our lazy and easy going, soda bottle majority who are even reluctant to think that our country is in the verge of division.
We have a very tough task in hand. Unlike in 2005, we do not have the “Velu Fear” and “Bomb Fear” to gather around a worrier to save the masses while majority of media says that nothing to fear and to have fun in the Yahapalanaya Dream Land.
At least from now on, our nation should live by pancha seela and spread good and positive vibrations so such traitors with negative vibrations and vested interests can not shine. This should be our long term goal. If we need to get the support of the universe and positive cosmic energy to our country, its citizens should be without black and dark matters. Prosperity will return.
Invasion of Dutch, Portuguese and English have destroyed our original values and our lives became full of dark matters which brought nothing but disaster and poverty. Instead of self sufficiency in our thoughts we practiced poverty thoughts and dependent thoughts instead of independent thoughts. That changed our mindset.
As a long term goal this thinking pattern should be broken and our ancient glory should be brought back.
But the short team goal, and the gravest problem in hand is how to beat the devil and how to wake up the sleeping giants in our lazy and easy going majority who are reluctant to even think of a danger for our survival.
July 19th, 2015 at 8:15 pm
Sorry for the duplication of a part Patriots, I pressed cut and paste by mistake!! My apologies!!
July 20th, 2015 at 7:25 am
To be brief, it appears that Pres Sirisena (who had gone to school at the Polonaruwa Royal College, the Maxim Gorky School of Literature, Moscow, where he earned a Diploma plus Kundasala Agricultural School, Sri Lanka), has been trying to TURN the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka into CAPITALIST Republic of Sri Lanka, together with Ranil W.
This is puzzling, to say the least, unless Sirisena facies himself to be a sort of Mr Gobrbachov of Lanka !! Also puzzling is that after two World Wars, Europe has opted for SOCIALISM mostly in every country, including the famous Welfare State in Britain, the ‘west’ wants Lanka to go Capitalist .. ? Why not label the whole project Development instead of turning good State enterprises into
Private enterprises. Unless of course the UNP finds it easier to ‘govern’ the country through ‘Capitalists’ who will dance to the leaders’ tunes and ignore the Needs of the People ?
Of course, Ranil took a crash course of one month in Regime Change a la America at the MIT, USA. And CBK has a hatred of the Sinhala/Buddhists as they have assassinated her father and also her husband. Mrs B killed off some 30,000 JVP folk (no talks held), and Mr R. Premadasa did the same with some 50,000 JVP people, whilst the LTTE played havoc for 30 yrs in Lanka, killing thousands including VIPs. Who apologises to whom on all these dastardly acts because that the only way to start truly healing this divided Nation.
July 20th, 2015 at 8:40 am
I do heartily agree with Hiranthe that Lankans have to think as far as is possible, in an Independent (Selff Sufficient) fashion re the Economy, not in the Colonial Dependent fashion.
Also, I see no difficulty why Public and Private Enterprises cannot co-exist, as done by most countries in the world today.
Public & Private Enterprise can intermingle too, provided both parties act with honesty of purpose & accounting. E.g. GoSL can give a guaranteed price over, say, a 20 or 30 yrs period to Green Energy (Solar, Wind energy ) coming from the Private Sector, feeding into the GoSL grid.
July 20th, 2015 at 11:58 am
Furthermore, the first 100 to 150 Days of the New Govt under Pres Sirisena appeared like a nightmare for the MR group and most of the ordinary citizens of Lanka. The FCID (I am tempted to re-name it as Fascist Pseudo Crimes Investigation Dept), is still in existence. There appears to me that an experiment with FASCISM is afoot.